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Chapter 16 A Big Victory

Quaid gave the order. When they saw the city gate open, all the robbers who were gearing up could no longer hold back and rushed in quickly, fearing that they would be too late and all the good stuff would be robbed by their companions.

The robbers shouted, and within a few breaths, more than a hundred robbers rushed into Fort Noland. However, after they rushed in, they found that no one was inside the house, and then Quaid led people to smash it open.

He unlocked the door of the lord's hall and went in to see that the third master and his men he had sent in were all tied up here and their mouths were gagged with rags.

When Lal saw the boss coming, he screamed at Quaid. At this time, Quaid, who had realized that something was wrong, asked his men to quickly take out the cloth ball from Lal's mouth, and then asked: "Lal

, I saw torches thrown on the city wall, why are you still tied up? Did you kid betray me?"

Lal said with a sad face: "Boss, I am tied up, how can I throw the torch down? You run away quickly, this new lord has set a trap, run away!"

Quaid looked distressed when he heard Lal's words. He didn't care about Lal and the others who were tied up, and quickly ran out with his men. As soon as Quaid left the lord's hall, he saw the city gate being closed and lights on the city wall.

There were many torches, and many archers were drawing their bows and preparing to launch arrows.

When Quaid saw this, he knew that he was in serious trouble this time. However, the big shot who paid him to carry out this task told him that there were not many soldiers in Fort Noland. Although Quaid was a little panicked, he was not panicked yet.

At this point, he shouted: "Brothers, smash open this wooden city gate and let's run out."

As soon as he spoke, the bandits who were already in a panic hurriedly ran towards the city gate, but no one could be as fast as an arrow. It was only thirty or fifty steps away, and the thirty or so archers on the city wall had already fired three rounds of arrows.

At this time, the advantages of normal training came into play. More than a hundred arrows were shot intensively. Many bandits without armor were shot to the ground. Those who were not shot to death, many were also injured by arrows.

Some people on Quaid's side have already arrived in front of the city gate and are smashing the chains with axes. However, in order to delay their escape, Balian had five chains added, which cannot be broken in a short time.


At this moment, there was a cry of "kill", and the mercenaries of the Free Company also joined the battlefield. As soon as these mercenaries who were familiar with combat skills appeared, the group of robbers who were already frightened became even more panicked.

At this time, Quaid knew that he had to lead the elite to fight, otherwise the entire army would be destroyed. Only two of Quaid's subordinates were left behind and a few strong bandits smashed the chains.

He led more than a dozen well-equipped bandit leaders with his own sword, and led the remaining dozens of bandits to fight with the Free Company.

His own people and the enemy were in a melee, and there was no point in shooting arrows at this time. Balian only left Barrett and four archers with good archery skills on the city wall to kill the elite bandits. While he and himself

Eomer, Bess, Tur and others led the soldiers down from the city wall and joined the battlefield.

The battle was not only about numbers and equipment, but also about morale and momentum. They had already won the upper hand and caused nearly half of the casualties to the bandits. Balian's soldiers, who had not been trained for a long time, saw that the battle situation was clear, and they became bolder.

Under the command of others, three spearmen and two shield soldiers formed a five-man team. The two shield soldiers were in the front, blocking bows and javelins for everyone. The spear soldiers were in the back. When the bandits approached the shield soldiers, they killed the enemy.

Man. This is an evolution that Balian learned from the famous formation in his previous life. In the future, it will also be equipped with halberdiers, crossbowmen, etc. to further enhance the combat capabilities of the combat team.

Compared with the battle-hardened mercenaries like the Free Company, Balian's soldiers lack combat experience, but they have been training almost every day in the past month. These fighting movements have become muscle memory, and their strong discipline makes them all

Therefore, a five-person combat team fights with the enemy and cooperates with each other. After joining the battlefield, the efficiency of killing the enemy is not much slower than that of the mercenaries of the Free Company.

I saw a bandit leader wearing iron-clad armor waving an ax and rushing toward a fighting team. He was about to rush in front of two sword and shield soldiers. Suddenly, three spears were stabbed at him. He used his ax to deflect two of them, but

He was still stabbed in the unprotected left shoulder by a stick, and two sword and shield soldiers also took the opportunity. One cut his left leg from below, and the other cut off his right hand holding the axe. The ax fell.

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While he was on the ground, he also fell to the ground. A sword and shield soldier quickly stepped forward and chopped off his head with a sword.

War is the repetition of one person's death thousands of times. Scenes like this appeared so often on the battlefield tonight that the mercenaries of the Free Company were surprised by the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of Fort Noland, and Grove couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

--Sir Balian's men are so powerful!

Under the joint attack of the mercenaries and Nolandenburg soldiers, many of the bandits were quickly killed. Now there are only more than thirty bandits left at the city gate, and most of them are injured. Balian and the others temporarily stopped.

The attack made them put down their weapons and surrender. Just when the robbers were hesitant, suddenly there was a sound of iron chains falling to the ground, the city gate opened, and the remaining robbers ran out quickly under the leadership of Quaid.

Lyon and the others also hurriedly pursued. During the pursuit, they killed a dozen more bandits. After the remaining bandits and Quaid ran into the woods, Balion and the others stopped the pursuit. After all, they were not allowed to enter the dense forest at night. Let’s talk about the results of tonight’s battle.

It's already very big.

Everyone brought the corpses of the bandits and discarded weapons and armor back to Fort Noland, and began to clean the battlefield and count the results. In this battle, Balian and the others killed more than fifty bandits, and some of them were seriously injured.

In an era when medicine was underdeveloped, serious injury meant death. The mercenaries followed battlefield management and directly gave these seriously injured bandits a good time, preventing them from slowly dying in pain.

As for the forty-two robbers who were slightly injured and captured and surrendered, they are now locked up with Lal and the others. There are fifty-five people in total. They are now tied up and locked up in the barn. They are controlled by the mercenaries of the Free Company and Nolan.

The long archers on board guarded the place.

The weapons and armor of the bandits are very ordinary. The low-level bandits are farmers with wood axes or pitchforks. Neither Balian nor Grove would want the weapons of these people. There are more than twenty bandits with excellent weapons and armor.

Half of the leader ran away, and the half of the bandit leader's armor that was left behind is the biggest gain from tonight's battle. There are six sets of chain mail shirts, seven sets of iron-inlaid leather armor, five nose helmets, and eight iron-inlaid leather helmets.

According to the agreement, Grove and the others would share one-fifth of these trophies. Balian directly asked Grove to pick out five sets of armor and take them away. Grove happily picked two sets of chain mail shirts and three sets of iron leather armor.

Two nose helmets, three iron helmets, and a few short swords.

The casualties on Balian's side were also calculated. Three soldiers of Fort Nolanden were killed in the battle and two were seriously injured. One of them had his arm broken and became disabled. As for the mercenaries, only one was killed in the battle. Although there were

More than a dozen people were injured, but they were all minor injuries. Balian was a little sad after seeing this result. His advantage was already so great, and there were such casualties. This was related to both the short training time and the lack of actual combat.

It depends on experience. If they can fight many times on the battlefield like the mercenaries of the Free Company, then these soldiers can protect themselves better and have a greater chance of surviving on the battlefield.

It hurts as much as it hurts, but Balian also knows that no one is immortal in a war. Besides, without being tempered by blood and fire, no matter how much training these soldiers receive, it will be useless. After all, the battlefield and the training ground are not the same thing.

After distributing the spoils, Grove said to Balian: "Lord Balian, this is really a victorious battle. Although they were not able to annihilate them all, these frightened rats will definitely not have the courage to fight in Nuo."

Staying on Landenburg's territory."

"The bandit leader and a dozen key leaders have escaped. It won't take long for them to capture the fleeing serfs, and the farmer will raise a team of a hundred or ten people." Balian said calmly.

Grove was startled after hearing this, then shook his head in embarrassment and asked, "Then let's go search for Lord Lin Balian tomorrow."

"No, once we finish cleaning the battlefield, guarding the prisoners, and garrisoning the castle, Bess and you will be responsible for it. I will take people out to kill the remaining bandits." Balian patted his shoulder and said.

After Balian finished speaking, he left, leaving a confused Grove behind. At this time, Bes came over. He hugged Grove's shoulders and said kindly: "Brother Grove, just wait.

Lord Balian may return victoriously."

After winning the battle, Balian sent people to pick up Mark, the women and children, and brought back the money and goods. After everything was arranged, the women cooked some broth for everyone overnight and made some hot food.

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Food was given to everyone, but no wine was given, because there were more than fifty prisoners in the castle who needed to be carefully guarded, and Balian had to lead the soldiers for the next battle, so drinking was not allowed.

After everyone finished eating and drinking, a beautiful morning light appeared on the horizon. Balian stood on the city wall, looking at this beautiful scene, but he was anxious in his heart, because the person he sent out to track the defeated bandits had not yet replied.

This made Balian, who was commanding a battle for the first time, uneasy. After all, his current decision was related to many lives.

Just when Balian was restless on the city wall, Eomer ran over and said, "Lord Balian, Balin has sent someone back."

"Take me there quickly!" Balian was very happy after hearing the news and eager to see the soldier who delivered the message.

It turned out that when Balian was planning this ambush, he had planned to have Balin, who was good at tracking, hide him outside the city, and then when the bandits escaped, he would quietly follow them to their lair, knowing their lair.

After finding the location, Balian would lead people to raid the robbers' lair. This would not only annihilate the robbers, but also lead to greater seizures.

The soldier who delivered the message was named Farah. When he saw Balian, he was about to salute. Balian grabbed his arm, asked him to sit down, and asked: "Hurry up, have you found their lair?"

"Yes, sir, the lair of these guys is in our territory, just four or five miles northwest of the wolf den. It takes us about an hour to get there. There are no walls in the gangster's lair, only some fences. Now

Except for the bandits who escaped, there are basically some old, weak, women and children inside. Now the leader of Bahrain and his brothers are watching." Farah told everything he knew about the situation.

"Okay!" Balian slapped the table and stood up, then ordered Eomer: "Eomer, gather all our men and go straight to the den of thieves."

Morale depends not only on confidence in one's own strength, but also on victory. The soldiers of Fort Nolandenburg who just fought a great victory are now in high morale, especially after knowing how to destroy the lair of bandits who lost the battle.

It was a climax. Balian and Eomer mounted their horses and set off with everyone under the eager gaze of the mercenaries and the women and children left behind.

On the south bank of the Carr River, on the east side of the forest lake, in a mountain col in the Stag Forest, the leader of the Blood Wolf Gang, Quaid, and a dozen of his men who had escaped were bandaging their wounds in a wooden house in front of the cave. Several peasant women dressed up

After the woman brought them some hot food, she hurried away as if she had encountered a wild beast.

When Quaid escaped from Fort Norland, he was hit by an arrow. Although it was blocked by armor, the heavy arrow still penetrated into the flesh. This arrow was barbed and was specially used to hunt large animals.

When the arrow was pulled out, it inevitably brought out a piece of flesh and blood. Quaid grinned in pain and almost broke the chewing wood in his mouth.

After bandaging, Quaid drank a glass of ale, then threw the cup on the ground and cursed: "Lal, this bastard, you dared to betray me when I treated him so well! Wait until dawn, let's return Lal to him.

The wives, children, and children of his gang were all slaughtered to satisfy the hatred of the brothers! "

If the battle is defeated, there must be someone who takes responsibility, but this person will definitely not be the boss Quaid. Then we have to pull out Lal, the key person who caused the failure of the plan, to take the blame. As for massacring Lal and his family members,

On the one hand, it was to vent his anger, and on the other hand, it was to kill the chicken for the monkeys to see, so as to deter those who saw Quill's weakness and want to seize power, and also so that no one else in the camp would dare to have any thoughts of betrayal.

"Kill their whole family! The boss is right!" These bandit leaders had just lost the battle and were worried that they had no place to vent their worries. When they heard that they were going to kill the Lal family, they all became energetic, because not only could they bully this gang

His wife and daughter can also take the opportunity to rob Lal, the leader, and the wealth accumulated by his men. This is a wonderful thing for the bandits, so when Quaid proposed it, his bandits supported it with both hands.

Quaid looked at the reactions of his men and was very pleased. He waved his hands to tell everyone to be quiet. He was afraid that their shouts would disturb Lal's people. If the news was leaked, it would be more troublesome to deal with it below.

When the subordinates saw Lal's gesture, they immediately understood what it meant and stopped talking.

(End of chapter)

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