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Chapter 134. Ambition!

"Ajin, Tiga, Pepe, there are people in front and behind here."

In a small valley, Robin put away the ability he had just used, released his crossed arms, opened his closed eyes again, and then walked towards a hillside on the left with the three younger brothers and sisters behind him.

Further ahead is a dense forest, which will make it easier to escape.

The four of them have been escaping intermittently for a week. Occasionally, Robin and Perona would 'kill' a few members of the red-haired pirate group by relying on the compatibility of their abilities.

Ajin and Tiga ensured that no one would disturb them when they were using their abilities.

Even so, they are still no match for the enemy, not only because the red-haired pirates have a large number of people, but also because there are no weak people among them!

The weakest guy is at Tiga's current level.

This daily running around made Robin feel like he was back to the life he had just left O'Hara, but it was a little different.

Because this time she is no longer alone and has three younger siblings to take care of.

Although I am more tired, this feeling is much better than before.

However, it was precisely because he felt this kind of "escape" life again that Robin increasingly felt that staying with Kazan was so happy and peaceful.



Suddenly, a figure jumped down from the small slope in front. He held an iron bar in his hand and struck it down from high, directly smashing the ground. It felt a bit like a Kazan mountain collapse.


When Robin and the four of them saw this guy with a scar on the corner of his left eye and a pigtail, their expressions turned bad.

Obviously they were already familiar with this man. According to Robin's observation, after the other members of the red-haired pirate group left, this guy was the one with the most say among the remaining people.

It may not be appropriate to say this, but it should be said that it is the most powerful.

Even a dull gourd like Ajin said when he saw Scar Man take action for the first time: "This guy is on the same level as Brother Bellamy."

Tap tap tap tap.

Listening to the footsteps surrounding them, Ah Jin turned his 'Yaksha' and stood in front of the three of them, facing the scarred man alone.

For the men in our family, the most important thing is to protect the girls in the family first.

This is what Kazan said, and Akin remembers it very clearly.

Even Bellamy once said to him: If one day eldest brother, Brother Feng, and I are all restrained by other enemies...then you will be the eldest man in the family. What should I do?

Let’s talk..Akin.

At this moment, Ajin's aura was gradually approaching Kazan and Bellamy, full of murderous intent and violence. Just looking into each other's eyes made people feel like a 'murderer'.

The scarred man who originally planned to make a few jokes also became more serious. He originally thought that these four months would be wasted... but unexpectedly, it turned out to be really interesting.

It's not okay to hurt your family.

On the other side, Tiga had already pulled out the steel knife from his waist, and one of them pointed the sword at the dozen people in front of him, with a vague negative emotion stirring in his eyes.

At this time, the red-haired pirates truly understood why their boss Shanks had such a strong impression of the monster pirates.

Just this kind of momentum and determination to protect his companions is hard to make people hate him.

However, although the two people's actions are eye-catching, Robin and Perona are the most terrifying. The two people protected by Ajin and Tiga have already activated their own abilities!


"You're so stupid! Why are you the one who falls down when you shoot!"


Ben Beckman had a headache and looked at Granu, who had yelled at him and then became pitiful and tearful. Today, Ben Beckman taught Granu how to use a long-barreled shotgun.

It took a lot of effort to teach Granu how to use the gun, and then with the first shot, although the bullet was shot out, the strong recoil also made Granu jump to the ground.


Ben Beckman felt a headache and reached out to move away the pistol that was pressed against his head: "Lucky, don't cause trouble at this time. If you pamper her like this, what will she learn in the end?"

"Take your time!"

Lucky Lu is very warm, at least in Sugar's opinion, and this fat uncle treats her very well.

As for the stern Uncle Ben Beckman, he is the most annoying!

"Hahahaha! Idiot, you don't even think about Sugar's physical condition. She can't handle that gun right now!"

Jesus Bu, who was watching the fun nearby, laughed twice. He was responsible for improving Sugar's hit rate, including how to judge the impact of wind on bullets, predicting the enemy's movement, etc.

Among the three, Lucky Lu's 'gentle' teaching method was the most effective, and the use of sugar on the revolver progressed very quickly.

Ben Beckman's 'strict' teaching method is the worst. Although Sugar follows his requirements, he doesn't learn very well every time.

Ben Beckman himself was puzzled. As the IQ leader of the red-haired pirates, he became a teacher for the first time with Lucky Lu and Jesus Bu. As a result, he became the worst master.

"...You...try holding a gun like this."

Ben Beckman looked carefully at the way Sugar was holding the shotgun, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and then he helped her adjust her posture.

Although this posture seems awkward to him, for women and children with relatively weak strength, this can greatly reduce the recoil caused by the gun.


It worked.

Ben Beckman smiled from the bottom of his heart for the first time in a week!

Although Sugar didn't hit the target with his shot this time, at least he wouldn't be bounced away by his own gun again.

"Eat meat!"


Lucky Lu also laughed along with him, and then threw a bone to Ben Beckman as a reward.

Jesus Bu snorted disdainfully, but looking at his slightly raised eyebrows, he must be in a good mood.


"Kazan, your domineering power... must not have improved in a long time."

"Um...what's going on?"

"Why do you want to be the strongest in the world?"

"Out of interest?"

"If this is the only reason, it will be difficult for you to improve your domineering power."


"Let your ambition burn brightly!!!"

Kazan and Shanks didn't have much communication. Apart from occasionally mentioning a few shortcomings they found in each other during knife fights, they basically didn't talk much.

This is the way of communication between the two people. During this serious time, they will not do anything nonsensical like usual.

That night, Kazan thought about the nine years since he traveled to the world of pirates.

A new ambition was set.

As for becoming the strongest in the world...it's just a means to achieve his ambition.

At the same time as this ambition was formed, with Kazan as the center point, an invisible domineering force radiated out in all directions.

Shanks, who was sleeping next to Kazan, was awakened by this domineering force at the first moment and looked at Kazan who was still concentrating with his eyes closed: "This is... right."

This chapter has been completed!
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