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chapter 133 .

One week after the practice started.

The practice area where Feng Clay is located is in a dense forest, with various flowers, plants and trees scattered one after another, and birds and animals passing by from time to time.

At this time, Feng Clay was walking in the forest, carefully staring at every hiding place around him.

In this environment, vision and hearing will be greatly affected. It is very difficult for the eyes and ears to judge the direction of the target.

At this time, it is necessary to use the domineering power of knowledge, and only Feng Clay, who has experienced it for a week, understands that the path taken by his 'sparring partner' is to specifically restrain the domineering power of knowledge.

It was already difficult to concentrate on finding the enemy's position in this forest, but the opponent was still specialized in restraining the domineering power of seeing and hearing.


Feng Klei closed his eyes and took a deep breath, concentrating all his energy on letting the sights and sounds unfold around his body.

"Who told you to close your eyes?"

Feng Clay was startled by the sound so close to him. He opened his eyes and found the man with dark circles standing in front of him.

How is that possible!

Feng Clay is completely incapable of having any creature come close to him, not even a bug!

"Eyes and ears can be deceived, and so can seeing, hearing, color, and domineeringness."

"How...how did you do that?"

"Wu Gan... When I got close to you just now, I didn't have any emotions at all. It can be said that I didn't regard myself as a person at all."

"So...in the slave family's knowledge and style, you are like a dead thing?"


Feng Clay swallowed, unbelievable, this is actually a state that humans can achieve?

I thought about it carefully... Hasn't Tiga been in this state all the time?! He is in a state of confusion day by day, constantly letting himself go. Sometimes, if you don't use your eyes to see, no one on the ship will notice it.

to his existence.

"Look for another way."

The man with dark circles disappeared from Feng Clay's perception again, but this time Feng Clay calmed down.

What Dark Eyes said just now reminded Feng Clay of a boxing technique developed by Bellamy in the Windless Zone.

Windless Fist.

Bellamy developed a trick based on the special weather in the Windless Belt. Although it cannot be said to be as silent as the black-eyed man just now, if the level of sight and hearing is too low, it will be difficult to detect the trajectory of Bellamy's punch.

At that time, Feng Clay's power of knowledge had not yet reached the intermediate level, but he had already cracked Bellamy's 'Windless Fist'.

That's borrowing time.

Feng Clay thought for a while, then turned into a flying insect and wandered in the forest. After a while, he turned into a bird and continued to wander around in the forest...

The man with dark circles on a certain big tree didn't understand what Feng Clay was doing, and mistakenly thought he was using this method to find his existence.

In fact, within just a few seconds, Feng Clay changed back to his original state and stood in the same position. This time, he did not use his domineering attitude.

Huh... Next, just use the domineering color on the weapon color.

Feng Clay took a deep breath, then calmed down and listened to the movements in the surrounding jungle.

The man with dark circles didn't know what Feng Clay meant now, but he just felt that the forest suddenly became quiet.

And where he couldn't see, the insects on the ground, the birds on the trees, the snakes and rats in the leaves... all were staring at him quietly.

Take a look.

The man with dark circles stood up and suddenly rushed towards Feng Clay.



Listening to the sound of squirrels and the flapping wings of flying insects coming from the right rear, Feng Clay suddenly turned around and kicked his black leg in that direction with a domineering and hardened weapon.


"Ho ho... In this case... there is really nothing we can do."

The man with dark circles took the kick from Feng Clay with both hands, with understanding and surprise in his eyes.

He didn't have time to clean up all the animals in the forest. Those bugs alone would be enough for him to clean up for a lifetime.

"That's right... your head spins very fast, so next, try to control your emotions like me. Aren't you a person with imitation fruit abilities? Try imitating it."


The training area where Bellamy is located is on the endless grassland. It seems to be a war zone on this small island. Rhinos, elephants, tigers, bears... all kinds of beasts with huge bodies and amazing strength are in this area.

Frequent haunts.

Bellamy and the purple-haired man, who was about the same height as him, transformed into beasts on the battlefield, constantly engaging in the most direct confrontation with their fists and swords.

There aren't that many messy things, it's just a battle of pure strength and physical strength.

Every collision between the weapons made a muffled sound that made people feel toothache. A vacuum zone was formed where the two men fought. No wild beast dared to approach this place.


The monastic area where Monet is located is a cave full of rocks.

It was dark inside the cave and there were countless boulders. Even if my eyes were adapted to the dark area, I could barely see the outlines of objects.

While flying in the air, if Monet shifted his gaze even slightly, he would most likely hit a boulder in front of him.

Therefore, Monet chose to float in mid-air without flying around, and spread his domineering power around him, looking for the location of the turbaned man.

Moreover, Monet secretly accumulated snowflakes one after another on the top of his head.



The sound of the gunshot echoed continuously in the cave, and a 'big snowball' was fired towards the location of the gunshot, shattering the rocks in that direction, but no one could be found.

However, her knowledge has been continuously developed, and her level is very high. If she is not a powerful shooter, it is impossible for bullets to hit her.

But what bothers Monet is that she can't find the other party's location, but the problem is not big. For Monet, this is just a trivial matter.

Almost there.

The temperature in the cave is constantly dropping, and there is even a faint white mist starting to fill the entire space.


The man in a turban who was hiding behind a certain rock raised his head and glanced at the blanket of snow covering his face, showing no expression at all.

He didn't think this kind of thing could hurt him.

But the problem is that Monet's purpose of making all this snow was not to cause harm to him at all.


The sound of feet stepping on snow is infinitely amplified in this cave.

The man in the turban finally changed his usual cold expression. In this case... every next step he takes will make a sound.

"Found it~"

Monet put his fingers to his lips and licked it gently, and cold air and snowflakes began to appear around his body.

Unlike others, in this area, members of the monster family were suppressing the members of the red-haired pirate group.

This chapter has been completed!
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