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Chapter 433. The Shocking Shampoo Land

Outside the Shampoo Islands.

"Is it finally here..."

Sakaski stood on the warship at the front, looking at the Chambord Islands that was so close in front of him with a cold face.

On one of his raised hands, there were two telephone bugs, and on the other side were Porusalino and Cuzan.

"Let's split up. I'll go in through the tourist area."

"Ah la la, that's what I thought too. If that's the case, then I'll enter through the coating area."

The voices of Porusalino and Cuzan were transmitted from the other side of the phone bug, and then the huge naval fleet group was immediately divided into three.

One-third of the course began to deviate to the right, and the other third headed to the left.

"If that's the case, then I'll start from the park. Their location is probably on Island No. 15. Just go there. As for the rest of the direction, I'll leave it to the World Government."

Sakaski was not angry at Porusalino and Kuzan's unauthorized actions, because he had originally planned to divide his troops into three groups and completely surround the Monster Pirates.

And he doesn't like to act with these two people whose working styles are very different from his.

He does his best every time.

Five minutes later, the Shampoo Islands were invaded by the navy and the World Government from all directions, east, west, north, and south, gradually approaching the island No. 15 in the middle.

new world.

The other side of the red continent near the Chambord Islands.

"Hey, 'Tyrant' Bartholomew Bear, you came here...do you want to die?"

Doflamingo was followed by a group of people from the Don Quixote family, looking at the new Shichibukai and Bear who appeared on the ship with a mocking face.

"Do you want to go to the Shampoo Islands?"

The bear ignored Doflamingo's taunt and asked dully while flipping the Bible in his hand.

"That's right, so, you want to stop us? This is the first time I've seen such a conscientious Shichibukai like you."

Diamanti took two steps forward and drew his soft sword.

In his opinion, it is enough for him to take action against the bear, and there is no need for Doflamingo to take action.

"If I'm not wrong, you went to the Shampoo Islands for the Monster Pirates, but...by the time you get there, everything will be over."


Diamanti glanced at the bear talking to himself inexplicably, then raised his soft sword and planned to stab the bear.

"Wait, Diamanti."


"Listen to what he has to say."

Doflamingo frowned and looked at the bear, thinking about something in his mind.

"I can... have you arrive at Shampoo Land in five minutes."


When he said this, the bear finally closed the huge and thick Bible, took off the glove on his right hand, and looked at Doflamingo in front of him.

"...Yeah, okay, if you can do it, then give it a try."

Doflamingo stood up with a smile and walked towards the bear.

He didn't know if Bartholomew Bear really had that ability, nor did he believe that the bear wouldn't hurt him.

Just because of the magnanimity of the strong.

"Then, let's go."


As the bear's right hand was raised high and swung down heavily, Doflamingo's figure was suddenly shot away and disappeared at the top of the red earth continent in a few seconds.

"Young Master?!"

"Hey! You guy!"




Doflamingo was no longer around, so the bear didn't ask the opinions of the remaining people, and just forcibly beat the entire Don Quixote family away one by one.

Afterwards, the bear stood on the ship and continued to wait.

According to the information from the Revolutionary Army headquarters, there should be three more organizations heading here.

Probably less than five minutes had passed, and Doflamingo might have just arrived at the Chambord Islands when another team appeared.


Xiong saw the rapidly approaching ship from a distance. There were at least a thousand figures hiding in the ship and sliding huge oars inside the ship.

However, what surprised the bear was not this, but a person.

Gradually, the two ships collided.


That's right, the two boats collided solidly. The boat had no intention of stopping and hit Don Quixote's boat straight away.


From the opposite ship, six figures of various sizes and shapes suddenly crossed over, some of them not even human beings.

"Huh? Aren't you the new Shichibukai? Why are you on Don Quixote's ship? Could it be that you killed Doflamingo? Hehehehe!!!"

The first one is Moonlight Moria, who has purple hair standing upright, wearing a punk outfit, carrying a big sword on his shoulder, and no shadow under his feet.

"'Monk Togu, it turns out you are not dead. Have you joined the Moonlight Pirates?"

Xiong did not pay attention to Moonlight Moria, but first looked at the figure that made him feel a little surprised.

'Monk' Toko, one of the original Shichibukai, had mediocre strength and average appearance. He was the least significant among all the Shichibukai. He was 'killed' by Doflamingo a few years ago.

The most representative thing about Togu is his bald head and scars all over his face. In fact, these are quite ordinary, but they are already the most conspicuous parts of his body.

Togu glanced at the bear and ignored this 'junior'.

Because if nothing happens to this junior, he may die here.

"Hey, are you ignoring me? You are so brave."

Moria looked at the bear who was about the same height as him but ignored him, and felt a little angry in his heart.

Almost in an instant, one of the 'Moonlight Seven', Moria, had a huge eggplant-like shadow instantly appeared behind the bear, and raised the shadow sword in his hand high to chop it down.

"Want to be in the Chambord Islands in five minutes?"

"...Hehehehe, interesting."

After a while, there was no longer a single figure in the huge Moonlight Pirates, and even the walking dead below the deck, which Moria called 'zombies', were photographed by him.

After taking pictures of so many people, Xiong Yixiong also felt a little tired and strenuous, but he didn't show it on the surface.

The Meat Ball Fruit's ability has been used too much, but there are still two organizations...


Picking your feet.


"What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about those two, they are almost arriving at Shampoo Land."


"They could have flown."

"...I see."

The bear was stunned for a moment after hearing the words coming from the phone bug, and then thought about the rustling fruit and the thundering fruit, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

"Thank you very much for what happened this time."

Valley/span "You're welcome, Tiger."

"Well, I have something urgent to do here. Let's talk later."


Picking your feet.

After hanging up the phone, Xiong breathed a sigh of relief. If he continued, he really didn't know if his palms could hold it.

The bear looked down at the blue flesh ball on his palm.

His flying ability is not unlimited. The stronger the person, the more effort it will take to shoot him flying.

He now has an understanding of the strength of Doflamingo and Moonlight Moria.

They were all stronger than he imagined.

Coupled with those two nature-type guys... I hope the Chambord Islands won't fall apart this time.

"It seems that there are no problems with the Monster Pirates."

On the red earth continent.

A bolt of thunder and lightning quickly passed by and flew quickly towards the Shampoo Islands on the other side.

That figure is officially the 'Thor God' Enel. Although he is holding a big man and a small one in his hands, it does not affect his flying speed at all.

And not long after the lightning flashed, another streak of yellow sand flew past.

It was also flying with two people in its hands. The speed was far inferior to the thunder and lightning just now, and the flying height was also very low, but it was still okay.


Shampoo Islands, Island No. 15.

"Why doesn't anyone come back?! Why don't you answer the phone?"

Monet, who was alone on Island No. 15, no longer had the calmness he had just now, and was walking back and forth anxiously.

It stands to reason that everyone should have come back by now. Why hasn't anyone come back after so long?!

Not to mention Kazan, Fon Clay, Akin and others, even Bellamy, who was driving Caruso, did not take Caruso to the huge channel outside Island No. 15.

"Monet, calm down. Brother Kazan and the others are so strong, there will be no problem."

Aaron was sweating profusely next to him, but he still pretended to be calm and asked Monet to calm down.

"No! I can't wait here any longer. I want to go out and take a look. Aaron, please go find Bellamy. Remember to bring more people."

After all, Monet couldn't bear it any longer, left a few words and flew directly out of Island No. 15.

"...Okay, I can't sit still anymore."

Aaron looked at Monet who had already flown away, stood up, returned to the base camp and dialed the phone number, and called more than a thousand men from the Umit Shipping and Vinsmoke families, and asked them to walk along the huge road next to No. 15

The river channel was explored outside.

Aaron himself jumped directly into the river and swam out first.

Not long after the two left here, a kind old man with a knife came to the nearby island.

"Huh? Did you go to the wrong place? Didn't Xia Qi say she was here... Just wait."

Reilly tilted his head as he looked at the somewhat deserted Island No. 15, then sat on the ground, took out the wine bottle hanging on his waist and drank.


Half an hour ago, there was an unknown island in Xiangbo, in the space inside the door.

"They really figured it out."

Standing in the space inside the door, Kazan muttered a few words while looking at the huge curtain in front of him blocking the only way to pass.

It was just a piece of rag, with no features other than its size.

But at this time, just such a piece of cloth blocked their way.

The reason is because the space inside the door cannot have any impact on anything in the space outside the door.

However, the space inside the door will be affected by the topography of the space outside the door.

The wall that is easily destructible outside the door is as indestructible as the background in the game, hindering their actions.

This is the principle behind the piece of cloth in front of you.

Kazan, who was in the space inside the door, could neither lift the rag to pass through nor break the rag, so he could only be blocked.

And outside...

Standing in the gray-white space inside the door, Kazan looked outside the door.

The outside has been besieged by countless World Government agents. They are all CP organizations. Except for the most powerful CP0 who has gone somewhere, members of CP1 to CP9 have arrived, numbering in the hundreds.

The strength of these people is not comparable to that of ordinary minions, at least they will not be stunned by Kazan's overbearing look.

It will probably take some time to kill this group of people, but if you don't kill this group of people, you won't be able to leave.

Because those people still had huge pieces of cloth in their hands.

If Kazan got into the space inside the door, maybe they would use these cloths to block their way on the only way.

These did not come from the World Government's headquarters on the ground in Shampoo, but came under emergency orders from Mary Joa.

The goal is very clear.

It was the ‘Red Eyed’ Kazan who killed Charros!

"Huh...Su Tang, open the door. I will chop this piece of cloth into pieces later. You don't need to worry about me. Just go inside the door and continue to Island No. 15."

"Where's Onii-chan?"

After hearing Kazan's words, Kerra hugged Kazan's arm anxiously and asked in a panic.

"While I'm dealing with these guys, I'm approaching Island No. 15. Don't worry about me. I don't trust you staying here."


"Okay, Kella, that's it."

Sugar grabbed Kerla who was about to say something. She knew very well that their staying would only distract Kazan.

"Gou Meinai, Onii-chan, because of me, I caused trouble for everyone...I...I didn't want to end up like this."

Kerra looked at Kazan with tears in her eyes, apologized sadly, and cried again without saying a few words.



Kerra let out a cry of pain, covered her forehead with her small hands, and looked at Kazan who retracted his fingers and turned around, stunned.

"Don't say that again."

Kazan did not turn around, because at his signal, a door had opened in front of him.

He stepped towards the door and walked out.

The world outside the door.


An air door suddenly opened on the street. All the CP members present froze in their breaths. They looked nervously at the air door that suddenly appeared, and no one dared to make any unnecessary movements.

At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was quiet.


Footsteps sounded from the direction of the door, and all CP members stared closely at the figure who was about to walk out of the door.

The man finally walked out of the door.

The captain of the Monster Pirates, "Red Eyes" Kazan, the man with a bounty of 700 million!

As the air door behind him disappeared again, one of Kazan's hands holding the two swords casually waved to the side, and the rag blocking the way was instantly torn to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a dark red translucent domineering aura mixed with blood streaks swept towards all CP members.

At that moment, the bloody curtain was drawn down from Shampoo Land, and the entire archipelago seemed to be trembling.

Because, one bad guy after another arrived one after another.


This chapter has been completed!
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