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Chapter 447. Before Arriving at Fishman Island

Under the sea, in a dark environment, a 'small boat' with a faint light was moving forward slowly.

In Caruso, Kazan was sitting in the reading room chatting with Robin about Fish-Man Island.

After all, there are so many fans of him on Fish-Man Island, so why not get to know them better when the time comes?

Fishman Island is located 10,000 meters under the sea in Mariejoia. It is the only place that most pirates must pass to reach the New World. It is known as the "Undersea Paradise" and is a dreamlike paradise with a total population of five million.

This island in the sea has an extremely complex experience and meaning, and the 'transit station' is only the most superficial layer of it.

"The fishmen and mermaids on Fishman Island hate humans extremely because they have been classified as 'fish' by humans for hundreds of years and have been subjected to all kinds of cruel treatment and discrimination. Even though Fishman Island became the world's largest island two hundred years ago,

Relations between the government-affiliated countries still have not improved much, and there is even a tendency for relations to deteriorate further."

Robin led Kazan all the way to the library. With a flick of his power, several books on the history of Fish-Man Island were pulled out from the bookshelf and handed to Robin.

It's not like she wanted Kazan to see it.

Robin knew very well that his Nissan didn't have that patience, so he planned to recall it by himself and then tell him in general.

The reason why Kazan didn't ask Aaron, who was on the boat, was because Aaron was an extreme racist. He was a typical example of the faction that hated humans on Fish-Man Island and had always stood firmly on the "

The forefront of the Break with Humanity camp.

There are many things that are not convenient to mention to Aaron.

"At that time, Fish-Man Island was struggling to survive in the cracks of darkness. It was not until the Whitebeard Pirates arrived here more than ten years ago that they took Fish-Man Island under their control, and the situation was greatly improved. It is not that

No one has tried to change the relationship between Fishman Island and humans and let fishmen and mermaids see the light of day again. In recent years, there have been two representative figures, one of whom is the Queen of Fishman Island, Otohime, and the other

This is Mr. Tiger as we all know him."

"Ah... I know this. The former is trying to coexist peacefully with humans. If the latter hadn't met us... they probably wouldn't have joined the revolutionary army. They should be fighting humans somewhere now."

Kazan nodded, he still had some rough memories of these contents.

To be honest, both Otohime and Tiger are definitely great people on Fishman Island. Heroic figures who have always dedicated themselves to the race and justice are easily respected by others wherever they go. These two people are

There are a large number of followers and admirers on Fish-Man Island.

Even if what they do is naive or impossible.

"Well, three years ago was another major change in Fish-Man Island.

Because the death of Queen Otohime caused Fishman Island to fall into riots again, Queen Otohime had been working hard to get the residents of Fishman Island to accept the idea of ​​peaceful coexistence with humans.

But because of her death, all the efforts were lost. The residents of Fishman Island can no longer accept peaceful coexistence with humans, and almost all residents stand against humans."

"Because Otohime was assassinated by humans?"

Kazan frowned and recalled for a moment, and he could vaguely recall some clues.

"According to the news, humans were responsible, but..."

"There are no witnesses, right?"


"It is impossible to determine whether humans were involved. The reason why humans are involved is simply because a few extreme guys framed it and framed it for humans, hoping to further worsen the relationship between the fish people and humans."

At this time, Aaron walked in from outside the door: "I'm sorry, Brother Kazan, for eavesdropping on your conversation, but let me talk about the Fish-Man Island."

"It doesn't matter. What happened to what you just said?"

"That guy Jinbe didn't see who assassinated the queen, but he deduced that it was someone with Devil Fruit abilities who did it.

Although none of our fish-men would be stupid enough to go back and eat Devil Fruits, we cannot rule out the possibility. Thinking that the person who assassinated the queen might be someone from the same race, Jinbei was very worried and did not express this inference. He was afraid that the fish-men island would be affected by this.

fell into a situation of cannibalism.

So we plan to investigate secretly ourselves and finally clarify everything."

"...Is that so?"

Kazan suddenly lowered his head after listening to Aaron's narration. Several villains vaguely appeared in his mind, but he completely forgot what they looked like.

"However, three years have passed. Not to mention that the investigation has yielded no clues. Instead, all the previous clues have been cut off. The matter has since been dropped. Until now, only Jinbei is continuing."


Kazan probably has an idea, but he has no plans to speak out directly. When the time comes, he and Jinbe will deal with it privately.

"Because of this incident, Fish-Man Island can now be said to exclude all humans except the Whitebeard Pirates and the Monster Family. Even the Whitebeard Pirates and the Monster Family have certain excessive and extreme Baga behavior.

Repulsive behavior and psychology.

If we meet then, I hope Brother Kazan will give me face and let me handle it, and I will definitely give you an explanation."

Aaron still cares very much about his compatriots. He is afraid that his compatriots will be killed because they are disrespectful to Kazan, so he specifically stood up to plead for mercy.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stingy."

Kazan himself doesn't care much. As long as he doesn't mess with his younger brothers and sisters, he won't mind at all.

"There should be only female mermaids left on Fish-Man Island now. One of them is not so repulsive to humans."


"Because the lower body of a female mermaid will turn into legs when she is thirty years old, and she will not be much different from a human by then. Many mermaids will choose to leave the fish-man island to intermarry with human men because they yearn for life on land.

The children they give birth to are also human beings, but they are better at water, so they don’t have to worry about revealing their identity as mermaids and can always live on land. With such a connection, they certainly won’t reject humans too much.”

"...Will fish and mermaids give birth to humans?"

"No, fishmen and mermaids will only give birth to fishmen or mermaids."

Aaron shook his head. In fact, he was not particularly clear about this aspect. After all, he was just a little bastard from Fish-Man Island with little knowledge. More specifically, he had neither learned nor practiced it.

"But children born from fishmen and mermaids may not inherit the race of their parents."

At this time, Robin picked up a book and shook it, showing a faint smile.

"There is such a thing."

Aaron nodded, this was common knowledge in their Fish-Man Island, and it was one of the few things he knew about this aspect.

"Since fish people and mermaids share a common ancestral genetic memory, the species of fish they were born into depends on the genes of their ancestral fish species many generations ago, and is not necessarily related to the species of fish their parents belonged to. Therefore, they are different to anyone's family.

You won’t be surprised to give birth to children with various postures. On the contrary, you are not able to adapt to the concept of terrestrial races that are accustomed to using appearance similarity to determine kinship. Is this what Aaron said?"

Robin was quite interested in this aspect, but because he had never seen it before, he still looked at Aaron with a little curiosity.

"Well, when I first went to sea and learned about this, both me and the brothers of the Sun Pirates felt quite strange about it."


Although Aaron thought there was no problem, Kazan frowned. He thought this problem was big.

Doesn’t this mean that you don’t even know if you have been cheated on by others?

What a miserable family.

"It is said that the creatures on Fishman Island can communicate with the fish under the sea. Is it true?"

Robin asked curiously again, pointing to a certain passage in the book in his hand.

Although many of the contents were mentioned in the book, she was not particularly convinced because she had not seen it with her own eyes. She had to confirm it in person before she could believe it.

"No, mermaids can communicate with fish, but only a very small number of us fishmen can."

Aaron shook his head and just gave a brief summary, without explaining this aspect in more detail.

Although he knew what was going on, he was afraid that if he spoke out, he would be disliked by Brother Kazan.

Because the fish people generally eat fish, they do not have the ability to communicate with fish. Only those fish people who regard fish as companions can.

Murlocs eating fish is like humans eating monkeys or baboons, which is a bit unacceptable.

Of course, it's just difficult for 'human beings' to accept it. This is not an unspeakable thing on their Fish-Man Island.

Next, Aaron and Robin told Kazan a lot of trivia about Fish-Man Island, allowing Kazan to understand Fish-Man Island to a certain extent.

"There are so many interesting things on Fish-Man Island~ I'm looking forward to it more and more."

Kazan listened to all kinds of unheard-of things said by Robin and Aaron, and it can be said that he was full of curiosity about Fish-Man Island at this moment.

This feeling of anticipation is the joy of adventure.

"Ahahaha, if that's the case, Brother Kazan must stay on Fish-Man Island for a while. We will welcome you very much."

Aaron was quite happy to see Kazan so interested in Fish-Man Island.

This was the first time that he felt sincerely happy because a human being was interested in his hometown.

"Okay, okay, let's stay for a while. It just so happens that I also have some things I want to know about on Fish-Man Island."

Kazan nodded, and this time his expression was mixed with something else. Robin could see it, but did not say anything, and just showed a mysterious smile that matched Kazan's.

For a time traveler like Kazan, Fishman Island is not an island that can be summed up in the past with just "interesting".

Fish-Man Island contains too many people and things related to the blank history of eight hundred years ago...

No, it should be said... Every location in the new world can be more or less related to the blank history of eight hundred years ago, but Fish-Man Island is a little more special among them.

Kazan could feel that something terrible would definitely happen during this trip to Fish-Man Island.

"Brother Kazan must stay at my house for a while. Every time I go home, my sister will ask me about Brother Kazan, which almost annoys me to death."

"Ho? You have a sister?"

Kazan smiled kindly and curiously. He really had no memory of Aaron having a sister.

Maybe he might have remembered it a little bit before, but now he really can't remember it at all.

"Ah, when I was fifteen years old, a guy who called himself my father brought that girl here. He is fourteen years younger than me. He must be twenty-two years old now. He is a pretty powerful guy."

"You are twenty-two years old. You are the same age as Ah Jin and one year younger than Monet and Robin. You are in the stage of youth and vitality."

Kazan is not that concerned about Aaron's sister, but he only cares a little bit because of Aaron.

He agrees with Aaron.

Just because Aaron has been with their monster family through life and death several times, and is almost half of the monster family, does not mean that he will identify with Aaron's family.

"Are you energetic? That may disappoint Brother Kazan. That girl is a homebody. She stays in the cafe she runs all day long and doesn't go anywhere."

"Eh? Emmm, that's quite cute. Robin is also a little homebody."

Kazan was stunned, thought for a moment, and didn't care much. Instead, he reached out and rubbed Robin's head.

Robin also stayed in the library and reading room reading every day, and hardly exercised, but Kazan still loved this sister very much.

Robin felt Kazan's touch on his head and just smiled. He did not resist or enjoy it. Even if he was happy in his heart, he would not show anything. He was very well-behaved and reserved.

In this aspect, Kazan is very proud. He believes that it is entirely his own cultivation.

"Well, all in all, brother Kazan, just don't have too high expectations for my sister. I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

"Is it really okay for you to say that about your little sister? I will tell her then that you, the elder brother, said a lot of bad things about her in front of me."

"Nani?! Brother Kazan...you..."

Aaron was obviously confused by Kazan's snitching. He never thought that Kazan, whom he admired and respected, had such a side.

"Pfft... Nissan, stop scaring Brother Aaron."

Robin looked at Aaron's stunned look, covered his mouth and smiled secretly.

"Is your reaction so big? Even if you find out, it won't matter. It's just a matter of complaining."

"This is not just a matter of complaining. That girl was very scary when she was angry when she was young. Most of the fishmen gangsters in Fishman Street did not dare to mess with her. This is not just because of my face.


"It's too exaggerated."

"...no exaggeration."

This chapter has been completed!
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