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Chapter 415. Teaching Caroso to Manipulate His Body


After listening to Franky's explanation about Caruso, the Monster family didn't know what to say.

The initial battle system was within the expectations of the monster family, and after listening to it, I just felt that it was ‘not bad’.

The emergence of the protection system allowed the members of the monster family to realize that the technology possessed by Gaji was still very cutting-edge. At least there was basically no ship on the sea that could perform the same function.

And the miracle system...

That's the real miracle.

"This is a ship that goes to heaven, goes to earth, goes to sea, and goes everywhere."

Bingshan was confused when he heard Franky's plan. He didn't expect Franky to have such thoughts.

After all... these are no longer part of the ship.

This can even be said to be airplanes, cars, and submarines with the shape of a ship.

"In this world, there are ships that can fly in the sky, there are ships that can travel on land, and there are ships that can sneak in the sea, but there is no ship that can do all three. Caruso is the first one."

Dan stood next to him and showed a happy smile. He was also happy and proud that they could make such a ship.

"It's really beyond my expectation..."

Kazan scratched his head. He had not expected that the new Caruso could do this.

Being able to fly in the sky has already met his requirements.

Being able to sneak in the deep sea is really a big surprise for Kazan.

Traveling in the sea is simply safe and exciting.

For Kazan, who possesses overlord color and domineering energy, the safety factor of deep sea diving is even higher than flying in the sky.

Because although there are various kinds of sea kings under the sea, they are intimidated by the domineering aura of the overlord and dare not approach them.

The most important thing is that with the bubble wrap, the hull will not emit an odor and be discovered by the surrounding marine life. If it is not close, the marine life will not even know that it is a ship.

Various harsh weather conditions may appear in the sky at any time, especially in the sky of the New World.

Apart from a [Natural Disaster Evasion] protection system, they don't have any special means to deal with severe weather. This [Natural Disaster Evacuation] system should not be able to directly ride on the face of natural disasters.

Moreover, natural disasters are much more terrifying than those of the Neptune type.

However, the function of landing on land...

Is it necessary?

Kazan really couldn't imagine when he would need to sail the boat to the island.

"What I'm more concerned about now is, can this child really control these systems?"

Feng Clay quickly calmed down from the shock caused by these strange systems, and then turned his attention to Caruso.

"I would also like to know this. If it cannot control these systems, then the dozen of you may be in a hurry when you really need to use these systems."

After listening to Feng Clay's words, Franky also nodded and glanced at Caruso's black faucet.

He didn't want Caruso's talent as a miracle ship to be buried, so he was also very concerned about whether Caruso had the ability to control himself.

"Why don't you try it?"

Robin spoke quietly, her eyes a little bright. She was really particularly interested in the 'Ship Elf' and so on.

She always thought it was a fairy tale and never thought that this situation would happen on their ship.

Therefore, Robin is really interested in Caruso now.

Unfortunately, the little guy doesn't look very energetic.

"If that's the case, then let's try it?"

Monet glanced at Kazan. She was also very curious about these functions of Caruso. If it could really be done, it would be amazing.

"Of course I have to try it. These systems have been made but you haven't practiced them yet? Just to see if there are any mistakes."

Kazan nodded and made a prompt decision to ask Bellamy to pull up the anchor.

"It just so happens that we have to send Franky, Bingshan, Guina and Nokigao to the Capital of Seven Waters first. Let's just set off directly and practice on the road before any problems arise."

Caruso set off towards the Capital of Seven Waters.

There were only a dozen or so people on the huge boat, which seemed a bit empty and not something everyone was used to.


Kazan looked around at everyone, and when he found that everyone's eyes were on him, he walked towards Caruso's head.

At the same time, Dan, Frankie, Bingshan, and Ramos also walked towards the inside of the underground system.

They wanted to see if Caruso could exploit these systems himself without human control.


【Huh? Brother, what are you doing?】

"Are you awake?"

【I couldn’t fall asleep after being woken up by my elder brother.】

"Oh~ Are you complaining about big brother?"


"Hmph, just feel it for a moment. Do you feel that you have suddenly mastered some abilities?"

【It seems so.】

Kazan nodded as he listened to the clear and clear answer in his ear.

He did not give any clear instructions for Caruso to mobilize the systems in his body.

Because this kind of clear instruction may not be understood by Caruso, and it doesn't understand how to mobilize those systems at all.

"Then, let's try those abilities. Remember that move from before, Monster Dragon Breath."

【Oh! I remember, I remember! rua~】

After listening to Kazan's doubts, Caruso opened his mouth directly after answering, and a huge amount of heat energy began to condense in Caruso's open mouth.

In the combat system module below the deck, a large amount of ammunition, that is, solid metal, was burned and melted by Rebei and Yanbei and then flowed to Caruso's 'throat'.


"That's right, no one is controlling it, but these shells open by themselves."


Several people below the deck were very surprised when they saw this scene. This is equivalent to...


"For Caruso, these should be just his body organs, just like if we want to breathe, our lungs will work automatically."

Bingshan pinched it and guessed a possibility.

"Indeed, if that's the case, then it wouldn't seem unacceptable for these systems to start automatically."

Dan agrees with what Iceberg said.

On the sea, Caruso had opened the dragon's mouth wide, and a flame began to flicker from Caruso's mouth.

From start to spray, it only took less than five seconds.

After all, this process uses all the hot shells and flame shells, calcining a huge amount of solid metal at one time. Unlike Kazan's past, he was the only one doing the forging, so it will take a little longer.



A huge lava column erupted from Caroso's mouth, and there were many "rock blocks" sandwiched in the lava column. In fact, those were high-temperature solid metals that could not be completely burned within these five seconds, which could enhance this

The lethality of the move.

The huge lava column spewed out for thousands of meters before beginning to tilt downward, and then fell into the sea, emitting countless hot steam.

"The range has been expanded, the forward swing has been shortened, the power has been enhanced, and the range has been lengthened. This move has been comprehensively improved."

Gu Fengkre looked at Caruso's attack [Monster·Dragon Breath] and compared it with the previous one. These changes are very obvious.

"Then how can we try other abilities next? We only know the names, but Caruso can't even remember those names."

Perona was floating in the air and looked excited at the huge lava column sprayed out by Caruso, but then she asked with a headache.

"... Let Ramos try out all these functions first. Wouldn't it be easier for Caruso to remember this feeling and use it later?"

As a member of the Vinsmoke family, Reiju has some experience with this situation.

I remember that the clones just created by her father Gaji were also very clumsy in controlling their own bodies.

It was only after their father used the system to control them and use their abilities that the clones remembered what abilities they had and how to control their bodies.

Maybe Caruso can do the same.

Reiju's idea made everyone's eyes light up, this is indeed a solution.

"Caruso, did you hear that? Your sister Reiju said that you should remember those feelings later."


"I'll go tell them."


After Sartang informed him, he opened a door on the deck and escaped to the ground.

For Sugar, who possesses the Gate Fruit, Sugar is the one that can reach the location of various underground systems the fastest.

But the question is, does sugar know how to get there?

The situation below deck seems complicated.

Sure enough, as expected, it took ten minutes after Sutang opened the door for Caruso's body to make any new movements.


Caruso listened to the conversation of several people below the deck, understood the tactics being used, and recorded this feeling.

On its body, many laser shells emerged from Caroso's hull, and then shot out in all directions.

White flash rays are emitted one after another, up to a few hundred meters away. It is quite long, and the rate of fire is very fast. The penetrability does not seem to be bad. It should be used to solve the problem of weak cleaning capabilities. There should be strong ones.


If Caruso is allowed to control it himself, it should be able to choose which laser shells to emit lasers more accurately.

"Caroso, do you remember?"

Kazan touched Caruso's faucet and asked. It would be terrible if Caruso couldn't remember this feeling.


"Can you use it yourself?"

【emmm, I think it’s okay.】

"Then try it and see if you can make only the shells on the left side of your body emit lasers."


Caruso did what he said and immediately began to try to attack according to Kazan's request.

The result is gratifying, Caruso did it.

This approach is very effective.

"Very good, let's continue experimenting with other systems."

It can not only test whether there are problems with the system, but also allow Caruso to learn how to use these abilities, killing two birds with one stone.

[Double Sword·Drawing Sword]

Located on the frontmost side of Caruso's body, the two huge dragon claws below the dragon's head suddenly stretched forward several meters.

Then, two huge blue-white slashes were drawn from the front to both sides, covering the entire 180-degree area in front.

The furthest attack distance of the slash is also thirty meters in front.

"Very good. With these attack methods, Caruso can protect himself in the future. Coupled with the protection system, we don't need to leave anyone to watch the ship."

"Hey hey hey..."

As soon as Kazan finished speaking, Akin let out a gloomy and terrifying laugh, which immediately stunned Kazan.

Although the laughter was not very pleasant, and the expression on Ah Jin's face looked scary, it could be seen that he was still very happy.

Because in the past, Ah Jin was the one who stayed the most to watch the ships, but now he is finally free.

【So, electrostatic field】


There was a faint sound of electric current, and everyone subconsciously looked around.

A circle of light blue translucent oval current barrier appeared around Caruso's huge body, just enough to wrap up the entire Caruso.

Bellamy stretched out his finger and poked at the electrostatic field without using his armed Haki.


Bellamy withdrew his finger and said to everyone: "It's pretty powerful."

I can see it...

The members of the monster family raised their brows as they looked at Bellamy's fingers that were smoking and even twitching.

Only someone with a strong nerve and a strong physique like Bellamy would do such a thing.

[Electrostatic field is turned off, optical invisibility is turned on]


"Caroso! Disappear...oh, not disappear."

"Well...it's so strange, a bit scary."

"In this case, in the eyes of others, we should be standing in the air...if we enter the cabin, we will also enter an 'invisible' state."

Invisibility is not true invisibility, but is similar to a blindfold.

You can't tell anything from a distance, but if you are within ten meters, you will find that the space where Caroso is located has a sense of distortion.

This is not just visual invisibility, but also auditory 'invisibility'.

At this moment, the sound of the bottom of Caruso's boat breaking through the water has disappeared. Unless it is attacked, it will not make a sound.

But it doesn't matter even if he is attacked. If you really don't want to make a sound, you can let Kerla touch Caruso.

In that case, even if it is attacked, Caruso's hull will not make any sound.

[Optical invisibility is turned off, the wind blasts... to the minimum extent.]


Caruso suddenly jumped into the air and jumped forward, covering a distance of fifty meters.

This is already the smallest scale of [Wind Lai Explosion], and any smaller would be the level of [Wind Lai Propulsion].

Caruso's fart came out of nowhere. Even to the smallest extent, it caused everyone in the monster family who was still addicted to optical invisibility and completely unprepared to suddenly lose balance.

A few little girls even fell directly onto the lawn of the deck. They waited for the ship to stabilize before standing up with their buttocks covered.

It would probably be uncomfortable if there was no soft lawn to cushion it.

If it is to the maximum extent, you must be prepared. A few weak little guys may need to be held by a few brothers and sisters, otherwise they may fly away.

[Propulsion by wind, to a minimum extent]

This is Caruso's mildest move, and it is also the most normal-looking move.

The effect is just that everyone on the deck can clearly feel that the forward speed is much happier, and the slight sea breeze is quite comfortable.

But if the effect is fully activated, it should be very fast.

This chapter has been completed!
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