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Chapter 317. Be My Step Sister!

Stimulated by Hancock's domineering aura, Kazan's domineering aura was involuntarily drawn out.

Two invisible overlord-colored domineering auras collided, and huge power and pressure began to spread to the surroundings.

Whether it was the navy not far away or the members of the Nine Snakes Pirates nearby, as long as they were slightly weaker, they were all knocked to the ground by this hedging momentum.

In less than five seconds, no more than twenty people were still standing as far as the naked eye could see.

There were even some fighting Neptunes among them, looking at Kazan and Hancock who were confronting each other with horrified expressions.

Including Sandasonia, Marigold and Stoloberg, the remaining dozen or so slightly stronger people stared at those two people.

"How is it possible?! This man actually..."

"Are these two pirates actually possessors of overlord-colored Haki?"

"Hey, hey... two more incredible people have appeared on this sea..."

Those who can still stand firm and are not intimidated by the overlord's domineering energy basically understand what the overlord's domineering energy means in this sea.

Therefore, they cannot help but be surprised.

Only one person among millions of people owns the overlord-colored domineering color, which is enough to illustrate its rarity.

As for why Qingjiao says that the owner of the overlord color in the new world is like a crucian carp crossing the river...

Because the era in which Qingjiao lived...

It is an era in which ‘the strong are like minions’.

Rocks, Newgate, Roger, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Shiji and other pirates, as well as rival navies such as Garp, Sengoku, Zefa, Cyborg Kong, etc.

At that time, the number of possessors of Overlord Color and Haki was indeed terrifying. People without Overlord Color and Haki were not even qualified to live in the new world.

Lingling, Kaido, Barrett, Crocodile, Mihawk, Sakaski, Kuzan, and Porusalino were all considered weak at the time.

As for the present and even the future.

Rather than saying that there are many overlord color owners in the new world, it is better to say that only those with overlord color and domineering energy are qualified to survive countless battles, then arrive in the new world and participate in the final battle.

Overlord color and domineering is a pass, a pass to enter the final battlefield.

Moreover... there are far fewer owners of overlord color and domineering energy than described.

In this day and age, on average, there are only two people in the Imperial Pirates who possess overlord-colored Haki.

Even for some powerful pirate groups with good reputations, only the captain has the domineering aura.

Possessors of overlord color and domineering energy are always rare no matter where they go.

"He... actually has the same qualifications as my sister..."

Sandasonia and Marigold looked at the man in disbelief.

For the first time, they met another possessor of domineering domineering colors.

Because they saw less of him, Kazan brought more surprises to them.

However, as far as they knew, their sister's domineering and domineering temperament could not be controlled by themselves, but this man unleashed it all at once.

Is it a coincidence?

Or...this man can already control his domineering aura freely?!

Stoloberg, who was standing in the air on moon steps in the distance, looked erratically between Hancock and Kazan.

After a moment's hesitation, he decided not to get close to the two pirates and report the matter to the Warring States Marshal first.

Stoloberg took out a phone bug and dialed directly.

After telling the story, Marshal Warring States' calm look calmed down Stoloberg's somewhat uneasy heart.

"It seems that the marshal has expected it."

After hanging up the phone, Stoloberg looked at Kazan and Hancock critically.

He doesn't quite understand why Hancock has such domineering aura.

Stoloberg saw nothing special in this woman.

As for Kazan...

What he has seen these days makes Stoloberg feel that it is not surprising that a man like Kazan has a domineering and domineering look.

Not only other people, but also Hancock is in surprise now.

This was not the first time she had seen the possessor of Overlord Color and Haki, but the number she had seen was very rare because she had never been to the New World.

At this time, seeing that Kazan also possesses overlord-like domineering energy, it is inevitable to be more or less shocked.

Hancock resisted the feeling of weakness that spread throughout his body, and tried to stand up straight and walked towards Kazan.


Hancock's red high heels had been blown away just now, and he was walking barefoot on the deck.

Step after step, Kazan could see her body trembling with every step.

If a person with abilities does not go out of his way to hone his resistance to seawater factors, this is what he will end up with once he is handcuffed by the Sea Tower Stone.

Use all your strength when walking.

There are also many people on this sea who have honed their resistance to seawater early on.

For example, Ace was able to defeat multiple jailers with his feet even though he was wearing seastone handcuffs in Impel Prison.

Hancock passed Kazan.

Kazan originally thought Hancock was going to attack him in this state, but he didn't.

This made Kazan more curious about what this woman wanted to do.

Finally, Hancock stood still and stood in front of his two sisters to protect them.

At this time, there was no trace of pride or confidence at all. He just stared at Kazan stubbornly.

It's obvious that he's completely exhausted, and he's only a little taller...

Kazan looked down at the woman who needed to look up to her, and slightly changed his view of her.

Although people who are so arrogant that they don't care about their brains or morals are really annoying to him, but it is different for people who put their family above that.


Kazan directly took out Dark Moon from his waist, he was hesitating now.

The strong have the pride of the strong, especially the possessors of overlord color and domineering energy.

If Hancock is not killed at this time, this woman may live in today's shame forever.

Even if she cannot overcome the shame of this failure, she will stop moving forward and even become depressed, just like...Moonlight Moria.


Kazan was still thinking about asking the three Gorgon sisters to do something for him. If he just killed them, then why did he fight for so long?

Hancock had been staring closely at Kazan, watching him suddenly pull out the knife. He panicked and stepped forward, but because of his weakness, he fell forward and bumped his head towards Kazan.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid that Kazan will kill her sisters.


Hancock's head hit Kazan's belly, and because of her height, she could only hit her here.

Kazan lowered his head and glanced at Hancock in confusion. At first, he thought this guy was yearning for death.

But after thinking about it carefully, I finally understood some of the reasons.

"I'm going to kill your two sisters."

"How dare you?!"

Hancock stubbornly raised his head and glared at Kazan, then bit the flesh on Kazan's belly.


Kazan was well prepared and had already made his stomach steely. There was no way Hancock could bite him.

He said this on purpose because he wanted to test this woman's character one last time.

Kazan was still a little overwhelmed by his original impression of this woman.

If Hancock really values ​​his family so much...

Then Kazan decided not to bury the seeds in the Gorgon sisters, but to use another more direct method.

Kazan glanced down at Hancock, pushed her aside, fell to the ground, and then deliberately slowed down and walked towards Sandasonia and Marigorud.


Kazan didn't take two steps when his ankle was bitten, and of course Kazan became steely early.

She kicked Hancock to the side hard, knocking Hancock to the ground again, and then continued walking towards her two sisters.

Take a few more steps.


Kazan smiled, and he began to feel from the bottom of his heart that this woman...had some merits.


Kicked away again, at this time Kazan had already walked in front of Hancock's two sisters, grabbed Sandasonia's neck, lifted her up, and held a black knife on her neck.


Sandasonia's face turned red, and she looked vaguely at Hancock on the ground, who was trying to move toward this area.

This was the first time she saw her sister in such a mess. She didn't want to see her sister in such a mess, let alone her sister becoming so embarrassed because of her.

My sister is the queen...

Sundasonia bit her lip and refused to let go even if it drew blood. Tears began to ooze from her two green eyes.


"Don't touch her!"

Hancock once again bit Kazan's ankle, biting it tightly, and moisture began to appear in the eyes of the proud queen.

When the family is facing death, the powerful mask can no longer disguise it after all.

Boya Hancock, totally qualified.

Kazan let go of Sandasonia and looked down at Hancock, who was lying next to his legs.

"Then, are you willing to die for the two of them..."

This time Kazan grabbed Hancock's neck and lifted him up. This time she was observing the other two sisters.



They are indeed three sisters!

Kazan decisively let go of Hancock's neck without asking any more questions or saying anything.

That's enough.

People who are willing to sacrifice their lives for their families, even heinous sinners, have absolute shining points and the value of in-depth cultivation here in Kazan.

Kazan picked up the three sisters and walked towards the vice-admiral's office on the warship. It was very quiet there.


The door is locked.

The three sisters huddled in the corner, looking nervously at the approaching demon king Kazan.

This environment and situation made them feel as if they were back in hell.

Even the arrogant Hancock could no longer hang up his mask and looked at the approaching Kazan tremblingly.

But even in this situation, she still protected her sisters.

"I have a sister."

The inexplicable beginning of Kazan's sentence made the three of them confused and stunned.

"She...is just like you."

Kazan stretched out his hand towards Hancock, and Hancock shrank his head and closed his eyes tightly.

However, when Kazan placed his palm on Hancock's back, the three of them finally understood what Kazan meant.

The three people simultaneously looked up at this man in disbelief.

This was the first thing that shocked them, and they did not expect that Kazan would say so many terrible things later.

"Fisher Tiger, who saved you, is still alive and has joined the Revolutionary Army. He is a good friend of mine. I have his phone number here. Do you want to confirm it?"

Kazan took out his little phone bug and looked at the three Gorgon sisters who seemed to be 'petrified'.


"Forget it, let's talk about it later. We don't have that much time now."

Kazan didn't give Hancock a chance to speak, because time was really tight, and Lieutenant General Stoloberg outside must be very panicked now that he couldn't see them.

"I plan to destroy the Celestial Dragons."


The three Hancock sisters had completely lost the ability to speak. Their heads were buzzing as they wondered what kind of monster they had encountered.

Is this man serious?!

Does this man know what he is talking about?!

Is there really such a man in this world?!

"It's not only the reason for revenge for my sister, but also the dream of my other sister, and my own ambition. In short, the Celestial Dragon must die."

The other sister refers to Robin. Studying the historical text is tantamount to confronting the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. Kazan has long been mentally prepared.

He also has his own ambition to be the strongest in the world... It is inevitable to go to Wulaoxing and Im to confirm it. This battle is also inevitable, but this reason is not very important, because he is now bigger

My ambition is to help my younger brothers and sisters realize their dreams.

"You...do you understand what it means when you say these words?"

Sundar Sonia looked at Kazan as if he were a madman.

"I know exactly what I'm talking about, and I know exactly what I'm going to do. I need you to help me in the future."


"I am willing to help you."

Before Sandasonia could speak, Hancock had already recovered from his daze and was staring at Kazan very seriously.


"Sanda! How many people in this world do you think can still say something like that after seeing this sign?"

Hancock took off Kazan's coat without hesitation, revealing the hooves of the Sky Soaring Dragon behind her.

Hancock didn't realize it until Kazan said those words just now...

No wonder this man knew their identities. It turned out that the 'mark of shame' on his body had already been seen.

It's obviously a sign that I don't want to be seen in my life...

He expected to be looked down upon or looked at with pity, but Hancock found that there was only calm and anger in this man's eyes.

At this time she understood that what this man said was true.

Sandasonia was stunned, because she knew very well that few people in this world would dare to say such words, no matter how angry they were in their hearts.

Few people dared to resist.


Kazan is not from this world.

"Then, let me formally introduce myself. My name is Kazan. I am the captain of the Monster Pirates and the head of the Monster family. I want to become the strongest man in the world."

"Be my adopted sister!"


ps: A step sister is different from a little sister.

This chapter has been completed!
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