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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 101 Invitation

As for Balian, after Gamgee had negotiated with the Sheriff, he also refused the Sheriff's invitation to keep them here to continue dining. After all, they had already eaten, and you had just blackmailed them out of 10,000 dinars.

, how can I want to sit there with you and talk and laugh.

After leaving the tavern, a total of seven people, including Balian and Gamgee, plus Rohir and Oromi, went directly to the yard where Rohir and the others rented near the mule and horse market.

There are more than 20 strong men and more than 30 war horses here. Rothier started out as a horse dealer, and these people under him are also good horses.

The reason why Balian was willing to pay to help him was because he had this idea. He was currently training a cavalry unit from scratch. It would be impossible in three to five years. But after three to five years, the current situation would

I don’t know what the chaos of the war will be like.

It was precisely with these considerations in mind that Balian came up with this idea after meeting Rohirr. If he could recruit them all into his hands, he would solve his big problem.

After entering, Balian and Gamgee were invited into the room by Rohir. After sitting down, Rohir and Olomi gave Balian a big gift to express their gratitude.

After Balian helped him up, he said with a smile: "Uncle Rohir, you have watched me grow up. I really can't bear the gift you gave me."

"Hi!" After everyone sat down, Rochiel sighed, and then said a bit dejectedly: "Since the horse trading business has not been easy to do, I invited the brothers I knew before to come over and talk to my dealer.

The people in the horse team formed a small mercenary team and registered in the mercenary guild in Shuo City, Yangwei.

In the first few years, although the business was not very prosperous, life was still decent. The brothers could earn a decent income every year. After working for two or three years, they could return to their hometown to buy land and build houses.

Be a rich farmer.

But in the past two years, it has become increasingly difficult for small mercenary groups like us to do business. There are two main reasons. First, large mercenary groups like the Black Mountain Group have continued to expand. Everyone recognizes that they have a history and a strong reputation.

A mercenary group with strong reputation and strength is definitely not good for our small mercenary group that has only been established for a few years.

Secondly, in the past two years, civil unrest has been widespread, bandits have been rampant, and many trade routes have been cut off. Usually our customers are mainly small and medium-sized caravans. They cannot afford large mercenary groups, so they can only seek cooperation from us. And those

Large caravans have a large number of full-time caravan guards.

However, now these small and medium-sized caravans have either failed in business and been merged by large caravans, or they have suffered a lot of losses after encountering several robbers. In this way, those of us who mainly take on the escort business of small caravans

The mercenary team is in dire straits.

If it weren't for this, I would never take over the business of a tax collector. We are all farmers and hate those tyrannical tax collectors, so why would we join them in oppressing farmers?

When we arrived, when we saw them slaughtering the villages resisting the tax, we felt that this kind of money could not be earned. It was hard to feel at ease after taking this bloody money, but it also offended Sir Orsan. Although you helped today

us, but he will definitely cause trouble for us in the future.

We probably can’t stay in the city of Yangwei Shuo anymore, and we don’t dare to send our brothers away now. If we are together, we can still have someone to take care of us. If we are separated, Sir Orsan will ask the tax collectors and his mercenaries to deal with us one by one.

That’s it.”

After listening to what Rohirr had to say, Balian looked at him and asked, "What are your plans next?"

Rochiel shook his head, "I have no plans. Let's go find a small farm to hide away. Let's talk about it after this period of time has passed."

"Yes, Lord Balian, where in the world can there be a place like heaven where ordinary people like us can live a life of food and shelter without having to worry about the safety of ourselves and our families," Oromi added.

Balian stood up at this time, walked to the window, looked outside, and said: "It is wishful thinking to find the kingdom of heaven on earth. But if you want to find a place where you don't have to worry about the threats of robbers and robbers, and don't have to worry about the oppression of lords and tax collectors,

It’s still a good place.”

"Oh, Sir Balian, where is such a place?" Rohirr was now embarrassed to call Balian by his name directly, and also added "Sir" to show respect.

Balian turned around, looked at him with firm eyes and said: "My territory, Nolandenburg, here, I can not only ensure your safety, but also allow you and your family to live in a house.

A day when I can have enough to eat.”

After hearing Balian's words, Rohir was surprised and speechless. He looked at Balian and responded after a long time: "You are helping us, are you trying to recruit us?"

Balian nodded generously and said: "Uncle Rohir, when I help you, of course I hope you will join me. But if you don't join me, won't I stop helping you? I am helping others first, and

I don't force you to agree to my request before I help you."

Rochiel smiled sheepishly and scratched his head. Now he really felt that he was a bit of a villain. When people helped you, they didn't ask for a single condition.

Now, just to give you a suggestion, you begin to doubt the benefactor who took the initiative to lend a helping hand to you. This is indeed a bit arrogant.

Rohir did not say anything, but Oromei intervened and said: "Lord Balian, to be honest, I am willing to follow you. If it weren't for your help, I'm afraid I might be dead now. I won't

If you are willing to be thrown into jail, you can only fight to the death with them!

There is nothing wrong with Brother Rochiel, he is just hesitant sometimes, but I don’t think he would have any objections to following you. After all, our group of people will definitely not be able to survive in the north.


Rather than go to the unfamiliar south to develop, it is better to go to your territory, whether it is a soldier or a farmer, a knight with such noble moral character and outstanding military exploits will definitely not treat us badly, and I absolutely believe in you."

After Oromi finished speaking, Rohir hit him on the shoulder and scolded him with a smile: "You brat, I've finished all the good things you said. It's not like I don't agree with you, sir. Get out of here. Don't do it."

Talking nonsense.”

"Hahaha!" With this episode, the atmosphere in the room instantly became cheerful.

"Anyway, you can't stay in the city anymore. In two days, you will go to Fort Nolandenburg with me. After you arrive and stay for a while, you can decide whether you want to join me or not.

I don't like to force others, but I believe that after you have lived in Nolandenburg for a few months, you will not want to leave." Balian knew that Rochiel would definitely have to discuss it with his brothers.

, will not make a decision so quickly. After all, they are not just one or two people, but a team of more than 20 people.

At this point, Balian opened the skylight and spoke frankly to Rochiel, "Uncle Rochiel, I will be responsible for paying the 10,000 dinars to the Sheriff. This money is considered as my hiring of you to escort me back to Novo."

Landenburg's fees.

You guys should stay at Fort Nolandenburg for at least a month. I will take care of food, food and accommodation. After a month, you can decide whether to stay or go, what do you think?"

Rochiel nodded without thinking, "No problem, we will definitely not be able to repay your ten thousand dinars, so just treat it as the cost of hiring us, although the commission is a bit high."

"Hey, this commission is not a little high, it can be said to be very high." Oromi added with a smile.

Rohir raised his foot, intending to kick him, but he dodged it. As he walked out, he said with a smile: "Sir Balian, how about having a drink with us tonight?"

"Okay, no problem." Balian agreed happily.

Orome was even more happy when he saw that Balion agreed to him so readily. He danced and said, "Okay, great. I will go to Grimbor to get the money now, and then take people out to buy wine and meat."

After saying that, he trotted away.

Rohir looked at Orome like that and was a little dumbfounded. He looked at Balian apologetically, "Don't think Orome is an adult, but in her heart she is just like a child. We people are used to living in the open.

I can't prepare anything delicious to eat or drink.

Ser Balian, Mr. Gamgee, and these three brothers, please forgive me for any lack of hospitality."

"Hahaha, brother Rohir, you are just out of touch. We, like Balian, are used to sleeping in the open air. How can we be as delicate as the adults in the city?

We are all rough guys, eating all kinds of stuff and drinking a lot of wine just to feel happy, and this is what makes us happy, don’t you think so?” Ganmji responded with a smile.

"Hahaha!" Rochiel laughed and nodded, "Yes! It is indeed true. The food in the Sheriff's tavern is delicious, but it is too sophisticated and not suitable for rough people like us."

Afterwards, everyone was chatting and laughing in the room, waiting for Orome to come back. During this period, Gamgee glanced at Balian and felt very emotional. In fact, it was only after the battle in Sith Town that he truly believed that

It is absolutely impossible for Balian, a young knight, to be limited to the small position of Sheriff. He will definitely achieve great things.

During this period, after watching Balian compete with Sir Sogg in the trial, plot to eliminate Sister Murat, and this time, he recruited Rochiel and the others, a powerful mercenary team, he felt more and more that Balian had the power to do something.

Such a hint of kingly demeanor.

Although Gumgui didn't know what was behind the death of Sister Murat, he knew that it must be related to Balian. Only Balian could make this clever and sinister old nun fall to the ground with her best method.


She usually framed others as heretics, but she didn't expect Sister Murat to be burned to death as a heretic in the end. This was not only ironic, but the meaning of revenge was also obvious. Recently, among the people who had a hard time dealing with Sister Murat, only

Balian has such means.

Gamgee has been traveling around for many years. He knows that for many people, the ceiling of your life is determined by the leader you follow. If you follow a viscount or a baron, you will become a baron at most;

If you live with an earl, you may become a viscount or baron; but what if you live with someone who can become a king?

Ganmoji shook his head. He felt that his courage was too great and his ideas were too naive. The young man in front of him, who was less than twenty years old, might really become the leader of this land under the God of Fire.


Just when everyone was joking here and Ganmuji was thinking wildly, he heard a roar, which shocked everyone.

"Absolutely not!" Following this roar, a sturdy one-eyed man walked in, one of his eyes was covered by a black eyepatch.

After he walked in, he walked straight to Rochiel and said, "You are going to join the nobles. You can be their dog, but don't drag me and my brothers with you!"

In front of Balian, when the one-eyed man spoke like this, Rohirr's expression turned bad. He stood up, stared at him fiercely and said: "Shut up, get out of here, don't be in front of the adults."

So rude."

"Haha!" The one-eyed man sneered. He looked at Rohir with contempt and said through gritted teeth: "Where is that upright man? Now for ten thousand dinars, he is willing to be a dog for the nobles.

It’s so fucking disgusting!”

This chapter has been completed!
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