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Chapter 2150: Shade’s Regression Principle (please vote for me)

Chapter 2151 Shade’s Regression Principle (please vote for me)

The strong wind pressure caused the locked boat to almost sink into the sea water, but Shade, who was standing on the bow of the boat, seemed completely unaffected. He closed his eyes tightly, and the power of the divine resonance stirred, and the sense of fatal crisis brought about.

A brand new breakthrough for him.

"Time reversal fishing technique, unloading and turning, Mia flicks her tail and the sun and moon return."

The long sword was drawn from behind, and the silver sword light almost made Miss Belindle unable to open her eyes. The storm had completely turned into a blizzard at this moment, and a black lightning flashed among the snowflakes. Amidst the ear-splitting rumble, the frog legs fell towards the sea.

Shade, who was holding a sword on the bow of the ship, jumped into the sky.

In such a dark night, compared with the ocean, snowflakes and the falling black ball of light, his figure was not eye-catching. But when the phantom of the spiral starry sky above his head appeared, no one could ignore the twinkling light at that moment.

Sword light.

[Night Watch] was raised high above the head, and the stars in the illusion of the sea of ​​​​stars swirled with the movements of the sword. Shade in the air opened his eyes, and finally integrated all the experience into the movements at this moment, and Adele...

The high-level thaumaturgy that Miss Isabella spent her entire life creating has truly turned into her own power.

[Night Watch] touched the dark ball of light falling from above, and as his body rotated in the air, the swinging long sword seemed to absorb the ball of light, turning the dark light into ink color, and rotated as the long sword

All of them are attached to the sword.

Miss Belindel below could see it most clearly. The dark ball of light had clearly disappeared, but Shade, who was spinning in the air and swinging his sword, left a trail in the blizzard night sky that could be seen even in the center of Yuewan City.

, a huge black circular sword mark that cut through the snowy night.

As the turn ended, Shade once again faced the eleventh-ring warlock casting spells in the air, and the long sword in his hand slashed forward with the turned power:

"The principle of regressivity!"

The galaxy reversed, time flowed backwards, and the reversed ink-colored energy almost turned into thunderbolts, and as Shade swung his sword in the air, it hit its original owner again.

The "Dragon Eater" who cast the spell never expected that his full blow would be neutralized in this way. The power of the black light that hit him was even more powerful than when he just shot it. He was forced to drop down and tried to dodge, but it was too late.

. In the dull sound, the seven huge black dragon heads behind him were shattered by the ink sword light. The life ring was hidden in the void. He screamed and fell straight to the ship below, almost vomiting blood.

The old man wearing a sacrificial robe stood up and helped him up. Eleven life rings also appeared behind him. At this moment, the church people around the pier saw the confrontation in the sea and realized what had just happened. They were about to fly to the sea to help the unknown person.

The famous swordsman pursued the victory and threw the sword in the air. Shade fell because he could not fly. At the same time, the roaring voice reached Miss Belindel's ears:

"Throw me higher!"

The fat-red birthmark trembled because of the excitement in her heart. She stood up. When Shade almost fell onto the boat, the eleven life rings appeared. The compressed wind made Shade, who was squatting to relieve his strength, almost be hit by him with the small wooden boat.

At the cost of stepping under the sea surface, I bounced higher into the night sky again.

The wind blew through the whole body, and the snow and silver light moved backward. At this moment, almost all eyes were focused on the figure rising into the airspace that had become dangerous due to the appearance of black thunder. He held the long sword high, "Ha~"

The sound is even louder than thunder in a snowstorm.

Bella Belindel below, the three people riding a dragon on the pier and the church's ring warlock, and even the pier and the edge of the city, where the Church of Dawn is temporarily stationed for tonight's operation, the thirteen-ring warlock "Hand of Glory" Joshua...

Brooklyn also stared at the night sky over the distant sea with wide eyes.

The next moment, these people who made the same move saw thick black lightning falling in the rain, hitting the man holding the long sword high.


The thunder was attached to the long sword, and the thunder triggered by the divine seal was far beyond Shade's normal endurance. But at high altitude, he still held the [Night Watch] with both hands. After he reached the highest point in the air, he slashed it down with all his strength.


At this moment, it was as if the thunder reappeared. After being guided by the long sword, the dark thunder released almost all its power downwards again.

Except for the witch nearby, no one could clearly see what happened next moment. The boat that was originally confronting Shade and the two men was completely turned into ashes under this blow. The two eleven-ring warlocks were seriously injured.

, then quickly fled along the sea surface, and was caught by the descending bone dragon and fled further away.

Black lightning was still dancing on the sea. The great witch of "destiny" didn't even chase the two people who escaped. She just stood there and stared blankly at the scene in front of her. Then, Shade fell back on his own boat.

The original standing posture changed into kneeling on the bow of the ship with a sword as black arcs jumped out of his body. But he was not worried at all, with an expression of ecstasy on his face:

"It's not a completely reverse attack, but turning the direction will cause loss of attack power, so I let them escape. But finally, finally"

[Outlander, you have mastered the principle of thaumaturgy - Adele's regression, which corresponds to the [Time and Space] rune. Although you have not completely mastered it, you already know the core of this thaumaturgy.】

"She" also seems to be happy for his another progress.

"Compared to Miss Isabella, I'm still far behind."

Standing up with the sword in hand, the remaining cloth strips were still hanging on the long sword, and the cloth strips swaying with the wind still had a golden afterglow. The long sword exuded a stable and charming silver light, and the orange runes were because of the cloth.

Blocked by the strips, the great witch of fate was shocked and speechless. She could only see the two runes of "Clarity" and "Sword Cut".


She wanted to reach out and support Shade, who was half kneeling, but was frightened by the black arc jumping on his body.

"It's amazing, right? The lady who taught me is amazing."

The black electric arc crackled in the ear again, and Shade's mouth trembled in pain. To Miss Belindel's surprise, even though her arm was hit by the black electric light, she still stretched out her hand again, and this time she really

He helped her up. Shade looked at her with a smile and wiped the water from his face.

He is not worried about being recognized for the thaumaturgy he just performed. After all, although it is the same thaumaturgy, his current spell-casting method is very different from that of the great witch of time. As long as he does not use it in front of the other party, he has no worries about revealing his secret:

"I know you are curious, but if there is anything we can talk about after we go back. The [Dragon Cult] has been temporarily repulsed, and the church probably won't pay attention to this place for a while. I'm going to the sea to get something now, and I've already sensed it.

We're here. If I don't float up within three minutes, you can leave by boat first."

He turned around and was about to jump into the sea, but the witch grabbed his sleeve. This time she didn't stop Shade from letting him go. Instead, she hugged his neck and gently pressed her lips against his.

After tapping it lightly, she finally couldn't suppress the throbbing in her heart.

The two people looked at each other at a close distance. The witch's golden eyes still had the familiar look, but with some very complicated emotions. Shade smiled at her again:

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back."

After saying that, she turned around and jumped into the sea. The blonde witch subconsciously wanted to catch it, but she couldn't catch anything.

There was a violent storm and snow above my head, but when I entered the water, I felt warm, as if I had returned to my home with steam pipes in winter. Listening to the roar of the dragon becoming more and more clear in my ears, Shade swam aimlessly downwards. Just now, he relied on the sound of thunder.

With Setsuna’s insight, he mastered [Adele’s Regression Principle], and the feeling and joy of his own breakthrough made his inspiration even more powerful.

He grasped the inspiration in his heart, pursued the calling that became clearer and clearer, gradually closed his eyes, and gradually gave up all senses except inspiration.

Time and space seemed to have become less important in the process of continuous diving, and the seawater around him began to glow slightly. When Shade opened his eyes again, he had stopped under the completely dark water.

There seems to be nothing around, but there seems to be everything around. Reach out and feel the rhythm of the water. Every water pattern seems to record the war that took place in ancient times.

"This is not the sea anymore."

Shade understood that he had found his target. This strange dark underwater world was the remnant of that war. He passed through the periphery of the seal by relying on the vague attraction of divinity, and now he had to face the seal.

The main body. This was easier than he thought, but this ease was not only because of his strong inspiration, but also because he had the power that resonated with the seal.

【So, what are you going to do?】

"She" asked with a smile, Shade frowned slightly and looked at his hands.

Cracks had spread all over the body without realizing it, and the golden scars provided a little light in the water. He then stretched out his right index finger, and when he waved his hand, the golden light traces remained for a moment in the water.

Shade then understood what he had to do, and it seemed that he did not need to forcefully use the [Philosopher's Stone] in conjunction with the "Key of the Door" to open the lock:

"Guardian of the fishmen - Lord of the Scarlet Spiral."

A spiral holy symbol appears.

"The god who controls the storms of the sea - the furious storm."

Lightning and hurricane-shaped holy symbols appeared.

"The lonely god who drowned in the deep - the god of the drowned in the deep."

The holy symbol of the terrifying skeleton appears in the sea.

The holy emblems of the "Three Evil Gods of Coldwater Port" appeared in front of Shade at this moment, arranged in a triangle. The golden holy emblems resonated with each other, and the oscillating ripples spread rapidly in all directions.

"These three people actually participated in the divine battle back then."

The trembling sea water even made Shade's skin feel itchy, but he didn't care to feel it because the roar of the dragon that he had been hearing since just now completely disappeared.

Silence did not return to the surroundings, and the gurgling sound coming from the water was like liquid boiling.

PS: Please vote for more updates. The results this month are terrible. Please vote for me.


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