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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 100 Spending money to get rid of crime

He didn't know the relationship between Rohir and Orome. Orome lost his father when he was young. His mother worked hard to support him until he was ten years old, and then she died due to overwork.

After his mother passed away, Olomi was taken care of by his brother Rohir, who was five years older than him in the same village. It can be said that in Olomi's eyes, Rohir was exactly the same as his father.

It is also true that when Orsan's men persuaded Oromi to kill Rohir, Oromi was of course furious and almost started a fight with them on the spot. This was an issue that violated his principles.

He will never accept it. Everyone knows what happened next, so there is nothing more to say.

After Rohirr told what happened, Sir Orsan's face looked very ugly. Although nobles like them like to play these conspiracies, they all secretly sent their subordinates to do them.

Now, in front of the big guys, he told Orsan's shameless trick. Of course, he felt very embarrassed. Also, he looked at Balian with a fierce look. Who let this nosy guy

He jumped out to help them.

However, after listening to Rochiel's words, Sheriff Baron Nxima's expression remained normal, and there was no sign of any fluctuation. It seemed that he was no longer surprised by this kind of thing.

On the contrary, Sir Sandiman's expression was a little abnormal, but he quickly suppressed the anger in his heart. After all, he was following Count Grie and was from a noble family. He still understood the principle of seeing through but not telling off.

Sir Sandiman quickly drank water to cover up the anger on his face.

"Ahem..." Baron Nxima cleared his throat and said to Orsan: "Sir Orsan, would you also like to ask your men to talk?"

Sir Orsan looked at his five men who had been beaten into pig heads. Among them, the most eloquent one had half of the teeth in his mouth knocked out. Naturally, he couldn't say anything, one, two, three, four, five. There was no hope.

They are.

So Sir Orsan decided to go into battle himself and talk about the situation. He glared at Rohir and shouted: "That's nonsense! I let you speak first, not to slander me! How many times have I slaughtered ordinary villagers?

Those are just farmers who don't know what they are doing.

Mr. Sheriff, you must not listen to the lies of this mercenary leader. They clearly broke the contract first, but then they beat them up. I really have no excuse. In this world, good people are bullied by bad people. It is really disappointing.

Got it!"

Upon hearing his words, Sir Sandiman, who was drinking water to hide his expression, spit out the water he just drank in his mouth, just in time to spray it on the face of Sir Orsan who was sitting opposite him.

Sir Orsan was struck by this warm face snake and was dumbfounded on the spot. He saw Sir Sandiman, whose face was red with embarrassment. He was about to say something, but Sir Sandiman quickly took his handkerchief.

come out.

While getting up and wiping Sir Orsan, he apologized to him with a face of shame. However, Sir Orsan did not dare to get mad at his client, because not only was Sir Sandiman's family powerful, but Sir Sandiman himself was also

A person whom Earl Grie trusts more.

After this episode, Sir Orsan didn't even know what he was going to say next. He sat there awkwardly, wondering what he wanted to say but not knowing how to say it.

At this time, Balian said: "Baron Nxima, Sir Orsan, regardless of the cause of the matter, it is true that the enraged Oromi fought with your people at the door of the tavern today. I mainly want to solve the problem today.

This question."

Hearing what Balian said, Sir Orthorn's eyes lit up. He did not expect that this young knight would be so sensible. He just wanted to solve the problem of the fight at the door of the tavern today, regardless of his previous entanglement with Rohirrim.

After hearing what Balian said, the Sheriff, Baron Nxima, showed admiration and at the same time became a little wary.

What Balian said just now was that "the enraged Oromy fought with Sir Orsan's men in the tavern", not that Oromy took the initiative to fight Sir Orsan's men, although it was only a small one.

The words are different, but the meanings are different.

Balian's statement obviously shifted the responsibility to Orsan's people, but Orsan only noticed that Balian was unwilling to get entangled with him about what happened before.

Sure enough, Sir Orsan immediately said anxiously: "Your Majesty the Sheriff, today is mainly about the fight at the door of your tavern. We can just deal with this matter."

Orsang is so anxious mainly because he doesn't want his dirty deeds to be exposed too much. If that happens, the reputation of his entire family will be affected. Although running a tax-packaging business has already made the big nobles' impression of his family

It feels normal, but the less a person has anything and the more he cares about it, the more he wants to protect it with all his strength.

It was precisely because of this that Balian said that. It involves the previous grievances and grievances. Everyone can't talk about it. It's still a waste of words. It's better to solve the immediate matter. Sometimes, you solve the immediate matter.

problem, all problems are solved.

Baron Nxima, who was the Sheriff of Yangwei Shuo City, saw that Orsan was in such a hurry, so he simply went along and offered Balian, the popular man in front of Count Grie, a favor.

Baron Nxima said: "Okay, since Sir Orsan and Sir Balian have said so, then I will tell you how to punish him according to the public security regulations of Yangweixuo City."

Hearing that the Sheriff was about to announce the punishment, everyone's ears pricked up, wanting to hear how Baron Nxima would punish them.

“According to the public security regulations, those who fight in the street will be imprisoned for five weeks. Moreover, they not only have to compensate for the damaged items, but also pay a fine of at least fifty dinars to the security team.

As for those who beat up the security team, it is a more serious crime. According to the usual treatment plan, they will be punished as slaves and have to work as coolies on the dock outside Yangweixuo for at least five years. At the same time, they still have to pay 500 dinars.

The fine." Baron Nxima said leisurely.

Balian knew that the Sheriff hadn't finished what he said. If he really followed this rule, Balian wouldn't have to sit here to discuss it with him. He was just waiting for Balian and Orsan to bid and spend money to make peace.

This is true both at home and abroad.

At this time, Balian raised his cup and took a sip of water, and then glanced at Gamgee who was sitting next to him. At this time, Gamgee also happened to glance at him, and the two quickly communicated with their eyes, understanding.

Ganmoji then understood what he should do next.

Ganmuji said to the Sheriff, Baron Nsima, with a smile on his face: "My most beloved Sheriff, my old friend, when did you become so rigid?

Is this the same Baron Nxima who drank and had fun with us? Is this the same Baron Nxima who was willing to help his friends? "

Ganmuji broke the brief silence at the negotiation table with a teasing tone. Baron Nxima laughed and said to Ganmuji: "Hahaha! My old friend, I will definitely be happy to help you."

Yes, after all, I will need your help too."

Baron Nxima's words are very clear. We are all nobles, and there is no big conflict between each other. There is no need to get into trouble over a few mercenaries. It is always bad to look up and not see each other again, and there are many friends and many paths.

Many enemies create many walls, everyone should understand.

"Hehe!" Sir Orsan chuckled, "We are all friends, what can't we say? The Sheriff is willing to help us. We must not only give him face, but also don't let his hard work go in vain."

Sir Orsan was not stupid. When he saw Ganmuji interrupting, he understood what the Sheriff Baron Nxima meant, so he echoed Ganmuji.

As soon as Ganmoji saw that Orsan was also on the road, he knew that the next thing would be easy to handle. Everyone had the same opinion and many things could be easily discussed.

"The way I see it, since Mr. Rothschild and Mr. Olome are both friends of Sir Balian, let's deal with it as friends.

I suggest that they pay the injured brothers of the security team twenty dinars for medical expenses each, so that the police officer's men cannot be injured and cannot receive medical treatment.

In addition, Rohir and the others will pay a fine of 10,000 dinars to you, the Sheriff, as a punishment for them.

Since they have paid a high fine, the Sheriff can waive their punishment at his discretion, give them a chance to repent, and give them a way to survive.

My Lord Sheriff, what do you think?"

When he heard "Ten thousand dinars", Oromie screamed out in surprise, but as soon as he shouted out, Rochiel stopped him. Balian told them that he should

Don't talk to each other, and don't interfere with your negotiations with the Sheriff and Sir Orsan.

When Balian heard Gamgee announce the number of "ten thousand dinars", he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, but he knew that the price of five thousand dinars offered by Rochiel at the door of the tavern was not worth it.

The price offered by Gamgee is too low to impress the Sheriff, and today's negotiation will definitely not yield any good results.

When discussing business in his previous life, Balian knew this truth, that is, the price is something that both parties understand. Instead of waiting for others to ask you for it, you should take the initiative to ask for it. In this way, not only will you not be passive, but you will be motivated by the above.

Being knowledgeable and sensible will make this business better and last longer.

Sure enough, when he heard the price of "ten thousand dinars", the Sheriff Baron Nsima showed a happy smile on his face. Although this price was not particularly high, it was at least included in the bribes he had received.

It's mid-to-upper sized.

Although he owns a tavern that makes a lot of money every day, the tavern also has shares owned by Earl Gerry, the financial officer, the tax collector and others. He only takes a small share, and the main money is still made by these big shots.

Therefore, he has no burden at all about using his position to make money. On the contrary, he hopes that this kind of thing will happen more often.

Although Baron Nxima is a baron, his fief area is not large. In addition, he has many heirs. He urgently needs money to purchase land so that his biological sons and illegitimate children can have a piece of land to support themselves.


"Oh, this fine is a bit high, isn't it appropriate?" Baron Nxima, the police officer, said in pretended surprise.

Although this guy still wants more in his heart, he can't open his mouth due to human feelings. However, he is pretending to see if Balian and Gamgee are willing to add a little more.

At the same time, let Sir Orsan think carefully. Sir Balian is willing to pay 10,000 dinars. How much will you be willing to pay then?

"Hey, I still think this money is a bit small, but considering that these mercenaries don't have much money, we can't force them to rob. I'll just give this amount first, and then I'll give it to the Sheriff later.

Give me a gift." Balian said with a smile.

Baron Nxima saw that the young Balian was so good at doing things, and his favorable impression of him suddenly increased. After all, who wouldn't like a young, promising, and sensible person?

With Balian's proof, Sir Orsan also suffered a lot of bleeding, but all his men were beaten, and he did not commit such a big mistake as beating a security guard. He subscribed to a fine of two thousand dinars to pay for his

The five pig-headed subordinates were spared jail.

However, since no one would bring so much money with them, it was agreed that the money would be delivered to Baron Nxima's Sheriff's Mansion within three days.

In this case, it is equivalent to Balian lending money to Rohirrim and Oromë to help them absolve them of their crimes, and Balian becomes their creditor.

However, Rochiel knew that Balian was spending money to save the two of them, and Balian would not take the initiative to let him and Orome repay the money. But the more this happened, the more Rochiel felt that he owed Balian and owed favors.

Debt is much more painful than simply owing money.

This chapter has been completed!
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