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chapter 318. The three righteous sisters of Bo Ya

Stoloberg was a little flustered.

Because it had been a few minutes since Red Dog and the Pirate Queen entered the office, he was now very worried about the Pirate Queen's living condition.

At this moment, he had already 'walked' back from the sea on moon steps.

If the Pirate Empress dies, Marshal Sengoku will definitely be disappointed, but this is not the most troublesome thing.

The trouble is, if Admiral Kizaru gives Marshal the Warring States Period an excuse and opportunity to end his vacation early because of this incident, Stoloberg has no doubt that he may often be underestimated by Admiral Kizaru in the future.

That man is very stingy when it comes to his vacation.


At the same time that Stoloberg's feet landed on the deck, Kazan also walked out of the captain's cabin with Hancock and his two sisters.

Kazan looks normal.

But the three sisters behind him looked awkward, but Stoloberg looked at them well, but couldn't see anything wrong.

Of course Stoloberg couldn't see why he felt awkward.

Because at this time, the three sisters, including Hancock, felt a little awkward.

After all, they had just experienced such a huge mental shock in the captain's cabin, and they still needed some time to sort themselves out.


Suddenly a brother appeared, something strange that I had never thought about.

"Ni...Nisan, can you let us go first? Hailou Shi makes us feel very uncomfortable."

Sandasonia looked at Stoloberg who landed on the warship, feeling a sense of crisis in her heart.

Because of the sea floor stone handcuffs, they have almost no ability to fight.

The feeling of being unable to use this ability makes them involuntarily feel insecure in front of their enemies.

Especially when there is such a secret behind one's back, the lack of sense of security becomes even more serious.

Therefore, the smart and sweet-tongued Sundar Sonia immediately came to Kazan's side, and soon began to try to use her identity as 'sister' to whisper this matter in his ear.

However, it was the first time that Sundar Sonia called her brother, which was obviously very awkward and awkward. Kazan was even speechless due to the embarrassment.

Kazan glanced at Sundar Sonia and shook his head slightly: "Acting."

Sandasonia immediately understood what Kazan meant, endured the discomfort in her heart, and followed Kazan obediently, hoping that Stoloberg would not cause trouble.

Marigold glanced at Kazan and then at his second sister.

Obviously she was also a little panicked, but this girl knew that she was not smart, so she didn't talk nonsense and followed Sundar Sonia's example of remaining silent.

As for Hancock, it seems that he has not recovered from the scene in the office just now.

Until now, she still hadn't figured out what the situation was. She was completely confused and followed Kazan sluggishly.

There are only two things left in her mind now. She promised Kazan to help him when he dealt with the Tianlong people in the future.

Also, I became a ‘sister’ inexplicably.

"Thank you for your hard work, Red Dog. Now, it's up to me to 'examine' the Nine Snakes Pirates."

Stoloberg looked at the red dog and had a slightly better impression of this Shichibukai. It was a type of garbage that was relatively recyclable and had some use value.

After all, Kazan saved the navy and helped hold back the Pirate Empress, and he saw it all.

It can be said that without Kazan, this time, the warships he leads will end up with the same fate as Stirres' side.

Stoloberg looked at the three Gorgon sisters who were handcuffed behind Kazan by the sea tower stone, and he felt relieved. As long as these three guys were restrained, he had nothing to worry about.

With that said, Stoloberg easily stretched out his hand towards the three Hancock sisters, intending to take these three pirates away.

Both Sandasonia and Marigorud suddenly became nervous at this time.

Even Hancock suddenly came to his senses from his daze and stared at Stoloberg's outstretched hand.

But Hancock was not as nervous as his two sisters, but immediately looked at the tall man in front of him.

Hancock felt that a man who was willing to become a 'god slayer' for his sister should be worthy of her trust.

She believed in her own vision and wanted to try to believe in a man who was willing to deal with the Celestial Dragons.


Hancock entered a daze state again, and she needed to process the information received during this period in her mind.

The reason why you are so relieved.

That's because Kazan had already strangled Stoloberg's neck with his ghost hands at this time.

Blood rage.

The blood boils.

Soul-hungry hands.

Kazan frowned and looked at the Vice Admiral holding the ghost's hand.

To be honest, although this Vice Admiral was severely brainwashed, he could still be considered a half-righteous man, and Kazan didn't want to kill him.

However, if this guy takes action against his own family, then Kazan doesn't care what kind of person he is.

Even living Buddhas must die.

The three Boya sisters do not have as much weight as "family" in Kazan's heart, and they can only barely have half a family level in terms of status.

After all, she is an adopted sister, not a younger sister, and Kazan is very careful about this.

The adopted sister...is an outsider after all.

Sister, that’s called family, a relationship that is not limited by blood.

But even so, they are still at the level of 'half family', and Kazan will not allow others to hurt them in front of him.

At this time, Stoloberg hurriedly attached a weapon-colored domineering energy to his neck. At the same time, he drew out his two swords with both hands and hurriedly slashed at Kazan.

Instinct told him that if he didn't resist, he would really die.

Pong pong pong pong pong.

Several consecutive slashes on Kazan's body were useless, because Kazan's armament, domineering aura, and defense in a steely state were simply not something Stoloberg's power could shake.

On the contrary, Stoloberg's neck had already cracked open due to the huge suction force of Kazan's ghost hand, and the blood leaked out involuntarily and flowed into Kazan's ghost hand.


The absorbed blood spurted out from the palm of the ghost hand, hitting Stoloberg's body and directly sending him flying for more than ten meters, almost crashing through the railing and falling into the sea.

"The fate is quite big... The Nine Snakes Pirates are my prisoners now. It is up to me to decide how to deal with them. If you interfere, I will kill you."

Kazan shook his hand and put away all his states instantly.

Not long after the battle with Hancock, he didn't have much physical strength to support himself in keeping those states activated.

Stoloberg's current state is almost like losing half his life.

The impact of high-temperature blood gas not only caused a lot of damage to him, but also directly burned part of Stoloberg's body. Most of the blood gas in his body was also lost, leaving his face pale and bloodless.

Only then did he suddenly realize.

"Red Dog" is also a pirate, and he is also a very famous pirate.

He just forgot who is the most terrifying person on this ship...

Stoloberg tried his best to look up at the man who was once again filled with blood.

It's just...a monster.


When his head hit the ground, Stoloberg fainted. When he fainted, he was still thinking in his heart that he hoped that the women of the Nine Snakes Pirates would not be killed by Kazan.

Otherwise, it would not be easy for him to explain.

As for myself and the group of subordinates, based on my observations along the way, they can still survive as long as they don't provoke the red dog.

As long as they hold on, and the headquarters sends people to support them, they will be safe.


After Stoloberg fainted, Kazan took out the key and unlocked the seastone handcuffs on the hands of the three sisters.

The three sisters were also very well-behaved and did not cause any trouble after they were freed from the handcuffs.


Sandasonia stared down at Kazan. The scene where Kazan instantly turned into a scarlet monster made her feel a little handsome.

When she saw it before, she felt that Kazan was an evil ghost, but now that she saw it again, she just felt that such an image brought a sense of security.

Marigold feels the same way.

After their stance changed, Kazan also felt different to them.

"Hey, you can call me Nissan so smoothly now. Didn't you just have to squeeze these two words out from between your teeth?"

Kazan raised his hand and rubbed Sanda Sonia's long green curly hair. This girl's hair felt really good. This was the first time Kazan had the idea of ​​​​rubbing a girl's hair.

It's just that Sundar Sonia is too tall, with a height of four and a half meters, Kazan has to look up when he looks at her.

Such a big girl made Kazan feel a little weird.


Sundar Sonia smiled sheepishly, and she also felt a little embarrassed about having her hair ruffled by Kazan.

This was the first time for her to let someone pull her hair. Even her own sisters had never touched her hair like this, let alone Kazan who was a man.

"And you, Mary, you haven't called me yet."


Marigold's character is relatively honest and well-behaved. When she saw that her second sister was already called Nisan, she just called her Nisan instead. She didn't have as much thought as Sanda Sonia.

However, Kazan was obviously very dissatisfied with Marigold's figure.

After all, Kazan has always had high "beauty requirements" for his little sister. He made this determination when Monet and Sugar first joined the family.

It has always been very successful. Currently, there are either big beauties or little beauties on board, which satisfies Kazan's vanity.

But the sudden addition of Marigold, even though he was only 4.3 meters tall, was still a bit fat, which made Kazan feel very bad.

The reason is that Kazan remembers Marigold as a child.

It can't be said that it was when he was a child. In fact, it was just a few years ago. At that time, Marigold had appeared in the reward order of the leader of the Nine Snakes Pirates of the previous generation.

Kazan saw Marigold's appearance by accident, probably when Hancock and the three sisters had just escaped from Marigioa.

Marigold has not deliberately eaten sumo hot pot to make herself fat because she wanted to become stronger.

At that time, Marigold was very tall and beautiful. She was a real beauty, not much worse than Hancock.

Kazan hopes that Marigold can return to that state. After all, this method of getting fat and getting stronger...

Kazan really doesn't think it's a good method...



"I have something for you to do."

"...brother, tell me."

Marigold didn't expect that he would be put to use so soon, and he was a little excited.

Because she could see that her second sister was trying to make friends with this man, and she wanted to help.

Yes, Sandasonia and Marigorud did not really regard Kazan as their brother.

They are deliberately befriending Kazan with a purpose, which will also be beneficial to their sister and the Nine Snakes Pirates in the future.

Kazan knew it very well, but he didn't mind.

If Sandasonia and Marigorud so easily trusted him, a man they met for the first time, and believed him from the bottom of their hearts, then Kazan would have a headache because these two adopted sisters had no sense of worry.

Time will make these two little girls trust him and really treat him as their brother.

Kazan is confident about this.

As for Boya Hancock's thoughts... Kazan can't guess at the moment, because this guy has been in a state of confusion since the conversation in the captain's cabin just now.

To this day, Kazan still doesn't know what this guy is thinking. He can only say that he acquiesced.

Well, it's the default.

Just now in the captain's cabin, when Kazan asked these three little girls to be his adopted sisters, the three little girls were all stunned. The older of the two younger ones was the main one, and the older one was still confused.

For a moment, he couldn't make up his mind. Stoloberg had already returned to the ship, and time was urgent.

So Kazan directly forced the three of them to become his adopted sisters.

Just like the original three people, Fon Clay, Monet and Sugar, were inexplicably included in the monster family due to Kazan's semi-forced state and special encounter.

"You will work hard for me to lose weight from now on."


"Girls should pay more attention to their own image and don't look like a fat boy."


"Eating fat will not significantly increase your strength, but will reduce your agility and coordination, thereby reducing your combat effectiveness."

"What?! I know."

Kazan knows that women in the Amazon Lily Kingdom regard strength as beauty, and strength is beauty, and appearance is not important at all.

Therefore, from the perspective of ‘strength’, Kazan will definitely be able to convince Marigold in this regard.

Kazan looked at Marigold's serious look at this time and nodded secretly, hoping to see a beautiful sister when we meet again in the future.

"Hey, and you, it's time to wake up."

Kazan reached out and patted Hancock's head gently, waking her up from her dazed state.

"...Don't pat me on the head."

Hancock shook his head and stared up at Kazan.

Her current posture is obviously still a little arrogant, but it can be seen that she has restrained herself a lot in front of Kazan.

Sandasonia and Marigold also looked at their sister in surprise. Now, the two biological sisters could not understand their sister's attitude towards Kazan.

Is it possible...

Does your sister really think of this man as a foster brother?

The two people looked at each other with some confusion in their eyes.

When Hancock said that he would help Kazan deal with the Celestial Dragons, although the two of them were shocked from ear to ear, they still forced themselves to accept it.

As they were once slaves of the Celestial Dragons, they knew very well that their biological sisters would never joke about matters related to the Celestial Dragons.

Therefore, Kazan has become an ally in their eyes from that time, and must and is destined to be a good ally.

However, looking at my eldest sister's attitude now...

They felt that Kazan's position needed to be redefined.

This chapter has been completed!
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