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Chapter 117: Goryeo Pleading Mission

In the summer of June of the thirteenth year of the Apocalypse, Zhao Si and his party returned to Kaifeng City.

The Korean envoy Gao Lingchen, deputy envoy Jin Jin, and Li Zixuan, who had been waiting in the Sifang Pavilion for two months, all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The wait is finally here.

But the three of them knew that the official family of the Song Dynasty had been away from Beijing for more than three months, and when they suddenly came back, there would be a lot of things. Their apology from the small country of Goryeo would definitely not be put at the top, and there would be others waiting.

However, the real owner has returned. Now that they are waiting, they finally have hope, and the three of them are in a much better mood.

"Deputy Ambassador Jin, did you go to Prince Cai's Mansion for a banquet the day before yesterday?"

The three of them gathered together to drink tea, and Gao Lingchen asked.

"Yes." Jin Jin stroked his beard and replied leisurely, "His Royal Highness King Cai of the Song Dynasty is a master of calligraphy and a master of Chinese painting. His thin gold calligraphy and flower-and-bird meticulous brushwork are well-known at home and abroad. He is also known as the Meng Dynasty of his time.

Taste. There are many literati and famous guests in the house. I am so lucky to be invited to the house for a banquet. It is a great honor."

Gao Lingchen looked at Jin Jin with a sky-high face, and felt jealous in his heart. He didn't expect that this old master was so famous in the Song Dynasty and was more popular than himself as an envoy.

However, after decades of ups and downs in the officialdom, Gao Lingchen still had the city.

There was just the right amount of envy on his face, and he said with a smile: "I have always heard that Prince Cai's Mansion in the Song Dynasty was a place where outstanding people of Chinese and Chinese culture gathered together. It's so deplorable that you can't enter the palace."

After Gao Lingchen sighed angrily, he leaned forward slightly and asked curiously: "I heard that Master Li and everyone went to Prince Cai's Mansion the day before yesterday?"

Hearing this name, Jin Jin's expression perked up, as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood on the spot, and he nodded repeatedly: "Exactly, exactly! We never expected that Master Li, who has always been aloof and remote, also went.

He even sang a song on the spot, and everyone was so mesmerized that they couldn't bear to wake up!"

After hearing these words, the jealousy on Gao Lingchen's face turned from fake to real. Even Li Zixuan, who was sitting next to him and had always maintained his reputation as a worldly master, was also full of jealousy.

I actually heard Master Li and Master Li singing with my own ears. I was really envious!

"I heard that His Highness King Cai has been obsessed with Master Li and the Li family for a long time?" After finishing his envy, Gao Lingchen couldn't help but start gossiping.

"This is a well-known secret in the scholarly literary circles of the Song Dynasty. There were rumors that His Highness King Cai went through all kinds of hardships to meet the Li family. He was in a daze for three days, did not think about food or food, and could not sleep all night. He almost thought that

He was possessed by evil spirits. Since then, His Highness King Cai has been obsessed with the Li family and visited them every day. Someone once recorded that during a certain period of time, His Highness King Cai visited Qianqian Lane eighty-one times and was turned away eighty times.


"Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one difficulties, you can achieve Arhat status by overcoming the disaster. Why does your Highness, King Cai, have to suffer this!" Gao Lingchen sighed.

This guy is really a love interest!

"Yes, since the death of King Chen, he is the only living brother of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty. How honorable. It is really sad that he has become like this because of a romantic woman!" Li Zixuan couldn't help but say.

"I heard that Master Li has someone else in mind?" The blazing fire of gossip in Gao Lingchen's heart continued to burn.

"Some say she admires the official family of the Song Dynasty, and some say she has a secret affair with Li Mubai, a newly emerging poet..."

"Li Mubai?"

"It is Li Mubai who wrote "Moyu'er. Yanqiu Ci", "Bu Suanzi. I live at the head of the Yangtze River", "Linjiang Immortal. Rolling Yangtze River Water" and other great poems. It's just that this person is different from Zhou Meicheng and other famous writers. The dragon has come to an end.

He has never been seen, and few people have seen his true face."

"Ah, I have also read these poems and have admired them for a long time. This time I am on my mission to the Song Dynasty, and I also want to pay a visit in person, but I just asked around and heard that I have gone to another place. What a pity!"

Gao Lingchen was also very sorry.

"I heard that Li Mubai is an official of the Song Dynasty." Li Zixuan said coldly.

Both Gao Lingchen and Jin Jin's eyes widened, as if they had heard the most incredible words in the world.

"How is that possible!?" Gao Lingchen sneered, "In the Song Dynasty, officials excelled in martial arts. I have never heard of him having such literary talent. If he has such literary talent, why not show it early? Why hide it?"

Jin Jin hesitated a little, "'The rolling waters of the Yangtze River pass eastward...' This poem is so heroic and majestic, it is as majestic as Su's poem, and it cannot be written by someone who does not have the world in mind."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Gao Lingchen was still shaking his head.

"Thousands of flowers blossomed on an east windy night... The crowd searched for him hundreds of times. Suddenly looking back, he was there, in a dimly lit place." Li Zixuan read another word.

"Looking back suddenly, there was that person, in the dimly lit place...Who wrote these words?" Jin Jin murmured once, and then asked repeatedly.

"When the officials of the Song Dynasty enriched the harem, the queen recommended Li Gefei, the daughter of Uncle Li Wen, the vice-president of Hongwen Academy. It is said that on the Lantern Festival that year, the officials paid a private visit incognito, met Li, and returned to the palace to write this poem. Later, this poem was used as the name of the harem. The betrothal gift was sent to the Li Mansion. Mrs. Li happily entered the palace and became a virtuous concubine."

Li Zixuan spoke eloquently.

"Brother Li, where did you hear this news?"

"I heard it from Master Lingmiao." Li Zixuan replied, "Uncle Wen is a good believer in Buddhism and Taoism, and has good contacts with monks and Taoists, especially with Master Lingmiao. He once saw this poem by chance in the Li Mansion, and it was written by an official of the Song Dynasty. After questioning, I found out the whole story. However, the officials of the Song Dynasty did not want to make it public, so everyone kept it secret."

"A certain person fell in love with Master Lingmiao at first sight. A few days ago, he was watching the moon and drinking heavily. He was drunk and accidentally told this. After he woke up, he probably regretted it and asked me insinuatingly, but I excused him by saying he was drunk."

Jin Jin believed it, but Gao Lingchen was still doubtful.

"Why are the officials of the Song Dynasty still so secretive? With such literary talent and fame all over the world, what's wrong with it?" he asked hesitantly.

"High Envoy, do the officials of the Song Dynasty still need this literary name?" Jin Jin asked rhetorically.

Yes, the emperor of the Song Dynasty really does not need this literary name. His civil and military skills have surpassed the previous emperors of this dynasty and are comparable to the Wu and Tang sects of the Han Dynasty. Even if some scholars touted him as the emperor of the ages, if you think about it carefully, it is not That's too much.

If it is enough to go down in history and be famous forever, do you still need such a mere literary name? But writing good poems is not a shameful thing, so why are the officials of the Song Dynasty so secretive?

"Maybe," Li Zixuan said the result of his hard thinking, "it's because the officials of the Song Dynasty have always insisted not to judge talents based on the meaning of poetry and classics. If his outstanding literary talents were spread, I'm afraid it would be 'good for the superiors, but bad for the inferiors!' 'On the contrary, his hard work in implementing the New Deal was wasted."

After hearing this, Gao Lingchen and Jin Jin felt that it made sense, but they unanimously thought about it silently in their hearts.

What's wrong with using poetry and classic meanings to gain talents? Why did the officials of the Song Dynasty insist on going their own way, even concealing their own literary talent? It's really puzzling!

Just as he was thinking about it, a follower hurried in.

"Three high-ranking officials, something happened!"

"What happened?"

"Three envoys came from the Li Yue Kingdom in the South China Sea, belonging to different lords. They all came to pay tribute to the Song Dynasty and ask for canonization. As a result, they started fighting in front of the Dianke Department of the Lifan Department for some unknown reason. Even after it was over, they

After each returned to the inn, he gathered his subordinates and engaged in a fight on the streets of Nancheng. Several people were killed and injured, and then they were all arrested by the police of Kaifeng Prefecture."


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