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Chapter 152 Damn Mahamo

Yeli City is not big, but it is very dangerous. It is built on a mountainside, with cliffs on three sides, and only one gentle slope connects to the basin below the city.

Yeli City is also called Turquoise Mountain City because the mountain it is located on is rich in turquoise.

Saman Hussein's younger brother Shihabdin led nearly 10,000 loyal and brave soldiers of the Gur Khanate, together with nearly 20,000 people, to retreat to this mountain city.

The city stores enough food to feed 50,000 people for two years, as well as mountain spring water that flows all year round. Sanjar commanded the Seljuk and Ghaznavid forces to besiege them for more than ten days, but only inflicted thousands of casualties.

Nothing gained.

"The city of Yeli is right in front of us, but we can't capture it no matter what. Sultan Ibrahim, do you have anyone familiar with this place?"

Sancar asked hopefully.

The Gur Khanate is a vassal of the Ghaznavid Khanate, and the two countries have very close exchanges. Moreover, Yeli City is located on an important road, and the Ghaznavid Khanate must pass through here when going to Neshapur and Mulu.

Ibrahim seemed to have not recovered from the pain of losing his son. His face was swollen and droopy, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed to be ink circles.

He raised his head, and Sanjar seemed to see a poisonous snake emerging from a hole in the ground, its eyes full of malice.

"This city in Yeli is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Your ancestors, as well as my fathers, have returned with hatred under this city several times. It's not easy to fight, it's not easy to fight."

Ibrahim shook his head and said.

"Then...do you have any good suggestions?"

"The power of the Gur tribe is centered on this city, with a radius of 500 miles. We plundered all the herdsmen, cattle and sheep on this land, filled up the wells, dug canals, destroyed the farmland, burned the market towns, and then

Withdraw the troops. Shihabdin, who has only one city left, cannot hold on for long."

Listening to Ibrahim's poisonous plan squeezed out from between his teeth, Sanjar felt a poisonous snake crawling up his back and shuddered.

But if you think about it carefully, this vicious plan is very effective. A khanate must have land and people in order to produce food, feed cattle and sheep, and then support the soldiers fighting in the war.

"Okay, half of our family will divide the people and wealth of the Gur Khan. All the farmland, pastures, canals and wells will be destroyed, and all the market towns will be burned. We will burn it to a white ground, and then announce to the world

, this is the consequence of betraying your companions and colluding with heretics!"

Ibrahim chuckled a few times, the sound was sharp and harsh. Sanjar didn't know whether he was laughing or crying, but he felt creepy.

When the generals under his command faithfully implemented the decision of the two men, a messenger came galloping from the north, like a crow, bringing bad news.

"What! Mahamo of Khwarezm has led his army and has occupied Li'an, Amu and Mulu cities and is besieging Neshapur? Why did you tell me now? Is there any other bad news that I don't know about?

Tell me together!"

Sanjar roared and waved his hands, like a male lion whose balls were bitten, with a ferocious face, almost crazy.

The envoy looked up at him and hesitated to speak. Zagut gave him a look, and said quickly, and if he kept hiding it, His Highness would go crazy and wait to be quartered by five horses.

The messenger trembled and said: "Mohamo ordered that the residents of the city such as Li'an, Amu, and Mulu were kidnapped, and the town was set on fire. The wells were blocked with sand and gravel, and the canals were dug and destroyed...

It’s a mess and completely destroyed.”

Sanjar was stunned. How could these be so familiar? He and Ibrahim had just ordered similar measures to be taken against the Gur Khanate, but someone actually followed the same method in his own territory.

Is this providence or retribution?

Sanjar was stunned for a moment, but the seriousness of the problem quickly awoke him. The Khorasan region was his base. According to urgent reports, Mahamo led his troops to ravage the northern region. The city was destroyed and the population was taken captive.

Go, the water conservancy and irrigation facilities have been destroyed, this is to dig out my roots!

No! We must lead our troops north immediately to kill this Mahamo and prevent the disaster from spreading to the central and southern regions of Khorasan. If the Khorasan region is crippled, these evil wolves looking around will swarm up.

In the Battle of Talos, why did I try so hard to lay out a big picture? It wasn't to eradicate the surrounding semi-autonomous separatist forces. Now that I don't have the power to suppress them, even if most of the former warlord leaders are killed, there will still be

New ones pop up and take the opportunity to stand on their own feet.

The anxious Sanjar suddenly thought of a big problem.

"How many people did Mahamo bring?"

"Back to Your Highness, there are about 40,000 soldiers and horses."

"Forty thousand soldiers and horses? How can Khorezm have 40,000 soldiers and horses? If he has so many soldiers and horses, he still needs the grandson who has been playing tricks on both sides for so long!"

Sancar shouted, he absolutely refused to believe it.

"I heard that Mahamo recruited Chigas, Ogus, Yueban, Kimak, Geluolu, Kangli, Dulat and other barbarian cavalry from the desert tribes in the north, and made a heavy promise, and then

Then he sent his troops south." At this point, the messenger took the initiative to add something in order to make Sanjar believe what he said.

"Your Highness, if Mahamo didn't have so many soldiers and horses, he wouldn't be able to capture so many cities."

Sancar stood there, as if frozen.

Yes, in these important towns, there are not only the Aikas standing army, but also Yinketa cavalry. Without enough troops, how could Mahamo be so unstoppable along the way?

In this case, the question arises. If Mahamo has so many soldiers and horses, can he defeat the 60,000 to 70,000 soldiers and horses he currently has?

Helper must be called.

Sanjar first mentally dismissed Ibrahim.

First of all, he must be allowed to continue attacking the city of Yeli without giving Shihab al-Din a chance to breathe. He tried his best and paid a huge price to let Ghor and Ghazni fall into the trap of killing each other.

Don't give up halfway.

Secondly, Sanjar felt guilty when he saw Ibrahim's eyes full of resentment. Masoud secretly ordered someone to kill him, and then framed it for Samman. If this matter was leaked, Ibrahim would

Knowing this, he will definitely seek revenge on himself at all costs.

Therefore, we cannot take him with us and leave him here to fight to the bitter end with his son-killing enemy.

So who should we look for as a helping hand? Semnan, Sistan, Yazd and other places have just been taken over. Various conflicts have not had time to resolve, and undercurrents are surging, making it impossible to move.

Then we can only ask Fars and Kerman to borrow troops. This time to reinforce the Western Kara Khanate, these two guys worked hard and gathered thousands of people each to send out the beggars! This time there must be blood.

Well, the relationship between Mahamo and the two of them is not good. They burned, killed, and looted all of Khorasan, and it was their turn. This reason is very strong, and I believe they will send troops.

"Come here, prepare your horse to deliver two letters to Fars and Kerman."


"Zagut, you bring five thousand people here to monitor Ibrahim and Yeli City. Dmitry, mobilize the entire army and go north. There is also news of the blockade. The news of Mahamo is not allowed to leak, otherwise

, I will chop off his head."

This chapter has been completed!
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