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Chapter 448. Brothers and Sisters Misunderstanding of Ghost Hands

In the deep sea outside Fishman Island.

"Cheer up, everyone! Maybe the monster family will arrive today!"

A blue-white male murloc wearing a standard military uniform, holding a red trident in his hand, and with long seaweed-like hair shouted loudly to the younger brothers behind him.

"Jones, you have been saying this for several days. It is not certain whether the monster family has left the Chambord Islands. How could they come so soon? In fact, you already knew that they could not come so soon.

That’s it.”

A strange fishman with black and white stripes all over his body and a relatively long neck glanced at Hody Jones with his arms folded in front of his chest.

Jones knew that what he said was indeed correct. He had just arrived at the Shampoo Islands not long ago. After all, he had to play for a while before going to the sea. It also took a while to reach Fishman Island from the sea. It was impossible to arrive now.

Because Fishman Island is located under the sea, it is very blocked from the flow of information on the sea. Only the use of telephone bugs can slightly improve the situation.

Except for the Sun Pirates and the Dragon Pirates, almost no one on Fishman Island knows what happened to the monster family in the Shampoo Islands.

"That's right, hiccup... they don't know us, so even if we arrive, we won't be able to talk to each other."

An orange fish-man with a wine gourd hanging around his neck, his face flushed, and his lower body the body of an octopus, said something vaguely.

"Stop talking nonsense! Just taking a look at that man from a distance is enough."

Jones didn't care what his companions said at all, he just wanted to meet the man who had been popular in Fishman Street since he was a teenager.

Of course it's best if you can talk to the other person, but it doesn't matter even if you can't.

He just wanted to feel what the man who had been protecting Fishman Street looked like in real life.

"Wait a minute, there's a ship coming ahead, it looks like the human ship Doss."

The long-faced fishman carried behind him looked warily in a certain direction ahead, where a ship larger than a medium-sized ship was slowly approaching.

Although this location is not far from Fish-Man Island and you can feel some light, you still can't see clearly the appearance of the ship in front.

"There's no flag, so I can't tell if it's the Monster family's ship. What should I do, Jones?"

A short red fishman with fangs tilted his head and looked at the leader, Hody Jones.

In fact, he had already assumed a fighting posture. After all, according to common sense, it was impossible for the monster family to arrive at Fish-Man Island at this time. He just asked to give Jones face.

"...Let's do it. Since they are humans, it is impossible to let them enter the island."

Jones frowned and stared at the ship ahead. He hesitated for a moment, and after considering what his companions had just said, he decided to take action.

"Mm hehe, I'll go first then."

"Be careful, Mu Xi."

Jones glanced at the fish-man with eight arms and holding eight red-tasseled guns and rushed out, then turned his head back and continued to stare at the ocean above, just looking forward to it stupidly.

"Then we'll go too."

Several other fishmen glanced at Jones, then looked at each other, and decided to have some fun. They followed Mu Xi in front and planned to take action together.

They are all the younger generation of Fishman Street, they are quite talented and their strength is on the rise.

Although their current strength is not considered strong in the entire sea, they are still at the level of the cadres in the Arlong Pirates.

Especially when fighting underwater, the combat effectiveness of tens of millions of bounties is still there.

Jones did not think that his companions would fail, so he did not take action together.

But after waiting quietly for five minutes, he realized something was wrong.

"Where are the people?"

Jones glanced in the direction just now. Five minutes had passed, but there was no movement at all.

If you are still fighting, there should be some sound coming from you.

If the fight is over, then no matter whether he wins or loses, those guys should come over and say something to him.

But now nothing has happened?

Moreover, the ship was getting closer and closer, and it was less than three or four hundred meters away from him.


Jones was a little hesitant now. He didn't know whether he should go there and have a look, or whether he should go back to Fish-Man Island and ask for help.

In his eyes ten years ago, he would have run away long ago.

His strength is not much stronger than that group of people. If they can't defeat him, he will probably die if he goes there.

However, things are different now, and changes in the living environment have also given him a chance to make amends for his immature views.

Now Jones doesn't want to give up on his compatriots, especially those who were his playmates who grew up together in Fishman Street.

"Is there someone here? Can you swim so fast underwater? Did you just come over to notify me after the battle?"

Seeing a figure jumping out from the ship and swimming over at an extremely fast speed, Jones was confused for a moment, and then relaxed a little.

After all, under the 10,000-meter sea, that kind of speed and swimming method are definitely not human, not to mention that there is a human ship on the opposite side.

In this case, they can only be their own compatriots.

"Hey, are you back?"

"Jones, you stupid little kid!"


Jones was stunned by the oncoming fist. Only after listening to the familiar voice in his ears and the last scene he saw before fainting did he know who it was.

"A...brother Aaron..."


Ten minutes ago, the sea was 10,000 meters below sea level.

"That's almost it. Once you get out of this current, you're already very close to Fish-Man Island."

Aaron stood on the deck of Caruso and looked back at the special sea current behind him, and then said something to Kazan next to him.

This is a 'special channel' that only they, who are familiar with creatures under the sea, know, and can speed up their journey to Fish-Man Island.

"Well, I can already feel a little light."

Kazan looked around and saw light coming from the sea ahead, allowing his naked eyes to slightly see the shadows of the huge rocks in the surrounding sea.

Almost all members of the monster family are here now.

After all, knowing that he was about to reach his destination, Robin used his power to call everyone to this place.

"It's a really dangerous place."

Robin glanced at the huge rocks on the seabed with interest, and she was very curious about everything under the sea.

If this place is still dark and no shadow can be seen, it will definitely be very bad for the hull.

Either it's too late to notice, or it's too late to turn, and then the ship will be destroyed and everyone will be killed.

Even if the ship is not destroyed, it will still lead to death if the membrane bubble on the ship breaks.

"In a place like this, if you meet someone serious, you will die. Many of our people here will not be able to show their fighting ability."

In fact, Tezzolo is still not used to life on this ship, but he is trying hard to integrate into this group.

And in his opinion, what he said was indeed correct.

It is surrounded by the sea, and more than two-thirds of the people on this ship have abilities.

"It doesn't matter. As long as Nissan is still there, we will be fine."

Monet raised his head and smiled, feeling a little proud, and leaned gently towards Kazan.

"Huh? Does Kazan have a way to isolate the sea water? My golden creation will fail when it encounters sea water."

When Tezzolo heard Monet's words, he thought of Kazan's ability to isolate the sea water so that he would not fall into a weak state.

But that's not what Monet said.

"Kazan is no longer an esper. He is still capable of fighting even if he enters the sea water."

When Feng Krei saw Tezzolo doing this, he knew that he had misunderstood, and he opened his mouth to explain.

"What? Isn't Kazan a user with the Steel Fruit ability? Speaking of which...it's been a long time since there was any news about your fruit ability in the sea."

Tezzolo was shocked!

He clearly remembered that Kazan had the ability of the Steel Fruit, even though he hadn't seen anything related to 'steel' in Kazan for a long time.

But when entering the battle state, the body becomes hot and the whole body is heated. Isn’t that the ability of the Steel Fruit?

"No, the Steel Fruit was swallowed up by it. It doesn't mean that it has completely disappeared, but it can be said that it has almost lost all its effects."

Looking at [Cyborg] in the personal panel, Kazan raised his ghost hand and explained a little.

Even if he explained it this way, other people wouldn't understand it very well.

"That arm of yours...does it have any special abilities?"

Tezzolo looked at Kazan's ghost hand a little strangely. He always thought Kazan's ghost hand was suffering from some kind of disease, but he didn't expect it to have such a terrifying ability to swallow Devil Fruit.

In that case, wouldn't Kazan be the nemesis of Devil Fruit users?

Next to him, Baccarat, Mr. Tanaka and even the younger siblings in the monster family were all curious about Kazan's ghostly hand.

Apparently they had previously thought that Kazan's ghost hand was a disease.

"Hmm... So you all think this way? I forgot to explain it to you."

Kazan looked at everyone and scratched his head. If he thought about it carefully, he had indeed never told his younger brothers and sisters about the ghost hand.

Only Robin had seen some scenes when Kazan first ate the Devil Fruit, so he had a vague understanding of the Ghost Hand.

"Well...it's indeed a disease. It's called 'Kazan Syndrome'."

"Eh? Is it named after Ni-chan? Is this the only one in the world? Is it some kind of poison? I don't feel any discomfort in my body."

As soon as the topic of illness came up, Reiju immediately leaned over and hugged Kazan's arm to study it hard.

Kazan could even feel that Reiju wanted to take a sip of his blood and try it for herself.

"It's probably just my case. It has nothing to do with poison. It's very dangerous. Don't be tempted."

Kazan took the ghost hand out of Reijiu's arms and stretched out a finger to tap the little girl's forehead as a warning.

"No, why did Reiku Oni-chan say that she didn't feel any discomfort in her body? Shouldn't she be asking Oni-chan?"

Kerra was obviously very worried about Kazan, her big moist eyes seemed to make her cry immediately as soon as Kazan said the word "uncomfortable".

"Reiju's blood... seems to be the blood from brother's arm, right?"

Bellamy also explained in a timely manner at this time that he had never paid special attention to the ghost hand, which was indeed strange now that he thought about it.

"The most critical question is...why did the cuff on Nissan's biceps fall off? I've always wanted to ask this question."

Robin's eyes were fixed on Kazan's biceps. She remembered what Kazan told her at the beginning. Those two things had the power to limit the ghost hand. If he lost it, he would go crazy.

"That's right, Kazan, when I first met you, you had two of them, right? The other one fell off while fighting Anilu on Sky Island."

Feng Clay's observation skills are also keen, and he was aware of this problem when he was on the space-time island.

But because Kazan had never taken the initiative to say it, he felt that Kazan didn't want to talk, so he didn't ask.

Looking at Kazan's appearance now, it seems that it's not that he doesn't want to talk about it, but that he simply forgot.

If this is the case, then he can ask the doubts in his heart without any scruples.

"Since we no longer have the power of Devil Fruit, where did Onii-chan's strange powers come from? Is it innate?"

Perona started to get curious while holding the little broken bear Kumasi. She had not thought about it so much originally, but when she heard everyone talk about it today, she suddenly became curious.

She wants to know everything about Onii-chan.

Granu also stared at Kazan without saying a word, as if waiting for an explanation. She had been with Kazan since she was a child, but she was so careless that she really didn't notice so many things.

As for the others, such as Dibaru, Motobalo, Willump and Ramos, who joined later, everyone was confused when they heard that.

"Wait, wait, wait! You asked me one by one. My mind was confused by your questions. I don't even know where to start."

Kazan looked at the younger brothers and sisters gathered around in a daze. There were too many questions at once, and his brain couldn't accept them.

"Let's wait until the Fish-Man Island is free to talk about these things. Several fish-men have come over, and it seems...they are looking for death."

Ah Jin, who had been silent and watching everything, raised the two Yashas in his hands, and looked at the figures approaching quickly in the dim sea ahead with a pair of dead fish eyes, as if looking at dead fish.

"Wait! That should be my compatriot, Brother Kazan, let me deal with it, and if you move too much, you may rupture the membrane."

Aaron followed Akin's gaze and looked over, intending to take a look at which of these reckless things they were.

As a result, he found that the opponent seemed not to be a human being. The speed and size were obviously that of a fishman, and the weapons in his hands and the familiar and vague figure made him feel like he was a few kid from Fishman Street.

"Well, you go ahead. Go back quickly and bring everyone here."

Kazan nodded hurriedly, as if he had found a savior. He had to delay for a while. Now his mind was confused and he needed to take a rest.

"Then, wait a moment."


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