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Chapter 196 The Bloody Battle of Amondin (19)

The news that the coalition forces were defeated and completely annihilated in Bangshui Town was brought back to Fort Norland by the sentry one day later. Balian listened to the sentry tell about the brutal Toba pirates and the brutal killing of Brick.

The soldier remained silent for a long time.

Mark, Bess, Barrett and others present also fell into silence. Although everyone knew that they would definitely lose, they did not expect to lose so stupidly and miserably, and they did not expect that the pirates would be so cruel.

Not only did he kill so many people, but he also insulted the corpses of these dead people.

"Hi!" After a long time, Balian sighed and said to everyone: "You have all heard that if we don't win the battle to defend Fort Noland, I'm afraid we will be like them and have our heads chopped off.

, stuck on a wooden stake, let crows peck at it in winter, and the body is thrown into the river, where it is eaten by fish, shrimps, river crabs.

Our citizens and wealth will also be robbed by pirates, and this land we built with blood and tears will return to desolation."

Hearing Balian's words, they were all moved. Mark said with emotion: "Yes, Master, if you hadn't led us to win this battle, I really can't imagine what kind of end I would have had."


"Hahaha!" Bellian laughed loudly, and then said: "No need to imagine, Mark, we have already won. The winner does not need to imagine, just grasp the current victory situation."

"Oh!" Mark thought for a while after hearing this, and then said with a smile: "You are right, my master."

"Bess, how is the establishment of the second company?" Balian asked Bess, saying that this is something he is more concerned about. Whether the formation of the second company of the Norandenburg Infantry Regiment goes smoothly or not will determine the success of their next battle.


Bess stood up and replied: "Sir, the second company of the Norandenburg Infantry Regiment was established three days ago. The soldiers should have replaced the standard equipment of the infantry regiment. In the past three days, we are familiarizing them with the phalanx and the


"Okay!" Balian nodded happily, and then said to Bess: "When the next war is over, the third company of the infantry regiment can also be considered to form. After all, I have made such great contributions, the monarch

It's not enough to just raise my title by one level, you must at least give me all the land west of Raven Ridge.

By then, coupled with the refugees we have gathered this winter, we will have the reason and ability to support a standing army of three hundred people, both in terms of territory and population."

"That's great! My lord." Bess and Eomer almost jumped up with joy. The growth of the infantry regiment was what they were most happy to see.

When Bess and Eomer were in high spirits, Barrett on the side said dissatisfiedly: "My lord, you are too partial. The infantry regiment gets everything it wants, and you select people from our militia regiment. Our militia regiment is too wronged."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed looking at the aggrieved look of the big strong man Barrett, and then heard Balian say: "I haven't talked about you yet, Barrett, when the war is over, you

Come to the infantry regiment. An outstanding person like you should not just lead the militia. You will be the commander of the third company of the infantry regiment in the future."

"Ah!" Barrett's mouth widened after hearing this. He was surprised for a while, and then said: "Sir, I have gone to the infantry regiment, what should I do with the militia regiment?"

Balian looked at him with a smile and said: "Through this city defense battle, I found that although you are impatient, you are quite smart at critical moments. In a militia group that rarely participates in battles, you are too incompetent, so I

I just plan to transfer you to serve in the infantry regiment.

As for who the militia will be handed over to after you leave, I can tell you right now, it’s Brother Gamlin. If you don’t have a steady and alert person like him by your side in this battle to defend the city, I’m afraid you might

There was an accident.”

"It's okay to leave it to Brother Gamlin. I have no objection." After hearing this, Barrett said to Balian with a smile.

Before he finished speaking, Gamlin stood up in fear and said, "Sir, please think carefully. It is not appropriate for me to serve as the leader of the militia. Sir, you should think about it carefully."

Balian walked up to Gamlin and patted him on the shoulder, "Why isn't it appropriate? Your outstanding performance in the city defense battle is enough to fully prove your ability to lead troops and adapt to changes.

Besides, the main tasks of the militia are training and garrisoning, and there are not many opportunities to fight, so what are you worried about?"

"But..." After hearing Balian's words, Gamlin wanted to say something else, but Balian waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say any more.

"Brother Gamlin, I believe in you. I can rest assured that the militia is in your hands. You won't let me down, right?" Balian asked.

Gamlin thought for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said firmly: "Your Majesty saved the lives of our family. I will do whatever you ask me to do. I will not let you down!"

"Okay! I believe you, Brother Gamlin." After saying that, Balian gave Gamlin a big hug.

After the hug, Balian talked about his plan to reform the military system of Fort Norland. Balian divided the military power of Fort Norland into six parts, the most important ones being the Fort Norland Infantry Regiment and the Norland Infantry Regiment.

The two main forces of the Denburg Guard Regiment.

The infantry regiment is a standing army and the main armed force. Bess is the commander and is in charge of the first company. Eomer is the deputy commander and is in charge of the second company. Barrett is the deputy commander and is in charge of the third company.

The militia regiment was renamed the Guard Corps, which sounded more formal. Gamlin was the commander of the regiment, in charge of the first battalion, Gu Huiyang was the deputy commander, in charge of the second battalion, and the red-haired lion Tao Ke was the deputy commander, in charge of the first battalion.

3rd Battalion,

The reason why the militia group has a battalion is because they are responsible for the military training of all adult males in the territory who can become an army. Balian predicts that when the war with the Toba pirates is over, there will be a large number of refugees in Fort Norandenburg.

, when these refugees with their families become citizens of Fort Norland, they will all participate in the military training of the garrison.

It is estimated that more than a thousand people can be provided with military training. Therefore, it is reasonable to divide them directly into standard regiments and camps. Of course, they are responsible for training. Each battalion only leaves two regular training teams and fifty soldiers.

At the same time, the garrison battalion is responsible for the garrison of the village and the daily capture and elimination of bandits. It still belongs to the local military armed forces.
This chapter has been completed!
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