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Chapter 165 Who is the master?

Seeing nearly four hundred people standing there, waving their hands, spitting, and speaking various languages ​​with indignation, Zhao Si watched calmly. He waited until their voices gradually became quieter, and then suddenly stood up.

In fact, these local powerful factions have been paying close attention to the activities at the front desk, especially the new conquerors - the officials of the Song Dynasty. Every move is under their nervous attention.

Seeing Zhao Si stand up, as if to give orders, the throats of these people seemed to be pinched by invisible hands at the same time. The bustling voices just now were like a piece of grease, being cut and melted by a red-hot steel knife.


The hall was silent, except for the sounds of hawkers and hustle and bustle on the distant streets, drifting in with the wind, like curtains swaying on doors and windows.

"Seeing that you have strong opinions, let me recommend a representative to speak." Zhao said calmly.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and finally they recommended an old man who was very old, looked like he had less than two years left to live, and had high prestige to speak out.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Song Dynasty," the old man said respectfully after finishing his trembling salute, "Although we are located in a remote place, we have always admired the benevolence and righteousness of the Song Dynasty. We know that in the far east, the territory is thousands of miles away.

Under your rule, His Majesty the Emperor, we will prosper and prosper."

"The Western Region has been suffering from war. We have been thinking day and night, hoping for a wise king like you to save us. With the blessing of God, we have finally waited. Please be kind and merciful, His Majesty the Emperor, be considerate of us and respect our traditions.

, bestow grace on us..."

Zhao Si listened to the old man's words with a faint smile on his face.

"They are indeed discerning and reasonable in recommending you to speak out. You are right. I am famous for my benevolence and humility in the Song Dynasty. But benevolence is not pedantry, and humility is not connivance. Any governance must be under the laws and regulations.


"You have been talking about respecting your traditions. I want to ask, what traditions of yours need to be respected? What were the traditions of this land before the Christian conquest? What are the beliefs of Mani in this land?

Religion, religion, Buddhism and shamanism. When the Christians came, your ancestors surrendered, converted to Christianity, and then knelt down and worshiped one strong man after another as their master. Why? Because they can destroy this land


"That's right! Your tradition is that the owner is not the owner, and the one who can destroy it is the real owner. Now I, the Song Dynasty, have come and become the conqueror of this land. I also use the Samadha.

Ruins such as Mulu, Khwarezm, and Yinsfahan tell you that my army can easily destroy them all! Then, I am the master of this land! The rules I have set are the traditions of this land!"

Zhao Si looked at the people in the hall, looking down at them with contempt.

"I also want to tell you that unlike the brutal Persians, Dashi and Turks, the Song people can not only destroy everything with steel and fire, but also with pens and words. We will destroy all the words and all traces of the rebels

, making them and their ancestors seem as if they had never appeared in this world! The meteors passed by, leaving a brief light in the night sky, while the rebels were as silent as the dust on the ground.

No trace, no trace!”

Zhao's voice echoed like a bell in the hall. Everyone was dumbfounded and found it unbelievable. But thinking about it carefully made people sweat on their backs.

The people of the Song Dynasty had a prosperous culture, so of course they knew how to kill people and kill people.

Killing the traitors and rebels was just a matter of physical elimination. The Song people could also erase all traces of them - as if they had never appeared in this world.

The people of the Song Dynasty had the ability to do this. No matter whether the rebellion was a tribe or a nation, the people of the Song Dynasty could make them silent and traceless.

Thinking of this, endless chills filled the hearts of everyone present. The people of the Song Dynasty were cruel, but they were so cultured. Killing people not only destroyed the body, but also killed the heart!

Zhao Si looked around the silent hall and continued: "Now you can make a decision. Stay, surrender to me, and abide by my laws; or leave here. No matter what decision you make, I will respect it. But you need to

Let me remind you that you must bear the consequences of your choices."

After leaving the hall and returning to the meeting hall, Zhao Si explained to Huo Anguo, as well as Gao Shixuan, the commander of the left flag guard of the White Tiger Banner, Bai Chonghu, the commander of the Congling Army and Horses, Wang Shunchen, the commander of the right flag guard of the Zhuque Banner, and other civil and military officials.

"I believe there will be many people leaving their hometowns and migrating westward or to Tianzhu. Don't stop them. Ensure their personal and property safety within our borders. Move from the Yibo Lake and Aral Sea areas to the Qiajias, Geluolu, and

Kipchaks and other tribes should fill the vacancies. We must maintain local order and at the same time beware of cross-border retaliation and trouble caused by Christian believers."

"Our most important strategy at present is to stabilize Hezhong, Qihe, Chuhe and other areas, appease the people, and win over the people... In the land of the Song Dynasty, no matter what religion you believe in, you must abide by the laws of the Song Dynasty and be loyal to the emperor and patriotic...


"Secondly, we need to pacify the Congling area. Those who are obedient will be cared for, and those who are disobedient will be driven away to the west or to Tianzhu. Next, we will use the foundation of Congling to condescend to the Shen River (Indus River).

) area. There are four oceans in the world, the Eastern Ocean (Pacific Ocean) to the east, the Northern Ocean to the north, the Southern Ocean to the south, and the Western Ocean to the west."

"In the Eastern Ocean and the Northern Ocean in the east and north, the Song Dynasty has an outlet to the sea, so it is safe. My plan is to build an outlet in the Southern Ocean and the Western Ocean before I live.

In later generations, the Song Dynasty could not occupy the largest territory, but was cut off from the sea from a certain direction by other countries."

"Finally, we made adjustments to the areas west and south of the Dayue River such as Khorasan and Sistan to prepare for the next attack on Persia and the second western expedition..."

"Hu Luxiong has returned to Jinshan. First, the Baihu Banner has redefined its jurisdiction. Many banner people need to move to new places, and he needs to take charge. At the same time, he needs to prepare for the western expedition in the northern Black Sea area. There are vast fertile grasslands there.

, all the bannermen and tribesmen are enthusiastic."

Wang Shunchen said: "Your Majesty, all the good things have been taken away by the Beisan Banners. Our Zhuque Banner only got some leftover juice. I want to fight for them."

Zhao Si smiled and said: "I knew you were waiting here to say something like this. That's right, the Zhuque Banner was the first to follow me, but has been guarding the old land of Tubo. It's cold and difficult there, and I really can't stand up to them."

Gao Shixuan said from the side: "Your Majesty, please don't be deceived by their complaints. In recent years, they have taken turns going south to harass Tianzhu and robbed a lot of money. It is definitely not as miserable as they say!"

Wang Shunchen turned pale with anger and said, "You supercilious guy, don't talk nonsense. We Zhuque Banner guarded the old land of Tubo and got some benefits from robbing Tianzhu, which is what we deserve. You White Tiger Banner, you have been robbing Gaochang Kingdom and Kara Khanate in recent years. Is it right?"

Aren’t your mouths full of food? This time in the Western Expedition, you took the lion’s share again, and you are still not satisfied, and you won’t even give us a sip of the soup?”

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Si waved his hand, "Don't argue. It's still the old rule. In the newly occupied areas, the four banners will allocate bannermen to fill them. I make the decision. This time, Tianshan County, Qihe, and Chuhe

, in places like Hehe, the people of the White Tiger Banner account for 30%, the people of the Zhuque Banner account for 40%, the Xuanwu Banner accounts for 20%, and the Qinglong Banner accounts for 10%.”

Seeing that Gao Shixuan was still arguing, Zhao Si waved his hand to stop him from speaking, "There is still a large area of ​​land in the west, and the areas under the Four Banners will be readjusted. Don't fight for this moment."

Everyone understood the meaning of the words and responded in unison: "I obey the order!"

This chapter has been completed!
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