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Chapter 200: The new curtain of the painted building is deep (2)

In the city of Nanjing, the prison directly under the Nanjing Liushou Mansion was eerie and stinky. Yelu Dashi couldn't care about it. He only had eyes for his friend Xiao Sengge sitting in the cage.

There were so many scars that not a single intact part of his body could be seen.

"Brother Seng, are these thieves going to torture you?" Yelu Dashi asked with red eyes.

Brother Xiao Seng was sitting on the dirt floor in the prison, leaning against the solid stone wall. His eyes were particularly bright, like candlelight in the dark night.

"Nanjing Liushou Mansion is the territory of Yelu Asi. When I entered here, I didn't want to get out alive." Xiao Sengge replied calmly.

He moved a little, and the shackles on his hands and feet made a clattering sound.

"Yesterday, Yelv Dilie could not survive the torture and died."

"I know that the left-behind government reported that Yelu Dilie died of illness." Yelu Dashi replied.

"Then did you know that before the enemy was tortured and died, he was still shouting who betrayed us!"

Yelu Dashi seemed to have been bitten by a poisonous snake, and his whole body bounced back. His face was pale, and he looked particularly formidable in the dim flickering light.

"Someone must have betrayed us. The Feilong stable horse officer who committed the assassination was said to have been executed on the order of the Song Dynasty official family. However, when we secretly sent people to look for his family records, he was kidnapped by unknown people.


"If no one betrayed us, Gong Fenjun would not have caught him so accurately. It seems that when we got together to discuss this matter, they were watching."

Brother Xiao Seng's eyes were gleaming. He shook his body, dragged the heavy shackles, twisted on the mud, and slowly moved outside.

Looking at his friend in the iron fence, he was like a maggot, crawling slowly. Yelu Dashi felt heartbroken and wanted to rush in and help his friend up.

But the thick iron fence was unbreakable, separating him from Brother Xiao Seng, as if they were two worlds. This rusty iron fence was the dividing line between the world and hell.

Brother Xiao Seng, dragging his body with pain, finally moved behind the iron fence. He lay on his side on the ground, raised his head, and asked softly: "Dashi, is it you?"

Yelu Dashi was trembling all over, as if he was suffering and struggling in hell. After a while, he slowly calmed down and answered through gritted teeth.

"Yes. After you agreed on the matter and selected the candidate, I quietly went to Yanshan Company."

"Yanshan Trading Company, a Song Dynasty trading house in Nanjing, is said to have a close relationship with Yelu Asi, Xiao Fengxian and others." Brother Xiao Seng said leisurely, "You and I both know that there must be spies from the Song Kingdom in it. Dashi, you

Is it through this line that the news of the assassination was conveyed to the people of Song Dynasty?"


"They reacted very quickly. We hid Ma Guan's family documents so secretly that we thought they were a threat, but unexpectedly they were found by the Song people. Their strength in Nanjing and other places exceeded our expectations and even exceeded our strength."

Brother Xiao Seng smiled to himself, turned over, lay on his back on the wet and dirty mud, looked at the dark roof, and continued.

"Actually, I don't agree with the assassination of officials of the Song Dynasty. I know that this matter is extremely risky. If you are not careful, the Liao and Song Dynasties will go to war, making the situation of our country even worse, and may even fall into catastrophe. Secondly, Yelu Yujian's

Ambition, I saw it earlier than you did."

"You, Yelu Dashi, are the eighth generation grandson of Taizu. Yelu Yujian is from the same clan as you, but your grandfather is the third prince of the late Emperor Xingzong, King Wei (Yelu Alian). Speaking of which, our Majesty also has

Call him cousin."

"I know that he is peeking at Baoding, so I don't want to drive away a few treacherous boys but attract an ambitious person." Yelu Dashi's words seemed to be defending himself.

Brother Xiao Seng ignored it and continued.

"Why did Concubine Wen meet His Majesty in the Yelutage family? It was not arranged secretly by Yelu Yujian! Dashi, my family is close to the Yelutage family and the eldest father's house, and I know a lot of things that you don't know."

Yelu Dashi was speechless. He paused for a while and then asked angrily: "Then you still support the assassination plan? Are you still working for it? You know full well that if this matter succeeds or fails, the biggest beneficiary will be Yelu Yujian.

But we, Daliao, will fall into the flames of war, be attacked from both sides, and never have peace."

"I know this!" Brother Xiao Seng immediately replied, "But I have no choice!"

"The Liao Kingdom has become like this. First, there are internal troubles, namely Yelu Asi, Xiao Fengxian and other traitorous ministers! Second, there are foreign troubles, the ambitious officials of the Song Dynasty. Dashi, my father went out of town to Tokyo and found some clues. Wanyan, who started an army and planned rebellion.

The main messenger behind the other departments is the Song Dynasty businessman."

Yelu Dashi's eyes widened and he asked in shock: "Brother Seng, is it true or false?"

"Businessmen from the Song Dynasty boated across the sea, landed on the Subin River, and hooked up with the Nvzhi people. Where the Subin River enters the sea, there is a walled port built by the Song people. They fanned the boats and provided food, grass, and soldiers. That is the Song people.

Only by fanning the wind in the back and igniting the fire will Nüzhi, Shiwei, Tieli and other tribes dare to raise their troops and plot rebellion!"

Brother Xiao Seng looked at the stunned Yelu Dashi and continued, his tone becoming colder and colder.

"Now that I have the opportunity to eradicate internal and external troubles, I am willing to give it a try. Even if I help Yeluyu to see this righteous wolf, I will not hesitate. Because I have no choice, I don't want to watch the Liao Kingdom helplessly

, getting worse day by day, and then one day, just like Xixia, the country will be destroyed."

"But..." Yelu Dashi didn't know what to say. He used to think that there was a big problem with Brother Xiao Seng's behavior, but after hearing what he said just now, he felt that Brother Xiao Seng's behavior was truly loyal.

Brother Xiao Seng sighed and exclaimed: "It's a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of man. The plan I worked so hard to plan was ruined by my best friend. God's will, all of this is because of Buddha.

It’s an arrangement.”

Yelu Dashi's face was full of tears.

"Brother Seng, why don't you tell me clearly? If I knew your difficulties, I would definitely not..."

"No, I don't want to tell you, I just don't want to drag you into trouble." Brother Xiao Seng said calmly, "Your knowledge, talent, and courage are better than mine. If the Liao Kingdom is in danger one day, you will be able to turn the tide.

It’s only you, not me.”

"So I can give it a try. But you can't! You must wait until you can be useful. When that day comes, work hard and don't lose the momentum of my Daliao men."

Yelu Dashi lowered his head and sobbed.

"Stop crying! You are a noble Khitan man from the Yelu clan, why do you act like a girl? This time, Yelu Yujian used our lives to escape again. You must be careful about him and Yelu Zhangnu in the future."

"Yeluzhangnu? Are they secretly colluding?"

Brother Xiao Seng did not answer his question, but just lay on the dirt and continued: "Dashi, if you still consider me a good friend, go and see my father when you have time. He has been fighting for the Liao Kingdom all his life.

The three brothers either died in the Mogusi Rebellion in Mobei, or died for their country by the Huntong River. Now I also..."

"There is nothing more tragic than this in the world when a man with white hair gives a man with black hair. If my father had known that he would end up like this, would he have saved His Majesty from the traitor back then? Haha, haha!"

Brother Xiao Seng's laughter became louder and louder, causing the whole prison to shake.
This chapter has been completed!
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