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Chapter 134: There Are Earth Terraces Left in the Westerly Wind (2)

The letter of persuasion to surrender written by Zhao Si was brought into Princess Helan's mansion by Emperor Dazhi Baoshu in disguise and presented to Li Qingluan.

After Li Qingluan read it, she was silent for a long time and suddenly raised her head. Her sunken eyes were like abyss. Bloodshot blood appeared on her cheeks due to impatience.

"What's your Majesty's reaction?"

An attendant responsible for inquiring about the information quickly replied: "Your Majesty does not think so. The younger one also inquired that Xingqing Mansion is collecting sheepskin bags, oil paper and oilcloth and other items. The Privy Council and Zhongshu Sheng are recruiting daredevils among nobles and Beijing officials. Officials..."

He didn't know much information, and it was all superficial information. After listening to it, Li Qingluan lay on the bed and wondered what Li Qianshun and his ministers were going to do.

"When encountering difficulties, you will be dejected and disheartened; when encountering opportunities, you will risk everything and risk everything. My brother, the emperor, tell me how you are doing well."

Master Dazhi Baoshu said kindly: "Your Highness, the poor monk knows a thing or two about what Your Majesty and the ministers discussed."

Li Qingluan took a look and was noncommittal.

This monk has a good appearance, is eloquent, and can speak eloquently. Many of the civil and military ministers of the court, including the Inner Court Family, are his followers, and they are very well-informed.

"Master, please tell me."

Imperial Master Dazhi Baoshu told Li Qingluan exactly what Li Qianshun and the ministers said in the palace.

Li Qingluan opened his eyes wide and asked sternly: "Your Majesty... is he a demon? He dares to believe these nonsense! These words are just made by the ministers to make him happy. Why can't he hear it? Already."

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, human beings are not grass and trees. They should have seven emotions and six desires. Your Majesty and all the nobles are like this, just think that they are having a beautiful dream. In the current situation, why should you disturb them."

Hearing this, Li Qingluan was stunned, and then laughed. His whole body was shaking with laughter, and his face was filled with tears.

"Everything is a dream. Before you become disillusioned, you can think of anything you want."

Wiping away his tears, Li Qingluan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Great monk, this county knows you. Your name is Zhiguang. You are a virtuous monk from Caotang Temple, a famous temple in Hu County, Jingzhao Prefecture, Song Dynasty. What makes you willing to surrender to Zhao Shi?" Three sacrifices?"

Emperor Master Dazhi Baoshu looked solemn and silent for a while before replying: "The poor monk's original name was Yuchi Daguang, and he was a clan member of the Khotan Kingdom in the Western Regions. In the first year of Jingde (1004 AD), the Black Khan Dynasty was destroyed in the Khotan Kingdom. The family escaped from their homeland and settled in Qizhou after decades of wandering. The poor monk family was devout to the Buddha. For generations, they have never forgotten that the old land of Khotan would be restored to the Buddhist kingdom on earth..."

At this time, Li Qingluan understood everything, "Zhao Shisan promised to help you restore the Buddhist kingdom in Khotan, so you put aside your old grudges and are willing to help him."

"Previous suspicions? Those scum of the Buddhist sect!" Dazhi Baoshu said disdainfully, "The pure place of Buddhism was ruined by these people. Your Majesty helped to clean it out. Those of us who sincerely worship Buddha are actually very happy. Moreover, the Song Dynasty regained Hexi and restored its national strength. Your Majesty is the only capable person in the world who is willing to help us."

"I understand. Great Monk, Xingqing City is in a dead end. You'd better leave early."

Monk Dazhi Baoshu sighed deeply: "For the sake of ideals, I don't know how many precepts this poor monk has broken. I feel uneasy. The world is so big, where is the place for this poor monk?"

Li Qingluan opened his eyes and said, "Great monk, you want to live and die with Xingqing City and apologize for your sins with death? Why bother? It won't be long before you can return to your ancestral homeland and chant sutras and worship Buddha."

Dazhi Baoshu had a longing look on his face and looked out the window, as if he was watching the grand scene.

"I often hear my fathers tell stories passed down from generation to generation. The most grand festival in Khotan is the parade of Buddha statues. On the day of the event, the king and queen personally participated in the parade. The streets in the city were cleaned and the city gates were decorated with lights. , the curtain was hung high, and it was very lively. A vehicle carrying a three-foot-tall Buddha statue came over and stood in front of everyone like a pagoda. It was solemn, solemn, resplendent, and the believers saluted one after another."

"When the Buddha statue walked a hundred steps away from the city gate, the king took off his royal robes and held flowers and incense to greet him personally. When the Buddha statue entered the city, the queen took the maids on the tower and scattered flowers like a goddess scattering flowers. The activities of the entire festival , it will last for more than ten days, and the event is unprecedented."

Speaking of this, Dazhi Baoshu said with longing: "Although I have never seen it, I have imagined it countless times in my mind. I really hope to see it with my own eyes."

When Li Qingluan heard this, he already understood the thoughts of the Great Wisdom Treasure Tree. He put his palms together and said: "The great monk is a true respecter of Buddha. One day, he will definitely be free from the troubles of life and death and achieve supreme enlightenment."

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

"The princess should do the same." Dazhi Baoshu replied.

Li Qingluan smiled bitterly, "This county has sinned so much that it can only fall into hell forever."

Dazhi Baoshu said with a solemn face: "It has not been long since the poor monk entered the Xia Kingdom, but I can see that the leader of your country is said to be wise and wise, but in fact he is just an illusion; the civil and military officials in the dynasty are all called talented people, but in fact they are all Rats. Only the princess is truly a benevolent and wise person. If the princess falls into hell, that would be an injustice."

With tears in his eyes, Li Qingluan smiled and nodded: "Thank you. Monk, take care!"

"Princess, take care!"

After the Dazhi Baoshu had left for a long time, Li Qingluan let out a long sigh, called in his cronies and asked, "How many women and children are there in the city?"

"Reporting to the princess, Xingqing Mansion conducted an inspection during the siege. There were more than 20,000 women and children. They were all family records of noble officials and officers and soldiers."

"All the people have fled." Li Qingluan murmured, and continued to explain, "In my name, summon the women and children from all the families, and then notify the Song army outside the city that the women and children will be roped down from the east of the city, and ask them to help them. .”

The confidants looked surprised.

"Princess, what does this mean?" As soon as the words came out, the confidant thought of the whole story, "Princess, are you worried that the Song army will massacre the city after the city is broken?"

"Perhaps massacre of the city won't happen. At least the lives of ordinary soldiers and civilians will be safe, but the nobles of the clan and the civil and military officials may not be able to escape death." Li Qingluan said calmly.

"Princess, how is this possible?"

"The Liao Kingdom occupies the sixteen states of Yanyun, but since the Tanyuan Alliance, the two countries have rarely fought wars, and the border has been peaceful for nearly a hundred years. The Song people actually don't hate the Khitan people much. On the contrary, our Xia Kingdom and the Song Kingdom , in which year in the past hundred years has there been an armistice? In the battle of Yongle City, 200,000 soldiers and civilians of the Song Kingdom were wiped out. The people of the Song Dynasty, especially the people of the northwest Song Dynasty, have a deep hatred for our Xia Kingdom!"

"The city of Xingqing has been destroyed. Zhao Shisan must cut off the heads of the Xia Kingdom's monarchs and ministers in order to satisfy the people of the northwest who have been burdened with a century-old blood feud. So this time may be the only chance for the Weiming clan and the noble officials to leave their bloodline. .”

The confidant still couldn't believe it, "Princess, I heard your Majesty and the ministers discussing that the Song army was exhausted, so they issued a letter to persuade them to surrender..."

"It's better not to believe such self-deceiving words." Li Qingluan said coldly, "If Zhao Shisan really had no choice but to take Xingqing City, he would never use the stupid trick of persuading surrender? He is not as naive as some of me.

Thinking that a letter can scare others."

"Skilled? He can pretend to be short of food and grass, and slowly withdraw his troops...find a way to lure our army out of the city. The Song Army's hundreds of thousands of cavalry can instantly defeat our army, which lacks horses and few cavalry."

"Princess, this is the Zhao Guan family of the Song Dynasty..." the confidant said with a worried look on his face.

"He is giving us an ultimatum, giving us one last chance. From what I know about him, I am not completely sure that he will not put in this letter. Go ahead and arrange for the women and children to evacuate from the city."

"Princess Princess, what if they are unwilling to withdraw?"

"That means they are depriving themselves of their own livelihood and cannot blame others."

"Yes!" The confidant walked out of the house dripping with sweat and hurried to get busy.

In the evening, a confidant came to reply: "Princess, I have arranged for 1,167 women and children to leave the city, and the Song army will meet them outside. I have a clan..."

There were only over a thousand people, and Li Qingluan's face showed deep disappointment.

The confidant quickly explained: "Princess, during this period, ministers and generals were obstructing us in every possible way, saying that our army would defeat the enemy soon. Such an action would shake the morale of the army, and they were clamoring to kill me. Fortunately, there were a few people who knew how to do it.

The responsible ministers and generals protected it and reported it to Your Majesty. Your Majesty heard that it was the princess's idea and reluctantly agreed."

Li Qingluan listened quietly and only said: "I am tired and want to rest."

When the confidant was about to withdraw, Li Qingluan stopped him again.

"Everything the county ordered has been done."

The confidant was stunned, fell to his knees on the ground with a thud, and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Is it done?" Li Qingluan asked gently.

"Princess, everything has been done. Inflammable materials are piled up around this house, and more than ten jars of oil are also ready." The confidant said while swallowing.

"Go for it!"

The confidant left, and Li Qingluan was the only one left in the room. She lay on the bed and sang quietly.

"The sound of the ke shakes the capital at dawn, and the banners support heavenly beings. The horse shakes the golden bridle to break the fragrant dust. The road is filled with pots of pulp, rejoicing in the spring of the city. Bianzhou was once a place for wandering, and the flower path of the wine platform still exists.

The phoenix flute is still heard in the middle of the moon. In the dream of King Jian’s soul, he should recognize the clouds at the top of the mountain."
This chapter has been completed!
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