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Chapter 658 - Losing Streak

"General!" In Huang Zhong's tent in the north of Xinye City, a guard soldier walked in quickly and saluted Huang Zhong.

"What's the matter?" Huang Zhong opened his eyes, and the power he released in an instant made the soldier almost kneel down. After practicing the Qi training method, and relying on his extremely strong soul cultivation, his strength has become increasingly sophisticated. Now, with every move,

They all seemed to have great power. After today's battle with Guan Yu, Huang Zhongyin realized that he might be able to reach the level of Marquis Wen soon.

"Back to the general, the scouts arranged by our army in the south of the city have just come to report that a small group of troops has left the city and headed straight for the Han River." The soldier bowed.

"Hanshui?" Huang Zhong frowned and said, "If I know, I will send another scout to monitor the Hanshui area. If there is any trouble, report it immediately!"

"Here!" the soldier agreed and bowed to leave.

Huang Zhong continued to practice with his eyes closed.

The next day, Huang Zhong continued to lead his army, and as before, he stormed the enemy's city-protecting Qing Qi. However, Huang Zhong soon realized that something was wrong. The city's defending Qing Qi was only consumed, but not replenished.

There is a Confucian scholar with good cultivation in this city. Huang Zhong knows this. The opponent condenses the green energy to protect the city very quickly. Although he cannot keep up with his own consumption, he can still make it through today. But now, the green energy to protect the city

But there was only consumption but no replenishment. At this time, Huang Zhong didn't think that the other party didn't react.

The only explanation is that the Confucian scholars in the city have left.

"Is it true that no troops left the city last night?" Huang Zhong called the general in charge of the scouts and asked in a deep voice.

"Back to the general, except for a few scattered troops leaving the city, our army lost a scout horse, but there is no sign of a large army leaving the city!" the general replied firmly.

Without the green energy to protect the city, it is impossible for Guan Yu to defend this small city now.

Huang Zhong had a vague premonition, so he immediately ordered his troops to step up the attack on the city. The green energy protecting the city was no longer replenished. Under Huang Zhong's fierce attack, the green energy protecting the city was shattered by Huang Zhong in just half a day.

The army's attack on the city did not encounter many obstacles. Even the city's defenders broke through the city gate without much resistance, and the defenders surrendered one after another.

"What happened? Where is Guan Yu!?" Huang Zhong summoned several surrendered generals and asked with a frown.

"Go back to the general, General Guan and the others left last night. Before leaving, General Guan said that Chu... Prime Minister... is a benevolent and righteous person and will not embarrass us!" A general saluted Huang Zhong silently.

Last night, Guan Yu and Shi Tao had a disagreement about how to go. Shi Tao meant that since he couldn't be taken away and couldn't be left with the enemy, he suggested using the soldiers of the three armies as cover while they took advantage of Huang Zhong to strangle the army.

, take advantage of the chaos to escape.

But it was rejected by Guan Yu.

He fought all the way from the bottom to where he is today, and even the soldiers at the bottom were very difficult. He really couldn't save his own life at the expense of the lives of the soldiers, so he only waited for a few core generals and more than a dozen personal guards to leave the city, leaving behind

These soldiers, let them surrender after the city is broken, without making unnecessary resistance.

Guan Yu, who had fought against Huang Zhong once, knew very well that letting these soldiers who had lost their command fight Huang Zhong was just a waste of their lives. His own incompetence caused the defeat of the three armies, and he also asked the soldiers of the three armies to die.

Guan Yu couldn't do it. Although Shi Tao felt that this matter was too merciful, it was Guan Yu who had the final say here, and in the end he could only do what Guan Yu said.

"General, what should we do with these surrendered troops?" the deputy general asked.

"What else can we do?" Huang Zhong looked at the city: "Collect the weapons and move out of the city. Remember, you must be careful, but those who have evil intentions and incite chaos will be killed without mercy!"

Accepting a surrender is like accepting an enemy. Although Chu Nan does not kill the surrender or massacre the city, he still has a way to deal with the rebellion of the people who capture the city or surrender troops. The first thing to do when conquering the enemy city is to be vigilant. If there are civilians or surrender troops gathering in crowds,

Any trouble, no matter what the cause, is suppressed as soon as possible. It is difficult to be comprehensive in wartime. What we can do is not to let the chaos expand, and put our own safety first.

"Here!" the general agreed, and took people to collect the weapons and collect the surrendered troops. Huang Zhong then ordered people to inform Chu Nan of the matter. He let Guan Yu go. He was also derelict in his duty, and he had to apologize.


Chu Nan naturally wouldn't blame him, but Huang Zhong still felt a little awkward.

Xinye was conquered, and Deng County had long been captured by Zhang He. Although it was also an important town north of the Han River, Liu Bei also stationed a lot of troops here. Unfortunately, there were no strong generals like Guan Yu, and Zhang He's troops were not as many as Huang Zhong's. But Deng County even

Unable to defend it for even a day, Zhang He defeated it.

Needless to say, Zhang Liao entered Jiangxia. Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia, was beaten by Zhang Liao so that he did not dare to leave the city. Zhang Yun led his army to come to the rescue and collapsed at the first touch. Zhang Liao chased him until he jumped into the Han River and finally escaped with his life.

Liu Bei had just taken over Jingzhou and was faced with defeats in three battles. Not only was the gateway to Xinye broken, but the entire Jiangxia County was almost gone.

In Xiangyang City, Cai Mao looked at the returning Guan Yu and frowned: "General Guan is known as the most brave in the world, but even Lu Bu from Chunan didn't take action. A mere Huang Zhong beat the general and fled in panic. He didn't even dare to lead the army."

, Although we have many soldiers in Jingzhou, if they all lead troops like General Guan, I am afraid that no matter how many soldiers and horses we have, they will not be enough!"

As soon as Liu Bei took office, he concentrated military power in the hands of Guan Yu and his subordinates. This made Cai Hao very dissatisfied. He was the general commanding the army in Jingzhou, and Liu Bei took military power as soon as he came up. This made Cai Hao feel that Liu Bei wanted to evade him.

Guan Yu did not refute, but bowed to Liu Bei and said, "Brother Xiong, please forgive me!"

"My lord, this matter is not the fault of General Guan!" Shi Tao hurriedly stepped forward to defend Guan Yu and said: "It's not General Guan's unfavorable battle, but the fact that the bandit army is too strong. Huang Zhong is not only extremely skilled in martial arts, but also a far superior general in the army."

Overtaking our army, General Xiahoubo led his men to capture one of the enemy's scouts, but was killed by the enemy and fled. The enemy's ordinary soldiers are so skilled in martial arts. If we really defend Xinye, we may be able to delay it for two days, but we and others

We can only live and die with Xinye."

If you really defend until the end, I'm afraid you won't even be able to escape!

If you don’t want to fight, the gap is simply too huge.

"General Guan fought bravely throughout the world, but when he met the enemy, he only abandoned his soldiers and fled. I think any general in Jingzhou could fight such a battle. Why must General Guan lead the army?" Cai Mao sneered: "Look below.


"Report~" Just when Cai Mao was about to say something else, a soldier hurriedly came to report: "My lord, General Zhang Yun defeated Jiangxia and is waiting outside the door now."

"Quickly pass!" Liu Bei said in a deep voice.


After a while, Zhang Yun, who was all wet, walked in quickly and saluted Liu Bei: "The last general is incompetent, and the three armies were defeated miserably. Please forgive me, my lord!"

Cai Mao's words were choked back, which seemed even worse.

"General, get up quickly, how could this happen?" Liu Bei stood up quickly, stretched out his hand to help Zhang Yun up, and asked with concern.

"My lord, that Zhang Liao was too fierce. The general was ordered to go to support Jiangxia. However, just as he was crossing the river, he was attacked by Zhang Liao. Due to lack of preparation, our army was severely defeated by Zhang Liao. If not for the life-saving protection of our soldiers, we would not have been defeated.

Retreating to the edge of the Han River, the last general wanted to fight to repay his lord's kindness, but he was knocked into the water by Zhang Liao's sword!" Zhang Yun said bitterly.

Liu Bei nodded, comforted him a few words, and did not ask any questions. In fact, some of the people present had met Zhang Liao. Even if they had not, as the man who led the army under Chu Nan all year round, there were a few who had never heard of him.

With Zhang Yun's ability, it's not to underestimate him. It's basically impossible for him to come back as alive and kicking as he is now after being stabbed by Zhang Liao. No, it's impossible to come back.

However, as the second-ranking figure in the Jingzhou navy and Cai Mao's right-hand man, Liu Bei could not be held accountable at this time. If he was to be held accountable, Guan Yu would also be asked.

"We are facing a formidable enemy, and it is time for us to work together." Liu Bei comforted him for a few words, then sat back in his seat and said, "General Zhang, please go change your clothes to avoid the cold."

"Thank you, Lord." Zhang Yun agreed, feeling relieved and bowing to leave.

In the face of a powerful enemy, there is internal strife with each other. This is by no means a good sign. This is why Liu Bei is willing to settle the matter, not only to protect Guan Yu, but also to maintain internal unity.

Cai Mao also knew how to advance and retreat. Liu Bei did not embarrass Zhang Yun. It would look bad if he continued to embarrass Guan Yu, so he kept silent for now.

"Yun Chang, is Huang Zhong really so powerful?" Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu and asked.

"Although this man is old, he is superb in martial arts and has great strength. In the end, he will only be on par with this man when he uses his skills to pray to the gods." Guan Yu nodded. He didn't want to say this. After all, it was not a glorious thing.

, but the information is very important to Liu Bei at the moment, and he dare not hide it. Now he sends troops to encounter Huang Zhong, and the situation when the two sides fight to defend the new field is described one by one. I have neither deliberately exaggerated nor underestimated.

Everyone was silent after hearing this. No matter those who liked Guan Yu or those who hated Guan Yu, they had no doubt about the authenticity of the words. This was a very arrogant person. If Huang Zhong defeated him with conspiracy and trickery, Guan Yu would never do this.

I respect Huang Zhong and will not speak out about failure.

Guan Yu had to ask God to defeat the generals, but Lu Bu was no more than that, right?

I had only heard that Huang Zhong was a veteran shooter, but I didn't expect him to be so brave!

In fact, there were some acquaintances of Huang Zhong in the Jingzhou army. Liu Pan learned his skills from Huang Zhong. He knew that Huang Zhong was powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

What shocked everyone even more was the strength of the opponent's ordinary soldiers. Xiahou Bo led 30 men to capture them, but they could only barely defeat them. The next one would have no choice but to run away. If everyone in the opponent's army was of this level of strength, what would happen?

What a fart!

"Lord." Meng Jian said in deep thought: "Now that Xinye and Deng County are defeated, Chu Nan will probably have to cross the water to attack Xiangfan. I think that a general can be sent to guard this place, and my lord will first retreat to Jiangling to take charge.

The overall situation, otherwise once Xiangyang is defeated and the lord makes a slight mistake, Jingzhou will no longer be able to resist Chu Nan's troops!"

Based on the strength shown by Chu Nan's soldiers and horses in this battle, no one has much confidence in whether Xiangyang can be defended even if it is a fortified city and is defended by Fancheng.

"Yes, this time we captured one of the enemy's scouts. According to what the other party said, a new secret method seems to have been passed down in the army, which greatly increased the enemy's strength. If we can know this method and prepare for it, there may be another chance.

The power of war!" Shi Tao nodded.

Liu Bei nodded: "Who can guard Xiangfan?"

"The last general is willing to stay!" Guan Yu said solemnly.

"General Guan's army has been defeated for a while, does he want to lose again?" Cai Hao couldn't help but retorted.

Kuai Liang sighed and said: "General Guan is the only one who has fought with the enemy and retreated unscathed. He knows how powerful the enemy is. The relevant general is stationed here, and another general will be sent to assist him, or he can use the strong city of Xiangfan

, stop the enemy!"

"Who is willing to stay?" Liu Bei saw that Cai Mao stopped talking and looked at the others.

"If Mr. Xuande does not give up, I will be willing to lend a helping hand to General Guan!" Under the tent, Le Jin took a step forward and said with his fists in hand.

Le Jin and others joined Liu Bei's account on Xu You's recommendation. This was also the reason why Liu Bei was able to quickly consolidate his power. These talents were considered his own, and they were capable enough to temporarily suppress the Cai family and the Kuai family.

"With Yunchang and Wen Qian stationed in Xiangfan, I can rest assured!" Liu Bei looked at Le Jin and smiled and said, "But Yunchang and Wen Qian must not be careless, they only need to guard Xiangfan!"

A counterattack is unlikely, but as long as Xiangfan is defended, Jingzhou can be saved.

"The last general takes command!"

This chapter has been completed!
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