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One hundred and fiftieth chapters fight more and more chaos

Lagu Valley is located more than a hundred miles west of Neshapur. Sanjar retreated here with thousands of remaining soldiers. He never expected that the reinforcements from Fars and Kerman would be at the end of the battle with Mahamo.

When he was fierce, he suddenly attacked himself from behind.

They also betrayed their oath of allegiance?

With half of the broken armor hanging on his body, Sanjar was sitting on the ground in an extremely embarrassed state, with mud all over him. The mud on his face was mixed with sweat, which actually covered up the panic and despair on Sanjar's face.

"They are all a pack of wolves." Sanjar said, with a strong tremor in his voice, revealing a sense of luck and fear of escaping from death.

"How come this pack of wolves doesn't know the laws of the grassland? Without the leader of the pack, they can't fight against a pack of lions. Now they have killed the leader with their own hands... What's the use of being brave? They're not just with this sand.

Just like that, it will be scattered when the wind blows."

Sancar lowered his head and babbled, while Zagut and Dmitri stood in front of him without saying a word.

"Dmitri, do you think Mahamo's cavalry are from the Song Dynasty?"

"Yes, Your Highness, I have fought against the Song people many times and am familiar with their methods and methods. I heard that they have a complete training system. All cavalry and infantry are trained in the same way." Demi

Terry paused for a moment, "Your Highness, you can't be wrong. As soon as I played against Mahamo, I felt that familiarity."

"Mohamo became the Song people's bastard? When did it happen, before we went on the expedition, or after?" Sanjar asked in panic, "Why didn't I notice it at all?"

Zagut said carefully: "Your Highness, this is not important. Now most of Khorasan has been destroyed by Mahamo, and the remaining part has been divided between him and the Fars and Kerman families. We still

Hurry to the west and ask the Great Khan for reinforcements."

"Requesting reinforcements? My second brother is in Baghdad now. The journey is far away. I'm worried that we won't be able to get there." Sanjar said absently, looking into the distance.

After Mahamo occupied Neshapur, he quickly linked up with Fars and Kerman. At the same time, he made friends with the newly emerging tribal leaders and warlords in Semnan, Sistan, Yazd and other places.

The face of the new leader of the deputy Khorasan alliance. He not only fell out with the cavalry army led by Li Yunhai, but also prevented the Song army from chasing Sanjar and others who were running west.

Zhao Si made a prompt decision and appointed Hu Luxiong as the chief general, Gao Shixuan, Wang Shunchen as the left and right deputy generals, Yang Zongmin as the chief of staff, and transferred Li Yunhai's Dangxiang division, Yelu Leshi's Khitan division, Xu Guangliang's Yue Yan division, and Ye Li Huangyou's Kui Lang.

division, formed an advance army for the Western Expedition, and pursued Sanjar and his party.

First, the advance army defeated Mahamo's temporarily formed coalition near Neshapur and beheaded 17,000 people.

Seeing that Mahamo was defeated, he led his troops to flee north. The Biwu Division of the White Tiger Flag Guard Army had already detoured back to Khorezm City and occupied this place. Then he went south to meet Mahamo in Li'an and beheaded him.

four thousand.

The Song army showed the heads of Mahamo, the chief culprit of the destruction of Khorasan and other places, and his 4,000 party members to various places, and then began to appease various places, win over people's hearts, and restore order.

[In other words, it is currently the best for reading and listening to books,@

Jal committed suicide and the city of Insfahan fell, which shocked the entire world of Moslin. Persia was in chaos. The rule of the Seljuks here was shattered with the loud noise.

The advance army of the Western Expedition did not stop and continued westward.

Along the way, they issued orders to the emirs and lords in various places, requiring them to surrender to the Song Dynasty - first, they must provide a certain amount of food, grass and other materials; secondly, they sent envoys to the river area to formally submit documents of surrender; finally, the local emir or lord

A red border must be embedded around the flag to show their surrender to the Song Dynasty.

Other than that, everything is business as usual.

If they do not agree, the advance army will not hesitate to kill the emir or the lord's family, steal all the food in the warehouse, and burn down their castle or fortress.

With five tough-talking lords as examples, and the city of Insfahan, which is said to never fall, as a model, the emirs and lords along the way complied with the conditions of the advance army, provided food and grass, sent envoys, and decorated their flags with red

Bianbian, including the Seljuqs' important town of Hamadan in western Persia.

More than a month later, the advance army crossed the Zagros Mountains and appeared in Yinlam. This place is less than 500 miles away from Baghdad, and there are no natural dangers to defend along the way.

In Baghdad, the Sultan of the Seljuk Khanate, Sanjar's second brother Muhanmud I was anxious.

He has been distracted by the harassment of the Crusaders, the intrigues of the Caliphate, and the self-reliant Sultanate of Damascus, Aleppo, Roma and other sultanates, and has no time to look around. Now the enemy is coming, and if he does not attack, he may be defeated.

These infidels followed the route of their ancestors and rushed directly into Baghdad.

Muhanmad I urgently mobilized 80,000 people, crossed the Tigris River, and stationed in Baquba. Then the two armies faced off near a village called Dehmelanghe.

After three or four days, Mu Han Mo De I noticed something was wrong - the Song army on the opposite side was too quiet, but the scout cavalry went to investigate and was ambushed again. He gritted his teeth and mobilized 30,000 cavalry to rush straight to the left camp of the Song army.

It was discovered that the Song army was playing an empty city strategy. Hu Luxiong only left three thousand cavalry behind, and the main force was already gone as a bluff.

The Seljuks attacked with all their strength, and the three thousand cavalry left behind ran away. Each of them had two or three horses, and they ran very fast. The unprepared Seljuks chased them until their chests were on fire, but they couldn't even see the tail of the horse.


Where did the main force of the Song army go? Mu Han Mo De I felt that he had been targeted by thousands of arrows!

Tens of thousands of cavalry with high combat effectiveness and mobility suddenly disappeared. Is there anything worse in the world than this? He brought the main force out, and Baghdad behind him was extremely empty.

With such a long Tigris River, the Song army could cross the river at any place, march into Baghdad, and then threaten the Caliph and declare himself as the enemy of the Moslem world as a religious leader. The Caliph had long been dissatisfied with himself and the Seljuks.

Yes, I believe he will be very happy to announce this important news.

At that time, he and the Seljuks would have lost their righteousness - legally, any local lord in Moslin who attacked and killed himself and the Seljuks would be rewarded and canonized by the caliph.

Does God want to destroy us Seljuks?

Fortunately, news came the next day.

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