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Chapter 198 Asking for help

"Hi Coven."

Even though she has served as the police chief for many years, Angela still has no airs when facing Coven.

She was only happy to see her friends, and her emotions were pure.

After saying hello, Angela stepped towards Kewen and immediately gave Kewen a big hug.

After they separated, she looked up at Ke Wen and said with a smile: "I'm here to disturb you, oh by the way! Come and see who this is?"

Following Angela's greeting, Ke Wen looked at the unshaven man and smiled.

"John, I haven't seen you in ten years, why have you aged so much?"

"Because I grew a beard on purpose."

Constantine raised his chin to Ke Wen as a greeting, raised his hand and stroked his beard and said: "After all, a face that attracts bees and butterflies can also cause some unnecessary trouble."

These words made Ke Wen and Angela take a serious look at Constantine again.


Ke Wen spoke up and continued with Angela's nod of approval: "John, what about your past calmness and bitterness? How come you have turned into such a slutty scumbag after not seeing each other for ten years?"

Constantine shrugged and spread his hands: "I have witnessed too many things in these ten years, so my mentality has naturally changed."

Kewen nodded in understanding.

After all, Constantine faced all kinds of evil and evil. Not to mention those hell creatures, he must have seen too many evil humans who made deals with hell creatures out of greed and greed.

Anyone would be tired and disappointed with the world.

This topic was a bit heavy, so Kewen invited everyone to sit down on the sofa.

After the mage on duty served tea, he got to the point.

"How did you get together?"

He looked at Constantine and Angela, and then at the third stranger present.

After looking at the timid and nervous teenage girl next to Constantine, Coven continued to ask: "And this little lady, can anyone introduce me to her?"

"Let me do it!"

Constantine immediately grabbed the topic. He quickly glanced at Angela who was about to speak, and then raised his hand to pat the little girl next to him on the shoulder.

But before the photo was taken, he quickly withdrew his hand as if he had been burned.

"Uh, this is Rachel."

With a trace of panic hidden in his eyes, Constantine did not introduce in detail the little girl next to him with a blue-purple shoulder-length pear blossom head.

He just said briefly: "She encountered some troubles, and I brought her here to seek help."

Corwin smiled and looked deeply at Constantine.

Then he continued to get to the bottom of it: "What about the previous question? John, you and Angela haven't seen each other for ten years. How did you meet today?"

"He took the initiative to find me."

This question was answered first by Angela.

She smiled somewhat meaningfully.

Ten years ago, Angela might still have some feelings for Constantine, who saved her, but during the period of not seeing each other for ten years, it was Ke Wen who maintained friendship with Angela.

This gave Angela a normal sense of distance and distance.

So of course she turned to Coven, so after discovering that Constantine had reservations, she immediately exposed them.

Ignoring Constantine's somewhat embarrassed look, Angela continued: "Kevin, only those who really need help can come in, or those who have been given permission by you like me, but you seem to have forgotten us.

My old friend, you didn’t add John’s name to the access permissions.”

Hearing this, Ke Wen couldn't help but smile and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"John." He said jokingly: "So you found Angela for help because you couldn't get in?"

"That...I can explain!"

Constantine's eyes subconsciously turned to the upper right corner.

Then he made the same bitter and resentful expression as he had ten years ago, sighed and said: "Yes, I have the ability to solve this child's difficulties, but I also have difficulties as a last resort."

Turning to look at the little girl who had been quiet all this time, Constantine's eyes were weathered: "You may also have discovered that this child has a strong evil aura in his body, and that aura was at least left by the demon lord."

"So I can't help her!"

Constantine turned his eyes to look at Coven: "Old friend, you don't know what has happened to me over the years. I can only say that the debt I owe has become even greater."

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground under his feet: "I have offended more of the guys below. Once they notice my aura, I'm afraid they will rush out and target me!"

"Once this happens, the child will be in danger!" Constantine said with sincerity on his face: "So Kewen, for the safety of the child, and to prevent the threat from her from erupting more violently because of me, I just

I can come to you and ask for help!"

"Don't think about confusing the past." Ke Wen laughed and said, "Shouldn't the theme be whether you can enter the temple?"

Constantine seemed to have been waiting for this question for a long time.

He immediately responded: "Yes, you can only come in if you really need help, but my situation is somewhere between needing help and not needing help."

Constantine was upright: "I need help because it is the most appropriate way to leave it to you; I don't need help because I am confident that I will die with the guy behind this child!"

Spreading his hands and smiling bitterly, he summed up with a frank expression: "I may be laughed at by you, but everyone has fear, Ke Wen, I admit that I am scared, afraid of death, so..."

Shaking his head with a wry smile again, Constantine looked at the little girl, his eyes complexly switching back and forth between distress, fear, and determination.

At this time, the little girl who had been keeping quiet actually spoke for the first time.

The previous timidity and restraint had long since disappeared, and she seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person.

She turned and looked up at Constantine.

After looking at each other for a moment, the little girl said with an indifferent tone and a cold voice: "Mr. Constantine, your previous words made me feel a little confused, but your current mood is true."

"I can feel it." She continued: "You are pitying me. You don't want to face my problems, but you are also confident that you can solve my difficulties."

These words made everyone present slightly stunned.

Constantine was even more surprised and asked: "Rachel? Something on your body gives you super powers?!"

"always have."

The little girl replied calmly: "There is always another voice in my body. She seems to be another me. She will remind and tell me many things."

Hearing this, Constantine immediately moved away like a snake and scorpion, and hid on the edge of the sofa.

With his eyes widened in fear, he stared at the little girl very carefully.

I thought that the thing in the little girl's body was just pure breath, but I didn't expect that the thing was actually conscious.

This made Constantine very scared, and at the same time he was also very confused, wondering why the things in the other person's body did not respond to him, a person who was wanted by hell...

This chapter has been completed!
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