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Chapter 36 Encounter on a Narrow Road

Luoyuefang is located at the intersection of East Street and West Street. The whole building is three stories high, with red walls and green tiles, carved beams and painted buildings. The unique geographical advantage and the world's best dishes have made it a gathering place for dignitaries.

The dignitaries from all over the country and the capital are proud to have banquets here.

Xia Houshu was dressed in a well-tailored dark red men's suit embroidered with Ruyi cloud patterns, swinging a folding fan and swaggering into the gate of Luoyuefang, looking graceful and dignified.

The waiter had just finished greeting a table of customers. When he saw Xia Houshu coming in, he immediately greeted her with a smile on his face and asked her enthusiastically whether he wanted to find someone or arrange seats alone.

Xia Houshu, however, did not look sideways and avoided the oncoming waiter. She walked to the atrium and stopped. Then she glanced around and saw that there were more than a dozen ebony square tables neatly placed on the first floor, and the aroma of vegetables overflowed.

, there was a steady stream of diners coming and going, and there were many figures, but Xia Houyi was not even seen.

Xia Houshu carefully recalled what Yunxi said to her when she went out, and was sure that her jade hairpin would not be given away in vain. Moreover, based on the friendship between Yunxi and Xieying, and their mutual fascination with Xiahouyi, facing the possibility of Xiahouyi

Even if there are emotional signs, Xie Ying will not deliberately deceive Yun Xi and ask her to bring false news to her.

Since it is not on the first floor, it must be on other floors. However, the second and third floors of Luoyuefang are all elegantly decorated private rooms. Most of the guests who choose private rooms value privacy and will inevitably close the door after entering. She will not

Open the doors of each room to confirm.

At this time, the waiter finally caught up and asked again with a smile: "Sir, are you looking for someone else, or can I arrange a table for you alone?" Then he scanned the empty seats in the lobby.

Xia Houshu often followed his brother here for banquets in the past. He was already familiar with the scale and layout of Luoyuefang. He also knew that Xia Houyi had a separate account book here. He only had to sign and record it in the account after each meal.

At the end of the month, Luoyuefang will go to the Yueguo Palace to settle the account with the steward. If Luoyuefang develops any new dishes, they will send a post to the mansion for invitation as soon as possible. She raised her eyes and looked at the restaurant on the second floor.

On the stairs, Fang asked: "Can the second young master of the Duke of Yue's mansion be in the building today?"

The waiter thought about it seriously and said hurriedly: "Second Young Master Xiahou did come today, but he only sat for a while and left before it was time for a cup of tea. Young Master, do you want to stay for dinner?"

"No need." Xia Houshu said lightly. She was thinking that since Xia Houyi came to Luoyuefang, he didn't need to eat, which was very inconsistent with his usual style. Then she glanced around and asked again: "The second young master Xiahou is a person today."

Are you here alone, or have you made an appointment with someone else?"

The waiter in the shop saw that Xiahou Shu was lukewarm and had no intention of eating. He kept asking about the young master of the Duke of Yue, and his attitude became less enthusiastic. He only said: "What is the identity of the second young master Xiahou? The younger one is just a waiter."

, how can you always pay attention to his actions? If young master wants to eat, I will arrange it for you. If you just want to ask about other things, I apologize that I have guests to entertain and it is inconvenient to accompany you. "

Xia Houshu heard the implication of the waiter's words, took out a handful of money from his sleeve and handed it to him, saying: "Go, arrange for me a private room on the third floor with the best view."

"Okay!" The waiter took the money, immediately put on a smiling face, half-bent, stretched out his hand and pointed towards the stairs, "Sir, please come with me."

The waiter lived up to Xia Houshu's expectations and arranged a private room with the best view on the third floor.

Xia Houshu walked to the window, opened it gently, and had a panoramic view of half of the imperial city. He saw that the capital was prosperous, with cars and horses on the streets flowing like water, and it was a scene of prosperity.

Xia Houshu remembered that Yun Xi had mentioned that Xia Houyi had changed into a white suit embroidered with brocade vines before going out, so he leaned on the railing and searched carefully along every street and alley, and quickly locked on the target.

Xia Houyi's white clothes stood out among the bustling crowd, just as the celebrities in the capital praised him - banished to immortality.

Xia Houshu did not fully agree with those complimentary words praising Xia Houyi. Apart from his handsomeness and lack of sexual desire, they had nothing to do with "immortal". Of course, this did not rule out the fact that they were from the same mother and lived under the same roof. We have known each other for many years and are too familiar with each other.

The strange thing is that the person traveling with Xia Houyi is not some extraordinary woman, but a man of similar age to Xia Houyi.

Xia Houshu was greatly disappointed and couldn't help but frowned and let out a "tsk". But then she thought about it, even if the person Xia Houyi could dress up carefully to meet, even if it was a man, he couldn't be a casual acquaintance, right? So she opened her eyes wide and continued to walk towards Xia Houyi. Looking in the direction where Yi was, he saw that the man was tall and strong, wearing a green-blue brocade robe inlaid with gold thread, which made his whole person energetic and noble. One of the two men was white, and the other was blue. Standing together, they are both graceful and graceful. The jade trees facing the wind have a double beauty, which attracts the old to look back frequently, the young to hide their faces and smile cleverly, and the young to stop and watch.

Xia Houshu often hangs out with Xia Houyi, and is almost familiar with Xia Houyi's social life. He ranges from princes and nobles to villagers in the mountains. However, she has never seen this person before. But as far as his clothes are concerned, He must also be a member of a famous family. There is nothing wrong with two young men from aristocratic families traveling together, but looking at the direction they were going, Xiahou Shu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and almost spit out his tea.

"My family is in misfortune! My family is in misfortune!"

Xia Houshu gritted his teeth and beat his chest as he looked at the pair of figures in the distance. That was Shuyu Pavilion, the largest fireworks place in the capital!

The image of Xia Houyi that was as pure and flawless as a mirror in her heart was instantly shattered to pieces.

Like the rumors outside, Xia Houyi made countless friends and lived a lazy life, but on weekdays he only rode horses and archery with them, drank wine and composed poems, or had fun with them, fighting cocks, walking dogs, and raising birds. Apart from being kind to his sisters at home, he rarely got close to women. He was so lustful that he was about to become weak. He couldn't even get married, and he didn't have any concubines in his family. Xia Houshu had only thought that he was a self-sufficient person, but he didn't expect that he had such a habit. Looking at their calm demeanors and their familiarity with the road, they didn't think they were the same. Twice, and she didn't even notice.

There are thousands of women in the world, and Xia Houyi has already reached the age when he should marry. He cannot always hang out in such a place. No matter how you say it, the Yue Kingdom Palace is a family of generals who have been married for generations, and the family education is strict. Xia Houyi's past Although his style is very different from that of the disciples of the generals, he is called his true temperament and has even earned the nickname "Exiled Immortal". However, if he is tainted with female sex, he may lose his reputation.

Thinking of this, Xia Houshu angrily threw the tea cup on the small table, grabbed his fan and got up and walked out.

Xia Houshu was furious and opened the door with a little force. Someone happened to pass by the door. Hearing the sudden sound, the two men paused and looked at Xia Houshu in surprise.

When their eyes met, Xia Houshu immediately realized that he was too reckless and quickly nodded to apologize.

The two men didn't say much and walked straight to the end of the floor with expressionless faces.

Although she glanced at them inadvertently, Xia Houshu felt that the figure and temperament of these two people were somewhat familiar, as if she had seen them before somewhere. As for where exactly, she couldn't remember for a moment.

Xia Houshu was thinking about something and walked slowly. When he reached the stairs, two diners came up from downstairs in a hurry and accidentally bumped into her. Xia Houshu almost subconsciously protected himself.

The injured arm. Because of this action, a sudden flash of inspiration occurred in her mind, and she couldn't help but think of the two men who were chased in the mountains behind the Huguo Temple a month ago. They had the same icy face that was so cold that it was suffocating!

The relationship between people is so subtle. Some people are strangers even if they have met many times, while some people are impressive just by meeting them once, just like these two people.

Those doubts about their identities suddenly resurfaced.

With strong curiosity, Xia Houshu turned back again. The two men had already entered the most private private room at the end of the corridor. The two diners who had just bumped into her also expressed their apologies and entered the private room on the left.

Xia Houshu saw that there was no one else in the corridor, so he walked quietly to the last room, and listened for a while outside the door, but there was no sound at all inside, and he did not see the waiter bringing drinks or dishes.

The food in Luoyuefang is well-known, but the two men with tall figures and distant temperaments do not seem to be people with appetites. They come here either to talk in the name of eating and drinking, or like her, they want to use

This is an excellent location to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Beijing.

Since the door of the private room was closed, it proved that there were indeed guests inside. So she pressed against the door and continued to listen for a while, but there was still no sound at all. It was a clear day, and two grown men came here. Could it be true?

Sitting in silence and drinking tea? Or maybe she saw it wrong and they were not in this room?

Xia Houshu looked at the corridor carefully from the side, carefully calculated the duration of the footsteps and the sound of the door closing, and determined that the two people had entered the last room. But as to why there was no sound at all in the room... he was in a daze.

She thought again of the words and deeds of the two men on the mountain behind Huguo Temple that day. She was still thinking about what kind of relationship could allow a rebellious person like the Cold-faced God to deal with an unruly person.

She was so respectful to the powerful man. Now that I think about it, these two people may really have broken sleeves. This can also explain why when she joked with the man in purple that day and asked him to repay the favor of saving her life with her body, the man in purple had an ambiguous look on his face.

, and then was immediately interrupted by the man in Tsing Yi.

Turns out I was jealous!

Xia Houshu does not discriminate against this special feeling that the world cannot understand, but is just a little surprised. She has seen the love between men and women, or it is like her father and mother, playing the piano and the harp in harmony, respecting each other as guests; or like her third uncle Xia Houze and

Mrs. Guo, the yin and yang are separated, and she misses endlessly; or like Sun Jiaren and Yu Xiuyuan, there are many obstacles and they are far apart. But the love between two men... is roughly the same as that between a man and a woman, right?

Just as Xia Houshu was wandering around, the door to the private room suddenly opened. A pair of strong, strong hands covered her mouth, dragged her in, and quickly closed the door.

Xia Houshu was horrified, and there were only four words left in his mind: kill and silence!
This chapter has been completed!
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