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Chapter 93: Zhang Dun's Advice

"Zhang Xiang, why do you need to go see Zhao Shisan off?"

Sitting in Zhang's study room, Li Qingchen held a cup of tea in both hands and said leisurely.

"Zeng Zixuan has gone, so I have to go." Zhang Dun sat on the seat like a green pine, stroking his beard and replied calmly.

"Zeng Zixuan, why did he send Zhao Shisan off?" Li Qingchen raised his head and asked curiously.

"Zeng Zixuan thought that Thirteenth Prince went to the northwest to hold his husband hostage and wanted to cut off one of my arms, so he went to show his courtesy and stir up trouble."

"Zhang Zhifu? He is the envoy who knows the affairs of Qinzhou and manages the strategy and pacification along the five border routes. Zhao Shisan, Zongze, and Guo Yong were originally his minions sent to the northwest five routes. Now such a big case has been discovered

Come on, wasn't it his instruction? No matter how we investigate, Zhang Zhifu cannot be blamed!"

Speaking of this, Li Qingchen said meaningfully: "The intention of Xiangzhuang's sword dance is Pei Gong! When Zhao Shisan went to the northwest, he must have stared at Zhang Zhifu, and then traced Zhang Zhifu from him! Zihou, could it be that he

Are you just going to sit back and wait for death?"

"Are you thinking of Pei Gong? Bangzhi, if Thirteenth Prince wants to deal with me, there are many opportunities these days. There is no need to go to all the trouble of going around to the northwest."

Li Qingchen put down his tea cup and stared at Zhang Dun for a long time, "Zihou, where do you get the confidence that Zhao Shisan will not secretly attack Zhang Zhifu or kill you?"

Zhang Dun picked up the tea cup and took a careful sip. His triangular eyes seemed to see through all the fog in the world.


After hearing Zhang Dun's words, Li Qingchen laughed angrily.

"Zhang Zihou, are you lying to me? Intuition! Did you learn intuition after decades of ups and downs in the officialdom and through many dangers?"

Li Qingchen talked a lot, and when he saw Zhang Dun had no reaction, he suddenly felt lonely and lonely.

"Forget it! Now that the officials and I are separated from each other, we no longer have the same trust as before. Sooner or later, the relationship between us will belong to someone else. I just hope that one day, I can beg my bones to return home, and there is no need to die in a foreign land."

Seeing Li Qingchen stand up to leave, Zhang Dun suddenly spoke again.



"You and I have known each other for decades, served the officials with one heart and one mind, and ruled the world..." Zhang Dun hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "I heard that you have been very close to King Shen and King Suining recently.


"That's right, I share the same goals with people like Ninth Brother and Eleventh Brother who understand the scriptures and ethics." Li Qingchen said proudly.

"Bangzhi, there is no need for people like you and me to end in a hurry. As long as the situation is critical and the situation is determined, you can express your attitude. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

Zhang Dun advised kindly.

Li Qingchen's face turned pale, and his red and phoenix eyes widened.

He held his head high and said proudly: "A gentleman is magnanimous and does not bully a dark room."

After that, he walked away.

Zhang Dun's fourth son, Zhang Yuan, came out from next door, carefully changed the tea and water, and washed the tea set again. After the water boiled, he brewed a new pot of tea.

"Sir, Prime Minister Li seems a little dissatisfied." Zhang Yuan said cautiously.

Zhang Dun picked up the teacup with wisps of water vapor floating in it, and said leisurely: "Under the strong wind and heavy rain, everyone's choices are different. Don't force it."

"When Prime Minister Li left, there seemed to be some consolation in his words?"

"I have seen clearly that no one can compete with Thirteenth Lang now. Because they don't have the power and scheming of Thirteenth Lang. What's the use of being cruel and ruthless? Moreover, Zhao Shisan's heart and hands are as vicious as any other.

Give it to them, but everyone in the world thinks that this is a wise king who is both chivalrous and upright."

Zhang Dun said with a smile. There was a bit of loneliness and helplessness in his words.

"Sir, isn't Concubine Xian going to give birth in a month? Everyone said she must be a prince." Zhang Yuan was shocked.

"Soon, she will no longer be a good concubine. Our Highness, Prince Jian, sent a letter asking for the appointment of Lady Liu as the queen. The officials agreed and asked the Taishi Bureau to choose an auspicious day this month to give birth to a prince. I believe he is a prince. But this

As long as the prince is not born, it will be a disaster. Once he is born, he will be a disaster."

Zhang Yuan's face became more and more frightened, "Why do you say this, sir?"

"Some people don't want this prince to be born. If Madam Liu really gives birth to a prince in one month, I'm afraid there will be a sword fight."

Having said this, Zhang Dun showed an approving smile on his face, "From this point, we can see that Zhao Shisan can take it up and let it go. With this incident in the northwest, he can leave the whirlpool of Kaifeng. When the overall situation is over

If he comes back again, he will be untainted by all dharmas and untainted by cause and effect."

Zhang Yuan's voice was trembling a little, "Sir, tell me...who doesn't want...the prince to be born? Or what kind of trouble will it cause if the prince is born?"

"You don't have to ask, just sit back and watch."

"Prince Jian's trip to the northwest was a move to avoid disaster." Zhang Yuan asked hesitantly.

"Yes. A very smart move. He is not a prince, but he continued to come here after returning to Kaifeng City. He is a prince, and he is safe and sound. He made a fuss in the northwest, which is undoubtedly to show the officials that he is determined to fulfill the emperor's last wish and regain Hexi.

Yan Yun, be an imperial uncle who opens up and expands the territory of the Song Dynasty."

"Uncle Huang..." Zhang Yuan understood somewhat.

"Alang, Li Shilang is here."

"Please come in."

After Li Jian was brought in, he bowed respectfully and said, "I have met Zhang Xiang and Shiro."

Zhang Dun waved his hand and said kindly: "Li Shilang, Mr. Li has entrusted you to me. I have been able to handle several things smoothly. You are a talent!"

"Thank you Zhang Xiang for the compliment." Li Jian replied in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Do you know that King Jian is taking people to the northwest?"

"I know, little one." Li Jian replied quickly.

"Accompanying him are Li Fang, the chief servant of the palace, and Ming Zhaoxia, the side concubine."

"The escort includes three instructors from the palace and one hundred guards led by the armed guard Cen Meng, which is what Kaifeng soldiers and civilians call the sword-drawing team. As well as three elite Zuo Yi guards led by Liu Fa, Yang Keshi, Zhe Yanzhi, and Yang Zongmin

Hundred, the number is Red Cavalry Yi Cong."

"Along with him are the military envoy of the Jianwu Army, Yao Lin, the military commander of Xizhou Prefecture, the newly appointed minister of the Ministry of War, Chen Shixi, and the Hexi Fang of the Privy Council, Guo Zhongxiao."

Zhang Dun nodded with satisfaction, "I have an errand for you. Keep an eye on King Jian and his party quietly. Don't disturb them. Just watch what he does and report it to me when you come back."

"As you command!"

Two days later, in the study room in the front yard of the palace, Cao Duo and Yu Huatian looked anxiously at Changsun Moli.

Changsun Moli looked at the scroll in his hand and his expression turned grim.

"I didn't expect that so many people don't want His Highness to come back. Well, these two are also involved, Cao Liulang and Yu Gaopin. Is the information accurate?"

"We have verified it and it is correct." Cao Duo and Yu Huatian replied in unison.

"According to the information I have, some people in the northwest are so desperate that they colluded with the Hexi family and prepared to borrow knives to kill people. These people should be colluding together."

Changsun Moli's words made Cao Duo's face darker and Yu Huatian's face paler.

"Mr. Xuanming, how is it possible?"

"The key figures are these two. With them pulling the strings, it became possible for several people to connect together." Changsun Moli clicked his finger on the two names on the scroll.

"What should we do?" Cao Duo and Yu Huatian asked anxiously.

"His Highness knows that his outing this time is an opportunity for many people. As he often said, in every crisis, there are also opportunities. The only thing we can do is to pass on the information we have learned to him in a timely manner."

Having said this, Changsun Moli calculated silently.

"According to the itinerary, Your Highness should have entered Hangu Pass."

1. "Sir" at this time is an honorific title for princes, nobles, or parents and elders.
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