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Chapter 152 The Battle of Nolandenburg (26)

At noon today, after the sentries observed the pirates pulling out of the wooden fort, Barrett and Gamlin carefully inspected the wooden fort to ensure that nothing was missing before returning to the top of the city to wait for today's violent storm.

Today's weather is still clear, with only a few white clouds in the translucent blue sky, but the dry autumn wind becomes stronger in the afternoon. Standing on the top of Fengyunding City, under the strong sunlight,

Coupled with the dry autumn wind, the defenders on the city could not keep their eyes open.

At this time, several conch horns were blown, and then the drums of "dong dong dong" were heard. Like black poisonous snakes, the Tuba pirates at the bottom of the mountain rushed over quickly along the road up the mountain.

Although the militia soldiers on the top of the city kept firing arrows as the pirates rushed up, the pirates today seemed to have been beaten to death. They howled and ran up the mountain so fast that the top of the city was

The defenders didn't even shoot a few arrows, and the pirates rushed to the city.

After rushing to the city, the pirates continued to set up ladders just like yesterday, and then attacked the city. At the same time, the elite archers among the pirates, about sixty or seventy in number, concentrated on shooting from the top of the city.

At this time, the pirates became fierce. Although the upward shooting was not accurate enough, the distance on the top of the city in front of Nolandenburg was not wide. Dozens of arrows were fired in a round, which still made everyone on the city top feel...

The pressure is on.

While holding up his shield to protect himself, Barrett let the archer in his hand fight back. If he could kill a pirate archer, the pressure on the city would be reduced.

However, today's elite pirate archers are very clever. They hide collectively behind the shield wall and divide into two teams to fire arrows at one another. It is really difficult for the archers on the city top to shoot them hiding behind the shield wall.


When Barrett saw it, he quickly asked Gamlin to go to the top of the city opposite, so that the pirates downstairs could also taste the rain of arrows.

After Gamlin came over with his shield, he called out the two groups of militia soldiers hiding in the guard tower. Their location was on the top of the city on the back of the castle. There was a cliff below. There would be no large group of enemies attacking here.

Since Nolandenburg was built on a unique hilltop, only the front, that is, the south side, is the only direction for the enemy to attack. Therefore, the defenders on the north city are completely in a state of rest, and only the defenders on the front city are in a state of rest.

After suffering a certain number of casualties, they will replenish the troops and replace the wounded and sick.

Moreover, since the north is close to the cliff, the bows and arrows of the attacking pirates did not extend here at all, but only fired wildly at the city in front. Therefore, these two groups of militiamen were really comfortable here.

However, now, their days of lying down and resting are over. Gamlin came over and ordered the fifty of them to collectively launch fire at the pirates in the square directly in front of the city gate as they did during the training a few days ago.

Because he had anticipated this situation, Balian had Barrett organize his soldiers to train several times. These militia soldiers were basically able to throw arrows from the city in the north to the square in the south of the castle.

After all, projectile is not a precise shooting, just grasp the angle and intensity. After these militia soldiers get familiar with it a few times, they will be able to complete the projectile attack task nine times out of ten.

After Gamlin asked the fifty militia soldiers to prepare, he ordered: "Pull the bow!"

The fifty militia soldiers bowed their left legs slightly forward, tensed their muscles, and drew their bows and arrows, pointing diagonally toward the sky.

"Fire arrows!" Gamlin shouted and gave the order to shoot arrows.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Fifty special-purpose longbow arrows with a length of about two feet passed over the head of Fort Norandenburg in a graceful arc and struck the square in front of the main entrance of Fort Norlandenburg. Although only half of them were

They fell behind the shield wall, but still achieved certain results. In addition to two elite pirate archers being shot and killed, five other elite pirate archers were injured.

The other half of the arrows fell on the heads of the pirates who were attacking the city. One of the three pirates who did not hold up their shields was shot in the face by an arrow falling from the sky and died immediately. One of the other two was hit by an arrow in the shoulder.

He was hit by an arrow in the leg and immediately lost his fighting ability.

When the elite pirate archers behind the shield wall saw the arrows being thrown towards them, they immediately hid behind the shields. The pirate warriors who formed the shield wall instantly formed an anti-projectile formation, and a group of pirates raised their shields vertically to guard against direct fire.

The other group of pirates raised their shields above their heads to prevent the fletched arrows.

They changed their formation very quickly, and before the second round of missiles from the militiamen on the northern wall came over, they had already changed their formation.

After more than ten rounds of crackling sounds, the ejection ended. However, during the delay, without the cover of the elite archers, the pressure on Barrett and his soldiers on the front city was greatly reduced. They worked hard.

Use bows, arrows, stones, gold soup, etc. to greet the pirates attacking the city.

Although these pirates who were attacking the city were very brave and not afraid of death, under the various attacks of the defenders, their offensive situation slowed down a lot compared to before, and Barrett's tense nerves also relaxed slightly.

one time.

However, not long after, after Gamlin and his friends stopped firing, the pirate elite archers attacked again. This time they not only attacked the front, but also tried to extend their shooting, throwing arrows to the north of the city.

Where the defenders are.

However, due to the distance and the fact that the pirates' short primitive compound bows were not very suitable for throwing, the interference to the militiamen commanded by Gamlin was not great.

However, Gamlin did not let these militia soldiers continue shooting, but asked them to take a short rest. They just shot twelve rounds of arrows, and each soldier shot twelve arrows, and they were thrown continuously.

Balian told them that a qualified longbowman would carry twenty-four arrows in a battle and could shoot continuously, because the use of longbows requires the height and physical fitness of soldiers. Ordinary people are not tall enough and have insufficient strength.

I can't pull the long bow at all.

Although these fifty militia soldiers are tall and have good physical strength, their training time is short after all, and their back and arm muscles have not been fully trained. It is already very good to be able to shoot twelve arrows continuously, although the last two rounds of arrows just now were

By that time, their strength was no longer enough, so that in the last round, three or five arrows hit the southern city head.

This chapter has been completed!
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