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Gui Zi Scroll Chapter 574: Storms in the Forbidden Palace, Changes in Seizing Power

 At this time, Feng Ziying was certain that this was definitely a premeditated "rebellion."

However, this rebellion was personally organized by the emperor.

He wants to create a rebellion among the scholar-officials and take back the power he thinks belongs to him from the scholar-officials!

He can even be sure that when the queen leaves the palace, it means the emperor is leaving the palace!

Once the emperor entered the Fifth Army Camp, the chaos would quickly escalate to a climax.

With the Emperor card, the main forces of eight of the twelve divisions of the Five Military Camps are direct descendants of the enemy, and can easily control the situation.

Coupled with the Fourth Guards Battalion of the Third Guard Army, 70% of the military power in the city is controlled by them, and they have the final say in the entire capital city.

Whether it is the Xuanfu Army or the Jizhen Army, the nearest one is hundreds of miles away. Is it still too late to wait until the order from the Ministry of War is passed?

Moreover, when faced with the confrontation between the emperor and the cabinet, would the Xuanfu Army and Jizhen Army, as well as Ma Chengxun and You Shigong, side with the cabinet without hesitation?

It's really hard to say.

Feng Ziying was even sure in her heart that Ma Chengxun and You Shigong would only be impartial, pretend to be deaf and mute, do nothing, and sit back and watch the situation change.

Until these people in the capital city decide the winner, they will stand on the side of the winner.

Even if I gave You Shigong an order to lead troops into the city to "quell the rebellion", I'm afraid there would be no good results.

Because there is a question that I can’t figure out: who is the “rebel”?

I'm afraid that the phrase "Qing Junzi" sounds more beautiful in the minds of warriors, right?

The emperor can make unscrupulous promises at will, rebuild the Governor's Palace or the Privy Council, overthrow the national policy of using civil society to control military affairs, and make military men and civil servants equal, but what about the civil servants in the cabinet?

Do you dare to promise this?

Military people have a deep-rooted distrust and even hostility towards civil servants. Even their own father, who is the son of a third-rank minister, still harbors resentment.

No one likes an outsider to command an expert, no one is willing to fight life and death on the battlefield, and the final credit or even fate has to be decided by outsiders, and no one doesn't hate sitting on the side wall for decades and accumulating merit in the face of a read-only

But you still have to nod and bow in front of literati who have studied for a few years, and they can even send you to hell with a single order.

I have to say that Emperor Wan Tong chose a very good time.

The Ministry of Punishment and Long Jinwei have been investigating and arresting the White Lotus Cultists during this period, and the White Lotus Cultists happened to have connections with many people in the Fifth Army Camp, and this hostility and anger was ignited.

But now the adjustment of the Jingying and Shangsanqinjun has not been in place. Qiu Shiben was very dissatisfied with not being able to take over as the deputy envoy of the Jingying Festival, and the arrival of Xiao Ruxun cut off his last thoughts. He had five military camps in the Jingying.

The dominance of one family gave him the possibility of rebellion.

In order to avoid the shock of the adjustment of the Shangsanqinjun too much, the cabinet did not agree to adjust Miao Zhuang, Liao Junxiong, and Du Keli at the same time, leaving Du Keli transferred from the Warrior Battalion to take charge of the Fourth Guard Battalion, the direct line of the Warrior Battalion.

He was also transferred to the Fourth Guard Camp, which also left a big problem.

Du Keli and Gao Wenxiu would not have guessed that their stay in office is just a transition. Once the situation matures, it is inevitable that they will be adjusted out of the Third Guard Army. This will change from the Standard Guards and the Warrior Battalion to Long Jinwei or people from the northwest. You can see it.

Under such circumstances, if Emperor Wan Tong promised huge profits, the other party would not be tempted.

At this time, Feng Ziying was extremely anxious, but she could not show any worry or fear. Although He Zhisheng was reliable now, but once he found that the situation was extremely dangerous, it was hard to say whether he would have other ideas. The Shoushan Bo He family was also born in Wuxun. .

"Is Xiyuan Gate, Lingxing Gate and Qianming Gate okay?" These three gates are the three gates from the Imperial City to enter the palace city, but they are all small gates and do not have much defensive capabilities.

"Don't worry, sir, these three gates are guarded." He Zhisheng hadn't thought of that much yet, "Actually, as long as the Xihua Gate is guarded, they won't even think about getting out."

"Humph, what if someone comes in from outside?" Feng Ziying sneered.

He Zhisheng was surprised: "There are still four guards guarding the Xi'an Gate outside."

Feng Ziying cast a sidelong glance at the other party, and He Zhisheng was startled. He immediately responded and his face became even paler: "Sir, you mean..."

"Everything is possible. The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the rough and turbulent know the sincere minister. The more this time, the more it can be seen whose performance is more worthy of attention." Feng Ziying snorted in her nose, "You and Zhang Jin just control the palace. Guard the door, I asked Lu Song to go to the Meridian Gate. I will come to you, and the cabinet has already informed Ye Xiang and the others, so keep calm. As long as people can't get out, it's no big deal."

"The Fifth Army Camp and the Fourth Guards Camp..." He Zhisheng said bitterly. The strength of the Fifth Army Camp was not comparable to that of the Standard Guards and the Warriors Battalion. It was easy to crush his own troops.

"So what about the fifth military camp? Qiu Shiben is also the eighth battalion, Tu Wenxiu has two battalions, Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen have two battalions, and the Shenshu Camp and the Shenji Camp are still there." Feng Ziying said calmly: "Half an hour ago I We have already arranged for people to go to Huairou and Pinggu. Huang Degong's troops are stationed in Huairou and Zuo Liangyu's troops are stationed in Pinggu. Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu's cavalry can arrive at the capital city at most tonight."

Feng Ziying's words were half true and half false, but he had to encourage He Zhisheng to strengthen his confidence.

Huang Degong's troops are indeed in Huairou. It is estimated that Huang Degong will be able to arrive in Huairou in the morning. However, he does not know whether he can get out of the city smoothly. When leaving the city, it depends on whether Huang Degong is in Huairou. Besides, he wants to unite his army. It is difficult to reach the capital tonight. Maybe, it would be good if we could get here tomorrow morning.

As for Zuo Liangyu's troops who were in Pinggu three months ago, they have now moved their troops to Jiangjunshi, which is at least fifty miles away from Pinggu. It will be quick if they can get here the day after receiving the order.

These are the only two departments that You Shigong can directly mobilize. After all, they were promoted by himself. He is even a little worried about Huang Degong, but Zuo Liangyu is fine.

It would be difficult to mobilize other troops in Jizhen without the help of Commander-in-Chief You Shigong. Not to mention whether You Shigong obeyed orders or not, the delay in the process made it impossible for other troops in Jizhen to catch up.

It can be said that the situation in the capital city must come to a conclusion tomorrow at most, and it cannot be delayed for too long.

Hearing Feng Ziying's arrangement, He Zhisheng felt at ease immediately.

Huairong and Pinggu are the closest places to the capital city, only a few dozen miles away. Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu are currently the two most powerful troops in Jizhen. Not only are they the first to change their self-made fire guns,

It is also equipped with horses, known as horse-mounted fire guns. Although it cannot be said to be comparable to cavalry in terms of maneuverability, it is much faster than traditional fire guns.

"Bang! Bah! Bah!" Three gunshots rang out, and the interior manager, who was showing off his power, was spitting everywhere. Blood holes appeared on his forehead, chest, and neck. Before the frightened look on his face could fully emerge, he was hit by the huge impact.

He fell to the ground due to the force.

The shooting accuracy of the eagle-billed gun can still be guaranteed at a distance of less than fifty steps. To be on the safe side, He Zhisheng fired three shots at a time.

Seeing Manager Su, who was originally so full of life and energy, suddenly fall to the ground, splashing dust all over the ground, and the more than 20 servants who followed him aggressively let out shrill screams, the whole camp was shaken for a while, and they didn't know what to do.

This was one of the most favored stewards in front of the emperor, second only to Steward Cui. Who would have thought that he would be shot dead right in front of Xihua Gate.

A cold and rough voice sounded: "Su Desheng colluded with the White Lotus Sect in the city, intending to deceive and kidnap the emperor. He started an uprising today and will be executed under the military order of the Ministry of War. The rest of the people are all coercive and kneel down immediately to wait for the military order, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"

Dozens of soldiers armed with swords, shields and spears quickly formed a formation and surrounded them. The gaps exposed on both sides were filled with soldiers from the Warrior Battalion holding fire cannons and aiming at them. Once the order was given, they would all be shot here.

With a "plop", the first two chambermaids' trouser legs had already been wet with incontinent urine, and they knelt down. Then more than twenty chamberlains knelt down one after another with a "plop, plop", with their faces on the ground.

I didn’t dare to say more than half a sentence.

They followed Prince Uizada into the palace. Have they ever experienced such a formation?

Kill as you say, without any room for maneuver. Is this still in the palace?

Seeing this scene, He Zhisheng finally breathed a sigh of relief and ran over to ask for instructions: "Sir, what should we do next?"

"Guard the Xihua Gate and Donghua Gate. No one is allowed to enter or exit. Send another 300 people in to seal off the Qianqing Palace and the Kunning Palace. No one is allowed to enter or leave. No matter who it is, the emperor may be kidnapped or kidnapped.

It is controlled by drugs, so until the cabinet order comes, it will be ignored."

In the last few words, Feng Ziying had already raised her voice so that the surrounding soldiers could hear it, and then she gave the order: "Send absolutely reliable people over, do you understand?"

Qianqing Palace and Kunning Palace were the emperor's residence and the palace where government affairs were handled daily. He Zhisheng naturally knew what Feng Ziying said.

"In addition, immediately order people to strengthen the defense of Xiyuan Gate and Lingxing Gate. If they cannot be defended, try to delay as much time as possible..."

After arranging all this, Feng Ziying quickly rushed to the Meridian Gate to meet with Lu Song.

Feng Ziying is not worried about Lu Song.

When Emperor Wan Tong chose Gu Cheng, it meant that Lu Song had no choice but to stand with the civil servants in the cabinet. Although he was not necessarily willing to go the same way as the civil servants in his heart, he had no choice.


The situation on Zhang Jin's side is relatively stable, but the faint sound coming from the west should be that the Fourth Guards Battalion has been activated.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

Feng Ziying took a deep breath. He didn't know what the Fifth Army Camp would do. But one thing he was sure of was that with such an abrupt launch, Emperor Wan Tong, Qiu Shiben, and the White Lotus Sect might not be able to do anything.

What a tacit understanding, this is our own opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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