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Chapter 414. Miraculous Monster Ship

"Ship elves, according to legend, are elves that are created when the crew and the ship care for each other, and the ship is cherished. I have read about it in books when I was a child, but it has always been regarded as a fairy tale, and I never thought that it actually existed.


Robin stood on the snow-white lawn, looked back at the huge dark building behind him, and then looked forward at Caroso's black dragon head, with a little surprise in his eyes.

"Although I heard from Tom that the Oral Jackson has a Ship Spirit, I have never seen one. This is also the first time I have seen a ship with a Ship Spirit."

After learning that Caruso was a conscious ship, Dan, an old fishman, suddenly seemed a little cautious.

After all, I am standing on someone else's body...

"Huh?! Do you all know about this? How come I don't know?!"

When Frankie looked at Dan and Bingshan, he realized that he had become the unnecessary person again.

"Mr. Tom has said many times that as a man, as long as you take good care of your boat, the boat will definitely respond and even produce a boat spirit. You just didn't listen carefully."

Bingshan looked at Franky as if he were an idiot. They had disliked each other since childhood, but they were family members and brothers.

"This is... a miracle!"

It was rare that Frankie didn't argue with Bingshan. His eyes were bright now, and he suddenly had a new goal in life.

Once upon a time, he wanted to build the most powerful dream ship in the world with his own hands and ride on its momentum to reach the world.

However, now, he wants to add one more thing to this, and that is to make this ship produce a "ship spirit".

"What I want to know is, when was Caruso born? And when did Kazan know that this child had his own consciousness."

Fon Clay was also surprised because he didn't notice any difference between Caruso and ordinary ships.

But Kazan, who is often very nervous, can actually find it!

Kazan is the kind of guy who is very sensitive only to his own family members, and Von Klay knows this better than anyone else.

So, Kazan has always considered Caroso’s family...

Perhaps it was because Kazan regarded Caruso as a family member that he gave birth to the "Ship Spirit" in Caruso.

Funkley asked himself, he also cherished Caruso, but he did not regard him as a 'family member'. He had always regarded him as the 'home' of their monster family.

"Well... when I rode the rising tide into the sky, I noticed something was wrong with this child's 'expression'. As for when was... Caruso born?"

As he spoke, Kazan patted Caruso's head again, waking up the little guy who fell asleep again.


He regretted letting this big brother know about his existence...

"Red Mountain...Twin Gorges, right? In other words, Caruso had his own consciousness just before we entered the Grand Line..."

Before Kazan could react, Fon Clay reacted immediately and was surprised by it.

Because he didn't expect that Caruso would awaken to consciousness so early!


This is a baby that Kazan has stepped on since birth.

"January 1, 1510 on the Hainan calendar, is earlier than when Kerra, Willump and Ramos joined."

Monet rested his arms on his abdomen, highlighting his plump and mature figure.

This day is a very memorable day, and it is unforgettable for the entire monster family.

On that day, everyone determined their dreams and goals.

"That means...he is six years old, he is still a baby."

Bellamy used his brain to think about it. He rarely used his brain unless it was about his younger brothers and sisters.

"Eight and a half years old."

Ah Jin said in a deep voice while wiping his precious Yasha.

Although Ajin, like Bellamy, is a violent person on the ship who is more hands-on and less talkative.

But Bellamy's brain is not very bright, but Akin's brain is very smart, he just doesn't want to speak.

Therefore, Ah Jin’s ‘eight and a half years old’ must have its own merits.

"Akin also includes the time before Caruso did not have self-awareness."

A Jin didn't want to explain more because he couldn't understand it himself, but Robin explained A Jin's meaning in a simple and clear sentence.

"Huh?! How did Brother Ajin know... Brother Ajin joined later than Pepe... It seems to have happened after Caruso was built."

Perona held the little broken bear Kumasi and looked at Ajin with some surprise. Even she couldn't remember the time when Caruso was created.

After all, Perona was still a little kid at that time and had no sense of time.

"Although Brother Ajin usually talks less, it does not mean that he is indifferent to his family."

Reiju pulled Perona from the side and whispered something into Perona's ear. At the same time, she glanced at Yaksha who was focused on wiping her body, as if he were a detached immortal from the world.

Perhaps Akin is the second member besides Kazan who truly treats Caroso as a family member.

"At eight and a half years old...that means he is only older than Willump and Ramos. Caruso is so awesome..."

Kerla did the math and found that Caruso, who was only eight and a half years old, already had this kind of strength, which made her feel a little shy.

After all, as an older sister, she is not as powerful as her younger brother.

Sugar glanced at Kerra beside him, and shook his head speechlessly: "Don't compete with Carosso... Look at Willump, he is already as good as you in fighting at just over a year old."

The words that Sugar originally intended to comfort Kerla accidentally hit Kerla hard again.

Suddenly she realized that she seemed to be the stupidest and most useless guy on the ship.


Kerla's eyes wet and she suddenly entered an 'emo' state.


Sugar was stunned for a moment, but she didn't say any more. She was afraid that if she said too much, she would unintentionally hurt Kerla's young heart.

Willump, like Erha, didn't care about this at all. In his mind, it didn't seem strange that a ship had its own consciousness.

He didn't listen to what his brothers and sisters were saying, and just rolled on the white lawn with Ramos in his arms.

It rolled so hard that Ramos' eyes were filled with tears and he screamed without stopping.

Willump always likes to bully Ramos.

"Okay, okay! Everyone knows about Caruso's existence. This is why I said before that even if we have a small number of people, we don't have to worry about it being difficult to maneuver this ship."

Kazan interrupted the discussion among the family members and asked a question that everyone had been curious about before.

"Indeed, if Caruso has his own consciousness and can control his body, then even if there are only a dozen of us, it will not be a problem at all. We can even use the functions of this ship better than having a thousand people."

Feng Clay nodded. Now he understood what Kazan had meant before, and a big stone finally fell in his heart.

After all, Ramos alone will certainly not be able to fully unleash Caroso's full strength.

Even if all employees have learned how to use these systems, there will always be things that cannot be taken into consideration.

"The potential and value of this ship are better than I thought. However, since you have the ability to awaken the ship spirit, you must be the most suitable companion for him. I can rest assured that I will leave this child to you, Ka."


Dan looked at Caruso at his feet, feeling a little proud of himself, and looked at Kazan and said solemnly.

This is a miracle ship, a monster ship that will surely reach the end of the world.

"Ah...yes, it is really a...very powerful ship."

The iceberg caressed the deck under his feet, his eyes were bright, and there was an unconcealable smile on his face, as if he had seen his future sailing to the end of the sea.

"I will personally build a dream ship that is even more super than this in the future. Although it is very difficult, I will still try my best. Now, it's time to introduce the highlight to you. Listen up!


Franky was very serious when he said this, changing his past mental style.

In an instant, all members of the monster family stopped what they were doing and thinking in their minds, and turned their attention.

Even the crying Kerla temporarily stopped her tears and looked over. After all, it was about her younger brother and she must take it seriously.

Bingshan and Dan also looked at Franky, ready to give some additional explanations at any time.

First of all, the first thing Franky explained was the combat system and the protection system. The systems here are basically run by Gaji, and they mainly make the shells whose core is Sky Island.

Although Gaji is not here at the moment, they all understand the principles and usage of those combat systems.

Combat system.

"That guy Gaji said that you are very powerful in combat and don't need to spend too much energy and space on the combat system, so I only made these three attack methods, but it's enough for you.


Franky absolutely agrees with what Gaji said, and so does Dan.

After all, they have witnessed the powerful strength of the monster family with their own eyes.

With their fighting power, they don't even need ships to fight.

Next is the protection system.

"That's all the combat system and protection system. They are basically used to assist you. After all, with your strength, this ship does not need to be very powerful. It mainly focuses on other functions. Next, it will be up to me.

Officially introduced to you!"

Frankie was obviously proud and confident when he said "other functions". It seems that many of them are his ideas.

And this is indeed the case. There is another system called Frankie’s idea, Gaji’s technology, and Dan and Bingshan’s craftsmanship.

"How about it? The miracle system built by me personally is simply an epoch-making technology, isn't it? Hahahaha! This will definitely be a monster ship that shocks the whole world!"

Franky's pride is not without reason.

Looking at the shocked expressions of everyone in the Monster Family at this moment is enough to explain everything.

This chapter has been completed!
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