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Chapter 27: September 1

Time flew by, and after Su Xiao received ten more soul crystals (middle), the day came for the opening of the auction.

September 1st, morning.

Youkesin City was even more lively, and the central area was jammed with traffic. The sound of car horns coming one after another disturbed Su Xiao's early sleep.

"These crappy cars."

Su Xiao sat up, and the quilt slipped, revealing an upper body that was not strong but full of strength.

Bubuwang was sitting at the dining table, holding a glass of hot milk in his paws and drinking it slowly.

These two days were very cool for one person and one dog. I collected 5 soul crystals (middle) every day. In name, I was protecting the security of Youkesin City. In fact, I was eating, drinking and having fun, and visited several food streets.


Bubu barked, his eyes clearly saying: "Master, where are we going to eat, drink and have fun today?"

"The auction is about to begin. We can't be as leisurely as before."

Su Xiao stood up, and then the door was pushed open. Black Mary pushed the dining cart into the room. When she saw the shirtless Su Xiao, Black Mary lowered her head.

"Breakfast is ready."

Black Mary secretly looked up at Su Xiao's shirtless upper body. The shocking scars made her a little stunned.

Su Xiao walked to the dining table and sat down. At this time, Bubuwang was playing a mobile game.

"Stop playing and eat."

Black Mary brought the sumptuous breakfast to the table. Su Xiao, who was chewing food in her mouth, looked at Black Mary.

"What time does the auction start?"

"Six o'clock in the evening."

"Be more detailed."

Black Mary began to introduce the situation of the auction. Today is September 1st. The auction will open today, but it will officially start at six o'clock in the evening. During the day, there will only be opening celebrations, such as inviting famous singers to sing.

With the financial resources of the ten old men and the face-saving style of the gangsters, the opening ceremony during the day was grand in scale, and the actors and singers invited were all famous.

After six o'clock in the evening, the first auction started. The first auction was semi-public. The people participating in the first auction were all gang members. The auction that day was mainly to showcase the financial resources of those gang members in order to show their faces to the ten old men.


The first auction will end at eight o'clock, and the second one will start at nine o'clock. This time it is the highlight and will last until 12 o'clock in the evening.

From September 1st to September 10th, auctions will be held every night, and anyone with sufficient financial resources can participate.

In the original work, the auction was destroyed before it even started. Of course, Su Xiao would not allow this to happen. He still hoped to continue collecting soul crystals (Part 2).

Therefore, if the brigade comes to cause trouble, it is equivalent to cutting off Su Xiao's financial path, and what is cut off is a windfall. Of course, he must fight hard and fight until death.


Su Xiao picked up a piece of steak. He had no chance of winning against the brigade. The people in the brigade had a habit of not besieging the enemy in most cases. They usually fought in a one-on-one manner. Sometimes even if the group members died in battle, they would not attack others.

He will take action, but after that member dies, others will continue to fight against the enemy.

This undoubtedly gave Su Xiao a chance. There were too many people in the brigade, and he would certainly not be an opponent if they attacked in groups.

Thinking of this, Su Xiao suddenly remembered the contractors who had joined the Ten Old Men's forces. These people had used various methods to reveal the attack of the brigade to the Ten Old Men.

However, it was of no use. The forces of the Ten Old Men didn't care about the brigade at all. In their eyes, the brigade was just a group of thieves with telekinesis abilities, and the Yin Beast could completely handle it.

Su Xiao had already thought of the ten old man's attitude, so he didn't mention the brigade at all. He just had to follow the predetermined plan.

At 5 o'clock that night, on the first floor of the auction house.

At the beginning of the night, a large group of gangsters gathered in the banquet hall on the first floor. These people chatted with each other and compared their achievements in the past year. These people had a good status in the gangs, and the 6 o'clock auction was prepared for them.

On the roof of the auction venue, the night wind blew, and Su Xiao used the scope of the sniper rifle and the eyes of the apostle to detect the surrounding situation.

According to the original plot, the brigade will attack the auction tonight with the aim of snatching all the items.

Judging from the current situation, no members of the brigade have shown up, and the nearby surveillance equipment has not captured any trace of the brigade.

"Did the brigade change their plans?"

Considering that there are contractors, it is normal for the brigade to change their plans.

Just when Su Xiao was looking for traces of the brigade, there was a slight noise in the basement below the auction house.

Bang, bang, large cracks appeared on one wall of the basement, and finally a large hole appeared, and a tall man with extremely long earlobes poked his head out of the hole.

"If the location is correct, it should be here."

The tall figure got into the basement through the hole in the wall. Although the hole in the wall was not small, it was still a bit difficult for him.

The tall figure is named Franklin, a member of the Phantom Troupe. Troupe number 7. He has the ability to release telekinesis. When his fingers are opened, he can launch telekinesis bombs. He has a mature and steady personality and is the peacemaker of the troupe.

"It won't be wrong this time. Xiaodi shouldn't be allowed to get the map."

A slightly hoarse voice came from the dark hole, and a short figure jumped from the hole into the basement. Franklin could barely get through the hole, which was very easy for the man.

The man is about 1.5 meters tall, has slender fish eyes, and wears a black trench coat with a high collar, which even blocks the lower half of his face.

This person's name is Feitan, a member of the Phantom Troupe, Troupe No. 2, with the ability to change minds, a cold personality, and his hobby is torturing enemies.

"I accidentally lost the map, I'm sorry."

A weak voice came, and a dumb girl with glasses jumped into the basement. Her name was Xiaodi, a member of the brigade, brigade number 8, with the ability to manifest thoughts, and a newcomer to the brigade.

All three members of the brigade entered the basement. At this moment, another figure jumped out of the hole.

"Too slow. If you delay any longer, I will kill you."

When he saw the person coming, Feitan's eyes were extremely cold.

"Sorry, I'm a little nervous."

The visitor quickly apologized, his fear clearly evident.


Seeing this man's expression, Feitan was very unhappy. If their leader hadn't told him, this man would have been a corpse.

The fourth man who entered the basement was wearing a black robe. Although he failed to join the brigade, he found the brigade leader Chrollo Rusilu three days ago through special methods and claimed to be the leader of the Ten Old Men.

If you finger the palm of your hand.

Needless to say, this guy is a contractor, a very lucky contractor.

"The auction is about to start, hurry up."

Feitan walked to the upper level of the auction house first, and Xiaodi and others quickly followed. The contractor took a deep breath. He was still a little nervous. There is no doubt that cooperating with the brigade is seeking skin from a tiger, but this is an opportunity.


The contractor spoke, and Feitan and the others stopped and looked sideways at the contractor.

"Everyone, according to the information I have, now is not the best time to attack the auction. If we want to get the items, we'd better wait until the auction starts. Only then will we have a chance to get the items."

This contractor understands the plot of the Hunter World, and of course knows that the auction items have been transferred by the Yin Beast. Attacking the auction now will only alert the enemy. His main mission has changed due to contact with the brigade, and he needs to help the brigade steal the items.

, once successful, he will receive extremely generous rewards.

"Attack the auction?"

Feitan's eyes narrowed, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth hidden by his collar.

"How did you know that we were going to attack the auction? The leader just told us to sneak into the auction. When he explained the specific plan... you were not present."

Franklin looked at the contractor coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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