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Chapter 92 Everyone Has Their Own Mission

Zhao Si took the memorial from Liang Congzheng and quickly read it. It was exactly as Zongze wrote in the urgent letter to him a few days ago.

He and Guo Yong discovered a major clue: on Shaanxi Sixth Road, someone was smuggling grain, iron and other contraband to the Xixia Kingdom on a large scale.

Zongze, an old man, is actually very clever. When he and Guo Yong were in Jingzhao Mansion, he accidentally discovered clues to the smuggling case. However, he did not make any announcement after doing some research.

Zong Ze, who has experienced a lot of officialdom, knows that behind such a major smuggling case, the network of relationships involved is very large and the background is unfathomable. If he is not careful, he and Guo Yong, two small "superiors", will end up in a crisis-ridden world.

The land to the northwest disappeared silently.

So Zongze quickly sent a secret letter to Kaifeng, briefly telling Zhao Si the situation and seeking support.

After receiving a secret letter from Zongze, what else can Zhao Si do?

Of course it is supported.

Zhao Si found the seed masters, Yao Lin and Liu Fa, and first communicated well with the three representatives of the northwest military general families. The three of them secretly wrote letters back to clarify the interests to the heads of each family, and gave their guarantees.

conveyed to.

Tell them that this is a great opportunity to teach the civil officials who have been tyrannical over them a lesson.

Then negotiate privately with Fan Chunren.

Why go to Fan Chunren for matters in the northwest? Because his surname is Fan!

His father Fan Wenzhenggong can be said to be one of the founders of the Western Army. There are countless generals in the northwest who have been supported and favored by Fan Wenzhenggong.

He himself once served as the magistrate of Qingzhou and other places, with countless living people. Who among the aristocratic families on the Sixth Road of Shaanxi and the generals of the Western Army along the Fifth Road would dare not to give him some respect?

The old man hates evil as much as he hates it, so he must have given strong support to this kind of thing. He immediately wrote secretly to his trusted family friends in the northwest, asking them to give their full support to Zongze and Guo Yong.

Under the double insurance, Zongze and Guo Yongcai were able to use their tactics to capture three smuggling teams at Jingan Fort on Jingyuan Road and Suyuan Village on Huanqing Road, taking both the people and the stolen goods.

Then he followed the clues and found out that the pacification envoys and transshipment envoys of the various routes were not only greedy for military merit and rewards, but also indulged and supported the five roads along the border: Xihe, Qinfeng, Jingyuan, Huanqing, and Yanyan.

Smuggling is the most serious, especially on Jingyuan and Huanqing roads.

The illegal acts were mainly committed by some middle and low-level civil servants in the two departments. They bribed their superiors, obtained approvals, and opened up connections. Some generals and officers in the border army were also bribed and turned a blind eye when passing through the border inspection.

The evidence is conclusive and the case is solid!

But behind this, there are thousands of officials from the Six-Road Economic Strategy and Comfort Envoy Division and the Transport Envoy Division. If Wang Fa is really ruthless, then the Six-Route Route of Shaanxi will not be in turmoil, but will be overthrown!

Zhao Si looked angry and uneasy, "What should I do? I already regret it. Why did I recommend these two people to go to the imperial envoy to patrol the border?"

Zhang Dun and Zeng Bu looked at Zhao Si nervously, trying to discern his true purpose from his big face.

Now no one dares to look down upon this absurd prince. Since Jinmingchi fell into the water, this prince seems to have changed his mind and is working hard to become stronger.

But he tried to strengthen himself, and the imperial censor Zhongcheng, Shangshu Zuocheng, Tongzhi Privy Councilor, Minister of Justice, and several palace commanders and princes were all replaced.

The deposed King of Xin, Zhao Yu, was watching the sky at night in Fangzhou. Xing Shu and Cai Bian were on the top of the mountain in southern Hunan, blowing the night wind and drinking a little wine.

The worst thing is that the Han family and his son drank coconut juice and fished in the ends of the earth.

Let me ask you, who dares to take it lightly?

Li Qingchen looked at Zhao Si with a complicated expression, with disdain, coldness, and a bit of fear in his eyes. Huang Fu even turned his head, not daring to face Zhao Si head-on.

Lu Huiqing, on the other hand, looked at Zhao Si with interest.

Fan Chunren stared at Zhao Si with a complicated expression.

This thirteenth brother is really good at acting. If he hadn't known the inside story, he would have fooled him.

Treat loyal ministers with sincerity. Treat treacherous ministers more treacherously than him. Otherwise, how can you defeat him?

Zhao Si’s words are still fresh in my ears.

This Prince Jian is said to be treacherous, but he is willing to confess everything to himself without any reservation. If he is said to be sincere, it is estimated that after the whole plan is put together, the opponent he has targeted will not even know how to defeat him.

Zhao Si is still continuing his performance.

"Brother Emperor, what should we do? If we don't deal with it, major cases like this will be brushed aside. Where is the national law? But once it is dealt with, hundreds of officials will be involved. Shaanxi Sixth Road and Two Divisions will probably lose everything.


Zhao Si said in a dilemma in the palace, the regret on his face visible to the naked eye.

After standing in the hall and thinking for a while, Zhao Si said hesitantly.

"How about sending an important minister to the northwest to deal with the situation as the opportunity arises, focusing on the big ones and letting go of the small ones, that is, to safeguard the national law without being too turbulent?"

The official looked at his most trusted brother and thought there was a way, so he spoke.

"In this case, who is the right person to send?"

"Officials, would you like to go there?" Fan Chunren stepped forward to report first.

There was silence in Chui Gong Hall.

Fan Chunren should go? It would be appropriate. The Fan family's reputation in the northwest will definitely be able to control the situation.

But if he goes, will Zhang Kai be fine?

Zhang Dun's position is so stable, which has a lot to do with Zhang Kai's position in the northwest and his repeated military exploits.

Fan Chunren is a member of the old party. Will he avenge his personal revenge when he goes to the northwest? He took the opportunity to deal with Zhang Kai, Zhang Dun's most powerful clan brother. And if the northwest frontier army finds out anything, the responsibility will be held on the Privy Council.


Wouldn't it be dangerous for Zeng Bu, the Privy Councilor who is in charge of the Privy Council?

No, we can't let Fan Chunren go, otherwise he is very likely to cause a major case in the northwest. By then, all the new party ministers in the court will be wiped out in one fell swoop.

He has also been a prime minister, so he is no stranger to officialdom tactics.

Zhang Dun and Zeng Bu, the two old rivals, couldn't help but look at each other. A tacit understanding was formed between their glances.

"Fan Cigong is old and frail and has to go all the way to the northwest. We really can't bear it."

"Exactly, Fan Cigong is old and should not be busy traveling around. Should the officials be afraid of sending Prime Minister An to go there? Handling military affairs is the responsibility of the Privy Council." Zeng Bu quickly agreed and proposed a more suitable candidate.

An Tao was sent, but the officials felt it was inappropriate.

He was worried that Tongzhi Privy Councilor, who was a civil servant, would favor civilian officials and take the opportunity to suppress military commanders.

Officials are like a mirror in their minds. The best military generals can do is deprive them of military rations, embezzle salary money, lie about their military exploits, defraud them of rewards, and engage in petty troubles. But to lead such a large-scale and systematic smuggling and handle such a big thing, military generals must

Even if we have the heart, we don’t have the power.

Only civil servants who control every link and authority have the opportunity to allow such large-scale smuggling to proceed unimpeded all the way from Jingzhao Mansion to the frontier fortress.

After the official's thoughts turned around, he couldn't help but stare at Zhao Si.

Everyone followed his gaze and understood in their hearts. In the official family, it was his Thirteenth Brother who believed in him the most.

Zhao Si lowered his head and thought for a while, "Guan family, please let me make a trip. Ru Lin, I recommended these two gentlemen Shensi. I am also a member of the Privy Council now. Due to emotions and reasons, it is best for me to make a trip."


The official nodded happily, "Okay, then let Brother Thirteen make a trip. Smuggling contraband to the Hexi family is tantamount to siding with the enemy! It must be severely punished! However, the situation in the northwest is delicate, especially along the five roads along the border. On the surface, the Hexi family is on the bright side.

He is suing for peace from the country and secretly preparing to make a move. No one knows when the peace treaty will be broken and the border will be violated again."

After scanning the crowd and finding that no one had any objections, the official continued.

"In such a sensitive period, you should not be careless. Brother Thirteen, as you just said, grasp the big and let go of the small. That is to safeguard the national law without being too turbulent."

"According to the order!"

"Okay, that's it. The edict was drafted by the disciples. King Jian seemed to lead the Sixth Route of Shaanxi as a consolation envoy with the Privy Council of Tongzhi. He was ordered to inspect all the states and counties of the Sixth Route Army. He would detect traitors and eradicate corruption, vindicate those who were wronged, rectify the country's laws, and bring peace to peace.

Make peace on all sides."

After the court was over, everyone left the Chui Gong Hall in twos and threes. After walking for a while, seeing no one around, Fan Chunren grabbed Zhao Si.

"Thirteenth Prince, why are you so sure that the government will let you go to the northwest?"

Zhao Si blinked his eyes, "In one month's time, Consort Liu will give birth. Everyone said that she will be the prince this time. Hexi, Hebei..."

Fan Chunren understood everything, "Thirteenth Lang, everyone has his own mission."

Zhao Si smiled, "Uncle Fan, I know!"

My mission is to scare you if I tell you about it!
This chapter has been completed!
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