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Chapter 2149 Drawing the Sword

Chapter 2150 Drawing the Sword

"The Thirteenth Ring Warlock 'Glory Hand' of the Church of Dawn is not here."

The witch made a judgment with just one glance:

"That gentleman is probably in the city. It's not clear what the [Dragon Cult] will do tonight. He is sitting in the city, and it seems that he is not needed here."

The three-headed dragon is indeed abnormal. Because it is too far away, it is impossible to judge the shape for the time being, but one of them is a genuine bone dragon, the other two have three three-color heads spitting flames, and the other has three pairs of heads.

Wings of different sizes.

And more importantly, although Shade cannot see, Miss Belindel, who has better eyesight, can see quite clearly:

"There is a person standing on the head of each of the three dragons."

"Dragon Knight, is this a fairy tale come true?"

Shade was amused by this, but Miss Belindel shook her head seriously;

"It is mentioned in the secret legends and records circulated by the seven major families that the arrival of dragon riders in Moon Bay is the first harbinger of destruction."

"Well look over there, what is that?"

On the turbulent sea, with a faint light, a huge ghost ship came through the storm. Even if Shade was still on the shore, he could feel the whispering elements that almost turned into substance and stung his skin.

This is some kind of relic, and its power will not be lower than the sage-level relic [Fishbone Pirate Ship] he once encountered.

"The cultists have summoned the relics. We don't need to worry. The church has ways to deal with them. But what should we do now?"

Miss Belindel asked from the side, and Shade's eyes moved away from the green light in the distance on the sea:

"Did you hear the dragon roar?"

"Of course you can hear it."

She pointed to the sky, but Shade shook his head. At this moment, he clearly heard the dragon's roar coming from underwater. The turbulent sea in front of him reminded him of the sea area where the [Sunless Sea] is located, and as the tide continued to beat,

While percussing the natural rhythm as some kind of melody, the roar of the dragon is really coming to the ears from below the sea surface:

"I found my target, you wait for me on the shore, I want it"

He was about to leave, but the witch grabbed his hand and didn't intend to let go at all. Looking back at her, she didn't speak, just looked at him stubbornly. Shade saw a lot of emotions in those eyes,

He hesitated for a moment before nodding:

"Follow me closely and be sure to pay attention to safety."

Holding hands, with the help of the Illusion Charm and the Red Butterfly Illusion, the two once again broke through the church's defense and reconnaissance rituals. After arriving at the end of the deserted trestle, Shade sprinkled a pinch of bone powder, and then the dilapidated wooden boat floated away.

The waves rose up.

Miss Belindel didn't have time to ask what kind of strange thaumaturgy this was, so she was led by Shade onto the boat. With no one rowing, the boat remained stable in the violent storm and headed away from the coastline.

Row away. In the stormy sea, the boat is like an inconspicuous leaf.

In order to cast a spell to defend against the fireball falling above her head, Miss Belindel canceled the effect of the illusion. The rain quickly wet her hair and clothes, but she was still tense and muttered about adding "luck of the ocean" and "water" to the ship.

A variety of positive benefits such as "Aura of Thorns" and "Defense from Evil".

After dealing with these, the small boat had completely moved away from the shore. The slight heaving of the boat made the witch sit down with her body shrunken. Although the overall effect of the illusion technique had disappeared, in such a dark night, no one was there.

Notice this inconspicuous little boat on the sea.

She watched the coastline gradually move away, and then she had time to turn her head from the stern of the boat to look at Shade, wondering why he hadn't spoken for a long time. But when she turned her head, the first thing she saw was a golden light, and then she saw the figure standing on the bow of the boat.

He was a man who was going to face the darkness and storm, and there were already traces of golden light like embers of fire on his clothes.

For a moment, she almost felt that her heart had stopped beating, and she even regarded the man standing on the bow of the ship as something indescribable. But in the blink of an eye, everything in her field of vision returned to normal.

"A hallucination?"

Although she thought so in her heart, her big breaths, as if she was out of breath, told her that the sudden glimpse just now was another result of her powerful inspiration.

Shade also turned to look at her at this time, with almost uncontrollable excitement on his face. The dragon roars coming from the water were directly transmitted into his soul. As the thunder exploded above his head more and more frequently,

, he can almost feel the familiar power that exists here, in the seal of the ocean gods. It is not the roar of the dragon that is guiding him, but the power of the three ocean gods that he has absorbed is resonating with a certain seal.


What's more important is that the power of divinity is resonating with him. Although he still doesn't know how to obtain that power, Shade is sure that he will get it:

"I'm going to the sea soon, you wait for me on the boat."

This time the blonde witch did not object, but nodded lightly while suppressing her premonition of what was about to happen:

"Something is not right about the situation. I did another divination just now. Those cultists will probably summon something terrible soon. That is something more terrifying than a giant dragon. We need to leave as soon as possible."

Although the waves were roaring, the wind was howling, and the rain and snow were mixed, she felt that her heart at this moment was calmer than in the meditation room. The originally vague future destiny was revealing its secrets to her. She felt what the man in front of her was going to do.

It was a big deal, but I also felt extremely dangerous.

"Okay, I'll act as soon as possible."

After closing his eyes and feeling the power that was almost at hand, Xia De suddenly opened his eyes again and looked at another small boat that appeared on the dark sea not far away.

That was not the ghost ship I saw just now on the shore. That ghost ship had been expelled by some kind of church ritual and was patrolling the sea further away. The small boat not far away was no different than the ship summoned by Shade.

It was bigger, the edge of the wooden boat was full of wriggling water plants, and there were only two people on board.

An older priest-like man sat in the back holding a compass. The man standing alone at the bow of the boat clearly had a pair of dragon horns on his head.

When his vertical pupils looked at Sha De, who was also standing on the bow of the ship, Sha De even felt that the person looking at him at this moment was a real giant dragon.

The witch behind him wanted to stand up, but was stopped by Shade. Miss Belindel's voice sounded anxious in the rain:

"That seems to be the eleventh-level 'Dragon Eater' Hal Wesley of the [Dragon Feast Order]. This man is very famous. He is a dragon-born sorcerer himself. Although he is an eleventh-level magician, he is definitely better than me.

Much stronger."

"I have met many cult groups, but this is the first time I have seen a real dragonborn ring warlock."

After all, compared to the Dragonborn, Shade believed that Fiona was actually a humanoid red dragon.

Shade said softly, looking through the rain curtain at the man on the bow of the opposite boat. Just as he was almost certain that the other party also came for the traces of the divine war, Shade believed that the cultists also knew their purpose.

White light flashed across the sky. During the interval of the dragon's roar, the loudest crack so far almost made the sea water shake. The white light of lightning illuminated the two men standing on the bows of the two ships.

None of them were holding umbrellas, and they were all looking at each other.

The eleven life rings were the first to appear in the steam mist. The core spiritual runes "Enlightenment-Dragon", "Enlightenment-Gluttony" and "Enlightenment-Piety" made Shade frown slightly.

Of course he can't beat the opponent in his normal state, but at this moment the power of divinity is resonating with him. As time goes by, the brilliance of divinity is gradually awakening from the dormant state inside the soul. The radiance of divinity drives the power of the soul,

The golden afterglow that the witch saw just now was certainly not an illusion, and under the agitation of this power, Shade already understood what he could learn from the high-circle thaumaturgy taught by the witch.

The lightning flashed in the sky again, and even the giant dragons and high-ring warlocks who were fighting at high altitude seemed insignificant in front of this natural power. The eleven-ring warlocks on the bow gradually rose into the sky, and in the darkness behind them, the dragon's head

A blurry shadow flashed past.

Shade reached his hand behind his back, touched the Dragon Scale Sword, hesitated, and then grasped the exposed hilt of the [Night Watchman].

The witch no longer tried to persuade Shade to escape at this moment. With her extremely sensitive inspiration, she felt the power deep in the body and soul of the man who had his back to her that almost suffocated her.

It was only at this moment that the corner of Sha De's life ring appeared amidst the thunderous bells. The [Time and Space] spirit runes shone with aura, and as the wind blew by his fingertips touching the sword hilt, the surface of his skin appeared for the first time.

A crack, and in the crack was a golden glow that Bella Belindel did not even dare to look directly at:

"What is he"

Behind the dragonborn in the air, a total of seven huge jet-black dragon heads turned into entities. They formed a circle together, and the violent spirits and elements gathered in their mouths to form a huge jet-black ball of light, but Shade did not try

Interrupting the opponent's energy accumulation, but continuing to maintain the posture of drawing the sword, allowing one's own soul to resonate more strongly with the drop of divinity that exists here.


The great witch of fate suddenly raised her head and was surprised to see a black lightning appearing in the sky. Behind the clouds where the lightning flashed, the phantom of a giant dragon attacking a giant flashed past high in the clouds, like a black lightning flash.

The gap between time and space was broken. Not only her, but almost everyone in the nearby sea and docks, after this abnormal black lightning, felt some kind of pressure that was more terrifying than a dragon or any mortal creature.

The seal of the gods was being touched by Shade, and the dark lightning was just a slight reaction. After confirming that he could not absorb the unknown divinity out of thin air, Shade still did not take action in advance.

He maintained the posture of drawing his sword, and the light balls in the mouths of the huge dragon heads behind the eleven-ring warlock in the air became bigger and bigger, and the black lightning that fell from the night sky that had turned into a blizzard became more and more terrifying.

The dragons and humans who were originally flying high in the sky had to drop down to dodge, which also allowed them to discover two small boats confronting each other offshore.

The small wooden boat locked by the huge dragon's head was unavoidable, but the witch on the boat didn't care about the threat of falling at this moment. Instead, she looked at Shade on the bow of the boat in shock, and at the golden glow flowing down his fingertips.

The light made the cloth tied with the sword ignite golden flames in the wind.

The golden ember touched her cheek along the wind, and the witch trembled violently. Then amid the deafening roar of the dragon, she saw the dragon heads emerging in the air, and finally spit out the fatal light toward the sea where they were.



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