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Chapter 154: The Beaten Seljuk

The Song army went to Samarra, where they prepared to cross the Tigris River.

But the smart and loyal lord there pulled all the boats on the ferry and the river to the west bank. In addition, it was the flood season and the river was flooding. The Song army could only search around the east bank to collect enough boats to cross the river.

God bless you!

Mu Han Mo De I dismounted his horse, knelt on the ground, and saluted facing the direction of the Holy City. He had never been so pious.

Muhan Mude I asked General Muzha Shafa to lead 50,000 Gulam and Yinketa cavalry, and immediately rushed to Samarra to prevent the Song army from crossing the river. He led the rest of his troops to gather troops and horses that were gathering from other places.

Catch up later.

Muzhashafa rushed to Samarra with 50,000 elites, only to find that the Song army disappeared again. He thought that the Song army did not want to confront him head-on - forty thousand against fifty thousand, it is not necessarily possible to win, as long as they can cross Tigris

If the river is crossed, one's own side will be shaken and the outcome will be decided. Why bother insisting on a decisive battle?

It's just that Muzhashafa didn't know the Song army's primary mission in combat - to eliminate the enemy's effective strength.

He ordered his exhausted men to rest for the night and catch up with the Song army tomorrow. It was on this night that the elusive Song army launched a night attack.

The Song Army cavalry, who often ate beef, mutton and offal, had very few night blindness due to lack of vitamin A. They held torches and well-trained into the Seljuk military camp, set fire to it, disrupted it, and then waited for opportunities to pursue them.

After a standard night attack, the 50,000 elite troops led by Muzhashafa collapsed, and then a pursuit battle turned into a battle of annihilation.

In this battle, all the 50,000 elite men led by Muzhashafa were lost. This caused Muhanmad I to lose a lot of his capital, which was not rich, and made his control of the caliphate more difficult than Damascus and Aleppo in the west.

The suppression of independent sultanates such as and Roma became very difficult.

At this time, the Song army returned the captured Muzashafa and thousands of his tribesmen to the west bank of the Tigris River, and met up with Muhan Mode I who fled back to Baghdad overnight after hearing the news, and also brought Hulvxiong's accent.

"We have been ordered by the officials to deliver a letter to the Byzantine emperor and the prince. We also ask the Seljuk Khan to be merciful and make way for them."

Mu Han Mo De I cried after hearing this. He just sent a message. You should have told me earlier, my Yinsfahan, my poor and innocent third brother, and my fifty thousand elites.

However, Muhan Mode I also knew that if the Song army had not captured the city of Yinsfahan, forced his third brother Sanjar to commit suicide, and annihilated his 50,000 elite troops, he would not have accepted their suggestions so calmly.

After reaching a tacit agreement with the generals of the Song Dynasty's Western Expedition, Muhan Mude I sent Muzha Shafa with an army of 60,000 to follow the Song army across the Tigris River.

The advance army of the Western Expedition of the Song Dynasty defeated an army of 40,000 led by Talib, the Emir of Mosul, near Erbil.

Talib is a relative of Muhammad I and has been colluding with the "separatist" forces in Damascus and Aleppo from his uncle Tutush. This time he deliberately set up a trap to create rumors and dissent in Mosul.

The army of the believers suffered heavy losses in the battle with their main force, and were now preparing to flee northward into Byzantium to take a breather.


Talib heard that these pagan troops carried huge wealth, which they had gained from sacking the city of Insfahan. He also wanted to gain the huge reputation of defeating the pagans, so he happily sent out troops, but then failed.

Hu Luxiong saw that the Mosul army was approaching fiercely and was bound to win, so he sent Li Yunhai's Dangxiang division to fight first. In the middle of the battle, the sheep pretended to be unable to win and ran away, so the front troops of the Mosul army pursued.

Then Dangxiang Division turned back to fight back, and Yelule Division and the Khitan Division and Yueyan Division led by Xu Guangliang outflanked the Mosul Army's front army, and then drove these defeated troops to escape to the central army, directly breaking up their troops.


The last major roundabout encirclement, Kui Lang Division, led by Yeli Huangyou, came from the rear flank of the Mosul army.

Although the routine is old, it is very effective.

The advance troops of the Western Expedition took advantage of the situation and rushed into Mosul, killing Emir Talib and thousands of nobles, looted and set fire to the city.

After learning that the emir of Mosul was defeated, he looked at the city of Mosul in the distance

The black smoke rising into the sky moved Baldwin II of the County of Edessa.

After their peak period, these Crusaders in the Eastern Expedition have been suppressed by the Seljuqs in Mosul and are increasingly in embarrassment. Now that they have an advantage, they can’t wait to mobilize their troops and send envoys to ask for their continued support.

Two of the knights, the Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller, sent troops to "pacify" Mosul together and gain another piece of territory for God.

The Edessa army and the Western Expedition advance army met west of Mosul on the banks of the Little Delpis River.

The light cavalry of the advance army hung kites from a distance and fired with bows and crossbows, harassing the Edessa army until they were exhausted. The two knights could not hold back and rushed out first, but were led to a place by the Kuilang division.


The muddy ground made it difficult for these armored knights to move. They were like targets, being shot one by one by the cavalry of the Kui Lang Division with crossbows from the outside.

After killing more than 2,000 knights who had outstanding fighting ability but had not shown any effect, the Quilang Division dispersed their servants, cut off these proud heads, and then returned to the front of the Edessa army to kill these knights.

The head was thrown back.

Seeing that the Knights, who were the main force, were completely wiped out, Baldwin II wanted to retreat and ordered the entire army to retreat, but he forgot an important rule on the battlefield-retreating is the most dangerous.

The advance guard firmly kept this in mind. They were like a group of well-trained and disciplined wolves, leisurely guarding the Edessa army. After they returned to the first castle in the county of Edessa,

When they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the Song army suddenly launched an attack.

The Edessa army had no fighting spirit and was scrambling to escape. They just wanted to run faster than their companions. The Song army pursued them one after another, with corpses stretching for hundreds of miles. When the pursuit reached the city of Edessa, more than 20,000 troops came out.

There's not much left.

The Song army carried the head of Baldwin II and rushed into the empty city of Edessa, looted it, and then turned around and continued to advance westward.

They defeated the army of the emir of Diyarbakir and sacked the upper reaches of the Tigris River, leading to the city of Diyarbakir, an important town in Asia Minor.

Then he defeated the army of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and sacked its capital, Sith.


At this time, only the Sultanate of Roma established by the Seljuks and the Sultanate of Cappadocia established by the Oghuz were left between the advance army and Byzantium. They were one in the south and one in the north, tightly blocking the entire Asia Minor Peninsula.


Masud I of the Roma Sultanate, with the help of Danish Mander of the Cappadocia Sultanate, defeated the rebel general last year and regained the capital Konya. So the two formed a coalition to fight against the Song army.

The two sides met at Kazite, and after several rounds of testing, the Song army found the weakness of the coalition.

The Sultanate of Roma has been in civil strife for more than 20 years. It has been attacked by the Crusaders and the Emir of Damascus in turn. It was even ruled by another Seljuk general Melik Shah for nine years. It was only defeated and recaptured by Masud I last year.

ancestral heritage.

[To be honest, I’ve been using @ lately

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