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Chapter 659: Crossing the River

When Xinye and Chu Nan's army arrived, Huang Zhong had already sorted out Xinye. The 8,000 surrendered troops left by Guan Yu did not cause trouble. Huang Zhong set up a separate battalion outside Xinye City, collected their weapons, and put people under guard.

"I didn't expect the disparity in combat power between the two sides to be so great." After listening to Huang Zhong's story, Chu Nan couldn't help but sigh.

The method of practicing qi was popular in the Zhou Dynasty, and it was actually passed down from heaven. However, it only had the effect of practicing qi, but it had no effect on nourishing the mind. If you want to succeed in practice, you can only rely on hard work.

But here in Chu Nan, the ancient visualization technique has been promoted for several years. Not to mention generals like Huang Zhong, even ordinary farmers without talent can still achieve some success by looking at an object or visualizing animals, but their power is inferior.

A little bit, but the nourishment for the soul is far more than the Qi training method.

It's just that the method of visualization does not affect the soul to a certain extent and does not show much power. Now the emergence of the method of practicing Qi can be regarded as making up for this shortcoming. Moreover, the stronger the technique of visualization, the more powerful the method of practicing Qi is.

The faster the technique, it is actually just a supplement to the visualization method, but the external combat power is doubled.

"Prime Minister, there is one more thing!" Huang Zhong cupped his fists at Chu Nan and said, "A soldier in our army was captured by Guan Yu."

Chu Nan nodded when he heard this. He had expected this kind of thing, or in other words, it could not be avoided at all. Since it was promoted in the army, it was only a matter of time before the Qi training method was discovered by the enemy.

Seeing Huang Zhong's serious expression, Chu Nan smiled and comforted him: "General, there is no need to blame yourself. Even if the enemy gets this Qi training method, it will not be as fast as us."

Don't forget, in addition to Qi training methods, they also have the karma condensation method personally taught by Ying Zheng, which can use Qi luck to speed up practice.

Chu Nan has not introduced this method to the army. Firstly, it is difficult to keep it secret. Secondly, ordinary soldiers do not have enough luck to condense their career status. Even if they can barely condense it, it will not be of much help to their practice. 1.000001 times

The difference from 1 can only be reflected over many years.

Therefore, this method of condensing career positions is only available to the core generals and high-ranking officials in the army. Don't say that the other party does not have this method. Even if it does, Chu Nan has gathered the luck of the Nine Provinces here, and Liu Bei has newly acquired Jingzhou. Even if he has dragon energy, he can refine it.

Luck, how much luck does an incomplete Jingzhou have to give them a lot of masters?

"Don't think about this, prepare to attack Xiangfan. Once here, Nanjun will be under the attack of our army." Chu Nan clicked on the map. Even if the opponent got the Qi training method, they would not be able to digest it in a short time.

I know that it took several months to promote Chu Nan's Qi training method to the entire army. During the training period in Nanyang, I did not practice blindly.

"Here!" Huang Zhong agreed and bowed to leave.

On the same day, Huang Zhong led his army to the bank of the Han River. The defenses established by Guan Yu on the other side were obviously to prevent Chu Nan from crossing the river, and they were also Xiangfan's first line of defense.

The lack of naval forces under Chu Nan is Chu Nan's only shortcoming now. He cannot defeat him head-on, so he can only rely on the geographical location to defend.

According to the custom of Chu Nan, Huang Zhong first sent people to guard the upper reaches to prevent the enemy from using water attacks to capsize their boats in the ditch. Huang Zhong had lived in Jingzhou when he was young. He himself knew some naval warfare, and he used goshawks to overlook the enemy.

After the army was deployed, Huang Zhong was a little surprised.

"Why is General Huang frowning?" Xu Shu, who was following Huang Zhong, asked with a smile.

As a rising star in Chu Nan's group of counselors, Xu Shu is considered one of Chu Nan's key training targets. During this expedition, Chu Nan was accompanied by counselors such as Guo Jia, Jia Xu, and Jushu. Xu Shu was sent to the front line to serve as Huang Zhong and Zhang Liao.

, the counselor of Zhang He and others.

"Guan Yu has only been in Jingzhou for a few years, but he has a good understanding of the navy!" Huang Zhong said to Xu Shu: "The enemy's camp layout is completely designed for our army to cross the river, and the layout is quite neat.

, no matter how our army crosses the river, it will be within the enemy's attack range."

The key issue is not how complete the opponent's camp is, but that Guan Yu, as a true northerner, had never been exposed to the navy before coming to Jingzhou. After coming to Jingzhou, he was able to understand the navy's tactics so quickly.

The talent for using soldiers is really rare.

"There are always many wizards in the world. Guan Yu has been fighting for many years and has his own merits." Xu Shu said with a smile: "My lord has great respect for General Guan."

Huang Zhong nodded silently when he heard the words. He thought that Guan Yu's technique of inviting gods was obviously figured out by himself. Others invited gods from heaven. It would be better for him to invite gods himself, and his strength would increase dramatically.

He who has mastered the art of Qi training is on par with others, which is really admirable.

Of course, admiration is admiration, and this battle still has to be fought!

"See how I defeat the enemy!" Huang Zhong said with a smile.

If the strength of the two sides is similar, then Guan Yu's arrangement is really helpless, but now the gap between the two sides cannot be made up by geographical advantages.

Huang Zhong led three thousand archers to stand on the bank of the river, and then ordered people to cross the river in small boats. If the enemy troops on the other side made any movements, Huang Zhong covered them with arrow formations. After the generals learned the method of practicing Qi, their personal combat strength and military strength were greatly improved.

The power of the array has been greatly improved. In the past, Huang Zhong formed an arrow array and could shoot as far as eight miles, but now, his arrow array can shoot as far as fifteen miles. This is a qualitative breakthrough. Basically, the two counties

When facing each other, the enemy generals would not be able to see him and would be covered by the arrow array.

Looking across the river, the other party didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Buzz buzz~

Amidst the sound of a series of trembling bowstrings, sharp arrows burst into the air, and even the arrow shafts behind each arrow were shattered by the huge resistance generated by the piercing air, leaving only arrowheads that shot towards the enemy formation like meteors falling to the ground.

Boom boom boom~

Each arrow cluster fell on the enemy's formation like a small bomb, blowing up the enemy's formation and shaking it this way and that, not even bothering with the fleet crossing the river.

Although the soldiers crossing the river did not have any military formations, they quickly moved closer to the other side under the cover of Huang Zhong.

In the water village on the other side, a famous soldier was already prepared and wanted to hit the enemy head-on when they landed. However, Huang Zhong's arrow was too strong and the opponent did not dare to take the lead. He could only watch the enemy troops dock.

, boarded the water village.

"Kill!" The soldiers and horses that had been prepared for a long time finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Huang Zhong's arrow formation stopped shooting. Under the leadership of their respective generals, they rushed towards the Chu Nan army that had just landed and had not yet formed a military formation.



However, Chu Nan's army showed no fear. Three to five men quickly formed a formation and charged towards the incoming enemy troops with a roar, buying time for the soldiers who came ashore later.


The military formation of hundreds of people was unable to crush the military formation of three or five people, and the military formations of both sides merged quickly. As soon as the soldiers crossing the river entered the other side's formation, they roared and charged at the enemy.

As soon as they came into contact, the gap in strength between the two sides was immediately revealed. Often one court soldier could defeat five or six people. Three or five people gathered in one place, one person held a shield to block, and the other two attacked. The first batch of thirty people to land were

With just a few small formations, the newcomers were able to block the attack of a battalion of enemy troops and buy more time for the subsequent soldiers to land ashore.

As more and more soldiers landed and joined the battle group, the opponent's military formation was rapidly collapsing. Within a quarter of an hour, they were killed and defeated. The defense line along the river deployed by Guan Yu was just like this.

How many technical and arrogant gestures have been defeated.

The generals of the army were defeated and retreated to Xiangyang. The soldiers who landed on the shore pursued and fought fiercely. When they reached the mountainside, Guan Ping led a group of men and horses to suddenly rush out from one side and repelled the hundreds of people crossing the river.

But Huang Zhong's army over there had begun to quickly cross the river and occupy important areas on the river bank. At the same time, he sent people to higher places to closely monitor the changes in the water areas, and sent people to patrol upstream.

Another group of men and horses were surveying around, looking for high ground suitable for camping.

Chu Nan has very high requirements for camping. This habit has almost been engraved in the bones of all soldiers and horses. Whenever they march, they choose the camping location with extreme caution, even if they currently have a huge advantage. After crossing the river, Huang Zhong and Xu Shu

, and also the first time to choose a suitable location for camping.

Seeing that there was no chance to take advantage of him, Guan Ping had no choice but to retreat to Xiangyang.

"Father, the child is incompetent!" Guan Ping said to Guan Yu's behavior after Huang Zhong crossed the river.

Le Jin, who was sitting under Guan Yu's command, sighed: "Chu Nan is always cautious in using troops. No matter when, he always looks for the safest place as soon as possible and will always be in an invincible position!"

As a general who had been fighting against this side since Lu Bu was still in Xuzhou and survived, Le Jin knew Chu Nan's marching style quite well.

But now it seems that this marching style has been passed down to the bones of Chu Nanjun.

Guan Yu nodded silently. He had studied Chu Nan for a long time and was well aware of Chu Nan's fear of death. However, as Le Jin said, the opponent's marching method could always make him invincible.

Calculating victory first calculates defeat. Now that the opponent has such a huge advantage, it is still the case. It also makes Guan Yu feel a little emotional. It is not without reason that Chu Nan has been fighting in the south and north in recent years, but has rarely suffered defeat.

"I didn't expect to be able to block Chu Nan's defense line on the river bank, but I didn't expect it to be breached so quickly." Guan Yu sighed and said, "Now, we can only defend Xiangfan. Wen Qian, you defend Fan City, and we will defend the second city."

Between them, we use water and military to communicate with each other."

Le Jin stood up and took the order: "The last general takes the order!"

"Guangyuan." Guan Yu looked at Shi Tao and said, "You have also seen the enemy's offensive. The green energy to protect the city needs to be condensed day and night."

In the past, there was only Shi Tao in Xinye, and Xinye city was small and did not have much population. Xiangyang was a big city, and the population in the city was not comparable to Xinye. Moreover, the most important thing in Jingzhou was Confucian scholars. With the help of these people, the speed of gathering green energy to protect the city was natural.

Far better than Xinye, it is impossible for Huang Zhong to use the method of dealing with Xinye to defeat Xiangyang. This is Guan Yu's only way to defend Xiangfan.

As long as he can survive a month, he can ask God again. If he can get the other party's cultivation method, Guan Yu will have the confidence to fight Huang Zhong head-on again after one month!

"General, don't worry!"

This chapter has been completed!
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