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Thirty-fourth quiet night

Seeing that His Majesty was here in person, everyone hurriedly came to pay their respects.

Chongzhen didn't come just to listen to their flattery. He sent everyone away and let them go back to their respective places for a few more games.

With His Majesty watching the battle, the emotions were different. The soldiers in the regiment training camp were in high spirits and rushed to ask the captain to let them play.

So Jiang Xuan had to lead Group A, and Yang Bo first led Group B to select the players.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Chongzhen stopped where he was and looked at the noisy soldiers. Only Song Xiance stayed by his side. Perhaps his habit of flattering had returned, and he opened his mouth to express his congratulations to Chongzhen.

"What a joy."

"Today these soldiers are willing to fight for Your Majesty on the battlefield. How can they not die for Your Majesty on the battlefield tomorrow? Today, the new army has begun to show its power, all thanks to the emperor's merits. I am very happy." This is a good thing, but

It always felt weird to say it through Song Xiance's mouth, and his demeanor made Chongzhen get goosebumps.

"Go and do business."

"Yes, Wei Chen resigns."

Chongzhen watched three shows and left quietly during the fourth show.

The overall situation of the team training camp was not bad. Since Jiang Xuan, Yang Boxian, and Song Xiance were put together without any problems and the cooperation was pretty good, he could deal with other things with peace of mind.

Chongzhen left the battlefield and rode alone to the government office. Since he dismissed his personal soldiers, he no longer had any bodyguards to accompany him.

Wang Cheng'en was often worried when he saw this, and even complained to His Majesty about this matter. The emperor's safety is a matter of concern to the whole world, how could Long Live Lord be so careless.

Chongzhen said, "Everyone knows that I have done great things." Wang Cheng'en was speechless and had nothing to say. He had no choice but to send a secret agent from the Imperial Detective Division to follow him secretly.

Since Sun Xuanhuai took over the government affairs in the city, he has been writing documents every day and has never returned home. He has room and board in the government office.

The livelihood of the people in Shanxi is ruined, their fields are abandoned and their children are sold, there is a shortage of money, food, salaries and military equipment, and there is a shortage of officials and officials in every county.

"Even if His Majesty only asks me to handle the internal affairs of the city, you can't just turn a blind eye to these issues."

When he thought of this, Sun Xuanhuai looked solemn and started writing, intending to draft a memorial and submit it to His Majesty.

"Xingsheng, are you still busy with official duties so late?"

Sun Xuanhuai heard someone shouting his name. Listening to the voice... when he raised his head, it turned out that it was His Majesty who was coming.

Sun Xuanhuai was so flattered that he stood up to bow four times and said: "Your Majesty is so courteous, how can a humble minister accept it?"

His name was originally given to his father, but now His Majesty calls him by his name as if he were an equal. How could Sun Xuanhuai not be frightened by such treatment?

Chongzhen accepted his gift and said jokingly: "Now Datong, including me, all depend on you, Xingsheng, for food, clothing, housing and transportation. Why can't you afford it? If you want me to think that this is an incompetence of talent, how about I promote you to be the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs?"


"No, no, your majesty cannot do this. Sun is just a businessman. Thanks to the emperor's favor, he is temporarily acting as the head of the government office. He feels ashamed and embarrassed."

"There is no need to belittle yourself. The food and grass in the city have been arranged properly these days. I heard that you also purchased some supplies from Taiyuan?"

Sun Xuanhuai nodded and replied: "To be honest with your Majesty, I have previously married my daughter to the Chuang Army, so I have some connections in Taiyuan, and I used this to purchase a batch of supplies."

"What happened to the extra military supplies I asked you to prepare?"

"The five-foot-sized cloth strips required by Your Majesty have been made. The food and pots and helmets used for the march should be ready tomorrow. In addition, I have a question to ask Your Majesty, why do we need to prepare realgar?"

"Oh, I need to walk through the mountains and forests to prepare some realgar to prevent snakes and insects from biting me."

After hearing this, Sun Xuanhuai nodded lightly, so that's it.

"Realgar is an ordinary thing, and ordinary people will have some at home. It is easy to raise, so your Majesty can rest assured."

"Well, they must be prepared tomorrow and transferred to the camp to be handed over to Jiang Xuan."

"I obey."


In the Sun family mansion, the concierge was dozing off. He heard someone knocking on the door. When he opened the door, he saw that it was the master who had not returned for a long time. He quickly followed the madam's instructions and shouted in the courtyard at the top of his lungs: "Madam, young master! The master is back."


Sun Xuanhuai only married his first wife, Sun Li, and they had a son and a daughter. The son's name was Liancheng, and he was crowned when he was over sixteen.

When the concierge shouted, the lights in Sun's house were lit up, and Mrs. Sun Li came to greet her with her son and servants behind her.

Sun Xuanhuai was a little dissatisfied when he saw his family having such a big fight in the middle of the night, and scolded the concierge.

"I followed the example of Dayu who passed through the house three times without entering. When we got home, we were not allowed to catch the wind and wash away the dust. If you ask me, the noise was not big enough. I went to fetch the gongs and drums and beat them for the neighbors to listen to.

"Sun Li stood aside and joked.

The concierge, who had been replaced by a small pair of scissors, said yes and really ran to find the gongs and drums.


Sun Xuanhuai looked at his son and pointed at Sun Li.

"You, you!" After saying that, he shook his head and walked inside.

"What are you still doing? Go and prepare the food and drinks." Mrs. Sun Li dismissed the servants and followed her son into the main hall.

Sun Xuanhuai sat on the imperial chair, drinking tea and saying nothing.

When Mrs. Sun Li saw him returning home and not saying anything, she thought something bad had happened to her and asked, "Are you sulking at us?"

"This style is terrible, please restrain yourself from it in the future."

When Sun Li heard this, she became anxious. What did she say? She said: "Well, you Sun Dabang, you have found a new love just a few days outside. When you come back to the house, you dislike me for coming, right? I will fight with you."


Mrs. Sun Li pinched Sun Xuanhuai. She had been separated for a long time, and she missed him too much, so she became arrogant and unreasonable.

"Liancheng is still here, how do you behave?"

When Mrs. Sun Li heard her son's name, she became even more excited. She pretended to cry and said, "Son, your mother's life is miserable. She has been divorced after being the husband and mother of her son for so many years!"

Sun Liancheng burst out laughing from the side, and when his father heard the sound and looked at him, he quickly looked serious.

"Foolish woman! I have something serious to say. Liancheng, please go back to the house first."

"Yes, father."

After Sun Liancheng left, Sun Xuanhuai looked at Sun Li and said seriously: "Why don't you sit down and look at you? Have you been calm for a while?"

Strangely, Mrs. Sun Li suddenly became like a rabbit that had made a mistake. She sat obediently on the other side, sticking out her tongue and waiting for her husband to lecture her.

The two were childhood sweethearts who had a deep relationship. After being married for many years, they still have such a scene, as if they were newly in love yesterday.

Sun Xuanhuai couldn't help but show his face. He just had a son and his servants were here, so he naturally wanted to maintain the majesty of the master's family. Now that they were alone with each other, he no longer put up a guard. The husband and wife were living in the same room, and their love for each other became more and more intimate.

After having enough food and wine, the couple shared the bed and talked at night.

"Do you want to hear what Long Live Lord said to me today?" Sun Xuan hugged Sun Li, and Sun Li wrapped her hands around his neck.

"What words?"

"Long live the Lord said that he would promote me to be the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs."

"Ah? You agreed?

"Of course I didn't respond. I just wanted to say this and listen to it."

"Then what does Long Live Lord mean?"

"Alas, the situation in the court is unclear at the moment. Long live the Lord just wants to reassure me."

"Our wife can't understand your convoluted words. I'd better calm down my wife's heart first."

"Miss you, Master?"

"Of course I do, um, be gentle."

The moon is shining brightly, and I hope the quiet night will always be there.
This chapter has been completed!
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