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Chapter 201: The new curtain of the painted building is deep (3)

Zhao Si met with Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao Kingdom, and initially agreed that the two countries would deepen friendly exchanges, open up border areas, and not set up checkpoints to collect taxes from each other.

, Jin was granted the title of eldest princess of Yan State and married to Zhao Si.

The two countries of Song and Liao were connected with Qin and Jin. Parts of Mobei and Monan were transferred to Song in the form of dowry.

Zhao Si left Yu Wenxu and his middle staff to discuss the details with the Liao ministers, and then led a large group of troops to continue southward. However, he did not go directly to Hejian City to meet Zhang Shuye, but went south along the Yellow River to Cangzhou.

Qingchi Nanpi, then turn around to the southeast, follow the Wudi River into Wudi, cross Yangxin, make a circle around the Bohai Sea in Binzhou, then turn around to the northwest, from Dezhou, Jiangling back to Xindu, Jizhou - Hebei

The county government of the county.

There, Zhang Shuye was guarding the queen and waiting there early.

Entering the Xindu City Sheriff's Mansion, Zhang Shuye held a banquet in the back garden to welcome Zhao Si and wash away the dust, and at the same time brought two people with him.

As for the queen and others, they stayed in the palace that was renovated from the original Anping Prince's Palace outside the city.

"Ji Zhong, these two are the talents you recommended?" Zhao Si asked with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty. This is Xu Ji, named Xianzhi, from Guixi, Xinzhou (now part of Jiangxi). He was a Jinshi during the Yuanfeng period. He was promoted to Gao'an and the chief secretary of Leping. He has known Nanling County for a long time and was promoted to an official in Kaifeng Prefecture. He is also the Supreme Servant.

, Minister of Household Affairs, etc. He is a talented official, good at managing money, and is far above the humble ministers."

Zhang Shuye pointed to a person behind him and introduced him to Zhao Si.

Zhao Si looked this man up and down and nodded, "Xu Ji, Xu Xianzhi, I remember you. When he was the magistrate of Leping, he led the people to build water conservancy; when he was the magistrate of Nanling (now part of Anhui Province), he ordered hundreds of people to build water conservancy projects.

People who pretended to be monks or nuns returned to secular life; when they were managing the palace buildings for Tai Puqing, they discovered that officials and craftsmen were colluding to cut corners, so they determined wages based on project quantities and plugged the loopholes; when he was appointed magistrate of Yunzhou (in today's Shandong), he was

To prevent the Liangshan fishermen from going up the mountain to become thieves, you can tie ten of them up as one guarantee and one person as a thieves, and the effect will be remarkable."

"I heard that you have another skill. When you were the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, you were responsible for auditing expenditures. Whenever you asked for something, you would immediately dictate it and ask the clerk to record it and then follow it. Which warehouse has how much money, which warehouse has how many items, which amount

Where should the money be spent, and which money should be allocated to where? The busy clerk was listening and taking notes, and was confused for a while. But after checking, every receipt and expenditure was accurate and appropriate. The treasury, expenditure and expenditure departments

All officials are in awe."

Xu Ji quickly raised his hands and said humbly, "This is my duty. A little trick is not worth mentioning to Your Majesty."

"It's just that he's a bit bad. He's arrogant about his talent. Even you look down on Mr. Cai! He often says that he is a vegetarian! Is this the case?"

Xu Ji lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Zhang Shuye glared at him and spoke out in defense: "Your Majesty, if you want to be proud of your talent, you need to be talented. Your Majesty has also told your ministers before that since ancient times, most talented people have eccentric personalities and cannot be ignored by others.

He is a genius."

Zhao Si laughed loudly and said, "Mr. Ji Zhong, you still have this temper and care for your shortcomings. Mr. Ji Zhong, you are also a proud person who is talented, but you also know how to respect the superiors and inferiors. Xu Ji is indeed talented, I know this

, Mr. Yuan Chang also knows. That’s why Xu Xianzhi entered the Household Planning Department three times and was expelled three times."

Having said this, Zhao Si continued to speak in a profound voice to Xu Ji.

"Mr. Yuan Chang has his own merits as being the Minister of the Ministry of Household Planning and managing the country's finances. At least after he took charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs, starting from the Shaosheng period, our court repeatedly used troops against Xixia, and then during the Yuanfu period, I

He began to command the Western Army and launched the battle to destroy Xia. The soldiers at the front were never short of food, grass and money."

"Although there are many shortcomings here, for me, from the perspective of the imperial court, Mr. Yuan Chang is competent! Xu Xianzhi, you can't see Mr. Yuan Chang's strengths and blindly criticize his shortcomings. It can be said that you are short-sighted.

It can be said that they are self-willed. From a glance, they are all mediocre. How can they take on important responsibilities and manage their subordinates?"

Zhao Si pointed at Zhang Shuye and continued: "Don't Mr. Ji Zhong know your shortcomings? If you know, why do you still recommend you? Because the superior does not require him to be talented and capable. What is more important is to discover your attributes.

Put your strengths and talents in the right place and use them appropriately!”

"Recognize people's strengths and weaknesses and make use of them according to their talents, so that they can make full use of their talents and fulfill their responsibilities! You, Xu Xianzhi, are not yet able to take on heavier responsibilities, so I asked Mr. Yuan Chang to put you somewhere outside when the time is right to sharpen your character.

Are you aware of this critical issue now?"

At this time, Xu Ji said: "In response to your Majesty's words. I went in and out of the Ministry of Planning three times, and my heart was full of resentment. When I took office in Zhending Prefecture, I neglected political affairs for a while. Fortunately, Commander Zhang inspected the prefecture and counties and found that I was depressed and in pain.

He scolded me, and then transferred me to the Civil Affairs Department to take care of the most complicated and trivial matters."

"At first, I didn't think so, but after taking over for a while, I realized that political affairs are not limited to financial management, but also need to be comprehensive. Talent is not limited to good memory, but also requires patience and carefulness. Then Magistrate Zhang asked Wei Chen to be transferred to the Chengzheng Hall and be responsible for the Chief Secretary of Hebei County

Xuan Xuan from above. After a lot of hard work, I know that I am just a kid at the bottom of a well..."

After listening to Xu Ji's self-report, Zhao Si nodded with satisfaction.

Xu Ji is indeed known for his ability, especially good at financial management. Moreover, he is older and more senior than Zhang Shuye, yet he is still serving as the magistrate of the state and the department under his subordinates. Why?

Personal character has a lot to do with it.

However, Zhang Shuye really valued him and knew his flaws, so he sharpened them just to entrust him with important tasks.

I was touring Hedong County, and the news that the county governor Chang An would be in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs was already flying all over the sky. Mr. Ji Zhong was also an old minister of his Qiandi, and he had been in charge of Kaifeng Mansion during the Yuanfu period. He was originally going to be appointed to a certain department in Shangshu Province.

As a result, he was ordered to come to Hebei in the face of danger.

He should have known that sooner or later he would be transferred back to Beijing to take up a post, so he promoted and trained Xu Ji just to get him to take over in Hebei.

"This is Huo Anguo. He was originally a small official in a certain county. He was quite talented and courageous in cleaning up the legacy of the Dunyu Mountain Rebellion. He was gradually promoted by the minister to become the chief of the police department."

Zhao Si looked at Huo Anguo with some surprise. He was in his early thirties, handsome and elegant, and he was actually entrusted with the important task of being a police officer by Zhang Shuye?

"Mr. Ji Zhong likes to talk about war and has a fierce temperament. When he was acting in Kaifeng Mansion, he used thunderbolt methods to punish Xiaoxiao. He also asked him to eradicate the Wuyoudong bandits who had been there for decades. At that time, I told the ministers that there is no way in the world.

When it comes to matters, be afraid of being serious. Huo Anguo, if you can be promoted by Mr. Ji Zhong to be a police officer, you must be outstanding. You should work conscientiously and abide by your duties."

"We must remember your Majesty's teachings!" Huo Anguo responded quickly.

"Everyone sit down!" Zhao Si waved his hand and motioned for the three of them to sit down.

"I have also visited many prefectures and counties in Hebei, let's chat together!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhang Shuye took the lead and sat down.

"Securing the border, clearing the land, and regulating the river, Mr. Ji Zhong, these are the three important things in Hebei that you told me. I have seen the border consolidation, and it is true that the two fortresses between the rivers are as solid as gold.

You worked hard."

"The land clearing has come to an end. It's just that after the land clearing, you and Hedong County adopted completely different plans for rural governance. Let's talk about it!"

"Your Majesty, since he is now in office at the Civil Affairs Department and is the main executor of rural governance, why don't you ask him to tell us about Hebei's ideas and measures for rural governance?"

"Okay, then please tell me first!"
This chapter has been completed!
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