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Volume 2 The Iron Baron Chapter 154 The Battle of Nolandenburg (28)

The things used to extinguish the fire are none other than the three large pots of golden soup at the city gate. They were roasted by the fire at the city gate for a while, and there was less moisture in them. These dirty solid-liquid mixtures,

It should be good for extinguishing burning grease.

Thinking of this, Gamlin no longer cared about the risks of doing so. He quickly asked people to open the pouring spouts on the city wall. These pouring spouts were opened above the city gates, just to take into account the situation where the enemy set fire to the city gates.

It's better to extinguish it in time.

At the same time, these pouring spouts can also be used to pour gold soup, oil, etc. to attack enemies who hit the city gate. Thanks to the rich construction experience of the two masters and apprentices of Riano, as well as the knowledge of Balian's previous life, the design of these pouring spouts

It is very clever, not only can a large amount of liquid be poured out, but it can also ensure that the flames below will not jump up after the pouring spout is opened. Of course, these curved pouring spouts make it impossible for enemies to shoot at the defenders above.

After the three pots of golden soup were poured down, the fire at the city gate was indeed extinguished. Gamlin, whose face was ashen and gray, opened his mouth and laughed happily. This grin made his teeth look like they were leaking out.

Very white.

However, everyone did not notice his big white teeth, but cheered. The city gate was on fire just now and the water poured on it got bigger and bigger. It really frightened the militia soldiers on the city. Although they defeated the pirates yesterday

attack, but he still has a very clear understanding of the gap in combat power between himself and the pirates.

They knew that once the gates of Fort Noland were broken, they would probably be slaughtered before nightfall. They killed so many pirates yesterday, and now they surrendered to the pirates and prayed for a chance to survive.

All gone.

When Gamlin put out the fire at the city gate, the hearts of the soldiers guarding the city that had been hanging in their throats returned to their original positions. They no longer had to worry about fighting the pirates and could deal with them with peace of mind.

After all, they have nothing to worry about anymore.

When Barrett saw Gamlin put out the fire, he ran over quickly and gave him a big hug. Then he grabbed Gamlin's shoulders with both hands, shook them hard, and asked curiously: "Tell me quickly."

Tell me how you put it out."

Gamlin quickly pushed Barrett away and looked at him with a look of resentment, "If you shake it again, it will shake all my brains. How can I answer your question?"

Seeing how uncomfortable Gamlin was being shaken by him, Barrett quickly stopped his hand, then hugged Gamlin's shoulders and said with a smile: "My good brother, brother Gamlin, please tell me quickly.

Tell me, it really pisses me off."

Gamlin gave him a roll of his eyes, then used his hand to hold three large pots, "Just take a look, the answer is right there."

Barrett trotted over and looked into the empty pot. Then he looked down and saw that the pouring spout was open, with something disgusting and nauseating remaining in the hole. He immediately understood what was going on.

"Hahaha!" Barrett, who was in a good mood, couldn't help laughing. "I didn't expect that this dirty, smelly thing would be so useful. It can not only kill the enemy after boiling it, but it can also extinguish fires. Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk

, It’s really incredible, I will always have a pot at home from now on, so I won’t be afraid of bad guys coming over.”

As soon as Barrett said this, he was immediately despised by everyone including Gamlin. They didn't understand how their commander could think of such a disgusting thing.

At this time, Pino, who was in front of the main gate of Nolandenburg, saw that the fire at the city gate was extinguished. His face was full of regret. He punched with his right hand and palmed with his left hand, and hit hard with the fist of his right hand.

After touching his left hand, he felt an instant of severe pain, which made him more awake.

At this time, they had tried several rounds of siege. Although the brothers were very brave, they braved arrows, stones, gold soup, etc., and climbed the ladder one after another, but there was no result, and everyone's plan to burn down the city gate was lost.

, also failed.

Although the city gate burned for a while and the fire was very strong, the solid city gate should not be burned. It seems that human life is still needed to fill it up to open the city gate.

While Pino was thinking, he suddenly smelled a very unpleasant smell. He looked in the direction where the smell was coming from. It was at the city gate that three large pots of boiled human excrement were burning the fire.

After being extinguished, the high-temperature baking at the city gate, coupled with the strange smell of burning fat, mixed into an "incomparably fragrant" smell.

Blown by the strong autumn wind, the smells here spread everywhere, and the first to bear the brunt was the group of pirates attacking the city in front of the city gate. They enjoyed a unique olfactory experience, and after enjoying it, many of them had a weak stomach.

The pirate couldn't stop vomiting.

It's not their fault. After all, the smell is really, really unpleasant. It's like "you get numb when you stamp on it." Here, you spit out even if you smell it.

However, fortunately, the city walls of Nolandenburg are high and the smell does not spread much. Although you can smell the stink, you can avoid it as long as you stay far away from the city gate. Other places on the top of the city can only occasionally smell it.

Just smelled a faint odor.

With this disgusting stench, the siege pirates, who had suffered huge casualties, were completely unable to survive, and they retreated directly.

This time, after they retreated to the bottom of the mountain, Asedan did not blame them. As the leaders of the reserve team, they did not laugh at the leader Pino and the other two leaders who were fighting hard above, because they had already seen this group of Bretons.

The Ke people were tenacious and brave, knowing that they couldn't defeat it in a day or two. They could only slowly wear it down so that they didn't have enough manpower to hold the wall, and then they had a chance to capture it.

Of course, they have already used some of the methods they discussed last night, such as burning the city gates. Although they failed in the end, they still made the Brick defenders disgraced and lost some of their manpower. It can be considered a result.

After seeing the pirates retreat, Barrett and the others were completely relieved. In any case, today's test was over. Barrett and Gamlin sat down against the crenellated walls of the city wall. At this time, they

When you have time, take out your water bag and drink some water.

But Gamlin's water bag was somehow torn during the battle, and all the water leaked out. Barrett took a few sips of his own water bag and handed it over to him.

Gamlin, let him drink his first.

After Gamlin took his handbag, he smiled knowingly, and then drank. However, after taking the first sip, his eyes immediately widened. He looked at Barrett in surprise and whispered: "You

How bold! Didn't your Excellency say that the commander prohibits drinking during the battle? How dare you!"

Barrett did not answer him directly, but took out a water bag from his waist, handed it to Gamlin, and asked him to have a taste. Gamlin took a sip and realized that this was water.

Then I heard Barrett explain: "The war is over now. It's okay to drink some wine. I don't drink when I'm fighting. Don't worry."

This chapter has been completed!
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