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T-Scroll Chapter 68: Taking into account both public and private

 Emperor Yonglong breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Feng Qing, according to what you said, let the Jiangnan maritime merchants bring their ships to open up the Liaonan-Denglai route first, and the imperial court can give them access to North Korea and Japan.

Trade privileges, and at the same time allow Jiangnan ship merchants to come to Denglai and Liaonan to build shipyards. The imperial court can support it by donating land, ordering naval orders and bank loans..."

The emperor was still clear-headed, and Feng Ziying felt relieved. As long as the other party understood the truth, it would be much easier to persuade or reach a consensus.

"Reporting to your Majesty, this is exactly what I mean. In fact, the most important thing is the shipbuilding ability and the fighting ability of our naval fleet after it is completed. We also need to have the shipbuilding ability. Even if the ship is destroyed and sinks, we can rebuild it, and the fighting ability is directly related to the shipbuilding ability.

Determine whether we can control the trade between North Korea and Japan. As long as we are strong enough, we can fight another war with Japan for this, but if we fight again, it will not be in North Korea, but on Japan’s own land. In the future, we may even

You can compete with the Xiyi people for the benefit of the Zhou Dynasty..."

Emperor Yonglong heard the implicit message. In the future, the naval fleet will not only escort and protect the transportation route from southern Liaoning to Denglai, but also become a weapon for development and conquest in the future. If anyone is unwilling to accept it, the Great Zhou Navy Fleet can use its own

ability to force the other party to accept.

Although he knew it was still a bit far away, Emperor Yonglong couldn't help but long for that scene first.

"Feng Qing, I can't help but be moved by the beautiful picture you painted for me." Emperor Yonglong said leisurely, "I can give you the greatest support, but don't let me down."

Feng Ziying hurriedly stood up and saluted, "I must devote all my energy to this matter until my death."

"Yeah." Emperor Yonglong was very satisfied with Feng Ziying's excited expression. He looked like a newly promoted young man who was deeply excited by the emperor's favor.

Previously, Emperor Yonglong always felt that this guy was too calm and mature, so that he always regarded him as his peers with Zhang Jingqiu, Chai Ke, Cui Jingrong and other ministers, but he felt uncomfortable after realizing it.

"Feng Qing, I feel that you still have unfinished business in the palace regarding the Silver Village. Please tell me."

Emperor Yonglong finally returned to the topic he was most concerned about. He felt that Feng Ziying attached great importance to this bank as much as the strategy of opening up the sea, and he should have many ideas, but Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe were not too impressed.


"Your Majesty clearly knows that this bank is indeed a key to the strategy of opening up the sea. It is not just in the shipbuilding industry. My intention is that this bank will not be limited to this company, nor will it be limited to a certain industry, but should become a

A source of support and support that is beneficial to the growth of key industries in the Greater Zhou Dynasty.”

Feng Ziying originally wanted to use the words engine and multiplier to describe it, but she quickly took it back as she couldn't even explain these two words if she really wanted to say them out.

"Oh?" Emperor Yonglong became more and more interested, "Feng Qing, please tell me in detail."

"I am thinking that the merchants from the north are going to build a shipyard. Even if the Ministry of Industry allocates some craftsmen to them, and even if the court allocates land to them free of charge, they still need to build their own shipyard and recruit a large number of people who are familiar with it."

The craftsmen and technicians must be brought over from Jiangnan, which is indispensable..."

"..., this expense will be huge, no more than businessmen who come here for profit. These craftsmen and technicians live in the south all year round. The biggest problem is to get them to come to the north to get used to their living habits and family relationships. They can earn money anywhere.

If they get the same wages, they will definitely not be willing to go north, so they will have to offer higher wages, even several times..."

"And this is still not enough, because our naval fleet no longer wants a simple Fu Chuan Guang Chuan, but a fleet of ships that can compete with the Xiyi people. This means that in the early stage, we may build Fu Chuan first.

Guangzhou, but in the end we need a naval fleet that can sail far away at will. We in the Zhou Dynasty do not have the technical talents in this area, and we are not even familiar with many shipbuilding techniques and principles, so we need to go to the Xiyi people.

To recruit such craftsmen and technicians, it is necessary to prepare quite a few students and apprentices for them..."

"..., that is a very complicated and expensive process. If those Western craftsmen traveled thousands of miles to come to our Zhou Dynasty, what are they planning? It must be for profit. The cost must be huge, and it also involves

A large number of interpreters are needed, which also requires support from the court and a lot of training..."

The more Emperor Yonglong listened, the more frightened he became, but at the same time, the more he listened, the more at ease he felt.

This shows that the young man in front of him is not just talking on a whim, but has already spent time and effort on this issue. He has considered it so thoroughly that it cannot be figured out in a month or two.

"Feng Qing, according to what you said, there is a long way to go to build a naval fleet that has always satisfied me." Emperor Yonglong couldn't help but sigh.

"Your Majesty, I have just talked about the many difficulties involved. I want to ask the Emperor to understand that although such matters cannot be left undecided, we cannot expect them to be solved overnight. This requires a process and time, but it is related to our great Zhou Dynasty.

The national destiny of Liaodong, North Korea and Japan, as well as the future trade with Nanyang and Western Yi after the opening of the sea, are of great importance. If these businessmen are willing to come to Denglai and Liaonan to build a palace that meets the standards of the imperial court,

The navy fleet must give them the greatest support. The court orders orders, pays a deposit in advance, and then the bank lends support, and supports them in all aspects..."

Emperor Yonglong nodded, "But Second Minister Ye Fang does not agree with the imperial court's involvement in this bank. What are Feng Qing's plans?"

"My initial plan was to have the Ministry of Accounts buy shares, even if it was just a symbolic shareholding, but the cabinet ministers may not be too optimistic about it. Well, I also suggested to Mr. Cui that we could consider setting up such a bank in Yangzhou.

Yangzhou is the place where salt merchants gather all over the world, and it is also where the canal and the Yangtze River converge. It is the most prosperous city in the world, and it is a natural place for banks. It would be good if the household department can invest in it, but it cannot open an account even if it deposits 100,000 yuan.

Two hundred thousand silver coins, well, I also plan to persuade my parents to invest my own money in this bank to show trust and support..."

"Oh?" Emperor Yonglong was quite surprised. It was really rare for a minister to dare to express his attitude directly in front of him, and to reveal his family's assets.

Feng Ziying didn't care. In this era, the assets of an official's family would never be the reason for liquidation.

There are only two reasons for being purged. Either the political alignment is wrong. Of course, this political alignment covers from high to low. You cannot expect a county magistrate to rise to the position of changing the position of Prime Minister and Fu of the DPRK. Maybe it is a certain Chief Minister.

The envoy, the envoy or the chief military officer, or a certain minister or the censor of the capital, if the principal loses power and is liquidated, will also be implicated below.

Either he is incompetent and his corruption causes public outrage. This kind of official is considered imbecile.

Among them, the former is the main one, while the proportion of the latter is relatively small, and most of them are unimportant people, such as Jia Yucun in the early stage.

What's more, is it really possible to be a vegetarian as a forbidden dragon?

Feng Ziying knew very well that in a family like hers, where her father was the commander-in-chief of a town, he himself was the target of Long Jinwei. He even gave his father and himself a few horses and bags from Bu Shitu and Su Nangtaiji.

It's hard for gold sand to be hidden from Long Jinwei's eyes and ears, let alone the various livelihoods at home?

So if you are worried that your family background will be discovered by the court and you are worried, there is really no need to worry.

Look at the former Chief Minister Shen Yiguan, look at the former Governor of Jiliao Li Chengliang, look at the current Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, which one of them either has a lot of fertile land at home, a mansion like a cloud, and is surrounded by beautiful maids, or it is difficult for him to come forward to run something?

Earn a living, but how can they not lose their share of the various businesses in the family?

Even if former chief ministers and senior generals like Shen Yiguan and Li Chengliang are not favored by Emperor Yonglong, the family will not be liquidated after becoming official or dying of illness, as long as you don't get involved with those who shouldn't get involved.


"Your Majesty, if even I, the instigator, refuses to set an example, how can I convince others? I also plan to lobby the salt merchants in Yangzhou so that they can also support me in this matter.

Once, this is not only support for the imperial court's strategy, but it will also bring them rich rewards in the future. Of course, it may be difficult for them to believe it, and more people will think that I want to beat them."

Feng Ziying and Emperor Yonglong both laughed. At this time, it is undoubtedly a fantasy to ask those salt merchants who believe in keeping their wealth secret and would rather hide their money in the ground for a lifetime to use their money to invest in the silver village. Without some other means, it is difficult to let them do so.

They surrendered.

"Haha, Feng Qing, these Yangzhou salt merchants are quite capable. They can reach the sky." Emperor Yonglong said meaningfully.

He didn't believe that Feng Ziying didn't know what was behind this. It was impossible for Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia and even Feng Tang to hide all this from this rising star who had already begun to make a name for himself.

"I understand, so I am also going to lobby the princes and Niu Gong, um, to ask them to believe in and support Yinzhuang. If they and more people support it, I think this matter will go much smoother." Feng Ziying said in "More

The words "many people" are slightly emphasized.

"Is there anything else?" Emperor Yonglong didn't seem to hear anything, but Feng Ziying didn't believe it.

"Well, I still want to lobby those salt merchants, and of course I have to take advantage of some influence. In addition to the influence of the imperial court, I also have to take advantage of the salt transfer envoy Si Yamen in the Huaihe River." Knowing that he couldn't hide it, he Feng Ziying did not intend to hide it, "The daughter of Duke Lin is destined to be with me, and thanks to the emperor's great love, he was granted the title of Marquis of Hulun, my uncle, and he was given the title of Marquis of Hulun. My family is extremely grateful, so I have become engaged to the daughter of Duke Shen, the prefect of Dongchang Prefecture. Let the daughter of the Shen family enter the Feng family's eldest house, and the descendants of the Feng family will inherit the eldest house of the Feng family in the future. However, I want to recruit the Lin family, and let the daughter of the Lin family enter the third house of the Feng family, which is the main house..."

This chapter has been completed!
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