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Chapter 35 Waiting for the Rabbit

As a woman, Xia Houshu has always been closely guarded by her family. Although she is not as free as her cousin Xia Houling when going out, she is usually followed by someone, making it inconvenient to do many things by herself. She can sneak out of the house without telling her mother.

This is her usual trick.

Now the trace of Yi Wu's death to the Prime Minister's Mansion has been interrupted again, and she cannot continue. After the last thrilling experience, she did not dare to go to the Prime Minister's Mansion, so she could only find a solution from other places. However, her intelligence sources and channels were far away.

She was not as broad-minded as Xia Houyi, so she could only place her hope in Xia Houyi, hoping that he could give her guidance and complete the task as soon as possible. As for the Haikou she had praised before, she just thought that she was temporarily delirious and talking nonsense.

Yun Xi didn't know where he heard it from, saying that if you want to capture a person's heart, you must first capture his stomach. Xia Houshu was disdainful, but he firmly remembered it in his heart and put it into action.

For several days in a row, Xia Houshu used the small kitchen to make various pastries and delicacies that Xia Houyi liked, carefully arranged them in various styles, and then delivered them to his door in person. However, Xia Houyi either "happened not to be there" or was out for business and ate them.

What a huge rejection.

Slowly, Xia Houshu also figured out some tricks. If it wasn't because Xia Houyi deliberately avoided seeing her, she wouldn't have thought of such a coincidence. But no matter how she stayed, Xia Houyi seemed to be in front of her.

It's like he has a pair of eyes installed on his body, so he can always avoid her cleverly.

The longer time passes, the fewer clues there will be. It is a trivial matter to embarrass Xia Houyi in front of Xia Houyi, making the Changqing Sect doubt her ability, which will attract attention, or even expose her identity, which she dare not face.

Xia Hou was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He became more and more restless, but he had no choice but to ask Yun Xi to pick out an emerald-green jade hairpin from his luggage and go to Xie Ying, asking her to "accidentally" reveal Xia Hou.

Yi's whereabouts.

It is said that Xue Ying has a delicate mind, acts appropriately, and is very good at observing words and deeds. She has been with Xia Houyi for many years and can't find any faults. Even Zhong Yuqing looks at her differently, and she was promoted to Xia Houyi's courtyard at the age of seventeen.

Big maid. Such a person has a bit of pride in her bones, and it is difficult to be driven by others. The reason why she is willing to help Xia Houshu deliver the news, apart from the rare jade hairpin, the main reason is that Xia Houshu and Xia Houyi are brothers and sisters.

The relationship is very good, and I have never criticized her harshly.

Yuhu was accustomed to Xia Houshu's "generosity" and silently made a note on the warehouse bill.

When Xia Houshu first learned the piano, her mother told her that the music could calm people down and improve their temperament. Once learned, it would be a skill that they could excel in. At first, Xia Houshu regarded it as a task to complete, but gradually she also fell in love with it.

.Whenever she felt restless, she would force herself to sit down and play a piece of music.

Xia Houshu played a piece of music three times before he was satisfied, and he felt much more relaxed. When he raised his eyes, he saw Yun Xi running in shouting, and the strings in her hand suddenly plucked the wrong note. She couldn't help but sigh.

, stopped.

This girl Yunxi has always been loud and quiet, and she can talk about the smallest things as if the sky is about to fall. But sometimes when something serious happens, she can keep her mouth shut like a clam shell.

. But seeing that she was so eager, I guess there was something going on with Xia Houyi. This is good news. Xia Houshu smiled knowingly, poured Yunxi a cup of tea calmly, asked her to sit down, and said:

"Take a breath first, drink a glass of water, and speak slowly."

Yun Xi didn't care about his manners. He took the water glass and drank it all in one breath. He took a breath and said, "I just heard from Sister Xie Ying that the second young master came back late last night and was brought back by someone from Prince Gong's Mansion.

We made an appointment to meet at Luoyuefang today, and we have been gone for two quarters of an hour." As she said this, she glanced at Xia Houshu and said, "It seems that the girl's jade hairpin was not given to me in vain."

The delicacies of Luoyuefang are well-known in the capital, and it is a place that Xia Houyi often goes to. Xia Houshu did not find it strange and asked casually: "Did Xie Ying say who he dated?"

Yun Xi carefully recalled what Xue Ying said to her, shook her head and said, "Xue Ying said that she also asked the second young master casually when she was waiting for him to change clothes. The second young master also answered casually and didn't say much. She just said yes.

We made an appointment at Luoyuefang, but it was not clear who we were meeting with. Sister Xieying is a smart and conscientious person, so she didn’t ask any more questions later. However, she said that the second young master was in a good mood when he went out, so she refused Xueying for this reason.

The clothes Sister Ying had prepared for her earlier were specially replaced with a set of white ones embroidered with brocade vines."

Xia Houshu didn't understand Yunxi's purpose of specifically emphasizing Xia Houyi's mood and attire when going out, and he didn't delve into it. After all, Yunxi was not the only maid in the house who was obsessed with Xia Houyi's beauty. Everyone was wondering what it was like.

Only a woman can enter Xia Houyi's heart, and what kind of person will the future mistress of the house be? However, after so many years, Xia Houyi has not shown any good feelings for any woman, and the elders in the house have not mentioned him.

Marriage. So even though their curiosity was written on their faces, they didn't get a satisfactory answer, and gradually they became a little confused.

Seeing that Xia Houshu didn't respond for a long time, Yunxi asked tentatively: "Do you think the second young master has fallen in love with a girl from a certain family, and he went to see her today?"

Xia Houshu suddenly realized that in a few months Xia Houyi would be crowned emperor. Many men of his age from aristocratic families in the capital were already married, and some even had children. Children couldn't help their mothers, so no wonder he had

After having a talk with his mother, she stopped caring about his marriage. It turned out that he had already planned it!

"Whose girl do you think the second young master has fallen in love with?" Yun Xi said sullenly, "He often goes to Prince Gong's Mansion these days. Could it be some of his cousins?"

"No." Xia Houshu affirmed, "The only daughter of the right age in Prince Gong's palace is the third cousin. If my uncle and aunt had this idea, they would not let her mother and daughter live and die in the palace. As for the fourth cousin..."

Here she became a little unconfident, "My fourth cousin is younger than me. Even if the Zhong family had this idea, my father and mother would not agree."

Hearing that it was not the daughter of the Zhong family, Yun Xi's face showed a hint of joy unconsciously. But then she thought about it, it was not a girl from the Zhong family, but maybe a girl from the Zhao family, the Wang family, or the Li family. After all, there would still be a girl.

A strange woman came in wearing a phoenix crown and harem.

Seeing Yunxi Gui's cleverness and a little bit of disappointment, Xia Houshu couldn't help but laugh out loud and joked: "I didn't expect that you are here with me, but your heart is in my second brother's yard."

No, can I find an excuse to send you to Chunxi Residence to take care of your second brother?"

"What are you talking about?" Yun Xi was ashamed and angry, her face flushed with anxiety. She immediately turned away and pouted angrily, "Girl, although I am not as smart and capable as Sister Jieying and the others, but ask yourself,

I have been by your side for so many years, and I have been loyal and hard-working, but have I ever turned my elbow away? Why don't I rely on you and smooth things over for you? Now you are teasing me like this?"

"Hey, are you really angry?" Xia Houshu stood up and walked to Yunxi. Seeing Yunxi turn around again, he quickly hugged her and said with a smile, "I was just joking with you, I'm not angry anymore."

"Think about it carefully, you know so many of my secrets, how could I let you leave me? I will have to rely on you for many things in the future." Then she coughed and pretended to be serious and said, "But since you

If you are so curious about who my second brother is dating, then go find my clothes in the secret box and I will go out and take a look for you."

"You...are going out again?" Yunxi looked shocked, and suddenly forgot that she was still angry. Although she had known for a long time that Xia Houshu sent her to inquire about Xia Houyi's whereabouts, but she heard that Xia Houshu was going to disguise himself again.

After I left the government, I still felt a little regretful. I always felt that I was helping others do evil, and I didn’t know which day it would be revealed.

She looked at Xia Houshu aggrievedly, and said, "What should I do if the county chief asks me? It's noon, I can't say that you are unwell and have gone to bed, right? If you hadn't come back in time last time, the county would have

The Lord really sent for the doctor.”

Xia Houshu didn't listen to her nonsense. He urged her to quickly find a change of clothes for him and coaxed her: "Yunxi, you are so smart. You must know how to deal with your mother. You must not let me down."

Your trust!”

Yun Xi resisted vaguely, but her body was very obedient. Not only did she find clothes for her according to Xia Houshu's instructions, but she also helped change them.

Xia Houshu looked in the mirror, looking at the handsome young man inside, and curled up his lips with great satisfaction. If she were not a girl, with this appearance and the blessing of being the son of the Duke of Yue,

I think I can have a prosperous life in Beijing.

Yun Xi also looked at Xia Houshu blankly, feeling extremely conflicted in his heart.

Xia Houshu glanced at her and quickly seduced her, saying: "Don't you also want to know if the second brother has dated another woman? Don't worry, I will be the first to tell you when I come back."

"I want to know who the young master has made an appointment with, but..."

"I'm just going out for a short while and I'll be back soon. I will never embarrass you!" Xia Houshu didn't give Yun Xi a chance to hesitate. After speaking, he quickly spoke while Yun Xi was thinking about the credibility of her words.


Yun Xi was angry and annoyed, but had nothing to do with his master, so he could only follow Xia Houshu to the entrance of Qingfeng Pavilion, poked his head and looked around, found nothing suspicious, and signaled Xia Houshu to leave quickly, and then

The courtyard door closed with a bang.

Yu Hu, who was in the next door room, was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, and continued to look down at the account book without being surprised.

Yunxi returned to Xia Houshu's bedroom, skillfully spread out the folded quilt, and put a few pillows inside the quilt. After doing this, she stood far away and looked at the bed. Suddenly something occurred to her, and she quickly

He took out a pair of Xia Houshu's brocade shoes from the cabinet and placed them in front of the bed, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.
This chapter has been completed!
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