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Chapter 99: The King Comes to Patrol (1)

Zhao Si's words left everyone speechless, but they still insisted on admonishing, please His Highness never put yourself in danger.

Zhao Si said slowly: "I know you are doing my best. But if you don't go deep into the front line and talk face to face with the soldiers at the front, how can I know their hardships? If you don't survey the mountains and terrain with your own eyes, how can I know their hardships?"

Is it not easy? Only through on-the-spot investigation can I grasp the most real situation and make the most appropriate decision."

Zhao Si looked around at the crowd and continued, "Everyone, I am not rushing around to patrol various places to show off my power and show off my pomp. Our group, all cavalry, travel lightly and simply, keeping the route and destination secret, just like marching to fight.

Generally. What dangers are there? What dangers are there?"

Yao Lin and others looked at each other, speechless.

After a while, Yao Lin finally said: "I personally selected a thousand cavalry and took my nephew Yao Gu to escort the king."

"No, General Junrui. I appreciate your kindness. You are well-known, and many spies from the Hexi family must know you. Your target is too big, and it is easy to attract people's attention. It is better to stay in Weizhou and cover for me.


Zhao Si immediately thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, "Well, under the banner of my king, General Junrui and Zhang Gong will first stay in Pingliang City for a while, and then pretend to escort the Xuanwei envoy to Qinzhou and other places for inspection.

Secretly, in the name of the inspection team of the Xuanwei Envoy Division, I moved stealthily."

"There is no need for a thousand men. I have four hundred guards and followers, plus six hundred cavalry, to make up to one thousand. They can be divided into two teams to coordinate with each other and hide their presence. There are three generals: Zhong Jianzhong, Yao Gu, and Wang Shunchen.

Just lead the team."

Yao Lin thought about it and felt that this was the best arrangement, so he nodded and agreed.

They all knew the temper of His Highness King Jian, and it was difficult for him to change his decision without sufficient reasons. It was better to arrange things more appropriately.

From August 15th to 17th, more than 200 mid-level officers from Zhao Si, Qin Feng, and Jingyuan met either collectively, discussed in groups, or interviewed individually.

At the same time, he rode quickly towards Huanqing and Yanyan.

On the morning of August 18th, Li Fang got up early and stood at the door holding the national map of the "Tianxia Map of Prefectures and Counties". The person who finished the work for him was a confidant who was accompanying him.

Pingliang City is not big, and the residence of Zhao Si's Xuanwei envoy is very simple. There is only a door in the backyard of where he lives and the front yard where Wang Zhen and others live.

Just this morning, in addition to Wang Zhen, Gao Shixuan, Hu Luxiong, Liu Fa, Yang Keshi, Zhe Yanzhi, and Yang Zongmin who came as usual to accompany Zhao Sichen in training, there was also Yao Lin leading his nephews Yao Gu and Zhong Pu.

Leading Zhong Jianzhong, Wang Shunchen came to "report in".

Yao Lin had long heard that King Jian "dances upon hearing the rooster" every day, and would insist on morning exercises no matter the wind, rain, snow or frost. So he and Zhong Pu brought their nephew here early.

Everyone stood at the entrance of the courtyard and happened to see and hear the three questions and answers.

"Zhao Si! Have you forgotten the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun and the hometown of Lingwu?"

"Zhao Si doesn't dare to forget even for a moment—!"

"Zhao Si, do you want to be humiliated by the smell of fish in China and humiliated by sitting in a well and looking at the sky?"

"Zhao Si swears to death not to let it happen!"

"Zhao Si, do you still remember your ambition?"

"Enrich the people and strengthen the country, surpassing the Han and Tang Dynasties!"

Wang Zhen, Liu Fa and others had the opportunity to listen to it more than a dozen times, but they still looked solemn and emotional.

Yang Keshi, Zhe Yanzhi, and Yang Zongmin heard it less often, only two or three times. When they heard it again, their bodies trembled slightly and their eyes were red.

Yao Lin, Zhong Pu and others were startled when they saw and heard for the first time. Then their noses felt sore and their eyes swollen. After a while, hot tears fell down.

The Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, the hometown of Lingwu, these two names alone are the dream of thousands of people with lofty ideals in the Song Dynasty for hundreds of years. But as time goes by, this dream seems to be getting further and further away.

This morning, they heard these two names clearly.

They felt like there was a fire in their chests, burning so brightly that it could burn them and the land of Qinchuan and Longyou together.

They felt that their chests were filled with a ball of air, and they wished they could raise their heads to the sky and scream, penetrating the sun and the moon, to completely vent their excitement.

"Your Majesty will have these three questions and three answers every morning when he wakes up. Everyone, please do not let outsiders know!" Wang Zhen warned carefully.

"We know it, and we will never dare to leak even a word." Yao Lin and others replied categorically.

"I've met the king!"

"Are you all here? Okay, let's do some morning exercise together and set off immediately after breakfast."

"As you command!"

Zhao Si, under the escort of the Ba Dao Team, the Red Cavalry Yi Cong, and the 600 cavalry led by Zhong Jianzhong, Yao Gu, and Wang Shunchen, under the banner of the Second Inspection Team of the Shaanxi Sixth Route Xuanwei Envoy Division, traveled day and night.

, rushed to Gyeongju.

Zongze and Guo Yong rushed to Xizhou under the banner of the First Inspection Team of the Xuanwei Envoy Division, escorted by a thousand cavalry led by Guo Cheng and Li Xiaozhong.

Yao Lin, Liu Zhongwu and others, with three thousand cavalry, cheering in front and supporting behind, escorted "His Royal Highness King Jian" and Shaanxi Sixth Route Xuanwei Envoy Si Xingyuan to Qinzhou, Fengxiang inspected.

On August 20, Zhao Si and his entourage entered Gyeongju City, and that night held meetings, discussions, and interviews with more than two hundred mid-level officers summoned from Huanqing and Pouyan.

On August 22, Zhao Si and his party went north to Huanzhou.

On the same day, in Weizhou City, Shaanxi Sixth Road Xuanwei Deputy Envoys Chen Shixi and Guo Zhongxiao presided over the trial, and Yongxing Military Penal Prison Chang Anmin deputy interrogator was mentioned. Yanbian Five Roads Economic and Social Security Envoy Zhang Kai supervised the trial. On the major smuggling case, Baichuan

The major case and six other cases were declared closed.

Zhao Si had already made up his mind on how to judge. He gave instructions secretly and wrote a letter secretly, which was rushed to Kaifeng City and submitted directly to the officials.

Perhaps in the world right now, he is the person who best understands the thoughts of officials and knows how to persuade them.

Chen, Guo and others had also been persuaded by Zhao Si long ago, adopted his opinion, wrote the verdict, and sent the case files with gold-lettered plaques to Kaifeng City, traveling five hundred miles a day.

On the evening of August 22nd, Zhao Si and his party entered Tongyuan City in Huanzhou. On the 23rd, along the Baima River, they inspected Wulun, Suyuan, Huaiyuan and other villages.

On the 24th, I patrolled the border town and looked at each other across the ravine with the Xia army cavalry who came out to patrol the sentinels.

Immediately, Zhao Si and his party turned around and headed southwest, arriving at Pingxia City on the 25th.

"In the second battle of Pingxia City last year, the 11th and 12th generals, with only more than 10,000 troops, under the leadership of Guo Cheng and Zhe Keshi, withstood the attacks of more than 100,000 Xia troops.

, held on for thirteen days. How magnificent!"

Zhao Si looked at the walled city on the top of the mountain. It was surrounded by natural dangers, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Zhang Gong said, 'If the soldiers are outside, the defenders dare to stand firm.' The city cannot be defended to the death, and reinforcements must be outside to support it. General Zhong Pu's tactics are also correct. He did not rush the reinforcements directly to Pingxia City.

Blindly rescue the siege. Instead, they wander around and deal various blows to the Xia army."

"You have done a great job in counterattacking in time."

But Zhong Jianzhong and others heard from Zhao Si's words that His Royal Highness King Jian seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with the results of this battle.

Zhong Jianzhong and others were not familiar with Zhao Si's temperament and did not dare to "offend" him.

However, Liu Fa understood his temperament and immediately raised this question.

Zhao Si pointed at Pingxia City and said, "The battle of Pingxia City is an excellent opportunity for the Hexi family to encircle the area and mobilize reinforcements."

"Surround the site for reinforcements?"

"Yes. If I, the king, are the commander-in-chief of the Xia Army, I will surround Pingxia City with 50,000 infantry and siege equipment. The remaining main force will form two fresh force regiments, scattered in the north of Tiandu Mountain and the Huluchuan area.

As well as the Baima and Guidechuan areas, spies were sent out to detect the movements and routes of the Song army's reinforcements on Qinfeng, Jingyuan, Huanqing and other roads."

"When the time comes, first use a small number of troops to stick to several target armies, and then use cavalry as the main force to concentrate superior forces to eat these target reinforcements one by one."

"A small number of troops stick together and eat them one by one?" Zhong Jianzhong, Liu Fa and others didn't quite understand.

"Yes. First use a small number of troops to hold back several target Song armies, and then focus on eating one of them. After winning, quickly transfer the troops, and then eat the other one. Eat them one by one. The key is to attack the local battlefield each time.

Xanadu has formed a superior force."

Zhong Jianzhong and the others were dumbfounded when they understood what he said. Afterwards, cold sweat broke out on their backs.

If the Xia Army coach had adopted this tactic last year, it would have been a disaster for the Song Army.

They are well aware of the shortcomings of the Song Army. There is no cooperation with each other; morale is low, the will to fight is weak, and toughness is extremely poor; military discipline is loose, and when encountering a strong enemy, they run first as a sign of respect...

His Royal Highness King Jian's plan to encircle the point and call for reinforcements was really the right medicine for the Song army, going straight to the vital point of life.

Fortunately, His Highness King Jian is on our side.

But if it were our Song Army, how would we fight?

"Your Majesty, how should we fight?" Liu Fa asked excitedly.
This chapter has been completed!
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