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Chapter 113 Lien Chan Lian Jie

Liu Kai continued to read.

"After Zong Ge City was captured, Wei Mingli Nu led 20,000 elite troops to sit there and divided the remaining troops into three groups. One hundred thousand troops on the left group besieged Miaochuan City; 50,000 men on the right group besieged Qingtang City; and 30,000 troops on the middle group besieged Qingtang City.

Head towards Brother Xi and Fugong City."

Zhang Shuye waved his hand and signaled Liu Kai to stop temporarily, "Everyone, do you see Weiming Linu's combat intention?"

Zhao Long raised his hand and said: "It's very simple and clear. Wei Mingli Nu's intention is to capture Miaochuan City first. From this city, all the land in the middle of Huangzhong and the West Sea is under the control of the Xia Army, including Brother Xi, Fugong and Qingtang.

Our army has only one way to die. Therefore, heavy troops are deployed on the right at Miaochuan City, the left is to prevent our army from escaping, and the center is just for containment."

"That's right. Zhongyan continues."

"After the fall of Jingyuguan, His Highness immediately sent Wang Min to seize Hezhou and Zenglan Fort (Yongjing) at the junction of Lanzhou and Zhong Fu to seize Lanzhou to command Lanzhou and coordinate the war between the two states. He sent Wang Hou to lead three troops

Wan, starting from Nianlanbao, headed west along the Yellow River, and soon joined Liu Fa and Gao Shixuan in Jianzha City."

"The Xia army set off in a hurry and did not carry much rations. Wei Mingli Nu ordered to collect the rations on the spot. The Xia army's tribes looted various places in Huangzhong. If anything failed, they burned and killed the tribes. The tribes were in an uproar. On the other hand, our army, Zongzong

The two special envoys Ze and Guo Yong rushed to Xizhou early with the first inspection team of the Xuanwei Envoy Division, and carried out the military order of King Jian to carry out military discipline and law enforcement on the troops mobilized in Hexi Prefecture."

"Standardize military discipline, strictly enforce military orders, and as envoys, lead the gendarmerie to accompany the army on expeditions, and specialize in military discipline and law. Therefore, our army's military discipline is strict and no violation has been violated. All the Tibetan tribes in Huangzhong suffered from the plunder of the Xia army, and they all responded

, join our army."

"Then Wang Hou, Liu Fa and others sent people with the King's military orders to visit all the Tibetan tribes in Huangnan, Hequ, and Taoshui. "The government did not take any of the spoils obtained by the Tibetan tribes, but only distributed them according to military merit.

Rewards, regardless of status.'"

"At the same time, he also informed each tribe to encourage slaves to join the expedition, and the government was willing to ration soldiers, armor, and equipment. If the master was willing to provide horses, he would send slaves to join the expedition. After the war, if the slave could decapitate one of his heads, the government would redeem him at three times the price.

The slave also bought the war horse at double the price. The slave who was redeemed after his death was exempted from his slave status and officially became a member of the Song Army, and enjoyed the same treatment thereafter."

The more Liu Kai read, the louder his voice became.

It could be heard that he was very excited. Like the generals, he wished he could be in Huangnan and participate in this exciting series of events.

"Your Majesty arrived at Hezhou on the fifth day of September and visited the meanders of the river, Taoshui and other places..."

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

It turns out that the king had long expected Xia Jun's reaction, so he went here early to make preparations.

"In the name of himself and the two generals Wang Hou and Guo Zhongxiao, the king summoned hundreds of leaders of various tribes in Huangzhong, Hequ, and Taoshui to announce the military orders in person, and pledged their blood as an alliance, and swore to heaven that they would never

Don’t give up.”

"On the 20th day, the king gathered 40,000 cavalry, and more cavalry came from far away after hearing the news. King Jian divided the cavalry into tribes. He chose a brave man to wear armor as the leader and led ten

Riders, organized into a armor, are captains of ten. A captain of ten captains is a captain of a hundred, and a captain of ten hundred is a captain of a thousand."

"Ten thousand captains are one wing. His Royal Highness King Jian appoints Liu Fa, Gao Shixuan, Hu Luxiong, Yang Keshi as the wing commanders, and Liu Fa is the leader of the four wings. Yao Gu and Chong Jianzhong are assigned to command the elite troops of Xihe. Wang Hou is left behind. , Guo Zhongxiao guarded Jianzha and Xige City separately to protect the back road.

"On September 27th, the king personally led the Four-winged Fanqi and Xihe's elite troops, totaling 60,000, to attack Zongge City."

"His Royal Highness King Jian first sent two thousand Fan cavalry, pretending to be the Fan tribe in Huangnan, and under the banner of revenge, they invaded Zongge City and robbed and killed the Xia army's cavalry. After hearing the news, Wei Minglinu was furious and led two men from Zongge City. More than 10,000 elite soldiers came out of the city to wipe out the rebellious Tibetan tribes, so that they could kill one and serve as a warning to others, and then clean up Huangzhong and Huangnan."

"Two thousand Tibetan tribes fled in panic as planned, leading the Wei Mingli Nu tribe to the ambush site. Liu Fa, Gao Shixuan, Hu Luxiong, Zhe Yanzhi, and Yang Zongmin led 50,000 men, divided and surrounded them, fought fiercely for a day, and beheaded one man Ten thousand, ten thousand captives.”

"Among the 20,000 Xia troops that were annihilated, there were 5,000 captured soldiers and 3,000 Bubazi. More than 20 generals of the Xia army below Weiming Linu were beheaded, which shocked the west sea of ​​Huangzhong."

"The Xia army in the middle of the attack on Jianzha City was immediately defeated by the king and Wang Hou. They beheaded 10,000 people and captured 15,000 people. The rest were scattered in all directions. Most of them were killed by the Taoshui and Huangnan tribes and sent to Jianzha, Miaochuan and other cities came to our army in exchange for rewards."

"Besieging Miaochuan, the two Xia armies on the left and right of Qingtang City were leaderless. After hesitating for a few days, they each retreated to the north of Liuling. But it was easy to come but difficult to leave. Two generals, Wang Zhen and Guo Cheng, launched an attack from the city. Counterattack and stick to the Xia army. Along the way, the various tribes added insult to injury and harassed the Xia army's cavalry patrol posts. The Xia army on both sides was distracted and their morale was low..."

"...His Royal Highness King Jian led the main force and divided his troops into four groups, which were divided into circuitous routes to outflank. The army bypassed Miaochuan City and on the third day of September in Run, he caught up with the Xia army's left army near Haotongchuan. The forward cavalry First, use bows and arrows to harass the opponent in turn and delay the Xia army. Then the main troops will quickly move towards the designated position according to the deployment..."

"After more than ten days of bloody battles to attack the city, the Xia army on the left still has a main force of more than 85,000. Our army originally numbered 60,000 and suffered some losses in the battle of Zongge City. However, in a few days, from Huangnan and Taoshui , more than 10,000 Tibetan cavalry arrived at Hequ. Our army did not decrease but became more numerous, with a strength of more than 60,000."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath. Sixty thousand to eighty thousand is still a small amount.

Most of the time when the Song army fought against the Xia army, they had to fight with the larger number to have a chance of winning. Now that their troops are at a disadvantage, how should they fight?

"Sixty thousand against eighty thousand, our army is at a disadvantage. But our army's morale is high, while Xia's army's morale is low, and they have no fighting spirit. They just want to climb over the Six Ridges and escape back to Xia."

"Our army first penetrated with part of the troops and divided the Xia army into several pieces. When the Xia army on the left was dispersed, the king ordered an attack. Concentrate the superior forces and annihilate each unit of the Xia army one by one. The fierce fighting lasted for two days and one night, and three people were beheaded. Ten thousand, 40,000 prisoners, and the rest scattered..."

"After taking a short rest, on the eighth day of the ninth lunar month, King Jian led his army across the Six Ridges to the Kaluochuan River, and then sent out reconnaissance cavalry to search the Xia Army's Right Army along the Kaluochuan River. The Xia Army's Right Army Withdrawing from Qingtang City, they detoured through Ancient Bone Dragon City and crossed the Six Ridges. Due to terrain restrictions, they had to gather at Kalo River to rest. Because only there was enough water to support tens of thousands of soldiers and their horses. ..."

"...When the Xia Army's right-leg army thought they had escaped, and were resting and slacking off, His Royal Highness King Jian led the army to the nearby area...plus the Shengshu Tibetan tribe who followed from Hequ, Taoshui, and Xihe. , there are more than 60,000 cavalrymen under the king's command. Including the 20,000 troops and horses on Qinfeng Road in Xihe, the number exceeds 80,000..."

"On the early morning of September 10th, His Highness first sent out several small groups of cavalry to test the enemy. He realized that the Xia Army's right-line army was tired, hungry, and had no fighting spirit. He immediately made a decision and ordered the 80,000-strong army to attack from all sides. The entire Xia Army The army was defeated... Our army beheaded 20,000 people and captured 20,000 prisoners."

Hearing these victories one after another, the generals were so excited that they could hardly control themselves. How many years had it passed before the Song Army had such a happy victory?

First lure the enemy deep, then wait for opportunities to counterattack, break through in separate routes, encircle and attack together, and then outflank in roundabout ways.

First quietly observe the enemy, find the weak point, and immediately launch the most violent attack.

His Royal Highness King Jian personally commanded a series of battle cases and told the generals about the cavalry tactics he had always emphasized before: dividing, interspersing, and outflanking.

More importantly, His Highness demonstrated the common combat characteristics of the horse and infantry armies that he has always emphasized: observation, speed, fierce attack and iron discipline.

Observation means being good at judging the enemy's situation and terrain, and formulating correct combat plans in a timely manner; rapidity requires the troops to have a high degree of mobility and suddenness; storming means maximizing power at the decisive moment of the battle, using various offensive tactics, and attacking the enemy after victory. Pursuing and fighting fiercely is the key to destroying the enemy and achieving complete victory; the iron law is that the entire army must abide by military orders and disciplines like steel.

"Everyone!" Zhang Shuye waved his hand to Liu Kai to stop temporarily, and then raised questions for everyone to discuss.
This chapter has been completed!
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