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Chapter 432. He actually dared to kill Tianlong people?!

After Charros was decapitated with a knife.

Thunder suddenly appeared in the clear sky, and light rain began to fall in the cloudless sky.

The deepest part of Mariejoia above the red earth continent.

In the huge cemetery, a tombstone named "Saint Charles" suddenly cracked.

Im walking in the cemetery suddenly stopped, looked at the wooden board belonging to Charros and frowned.

The next moment, countless dark red blood suddenly poured out from the cracks in the tombstone, dyeing the entire tombstone blood red.

Im raised her head, revealing a pair of eyes with purple pupils that were like stagnant water, and the corners of her stiff mouth curved slightly.

After staring at the tombstone that started to smell like blood for a few seconds, Im continued walking around as if he hadn't seen the tombstone.

This time, his steps were obviously much lighter than before.



Tezzolo was completely speechless at Kazan's words.

This man actually has no intention of taking the Celestial Dragons seriously. Does he really understand what the Celestial Dragons mean in this world?

Even with Tezolo's psychological strength, he was extremely shocked by Kazan's move to kill Charros, not to mention the other Mr. Bakara and Tanaka.

They had all been nearly persecuted by the Celestial Dragons, so they knew more about the Celestial Dragons and their horrors than the average person.

Not to mention what kind of power the Celestial Dragons themselves possess.

As their most loyal lackey, the World Government is already the most powerful organization in the world, bar none.

Even the Navy is just one of the organizations affiliated with the World Government.

They all know in their hearts that the Celestial Dragons in this world are unhappy and there are many people who want them dead.

But since they were young, they had been indoctrinated with the concept of "Dragon supremacy" in various ways, so they had no intention of resisting.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Like Akin, Luffy... these wild children who grew up in the mountains and were indifferent to the outside world knew nothing about the existence of the Celestial Dragons.

But after all, there are only a very small number of people like this.

Bacara and Mr. Tanaka have never thought that there are people in this world who dare to take action against the Celestial Dragons.

"The Tianlong people...were really killed."

Baccarat opened her eyes wide and looked at Charros' body. She was completely stunned and her mind went blank.

"Lord Tezolo...what should we do now?"

Mr. Tanaka was no less shocked than Baccarat, but his psychological quality was obviously very good and he calmed down very quickly.


Tezzolo didn't pay attention to Mr. Tanaka's question. He turned his head and looked at Charros' body in a daze.

Gradually, he smiled.

"Hahaha, hahahahaha..."

Tezzolo's laughter gradually became louder and more unrestrained, as if the shackles on his body were being lifted bit by bit.

Kazan glanced at Tezzolo. He didn't understand why the other person was smiling, but now he didn't care.

He just wants to know now that he has killed the Tianlong people, why his little sister hasn't come out from the world inside the door.


As he said, a transparent door opened in front of Kazan, and two figures ran out of the gray-white space.

The one in front ran directly into Kazan's arms and kept poking Kazan's belly with his head.


"Well, I'm here to pick you up."

Kazan gently put his big hand on Kerla's head, soothing the little one's frightened heart.

"I'm scared..."

Kerra raised her head and stared at Kazan with tearful eyes, her eyes revealing endless grievances.

"Are you still scared now?"

Kazan knelt down, hugged Kerla, put her chin on his shoulder, and patted her gently on the back.

Kerra shook her head, raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, and reluctantly broke away from Kazan's arms.

After seeing this scene, Sugar came up and said quickly: "Guagua, Brother Tija has left."

"Well, I know, Ah Jin has already gone after him."

Kazan watched Sutang coming over, stretched out his hand to take the little girl into his arms and hugged her.

Sugar was a little confused by the hug, and then she realized that Kazan had misunderstood that she was frightened like Kerla and needed comfort.

Although he guessed that Kazan had misunderstood, Sugar did not explain.

Obediently, he let Kazan hug him and sniffed the faint smell of blood on him, which actually wasn't very pleasant, but was very familiar.

"No, Brother Tija left this time just like the time he left in the small garden before. He went to sea! He will not enter the new world with us!"

Although Granu wants to stay in Kazan's arms for a while, after all, when she grows up, she will rarely have the opportunity to stay in Kazan's arms. There are not many opportunities to be "justified" like this.

But when she thought about seeing Tiga getting on a merchant ship and leaving the Chambord Islands on her own, she was inevitably worried.

With strong perseverance, he broke out of Kazan's arms and spoke slightly anxiously.

"...Call your Brother Ajin and ask him to go directly to Island 15 and stop chasing Tiga."

After hearing this, Kazan looked serious for a moment, and then explained it to Granu seriously.


"Tezolo, we are going back to Island 15."

Kazan turned around and glanced at Tezzolo, who had stopped laughing wildly and was standing next to Charros' body, looking down at the body with an expressionless face.

"Ah...I understand. Mr. Kazan, please go back first."

Tezzolo came back to his senses when he heard Kazan's voice, bowed to Kazan who had a puzzled face, and then left with Baccarat and Mr. Tanaka to an unknown place.

On this side, after Granu opened the door, Kazan and his two little girls immediately rushed from the space inside the door towards Island No. 15.

After the Kazan trio disappeared, a large number of newsbirds holding cameras and covered in cold sweat suddenly flew out of the nearby alleys and buildings.

They scrambled to hold their cameras and flew in the same direction.

Inside the forgotten sedan, Shalulia got up and peeked out. After discovering that those terrifying figures had disappeared, she immediately collapsed on the ground, her eyes wide open and she was breathing heavily.

Suddenly, waves of flushing began to appear on her face under the veil, her eyes were blurred and watery, she stuck out her tongue and licked her dry lips, and her body trembled.

"That man with red eyes... I must make him my exclusive slave!!!"


In the space inside the door.

As Kazan headed towards Island No. 15, he took out his phone and dialed Tiga.


Picking your feet.

The phone was answered just as it rang, as if Tiga had already expected the call.


"Brother...well, I...can't go back for the time being."

On the other side of the phone, Tiga's voice sounded a little painful, as if she was enduring some kind of torture.

Kazan frowned when he heard the other party's voice mixed with pain, and his breathing became a little more irritable, but he still remained calm and rational.

"...for now, right?"

"Yes, for now."

"You're going to make it back to Carosso alive, right?!"

Kazan's black and red eyes were fixed on the phone bug, and the painful moans coming from the other side of the phone bug stopped for a while, as if he had received a look transmitted through the phone bug.

"I will definitely return to Carosso alive!"

On the other side, Tiga categorically affirmed.

"A new world awaits you."


Picking your feet.

After hanging up the phone, Kazan took a deep breath, adjusted his mood slightly, and looked at Sugar on the other side.

The latter nodded to him, which meant that Ah Jin was already rushing to Island No. 15.

"There should be no more accidents."

Kazan turned around and looked outside the door through the gray world inside. It was all humorous, and nothing major had happened yet.


Chambord Islands, Island No. 13, Xia Qi's Rip-Off Bar.

"Look, let me tell you, little Chitong is a super bold little guy."

Xia Qi tossed a camera up and down in her hand, and held a bunch of roasted birds in her hand and handed it to Rayleigh who was sitting at the bar.

"Ah haha! Of course, my vision is not as sharp as Roger's, but it's still pretty good."

Before Rayleigh could speak, an old man next to him with a ring of flower petals around his neck snatched the roasted bird from Xia Qi's mouth and opened his mouth to gnaw on it.

"Well... I thought that destroying Judiciary Island before was already very bold, but I didn't expect that he would dare to do this... I suddenly became curious about this little guy. After all, even you, a member of the Grand Line,

The gatekeepers admire him so much."

Rayleigh smiled at Kurokas, who was riding Moo Moo from the Twin Gorges to the Chambord Islands next to him, and shook the hand holding the wine glass slightly.

"But...what should Xiao Chitong do next? This...is terrible."

Xia Qi put the camera in her hand on the bar, supported her chin with one hand, looked at the two old men in front of the bar and sighed.

"Just watch, his future will become more and more interesting. Starting from today, this sea will no longer be calm."

Kurokas couldn't help but smile as he looked at the "Red Eyes" reward notice still on the bar.

Suddenly, Reilly stood up from the bar and walked toward the door with the knife in hand.

"Can't you bear it?"

"Ah... Such an incredible young man, I have to at least take a look at him in person to satisfy my curiosity."


A new world, a mysterious place.

"Nani?! This... this is so crazy, wow wow wow!!!"

A humanoid creature with a chicken-like appearance grabbed the camera in its hand and flapped its wings excitedly. It jumped up and down in the room, extremely excited.

"As expected of a monster family! As expected of the 'King of Monsters'! If I want the headlines, I have to find you! Ah, quack! Someone is coming! Hurry up and bring me someone!"

Bang bang bang!

Morgans banged the table frantically, calling for the takeover.

Soon, more than a dozen leading figures arrived at Morgans' office to await his decision.

"Dragon people? Guga! I'm ready to welcome a new era!!!"

"The theme this time is called... chaos in the world."


In a sea area quite far away from Xiangbo Land, dozens of warships sailed out from among the wreckage on the sea.

"It's been delayed for so long by a group of pirates I've never heard of..."

Sakaski, who was leading the team, looked very ugly at this time. They should have arrived at the Chambord Islands an hour ago.

As a result, he was held back by the sudden appearance of thousands of pirates.

It is not necessarily said that these pirates are powerful, they are all a bunch of out-and-out noobs.

But these pirate ships were very unruly, and there were three or four hundred of them.

All submarines!

Hiding under the sea and releasing torpedoes from a distance, although it did not cause any substantial damage, it successfully angered them.

The ability users in their navy cannot go to sea to kill them, they are really disgusted.

While other navies went to sea to chase the aircraft, their movement speed in the seawater dropped significantly.

Porusalino's eight-foot-stroke jade and Aoki's ice, one could not hit, and the other was not frozen deep enough and the speed was slow.

Sakaski almost got mad at him.

But is he cured?


Because the impact he has on the enemies in the sea is not as good as the gangsters and lazy men.

Finally, by the time they finished dealing with the three to four hundred submarines, an hour had passed, and they had deviated from their original course because they were chasing the submarine.

Now it will take at least another hour to reach the Shampoo Islands.


Picking your feet.


"Sakaski?! What are you doing, you loser? It's been so long and you still haven't arrived at Shampoo?!"

"Something happened and we didn't arrive before we arrived. Can the Monster Pirates escape?"

Sakaski didn't pay much attention to what the phone bug said.

He is still an admiral after all. If he hadn't known that "going to sea requires coating, and coating takes a lot of time," how could he have foolishly gone after those submarines?

Isn't it just because the Monster Pirates don't have time to coat them that they are confident?

"The Monster Pirates didn't run away, but that guy 'Red Eye' killed a Celestial Dragon!"

"...What did you say?"

"Idiot, rush to Shampoo Land immediately and capture the entire Monster Pirates! Otherwise, your navy's general mechanism will be changed."

Picking your feet.

Looking at the phone that had been hung up in his hand, Sakaski's face turned extremely dark.

Even he didn't expect that the guy 'Red Tong' would dare to kill the Tianlong people...

Is there something wrong with this guy's brain?

Only then did Sakaski begin to realize the difference between Kazan and other pirates. He now understands a little bit why Zefa, Garp, Aoji and even Sengoku are so concerned about this pirate.

It turns out this guy is a mad dog!

"Someone is coming!"


"Are the navy and world government on the Shampoo Islands eating shit? They can't even protect a single Celestial Dragon?!"

"Heaven...heaven...here, a large number of pirates, gangs, bandits, slave-catching groups and other organizations appeared outside the Shampoo area. It seems that some activities were held there. Our personnel there and the World Government

All the people were blocked inside the station and could not get out."

"Won't we kill all those guys?! They are all a bunch of trash anyway!"

"But...there are still a lot of civilians inside!"

"How can it be repaired?"


This chapter has been completed!
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