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Chapter 133: There Are Earth Terraces Left in the Westerly Wind (1)

Thousands of copies of the surrender letter written in the name of Zhao Si were copied, put in jars, and driven into the city by trebuchets. They were scattered all over the city and were soon presented to Li Qianshun.

After reading it, he thought a lot and immediately sent someone to summon the civil and military ministers and held a meeting.

Li Qianshun read the letter of persuasion to surrender and said in a frivolous tone: "The Song army used all their methods during the 20 days of siege. They used flaming bombs and dug tunnels, but we were able to carry them all down."

"No matter how powerful the flame bombs are, they can only damage the skin. We have dug a deep trench five feet deep in the city. No matter how many tunnels the Song army has, they will be blocked there. No matter how deep they are, they will be under the underworld. The Song army can't go down to Huangquan first and then take a detour to attack us."

Having said this, Li Qianshun laughed a few times. The ministers below also laughed a few times, but the laughter was extremely dry.

"What other iron cannons were tested this morning? It's not useless." Li Qianshun continued to say confidently, "We have exhausted all means, but today we sent such a letter of surrender. What does the Zhao Guan family of the Song Dynasty mean? ?”

The ministers below made no sound.

More than ten days of flame bombs still caused huge losses to Xingqing City. The entire residential area in the south city, as well as the houses near the east gate, north gate and west gate, were burned to the ground, killing and burning tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, leaving no trace of their property.

The soldiers and civilians in the city finally realized how tragic it was when Liangzhou City was unprepared and burned by flames. Fortunately, Xingqing City was well prepared.

But Li Qianshun was right. Although the losses caused by the flame bombs were heavy, they were still within the tolerance of everyone.

Li Qianshun looked at the ministers with different expressions, shook the surrender letter in his hand, and asked again loudly.

"Now the Zhao Guan family of the Song Dynasty has sent another letter to persuade them to surrender. What is the purpose? Dear gentlemen, you might as well talk about it."

An eye-catching minister immediately realized it and couldn't wait to reply: "Your Majesty, I feel that this is a move by the Guizhou officials of the Song Dynasty that the Zhao family has exhausted their skills."

Li Qianshun's eyes lit up, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Yes, he is indeed my confidant, and he understands my intentions well.

He asked deliberately: "What do you mean by this?"

"Your Majesty, the Song army has been besieging the city for more than 20 days. Various methods have been used, but none of them are effective. The only remaining trick is to trap Xingqing City to death. There are at least 300,000 horse infantry troops of the Song Kingdom outside the city, and there are also various places At least 400,000 soldiers and horses were mobilized for the garrison. From Guanzhong to Xingqing City, the journey is thousands of miles away, and millions of civilians are needed to transport grain, grass and baggage."

"One and a half million people, plus hundreds of thousands of cattle and horses, require a huge amount of food and grass every day. It has been half a year since the Song army invaded the country. With such consumption, no matter how strong the national power of the Song Dynasty is, it will be difficult to support it. I think it should be the Song Dynasty. We are already in embarrassment and it is difficult to maintain. We just hope for a quick victory!"

"That's right! The Song army hoped for a quick victory, but our Xingqing city had a strong army. Under the leadership of His Majesty, we worked together as one and shared the same hatred of the enemy to defend the city as solid as gold. I think it must have been their eagerness to come here. , so he came up with this trick to deceive our soldiers and civilians and shake the morale of our soldiers..."

The minister who was sitting at the bottom and speaking saw the expression on Li Qianshun's face and knew that he had got it right this time, so he became more and more excited as he spoke.

"Your Majesty, our army might as well make a fool of itself and delay time. When His Highness the King of Jin rectifies and defeats the stragglers outside the city, and when the Song army is exhausted and weakened, a joint internal and external attack will surely defeat the Song army and turn the tide."

Li Qianshun remained silent, but his expression froze.

Brother Richard quietly left the city with his family members, but he could not hide it. Li Qianshun announced to the outside world that he was ordered to leave the city quietly, gather the scattered Xia troops everywhere, and assemble secretly, waiting for the opportunity.

Most of the officials believed in this point.

Seeing Li Qianshun's face change slightly, the minister who was making a cheerful speech while carefully observing His Majesty's expression was shocked. He didn't know that the words in his words had touched His Majesty's sore spot, so he quickly ended his passionate speech. words.

But his words resonated with the ministers, and everyone couldn't help but start talking about it. In general, everyone thought that the letter of persuasion was a sign that the Song army was strong on the outside and ineffective on the inside.

They must have reached the point where they were running out of food and grass and the officers and soldiers were dissatisfied. Otherwise, how could they ask the officials of the Song Dynasty to come forward in person to write a letter of persuasion to surrender.

In order to deceive themselves, the Song Dynasty spent too much money. The bigger the Song Dynasty spent, the weaker they were. In this case, we should take advantage of his illness to kill him and seize this opportunity.

After listening to everyone's chatter, Li Qian couldn't help but feel moved. An invisible wind called ambition blew the little fire in his heart and burned it.

Although in these days, he had been saying that he would hold a water and land ceremony for Dabai Gaoguo and the Weiming clan in advance, he seemed to be clear-minded and open-minded. But now that he had the opportunity to turn things around, he was still very tempted.

Like any drowning person on the verge of despair, Li Qianshun grabbed a life-saving straw and wanted to follow it to the shore.

Li Qianshun thought about it in his mind and said.

"My lords, His Highness the King of Jin went out of the city to collect the scattered troops and prepare for internal and external cooperation. However, things are unpredictable. If there is any danger on the part of the King of Jin, things will be delayed."

As soon as he finished speaking, a considerate minister immediately added: "Your Majesty is wise. The situation outside is unknown, and people's hearts are treacherous. We must prepare in many ways, and we cannot bet on the King of Jin alone. It is better to send more efforts. Those who believe it should go out of the city with the king's edict and gather soldiers and horses everywhere to accumulate strength."

"Now that Xingqing City is surrounded, how can we get out of the city?" someone asked.

"The west gate is connected to the Tang Lai Canal, and the Song army has not blocked it for the time being. The envoys can carry a floating object in a skin bag, take advantage of the night, and rope down from near the west gate, and come out of the Tang Lai Canal."


Everyone applauded.

Li Qianshun's face also showed determination to win.

It seems that the Buddha has blessed us with a great turn of events. He must have been testing us. Seeing that we still did not give up our devotion to the Buddha in desperate situations, he sent down his magic power to make Zhao Shisan faint and borrow him. The hand points out a way to turn defeat into victory.

"Your Majesty, the famous order has been carried out... The fifteen people are all young and talented people in the court. They are tenacious and loyal. They are most suitable to go out of the city to gather the scattered troops under the king's orders."

Immediately, ministers recommended suitable candidates.

The other civil and military ministers were unwilling to lag behind and recommended him one after another. For a time, there were many outstanding people in the Xixia Dynasty, and there were so many talents.

Not only did they recommend talents, the civil and military ministers also gave full play to their talents and analyzed them one by one, saying that in the battle of Shengwei City, how many of the defenders were annihilated and most of the rest fled; how many of the defenders of Jingzhou City were annihilated and most of them fled. .

According to their calculations, the main force of the Xixia Army still existed, but it was driven out of various cities by the Song Army and scattered in the wilderness of Lingwu. When dozens of heroes sneaked out of Xingqing City and held high the royal banner, then If you raise your arms and call out, there will be a cloud of responders.

Then they gathered an army of 100,000 in a short period of time, and then got in touch with Xingqing City. They cooperated internally and externally, and launched a desperate counterattack against the Song army, which was low on food and grass and had a disorganized army. They defeated it in one fell swoop and then pursued them one after another. They were able to take advantage of the victory and advance into the Qinchuan Pass. Finally, they forced the Zhao Guan family of the Song Dynasty to cede the land west of Tongguan to the Dabai Gao Kingdom.

Li Qianshun led the army and people, relying on his wisdom and piety to the Buddha, to lead the army and people of the Dabai Gao Kingdom to turn defeat into victory and move the capital to Chang'an, which brought the national power and territory to a new peak. He will surely leave his name in history and become a leader alongside Taizu and Jingzong. Zhongxing Mingjun.

The holy sect is not enough to demonstrate its merits, so it should be dedicated to the name of a certain ancestral temple...

Anyway, it is just imagination, there is nothing I dare not think about! As long as His Majesty is happy, I dare to lead troops to attack Guanghan Palace. For a time, the monarchs and ministers in the palace swept away the previous gloom, and everyone became energetic.

As for the surrender document written in the name of Zhao Si, Li Qianshun had long ago crumpled it into a ball and thrown it into a corner.
This chapter has been completed!
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