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Chapter 158: The Autumn Wind Is Full of Sail (4)

According to the customs of this dynasty, police officers and government officials were "voluntary workers", essentially a type of corvee, and later became servants.

Li Fu investigated and found that the yamen would only give a little money and food to the servants, and sometimes there was no money. The treasury had money and food, but it was only for the "established" officials, and the little leftovers would be given to subordinate officials who were not as good as subordinates.

The servants.

In order to make a living, you have to find ways to make money. One of the ways to make money is to mediate private disputes between the people and the policemen. As for whether they will be dealt with fairly, you can imagine.

Popularize the police system, eliminate and integrate police officers and government officials. Check the basics first, and those with bad records will be dismissed. The remaining ones who can still be used will be converted into auxiliary police and recruited for use.

The police and auxiliary police received the salary from the court (the money and food saved after redundant military demobilization and merger), and it was justifiable and fair to punish them. There were laws to follow, rules to follow, the police force was regulated, and the local

The actual security situation seems to be getting better.

The most important thing is that with the popularization of semi-military institutions and systems such as the police, the imperial court's control over all aspects of local affairs has been greatly enhanced.

After all, the police are a powerful department, organized and disciplined, equipped with soldiers and armor, capable of fighting and killing, and are classified as military police along with the army.

The county governor Chang Anmin is a person involved, and he has his own experience.

Li Fu read the relevant documents and figured it out on his own - at first the officials seized the military and police forces inside and outside Kaifeng City, and then they took the lead in the battle for the reserve.

At the beginning, another important way for the government to solve redundant troops was to convert the large number of Xiang troops into civilians!

Those with a solid foundation were reorganized into factories and mines, construction companies, and transportation companies; those who could only do farming were reorganized into reclamation groups that went deep into the two lakes, Jiangxi, and Lingnan.

They all support themselves.

In this way, the income of these Xiang troops increased, allowing their families to have a full meal. More importantly, the court did not have to pay them money and food to survive, saving a lot of money and food. On the contrary, these adapted Xiang troops also created a lot of benefits for the court.

Great wealth and taxes.

The treasury expenditure has been reduced by a large amount, and the revenue has been increased by a large amount. Calculated from both inside and outside, it is a huge amount.

Financial expenditures have been reduced, soldiers have become more capable and more effective... redundant troops have been basically solved.

Next is redundancy.

Li Fu and others knew that redundant staff was nothing more than Emperor Renzong's intention to win over scholars, bribe literati, and increase the admission rate in the provincial examinations and provincial examinations. Each time, a large number of Jinshi would be admitted and become reserve officials.

At the same time, in order to win over civil servants, preferential treatment is adopted. Officials above a certain official rank can be left behind - their descendants can become officials. They can be recommended - recommended as imperial students or intern officials, and then after some operations, they can become official officials.

Over the past hundred years, a large number of officials have accumulated. They are all officials of the imperial court, receiving salaries and waiting to take up actual duties. However, there are only so many official positions in the world, and there are too many monks and too few people.

Officials who had nothing to do gathered in Kaifeng City. After eating, drinking and having fun, they discussed government affairs and gave advice on the country. They didn't like anything, and they thought everyone was mediocre. Everyone had problems, but they were the only great talents!

As a result, the city of Kaifeng has become a smoky atmosphere - indulging in leisure and work, abandoning simplicity for luxury, making irresponsible remarks on state affairs, and finding faults...

Li Fu read a series of articles written by people from Longquan Mountain in the early days of the officialdom - People who do practical things are most likely to be criticized - because the more they do, the easier it is to find faults and the easier it is to make mistakes. If you don't do practical things,

People who are just talkers will never make mistakes, so they can be "upright" and scold all the right things.

As a result, fewer and fewer people are willing to do practical things, and more and more people are willing to talk nonsense.

Really hits the nail on the head and hits the mark!

After the official ascended the throne, the redundant staff had to be solved. He started quickly.

First, the subordinate staff were merged into the official system, forming a complete official system from the three provinces down to the townships, with unified management.

As a result, many vacancies have been created - in the past, many subordinate officials had bad records and were investigated and punished. This can not only establish prestige but also increase vacancies. Someone must fill the positions occupied by subordinate officials.

Then the position of teacher was incorporated into the official system and classified as a special officer.

At this point, the civil service system of the Song Dynasty was complete with special officers, political officers and judicial officers. Together with the military and police - public education military and police, it became synonymous with eating the emperor's food.

Teachers are actually divided into three categories. Those in primary and secondary schools are teachers, divided into four levels: general, intermediate, advanced and special. Vocational colleges are divided into lecturers, divided into three levels: general, intermediate and high. There are lecturers in universities and colleges, but they only assist in teaching.

Mainly professors - divided into professors, associate professors, professors (full professors) and tenured professors.

This means that special officers also have grades - scholars and Confucian scholars care most about this.

Then the officials arranged the redundant personnel accumulated over the past century to the posts of "officers" and special officials, who were actually teachers. Such a huge number of vacancies was enough to place all the redundant officials in the court.

Everyone has an "official" job and everyone has something to do.

Li Fu felt that this move was extremely brilliant.

Clearing out redundant personnel is no better than suppressing local aristocratic families.

It sounds like there are hundreds of local aristocratic families, but in fact, the key families that are really hit are only twenty or thirty families, which are too arrogant and domineering, and are based on real evidence. The rest are mostly small families who are implicated.

Crack down on the minority and warn the majority.

The aristocratic family has been passed down for tens or hundreds of years, and has a profound heritage. It has also become delicate and expensive, and they dare not act rashly unless it is absolutely necessary. Therefore, the local aristocratic families in various states and counties can stay calm.

Redundancy is different, it involves too many things.

During the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, the number of internal and external officials actually dispatched reached 17,300. Including uncounted Beijing officials, envoys and selectmen who were not dispatched, the total number should be more than 30,000.

In the Song Dynasty, there were 320 prefectures and 1,250 counties. According to the quota, the number of officials was only five to six thousand, but during Renzong's time, it was more than five times more.

Later, Yuanfeng was restructured and Shaosheng was restructured, part of which was eliminated and merged, but there were still more than 20,000. Because of the kindness, recommendation and admission (that is, buying an official) were stopped and started, but the imperial examination was held once every three years, with hundreds of people each time.

Thousands of admissions.

Sometimes there are not as many cuts as there are new additions.

These people come from all walks of life, including aristocratic families, Han families, scholars, craftsmen, and merchants. Non-formal channels for becoming officials, such as favors, recommendations, and admissions, will be discontinued forever, and the scientific examination system will be reformed.

, can be tolerated, but you cannot expel those who have been conferred an official status and entered the official system.

When these people started to cause trouble, they involved all localities and all aspects, which was completely different from just suppressing local aristocratic families.

Li Fu understood the officials' hard work. He wanted to eliminate foreign troubles in Xixia externally and stabilize the political situation internally, so he had to make concessions in some aspects.

That's why he carried out redundant reforms like this.

Don’t you want to be a petty official or a special official like a teacher? If someone dares to make such a fuss, then the court and officials are responsible.

Where have you read the sages' teachings about serving the country and the people when you are picky and picky when you have official positions and assignments?

The imperial edict issued by the officials in Donghua Chaobao, "Be loyal to the country and fulfill your responsibilities for the people, regardless of north, south, east, or west, and regardless of official position." This set the tone for this matter.

Li Fu's thoughts turned countless times when Chang Anmin's words came to his ears, mentioning his name in them. He suddenly got agitated and broke free from his thoughts.

You are a genius, remember in one second: Red Oasis:
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