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Chapter 28: The Consequences of Omniscience and Omnipotence


The contractor felt a chill in his heart. Having mastered the development of the plot, he had a smooth contact with the brigade and gained the initial trust of the brigade leader. Moreover, he was able to act together with Feitan and others, which inevitably made him a little complacent.

"Everyone, I have no other intention. I just want to help you grab a piece of the auction pie. At this time, there is internal strife..."

"Internal strife?"

The contractor's words were interrupted by Feitan, who suddenly stepped forward and strangled the contractor's neck before he could react.


The contractor tried to struggle, milky white energy spread around Feitan, and a huge force emerged from the arm that was strangling the contractor's neck, making it impossible for the contractor to break free.

"The leader has suspected you a long time ago. First he deliberately approached him, and then he pretended to be omniscient and omnipotent about everything. That face of yours is so disgusting that it makes people sick. And how did you know that we were going to attack the auction house?

?The team leader once guessed that you have special telekinesis abilities, the ability to predict things, and are a special talent. However, after a period of observation, it was found that you don’t even understand the basic knowledge of telekinesis, and you don’t have the ability to predict.”

Feitan didn't listen to the contractor's explanation at all, and the strength of his arms became stronger and stronger.

"Franklin...save me."

The contractor's face turned red. He had a small friendship with Franklin, at least he thought so.

"Feitan, don't kill him."

Hearing Franklin's words, the contractor looked happy.

"Perhaps we can get more information through torture."

"You...what did you say?!"

The contractor's body was shaking violently. Ruo Sangkao had seen Feitan torture an enemy once.

"But time is running out, the auction is about to begin."

"It's okay, this is the leader's intention."

"Well, it just so happens that I've seen him unhappy for a long time. I hope he can hold on for a little longer."

Feitan used his strength to strangle the contractor half to death, and then tied him up with a special rope.

Five minutes later, the basement was filled with the smell of blood. Franklin's brows were furrowed. Feitan's method of interrogating the enemy was really a bit crazy. It had exceeded the limit of most people's psychological endurance. Just looking at it would make people's scalp numb, let alone doing it in person.


Feitan casually threw away an eyeball in his hand. The contractor was already somewhat out of shape.

"Mission? Could this guy be a spy of some organization?"

Feitan was staring at the half-dead contractor with great energy at this time. The other party's mouth was 'very strict' and he only revealed a small amount of information.

In fact, it was not that this contractor was strict with his words, but that some of the information he revealed was blocked by Samsara Paradise, such as the existence of Samsara Paradise. Under Feitan's torture, this contractor even peeked at his sister when he was a teenager.

The whole thing of 'licking one's head and licking one's face' in the shower has happened.

"There is no useful information, what should I do?"

Hidan looked at Franklin, he trusted Franklin's steady character.

"It doesn't matter, keep the original plan unchanged, but this guy has mentioned people with telekinesis abilities other than Yin Beasts before, so be careful about this."


Feitan cut the contractor's throat, and the contractor refused to believe that he died because of a wrong sentence.

This is the result of lacking strength and pretending to be omniscient and omnipotent in front of the characters in the plot. Although Su Xiao is not weak in strength, he often 'pretends to be confused'.

"Let's find a way to sneak into the auction first. The knights and others are still waiting for our cover."

As soon as Feitan finished speaking, there was a sudden vibration from above.

Sensing the shock, Franklin kicked Xiao Di on the butt beside him. Xiao Di screamed and flew away, hitting his head against the wall.


The basement ceiling shattered, gravel flew, and a long knife slashed through Xiaodi's previous position. If Franklin hadn't kicked her away, she would have been decapitated with one knife.

Not every member of the brigade is very strong. There are a few members whose abilities are more functional and not suitable for combat. For example, the 'bulging-eyed fish' manifested by Xiaodi's ability to manifest. The bulging-eyed fish is a

A vacuum cleaner that resembles a living thing, capable of sucking in anything that is thought to be inanimate.

Smoke and dust filled the basement, and Feitan's face was solemn. After sensing the coming person's breath, he judged that this guy was not easy to mess with.



There was no answer, but Feitan clearly felt that there was someone in the smoke.

"Why don't you 'guests' go through the main entrance? You don't want to rob the auction."

Su Xiao walked out of the smoke and found that it was not the brigade members he found, but Bubu Wang who heard noises underground while patrolling on the first floor.

If the plot of the original novel develops, Feitan and others will kill all the gang members participating in the first auction.

But Su Xiao has already cooperated with the forces of the Ten Old Men. If this happens again, then it would be too unkind to collect five soul crystals every day (center).

The smoke dispersed, and Su Xiao, holding a long knife, appeared in the basement. A large number of gang members gathered on the upper floor, observing the situation in the basement through the holes. These people did not dare to come down, but pointed their guns at the three Feitans below.

Not only the gang members, but also the contractors who joined the Ten Old Men's forces came after hearing the noise.

"When discovered, you retreat first, I will stop you later."

A milky white gas emerged from Franklin's body. This was the power of telepathy, which ordinary people could not see.

"You and Xiaodi retreat first, I'll do it."

Feitan looked at Su Xiao, with a rare fighting spirit in his eyes.

"This should be a senior member of the gang. If you catch him, you may be able to get a lot of information."

Franklin hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"I know, then Xiaodi and I will go to meet Wojin and the others first. There is news from the treasure house. Kong, please be careful."

"Empty? It seems that guy didn't lie."

Feitan glanced at the broken corpse not far away. While several people were talking, Su Xiao had already walked forward slowly with a knife.

The Phantom Troupe is difficult to deal with, but fortunately, these people in the Troupe are not here to kill people, but to rob the auction items.

Those lots are the property of the old man and have little to do with Su Xiao. However, if the lots are given directly to the tour group, the old man will never let them go. This is not Su Xiao's style.

The best outcome was that Su Xiao had a fight with the brigade, and the Ten Old Man's Yin Beasts suffered a large number of casualties. At that time, whether the Ten Old Man chose to lose money to avoid disaster, or make a strategic retreat, Su Xiao had little to do with it.

His main mission is to participate in the auction. To be precise, there is no camp at all. To help the ten old men, they only paid for their soul crystals.

Thinking about it this way, things are simple. As long as the brigade does not take away the auction items in the initial stage, when all the Yin Beasts are dead, the ten old men will not care about those auction items, but will tremble and beg Su Xiao to save their lives. Then it will be okay.

Increase price!

In the basement.

Sensing that Su Xiao was approaching, Feitan took out a dark red umbrella. After opening the umbrella, the umbrella surface was pointed at Su Xiao. There was a black skull pattern on the umbrella surface. Feitan was hidden behind the umbrella. At this time, the advantage of his short stature was

It shows that the umbrella completely blocks the flying tank.

Franklin and Xiaodi broke through the hole when they got in. The three people's purpose was just to attract the attention of the gang. The real ones who went to snatch the auction items were Wo Jin, Nobunaga, Xia Ke, and Madge.

Although they did not complete the expected plan, the three of them successfully attracted the enemy's attention. However, the three of them realized that Su Xiao was not weak, so they stayed behind and the others retreated.

Su Xiao stared at the umbrella, recalling Feitan's abilities in her mind.

Although Feitan is of the transformation type, this guy has close combat capabilities that are not weaker than those of the reinforcement type. His melee combat ability ranks among the top three in the brigade.

"Hey hey hey~"

Feitan chuckled sinisterly and pulled out a long knife from the umbrella. This long knife was thin and light, and the knife was hidden in the umbrella.

"It seems that the weapons we use are similar. We haven't 'exercised' for a long time and we are just warming up."

Feitan suddenly disappeared from the spot, too fast to be caught by sight.

Su Xiao's eyes narrowed. Feitan's speed was so fast that he could only capture the afterimage.

There was a whistling sound, and Feitan appeared in front of Su Xiao, stabbing Su Xiao's face with the long knife in his hand.


With a low shout, a large amount of Nian energy gathered on the long knife in Feitan's hand, and the Nian on the knife was so strong that it emitted golden light.


The crisp sound came very far, and the tip of the knife stopped after being more than ten centimeters away from Su Xiao's eyebrows, and a crystal clear energy shield appeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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