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Chapter 164 Congling Xuanfu Division (2)

Li Fang served two cups of hot tea and said apologetically: "The official family only has to make tea."

Zhao Si waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, just do as the Romans do, and just have tea."

Then he signaled Huo Anguo to drink tea. Zhao Si picked up a cup of hot tea and took a few sips.

Huo Anguo held the teacup in both hands, and the rising heat filled the air, making his resolute and dark face look like an oil painting.

Zhao Si sat opposite, like a bronze statue. After a while, he spoke slowly.

"The old places in the Western Regions such as Gaochang, Qiuci, and Khotan are relatively easy to govern. They believe in Buddhism and have admiration for the Song Dynasty. As long as education is the main thing and appeasement is the supplement, in time, they can integrate into the Song Dynasty."

"I'm not too worried about the Qihe area, the Chuhe area, and the area north of Yibo Lake. It's vast and barren, and it's under the jurisdiction of the White Tiger Banner. With the help of Tiandi Dao and Buddhism, given time, it can be completely wiped out.

Incorporated into the territory of the Song Dynasty."

"What I am most worried about is the Congling and Hezhong areas. The various forces there are intertwined and the situation is very complicated! Anguo, you have to worry more!"

Having said this, Zhao Si put the teacup on the table and said meaningfully: "These two areas are a big quagmire that will tie our hands and feet. It must be solved as soon as possible! Anguo, you have to think of more solutions.

Discuss more with colleagues..."

Huo Anguo added with understanding: "I have remembered your Majesty's teachings. We must adhere to the laws of the Song Dynasty, unify the writing, preach enlightenment, and popularize education. This is a matter of principle."

"Yes, adhere to the laws of the Song Dynasty, unify the written language, preach enlightenment, and popularize education. This is a matter of principle and a bottom line that cannot be trampled upon! Anguo, tomorrow you will accompany me to meet with the local elders and squires."

"It's Your Majesty."

The next day, the lobby of the Puhua City official office was filled with more than 400 people, all of whom were powerful factions from Hezhong, Khorasan, Congling and other places.

They saluted Zhao Si respectfully according to etiquette. On the surface, everyone was respectful, but in reality, no one knew what they really meant.

"This person is the governor of Congling who I sent here to take charge of governance. According to you, he is the governor of Hezhong and Congling. Khorasan, Tochar, Sistan and other areas are also subject to his control.

Du. Anguo, please tell everyone about the governance strategy of this place from now on."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Huo Anguo replied respectfully, then straightened up, facing more than 400 people of different looks, and said proudly: "First, we need to count the population and the fields. The population includes all people, nobles and civilians,

Slaves, regardless of gender, age or status, must be registered as long as they live on this land. All fields, including cultivated farmland and pastures everywhere, also need to be registered."

Having said this, Huo Anguo looked around, his stern eyes scanning the faces of everyone with different expressions: "I would like to remind you, do not try to hide the population and land. Once discovered, you will be severely punished. Hidden land

They will be confiscated, the population will be re-established, and they will no longer be your slaves."

Hiding land in order to evade taxes. Hiding people in order to continue to let slaves work for them.

But the tax system of the Song Dynasty did not allow them to do this!

As long as you have land, you must pay land taxes, otherwise you are not guaranteed to own it - rights and obligations are equal.

Slaves were not allowed in the Song Dynasty, but certain forms of "semi-serfs" could be obtained through employment. For example, the abbots in the Four Banners were "economic" serfs who were attached to the main household in the form of long-term employment.

The deputy household has its own cattle, sheep and pastures, but needs to provide labor to help the nobles such as household A to herd and do farm work; the assistant household does not have any cattle, sheep and pastures, so he can only be a herdsman of the first level higher than the principal household, household A, household one hundred, etc.

"Long-term employment" way of life.

In addition to the basic rights to personal and property security, they have basically no other rights, which are much worse than those of deputy households and primary households - you have not paid taxes or performed military service... The Song Dynasty will naturally not give you too many rights.

A "semi-serf" in the form of employment cannot be beaten or re-employed at will, and he must be given a certain degree of personal ownership and protection. In the end, he still has the right to redeem his identity from the government and become a deputy householder - which is equivalent to a commoner.

... No matter how the noble leaders here look at it, they are not as comfortable as slaves.

However, in the Song Dynasty where the labor force was extremely scarce, backward labor relations such as slavery were not allowed to exist. Moreover, the Song Dynasty was a country of benevolence and righteousness, so how could such a system that harmed the harmony of nature be allowed to exist?

Must be banned!

There is also a kind of "sinful people".

Those who are not slaves are guilty persons who have been sentenced and sentenced by the court. If they are sentenced to pre-military service or exiled for several thousand miles, they will be placed in a military horse ranch or a farm and serve out their sentence under supervision.


After much calculation, the powerful local factions in Hezhong, Khorasan, Congling and other areas here all feel that measuring land and counting the population is definitely not a good thing for them.

The family assets such as fields and pastures have been figured out, and taxes must be paid honestly in the future; the population has been counted, and there is no free use, and slaves can be exploited wantonly.

This is not okay, we must maintain hundreds of years of tradition.

Listening to the convoluted speeches of these local representatives, the meanings expressed were very consistent. Zhao seemed to be silent, signaling Huo Anguo to continue and not to be interrupted by these protests.

"In the past few days, many rebellions have occurred in various places, and bandits are rampant, which seriously endangers the safety and life of the people! The impact is very bad. Therefore, the Xuanfu Department decided to concentrate its efforts on counterinsurgency and suppressing bandits. During this period, the following regulations must be implemented in various places...

.The most important point, I solemnly remind you to follow the laws of the Song Dynasty!"

After listening to Huo Anguo's words, most of the people present stood up, filled with indignation, wishing to die with Huo Anguo. Why should we follow your laws? This is contrary to our tradition! When the Turks were there in the past, they never cared.


Huo Anguo glanced at them and continued to speak loudly: "Countering rebellion and suppressing bandits is to maintain local stability and restore order so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment..."

"That's what happened to me in the Song Dynasty. Everything is based on following the law. If you don't accept these, don't want to be counted on the population and land, and don't want to follow the law, there is only one way - to be deported!"

At this point, Huo Anguo's voice rose and his tone became very tough.

"You can take your property and leave the land of Song Dynasty and go wherever you want... This is a favor given to you by His Majesty!"

What! If we don’t follow these bullshit laws, we will be driven away! This is too overbearing! Is your Song Dynasty still the legendary country of benevolent and righteous gentlemen? How can you be as arrogant and unreasonable as the unevolved barbarians!

No, absolutely not! We protest! You Song people can't do this. You are gentlemen, how could you do such an unreasonable thing!

This chapter has been completed!
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