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Chapter 32 Training

On May 15th, the Qing army in the Xuanfu area was divided into two groups and set out one after another. The first two thousand troops were composed of Han and Mongolian Eight Banners troops, and the leader was a Han named Wu Weihua.

He was born in Shuntian, after the former Ming Dynasty's obedient uncle Wu Yuncheng, and now he is the first eunuch of the Imperial Academy. His ancestors were originally Mongolians, and they submitted to the Ming Dynasty during the Yongle period, so they were given the surname "Wu" by Zhu Di.

After Dorgon entered the capital, Wu Weihua, as if meeting his ancestors, paid homage to Ma Shou and surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. He then recommended himself to Shan and Shaanxi to recruit for the Qing Dynasty.

This time the Qing army marched westward, with Aixinjueluo Azige, who had just been conferred the title of Prince Heshuoying, as the commander-in-chief and named General Jingyuan. They planned to capture Xuanda and then follow the Great Wall into northern Shaanxi to attack Li Zicheng.

Not long after Azige returned to Beijing after pursuing Li Zicheng, he was short of men and horses and was still repairing in Shuntian, so his eldest son Aixinjueluo Hedu was temporarily appointed as the commander-in-chief of the West Road for him and took charge of Xuanfu.

Wu Weihua was at the forefront, and Hedu was behind the pressure. Xuanfu easily captured Hedu, but Hedu could not help but underestimate the enemy. Li Zicheng was a rabble, so it was not a concern for him, so he ordered Wu Weihua to go to Datong first, and he would leave in a few days.


Wu Weihua knew that Hedu was addicted to women and made this arrangement just to prolong their relationship for a few more days, but he had no objection to this in his heart.

I think so, in Shanxi, especially in Xuanfu, Datong women are one of the best.

As the saying goes, where the soil and water support the people, Xuanda is located in the north of Saibei, where Han and Hu people live together. Most of the locals are descendants of the Tuoba clan, with Xianbei blood. Later, they intermarried with the Han and Mongolians, and there was no distinction between you and me.

Xuanda women have inherited the heroic character of their ancestors, and due to the mixed blood of multiple ethnic groups, they have exquisite facial features, agar-like skin and plump bodies, and are full of exotic charm.

It is only natural for men to linger here with Hedu.

Even so, Wu Weihua was still full of confidence in recruiting Datong. If he could win Datong without any bloodshed, it would be a great achievement.

As Wu Weihua's troops marched, Ye Bushou, who was in charge of the distant posts in the east of Datong Prefecture, gradually moved towards the city. There was a constant back and forth, and the Qing army's movements flew into the Ming army's camp like snowflakes.

Although inspected by sentries and cavalry, this group of Qing troops was small in number, only two thousand in number.

However, Jiang Quan still did not dare to take it lightly, and proposed to Chongzhen that five thousand troops should be deployed in Hongci Fort, Zhenhe Fort, and Gudian Town to form a triangular defense line with Fucheng in the north.

Chongzhen once surveyed the landforms around Fucheng based on his mountain and river maps. The two forts and one town mentioned by Jiang Quan are each located close to the mountains, making them easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Moreover, the distance between the three and the three to the capital is not far, making it easy for them to support each other.

The Qing army's direct attack on Datong had to pass through the Yuhe River, which was about a hundred feet wide. It was not easy to cross the river under the eyes of the Fucheng defenders.

If you want to cross the river from the upper reaches of Yuhe River, that is, to the north of Datong, the Ming army stationed in Erbao Town can also attack it halfway.

If the Qing army was not stupid, they would not have chosen to cross the river from the lower reaches and go around to the south of Fucheng to attack the city, because the Qing army, who did not know the actual situation in Fucheng, would think that they would be attacked by Taiyuan's subordinate troops.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Yu's proposal was indeed the best idea. Chongzhen suddenly thought of a question and asked casually: "Who do you plan to give command of these two forts and one town?"

"Your Majesty, what do you think of my brother?"

Calling Jiang Xuan's troops out of the city? After hearing this, Chongzhen couldn't help but think deeply. With Jiang Xuan's ability, it was easy for him to make any general, but...

Seeing that His Majesty was silent, Jiang Guan was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

"Besides him, are there any suitable candidates?"

"Although the general Wang Jin is not as good as my younger brother, he may be worthy of this post. By the way, your Majesty has met this person before. He is the one who drank when he was on duty at the east gate last time."

Jiang Quan's original intention was to promote his younger brother, and throwing out Wang Jinchao was just a cover, and he also tried to arouse Chongzhen's bad impression of Wang Jinchao.

"It will still take a few days to build the captives. Let me consider the matter of the general. Let me first dispatch the soldiers and food."

"No! In this case, I will retire first."

"Go ahead."

Chongzhen looked at Jiang Yu's leaving figure and shook his head slightly, hoping that things would not develop in the worst direction.

"Everyone is of one mind."

"Mount Tai can be shaken!"

"Only loyalty and righteousness."

"An angry bullfight!"

Outside the Song Mansion, which is now the residence of the emperor, Yang Bo is at the head of the team and Jiang Xuan is at the end, leading everyone in the regiment training camp to run in circles around the house.

With the help of Song Xiance, all the veterans and prisoners surrendered and were integrated into the regiment training camp. Adding the old and new, the total number of soldiers in the regiment training camp was 500.

As for what exactly Hu Mazi and Song Xiance talked about that night, only Chongzhen and Song Xiance know the details.

This regiment training camp was organized according to Chongzhen's wishes and only obeyed the orders of Chongzhen's "new army". After most of the daily extra training of running circles around the city, the regiment training camp still needed to continue additional training.

From Jiang Xuan's point of view, His Majesty seemed to have a high regard for the Qi family army, and most of his military training methods were based on this.

The soldiers in the regiment training camp are treated much better than the soldiers in the camp. Your Majesty selects the best to provide food and clothing. Even Jiang Xuan's servants feel inferior when they see them. This is not raising soldiers, this is raising a father.

Having said that, how can he be a real "adoptive father"? In addition to physical training, the regiment training camp also needs to practice mandarin duck battle formations and the use of weapons. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, the rest of the time is spent training.

Chongzhen's understanding of the Yuanyang Formation all came from Qi Jiguang's military books and lacked practical experience, so he called Jiang Xuan to help guide him.

Jiang Xuan has been in the army for many years and came from the frontier army, so he naturally has some understanding of Qi's army's formations, but the Yuanyang formation does not seem to be suitable for the current environment.

But seeing that His Majesty was so confident, Jiang Xuan didn't want to dampen his interest, so he just taught him everything he had.

"The Lord will kiss me."

"Better than parents!"

"You are violating military law."

"I am not free!"

"The order is clear."

"Letter of reward and punishment!"

"Go to the fire and water."

"Dare you stay too late?"

"Report to the emperor to come down to rescue the head of Guizhou, kill all the captives, and find a marquis."

The song everyone sang was "The Song of Victory" written by Qi Jiguang. Chongzhen changed the Japanese pirates into Jianlu. They sang it together during training, slowly cultivating the soldiers' faith.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are fights in the rivers and lakes. In a place like the army, where blood has reached its peak, fights are commonplace.

As new members joined the regiment training camp, it naturally divided into two groups. One group was the retired veterans headed by Hu Mazi, and the other group was the farmers recruited by Yang Gao and was headed by one of the young men named Zhao Adi.

The two gangs fought endlessly every day. The old soldiers looked down on the farmers, and the farmers regarded the old soldiers as thieves.

Yang Boxian was troubled by this and went to Chongzhen to ask what to do.

Soldiers can fight only if they are aggressive. Chongzhen was happy to see the success and told Yang Boxian to go ahead as long as the training was not delayed and no lives were lost.

Yang Boxian was worried that he could not manage it, so Chongzhen appointed Song Xiance as the supervisor of the army and went to help manage the regiment training camp.

After the extra training today, Song Xiance followed Chongzhen's wishes and asked Jiang Xuan to hold a wrestling match in the camp. After Jiang Xuan heard the rules, he quickly asked Song Xiance whose idea it was.

"Of course it was His Majesty's idea."


Jiang Xuan secretly admired it. His Majesty's move could be described as killing three birds with one stone. It could not only vent the "blood energy" of these soldiers, but also train the soldiers' close combat skills with bare hands. It even had certain educational significance.

"Your Majesty is wise and I am ashamed of myself."

"Alright Sir Jiang, I will help you bring your admiration to His Majesty. Sir Jiang, please hurry up and take care of it." Song Xiance joked with a smile.

Jiang Xuan clasped his fists and directed the soldiers to set up the field.
This chapter has been completed!
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