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chapter 316. I want you to give birth to my child

"That's about it for playing with you, little girl."

Now that Armed Color Haki has broken through, Kazan has no intention of continuing the fight with Hancock.

"Huh? What did you call me?"

Hancock has a very bad temper, and Kazan's casual name can make her angry.

A fragrant foot with armed domineering kick came directly towards him.

It can be seen that Hancock is more confident at this time. It seems that the combination of domineering and ability has brought her a lot of confidence.

However, no matter how talented you are in making breakthroughs on the spot, to what extent can you become proficient in it?

At this time, Hancock could only attach almost level 3 armed color Haki to his legs and combine it with his abilities.

Judging from the results, it is of no use to Kazan, whose armed color domineering has reached lv.5.


Kazan directly drew out his double swords, armed with domineering colors and steel membranes.

There is also the skill [Blood Boiling] developed by Kazan after the Steel Fruit was upgraded to lv.6.

[Blood boiling: Heating the blood in the body, slightly accelerating blood flow, strengthening one's own strength, and adding a 'high temperature' effect to blood skills. At the same time, it will increase the physical load generated during combat. 】

This is a buffing aura technique developed by Kazan using the heating ability of the Steel Fruit, which is somewhat similar to Luffy's second gear.

But because the body does not have the same bearing capacity as rubber, the body will also produce more loads.

Kazan's heating cannot directly heat his own flesh and blood. He has always heated substances rich in steel elements.

However, although 'blood energy' is transformed from blood, it is no longer considered blood.

It is a kind of energy, which is judged as a kind of 'ability', so it can be heated.

At this time, Kazan was exactly the same as Luffy when he turned on the second gear, and even looked a lot more ferocious.

Luffy's body was just red and hot.

But Kazan's body looked very red due to the blood that filled his body, and now he has directly turned into a real "red dog".

"Ha... let you recognize the gap between us."

Kazan exhaled a breath of hot and visible gas, and stared at the kicking Hancock with two terrifying eyes.

He's going to do his best.



Hancock watched in confusion as Kazan suddenly disappeared and hit the mast of the ship.


The mast was broken by Kazan...

Although the mast has no practical effect on the Nine Snakes Pirates, who use the two big snakes as their power,...

It is used to hang pirate flags!

Hancock's face turned a little dark. He was both angry that the mast was broken, and also frightened that Kazan's speed suddenly became so fast.

Kazan is also a little uncomfortable with his body at this time, and the improvement of various attributes is slightly beyond his control.

Agility lv.5→lv.6

The strength and stamina have not changed much, but the body's agility has been significantly enhanced, and the level has been directly and temporarily improved.


Hancock adjusted his posture slightly and kicked again at a speed that was not weaker than Kazan.

This woman's speed has always been her strong point. She has already reached level 6, which is at the same level as Kazan, whose body is boiling.



One knife was pressed against Hancock's red high-heeled shoes, and the other knife was slashed directly towards Hancock.

Hancock's reaction speed was not slow either, he kicked off his high heels and jumped back.

And that's exactly what Kazan is for.

Blood Blade.

The two knives were instantly enveloped in a large amount of boiling high-temperature blood. Looking again, the two knives in Kazan's hands had turned into blood-colored swords.

The energy contained in it makes people feel trembling.

Hancock, who was still in the air, realized something was wrong, but lost some control of his body because he was in the air.

"Captive Arrow!"

Countless pink arrows of love were shot out, but they had no effect on the vitality of Kazan's swords.

The energy body cannot have an effect on the energy body! Unless it is equipped with armed color Haki!

However, combining armed color Haki with physical skills and combining armed color Haki with long-range abilities are not on the same level.

The former is called attachment Haki, and the latter is called entanglement Haki.

Hancock was able to learn to attach Haki in battle, but he failed to learn to surround Haki.

Therefore, her prisoner's arrow does not have armed domineering energy, so it has no effect on Kazan's health.

Can't escape!

Hancock's eyes widened and he could only watch blankly as two pairs of bloody swords stabbed him.


The blood energy on Kazan's swords suddenly exploded, and the exploding blood flowers directly affected the hull of the Nine Snakes Pirates and the other two warships.



Blood rained from the sky, the nearby sea area was instantly dyed red, and the 'available blood' in Kazan's body was almost exhausted.

Kazan's lips were a little white after he came out of various states. It was not because he was injured, but simply because there was too little blood in his body, and the physical load caused by the [blood boiling] effect when using the blood blade just now was a bit heavy.

At this moment, Kazan stood on a larger wooden board and looked around at the scarlet sea around him.

It won't be long before this sea area will turn blue again.

The ship of the Nine Snakes Pirates was completely destroyed and turned into large wooden boards.

A medium-sized ship... was crushed directly by one move...

As for the two big snakes, they were quite smart. When Kazan and Hancock were fighting, they dived directly into the sea and took aim.

The other two warships were quite far apart, so it wasn't that miserable.

Behind the Kuja Pirates' hull, the unmanned warship originally belonging to Lieutenant General Stiers was blown up by a third.

As for Lieutenant General Stoloberg's warship, which was farther away, only a few people on the edge were bombed.

But at this moment, everyone still alive on the warship was completely stunned...

Despite the rain of blood hitting his body, his whole body was stained red and he was still stunned.

Both the crew of the Nine Snakes Pirates and the remaining navy walked to the edge of the warship and looked at the figure standing on the wooden plank.

"Ah... found it."

Kazan jumped on various wooden boards on the sea, and then when he jumped on a certain wooden board, he grabbed a little girl who was unconscious.

It is none other than the ‘Pirate Empress’ Boya Hancock.

The most powerful attack with full Kazan on the front, if you can survive it, it is considered very good.

At this time, Boya Hancock could be said to have no hair on his body, and his beautiful body was directly exposed to Kazan's eyes.

But it was not exposed to other people's eyes.

Because Kazan deliberately blocked everyone's view.

after all...

Kazan stared at the 'Hoof of the Heavenly Soaring Dragon' on Hancock's back, then directly pulled off his coat and cloak, wrapping Hancock's body tightly.

Navy warship here.

"it's over..."

Although Stoloberg didn't see who the person in Kazan's hand was, he had no other answer except Boya Hancock.

Now he is only worried about whether the Pirate Empress was killed by the red dog...

And... the true combat power of 'Red Dog' Kazan.


Stoloberg glanced unhappily at the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates next to him who had been shocked for ten thousand years.


The big snake transformed by Marigorud looked at Kazan's position in disbelief, wanting to rush out directly.

Sandasonia still maintained some sense, stopped Marigorud directly, and then looked at Stoloberg: "Hey! Navy, you won't let your sister be killed, right? She is also a member of the Shichibukai


Stoloberg took a look at his subordinates who were still alive, and found that only one-third of them were still relatively strong.

He glanced at Sandasonia again, his face was gloomy and he didn't say anything. He now hated these people of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

I even really wanted to watch Boya Hancock be killed by Kazan for the reason of "too late to stop".


After taking a deep breath, Stoloberg decided to put Sengoku's orders first.

Moon steps.

Snap, snap, snap.

Stoloberg walked towards Kazan on moon steps.


A sea king suddenly jumped out from under the sea and bit Stoloberg. It seemed that it was attracted by the strong smell of blood.

Stolobel looked ugly, and he actually wanted to fight again? He didn't have much physical strength left, but it was okay, he was just not as big as a sea king...

Boom boom!

Two larger Neptune species of the same species once again jumped out from under the sea.

But this time the target is Kazan who is carrying Hancock on his shoulders.


Before Kazan could take action, two huge snakes jumped out from under the sea and bitten directly at the two sea kings.

It was the two big snakes of the Nine Snakes Pirates who jumped out to protect their master at this time.

Kazan ignored the fighting around him and looked at the warship that was approaching here.

At this moment, he was thinking about what he would do to plant seeds in the hearts of the three Gorgon sisters.

The strength has been proven, but it seems not enough.

Tsk...it would be great if I could freely unleash my domineering aura.

For the first time, Kazan discovered that Overlord Color actually has the function of 'pretending to be compared'. He had never paid much attention to it before, but now he discovered its huge use.

Kazan felt that his brain was a little weak and he couldn't think of a good solution. He could only watch the warship approaching.

It would be great if Xiao Feng or Robin were around at this time...

Kazan sighed, and jumped onto the ship with Hancock on his shoulders. As soon as he got on board, he was surrounded by the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

As for the rest of the navy, they helped their exhausted lieutenant general fight against the Neptune class.

"'Red Dog', what do you want to do?"

"Hand over Nathan!"

Sandasonia and Marigorud still maintained their snake form and stood on both sides of Kazan to surround him.

I'm afraid he'll run away.

The problem is, not only did Kazan not want to run away, he didn't have the need to.

"Now...are you a little confused about your situation?"

Kazan threw Hancock to the ground, pulled out a knife with one hand, and disappeared directly from the sight of everyone in the Nine Snakes Pirates.

Swish swish swish.

After appearing several times, there was no longer a member of the Kuja Pirates standing on the entire warship.

Including Sandasonia and Marigorud, they had already consumed a lot of energy in the previous battle, so they were no match for Kazan.

Kazan threw the women who were knocked to the ground one by one into the corner, and found a large number of special handcuffs from the navy warship and cuffed them.

These handcuffs have no special effect on people with abilities, they are just very hard. They are handcuffs specially used to torture strong people who are not people with abilities.

Sea Tower Stone Handcuffs are extremely rare, and the Vice Admiral's warship is not equipped with many, but it is obviously enough.

Kazan had practiced his resistance to marine substances very early on, and he still had the ability to move even with the seastone handcuffs.

Copy it directly to the three Gorgon sisters.

"How can it be repaired?"

"Just kill us!"

"You lecherous person!"



Kazan looked at the screaming girls on the ground with a headache. It was good to be brave and not afraid of death, but talking nonsense was not a good habit.

Kazan can guarantee that he has no lustful intentions towards these little girls.

Kazan brought a lot of ingredients from the navy ship's kitchen, randomly picked an eggplant and stuffed it into the mouth of the little girl who was talking nonsense just now.

Marigold rarely calmed down at this time, because she saw the eyes of the second sister asking her not to speak.

As for Sandasonia, she had obviously observed the situation and discovered something was wrong.

She glanced at the useless navy who were still struggling to deal with the Neptune class, and asked directly to Kazan: "Tell me, what do you want to do? A man like you didn't kill us, so that must be the purpose."

"Well, that's right."

"What purpose?"

Sandasonia's pupils shrank, she couldn't imagine what Kazan wanted to get from their Nine Snakes Pirates.

"I want you to bear my child."




All members of the Nine Snakes Pirates were silent, staring at Kazan with different expressions.

"Hahahahaha, you're just kidding! I have no ill intentions towards you."

Kazan held his belly and laughed a few times. The purpose of making this joke was to let these women have an impression of Kazan, "Is this man not too serious?"

The creation of this impression will add a sense of credibility to what Kazan said next, "I have no ill intentions towards you."

This kind of unscrupulous man is nothing like the one in the rumors. Maybe he really has no ill intentions towards them... Such thoughts also arise in the hearts of some members of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

"I don't think you mean us any harm."

Sandasonia didn't believe what Kazan said just now, and she wasn't stupid, but it seemed that some of the innocent girls in the Nine Snakes Pirates already believed it.

Alas, I am still too young, have had contact with too few men, and have never been scumbag...

Because Sandasonia was too weak to stay away, she lay on the ground and looked up at Kazan who was crouching to look at her, and at the same time motioned to the seastone handcuffs on her hands.

"Didn't you attack me first..."

Kazan stretched out his hand and rubbed Sundar Sonia's seaweed-like green curly hair. It was long, soft, and quite ruaable.

"You guy, don't touch my sister!"

"Oh~ are you awake?"

At the same time Hancock woke up, an unrivaled kingly aura attacked Kazan directly.

Belongs to Hancock's domineering and domineering look.

This chapter has been completed!
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