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Chapter 159: The South Building is Only in the Far West (1)

"Li Lvzhong carried out pilot projects for township elders in Yuci and Shouyang County, Taiyuan Prefecture. He established a rural affairs council, composed of elders and squires of each village. They can make suggestions to the township officials on local affairs. If the township officials do something inappropriate

, you can appeal directly to the county magistrate. It was originally envisaged that if the township government violated laws and disciplines and the county government did not accept the case, the township council could file an impeachment complaint with the county censor and an administrative lawsuit with the county judge."

Chang Anmin said.

"It's just that one of the principles set by the officials for the laws of our court is that the law does not allow it and the officials prohibit it. The Rural Affairs Council was created by Li Lvzhong, and there are no relevant provisions in the current laws. Even its establishment and operation,

It is also temporarily maintained by county government decrees. When it comes to the county procuratorate, censorship office and judicial office, the provincial government decrees are of no avail, so legislation must be enacted."

Zhao seemed to understand Chang Anmin's words and laughed, "Mr. Xigu, you are trying to protect Li Taiyuan. If Zhongshu Province specially formulates such a law, even if it is a pilot interim law, it will be regarded as breaking precedent.


Chang Anmin solemnly said: "Your Majesty, I feel that this is a move that benefits the country and the people, and I am willing to support Li Lvzhong."

Zhao Si looked at Chang Anmin's solemn expression, turned to Li Fu and asked.

"Have you tried the Rural Affairs Council? Do you have any experience? Tell us."

"Your Majesty!" Li Fu replied respectfully, "I am trying to implement the rural affairs council, and the purpose is to suppress the powerful and powerful households in the township. Your Majesty, Chang Gong implemented the township office in Hedong County, which is to abide by the holy will and let the county government govern the government.

We can directly contact the people in the countryside. But the limit is reached when it is extended to towns and villages."

"Limit?" Zhao Si asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. After the Apocalypse New Deal, after several divisions and mergers, there are 1,160 counties in the country. Each county is divided into eight to ten townships, that is, more than 10,000 townships. Each township has more than ten villages, and there are tens of

There are tens of thousands of Li Zheng and Bao Zheng. It is already difficult to send officials to the towns and villages. We can only temporarily pilot it. Then to send officials to the villages, the number of personnel and salaries required is an immeasurable number."

"However, many villages are located in remote areas and have limited traffic. The villagers rarely interact with the outside world and are very cautious. Once the township government is lazy and neglects administration, the villagers will be bullied by the big bosses or strongmen in the village. The officials and the court have many interests.

The new policies that benefit the people cannot penetrate these villages at all."

"How to break this situation? After much thought, I decided that there must be another channel for uploading and distributing information in addition to the township office. So I thought of forming a rural affairs council and inviting elders, squires, and other officials from each village in name only.

Report issues in the village and urge the township government to sink. As long as the township government level can be down-to-earth and go deep into each village, it will be a great deterrent to those big families and strongmen who dominate the sky with one hand."

Zhao Si nodded, "Li Qing, write a report on this matter and submit it to the secretary. I need to think about it carefully."


After chatting for more than an hour, the time is up.

Zhao Si led a group of people to the banquet and met many elders, squires, and officials waiting there.

With officials around, these people didn't dare to drink and guess wine as usual. Each of them was like a wooden man, following the secretly designated leader and doing every move in a orderly manner.

Zhao Si, accompanied by Chang Anmin, toasted to the four oldest elders over seventy years old and gave each of them a fairy crutch made of South China Sea rosewood.

"Everyone," Zhao Si walked to the side of the Xinjiang County officials and raised a glass of wine and said to them: "You have worked hard to serve the people with loyalty and responsibilities! I would like to toast you all and hope that you will continue to work hard and continue to serve the people.


"I would like to thank Your Majesty for your kindness!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

Serving the people and being loyal and responsible to the people is what Zhao Sixin put forward recently.

The country, of course, is the Song Dynasty. He is the emperor of the Song Dynasty, the Song Dynasty is him, and he is the Song Dynasty. Being loyal to the Song Dynasty means being loyal to him, and there is nothing wrong with it!

But now the national policy is "the people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and the country is peaceful", and it is natural to fulfill our responsibilities for the people.

Therefore, loyalty to the country and responsibility to the people, civil and military officials, public education, military and police, all apply.

The banquet broke up, and Zhao Si was left alone with Chang Anmin.

Zhao Si led Chang Anmin to the backyard of the county government office that was temporarily requisitioned, sat down in a pavilion, asked someone to bring hot tea, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xigu, please forgive me. I am young,

I am also anxious, and I just want to do what I have to do, so I have to do it well. I have finished today's work, and I had a good chat with everyone today, and the conversation was very thorough. I have some thoughts in my mind, and I want to communicate with Mr. Xigu."

Chang Anmin glanced at the two school clerks sitting next to him, holding pencils and notebooks preparing to record, and replied with a smile: "Your Majesty is vigorous and resolute. I have long been used to it. I am listening attentively."

"Haha, you just get used to it." Zhao Si laughed twice, "You recommended Li Fu and Li Luzhong to take over as the governor of Hedong County. I met and talked today and I have agreed to 50%. There is still 50%, I need to see a few more


"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty."

Zhao Si continued: "Today we talked about the local state and county official system and governance. Mr. Xigu did not disappoint me. He went to the front and took the lead in piloting the construction of township offices. However, rural governance is very complicated. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, especially the pre-Qin Dynasty

, the hands of the government went deep into every household, and controlled the people tightly and rigidly."

Chang Anmin listened attentively, and when he heard the words "strict and rigid", he roughly understood the official's attitude.

"The Early Han Dynasty learned its lesson and relaxed rural governance. As a result, throughout the entire dynasty, the court continued to compete with local tycoons for people and land. In the Later Han Dynasty, local tycoons relied on their large land wealth and cultural monopoly power to evolve into aristocratic families. After many twists and turns

, the chaos in the late Tang Dynasty, the martial arts of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms came to power, leaving ten houses and nine empty houses in the local area."

Zhao Si let out a long sigh.

"'White bones are exposed in the wild, and there are no roosters crowing for thousands of miles.' Not only did the people suffer heavy casualties, but the local families also suffered a devastating blow, and most of the time they lost their heirs. The blankness is a great thing for our dynasty.

However, starting from Emperor Taizong, the national policy followed by the previous emperors was actually to support local aristocratic families."

When it comes to past emperors and national policies, Chang Anmin did not dare to make rash discussions and listened quietly.

"Mr. Xigu, let's discuss privately whether this local family is good or bad?"

After hearing Zhao Si's question, Chang Anmin thought about it and asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, does the aristocratic family you mentioned include those big ones?"

"Forget it, as long as there is power in the place and this power will be passed down, even if it is a family, it is just a matter of size."

Chang Anmin replied: "In reply to your Majesty's words, I think it has advantages and disadvantages."

"Yes! On the good side, the aristocratic family can ensure the stability of the place. Because the more stable the place, the more wealth the aristocratic family can gain; the bad thing is that the aristocratic family competes with the court for land and people's power, and is loyal to its own interests rather than to the country.


"Your Majesty hit the nail on the head!"

"So this is a huge contradiction. The imperial court did not have enough manpower and financial resources to extend governance to the countryside, as it did before the Qin and Han Dynasties."

"Yes, Your Majesty. How many people were there in the Qin and Han Dynasties? How many people are there in the Song Dynasty now? If it is ten times more, the difficulty of governance will be less than ten times, even if it is increased several times, it will be difficult to implement."

"Mr. Xigu is absolutely right."

Zhao Si gave a word of approval and continued.

"But when the government withdraws from the countryside, it will be filled by powerful families and gentry, who will take over the governance of the countryside. They only care about their own interests, use every means to seize fertile land, confine villagers as tenants, and some even evade taxes. Fu, do wrong and do evil. These are all contrary to the New Deal."

Having said this, Zhao Si picked up the lukewarm tea, took a sip, and let out a long sigh to relieve the worries in his heart.

"Local aristocratic families hope that the stability will remain unchanged. Because of this, the people will honestly work for them, create wealth for them, and make their family business pass on to generations. But I want to live, and I hope that the Song Dynasty will be like running water. The flow is endless. Only in this way can wealth, technology and civilization be created, making the Song Dynasty truly strong and prosperous!"
This chapter has been completed!
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