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Chapter 17 The Fisherman's Profit

If the plan is not kept secret, it will lead to disaster. What Quaid and the others said was overheard by a woman at the door who was preparing to deliver broth. She calmed down and left quietly, arriving at the cave in the col. It turned out that

The Blood Wolf gang is divided into two factions. One faction is led by Quaid and the bandit leaders and bandits who are loyal to him. This gang is mainly composed of deserters and robbers. They are relatively violent and like to kill and plunder.

One group is headed by Lal and is composed of farmers and craftsmen based on family units. They want to live a stable life, but they become bandits as a last resort due to wars, disasters, etc. The two groups usually do not get along harmoniously, but because of Kui

The German side has a large number of people, and everyone is wanted by the lords, so they can still cooperate and get along. However, Lal and his friends live in a cave, and Quaid and his friends live in a house outside. In daily life, Lal and his friends live in a cave.

In addition to fighting the war, Er and his group are also responsible for the food and daily life of the entire gang, as well as the repair of weapons and armor.

Now Quaid wants to take action against them. This woman knew that something bad was going on, so she quickly ran to the cave and told everyone. After hearing the news, many of the men, women, and children in the cave were frightened and cried. After all, her husband and son

Life or death is uncertain, and now he is about to be killed by bandits, which can be said to be very unfortunate.

Just when the women and children were crying, a strong voice sounded, "What's the use of crying here? Can it save us?" The person who spoke was strong and had sharp eyes. He was a brave man at first glance.

"Hama, tell me, what can we do? Now the only way is to wait for death, wuwuwu..." A woman said and started crying again.

The man named Hama took a deep breath and said: "We have six young and strong men here, and ten half-year-old children who can take up arms. When it comes to life and death, young and strong women can also come. We have

There are more than twenty people who can fight, but Quaid and his friends only have fifteen people, and they are all injured, so why should we be afraid of them?"

After saying that, Hama turned around and took out all the weapons placed in the cave with his accomplices. If there was not enough, they would use the pitchforks to collect. After a while, everyone had weapons in their hands. Hama looked at the people who were still panicking in front of them.

Said: "Staying here is doomed! How fast can the women and children run if we run out now? If we catch up, we will still be killed! Since we are all going to die, we might as well struggle and maybe we can win the fight!"

Hama's words made the panicked people think about the matter. Anyway, they are going to die, so why not struggle before death? Maybe they can still find a way out, so everyone no longer has panic in their eyes, but instead

is angry and determined.

At this time, there was a sound of clapping from the entrance of the cave. It turned out that Quaid was leading people to kill him. Quaid looked at Hama with a smile and said: "It's really whimsical for a blacksmith to want to be a hero. Brothers, here you go."

I will kill! No one will be left alive!"

As Quaid spoke, he rushed into the cave with his sword and his men. When Hama and the others saw Quaid and his men rushing in, they knew there was no way to retreat, so they stood up to resist. Although Hama's side was weak in combat, they won.

With a strong will to fight, a large number of people, and the fact that Quaid and his men were all injured, they were able to resist Quaid's group and drove them out of the cave. However, Hama's group also suffered a certain amount of casualties.

, so the two sides confronted each other with weapons in the open space in front of the cave.

This scene was seen by Balian and others, and they were confused. Why were the bandits shaking in their dens? However, Balian still made an accurate judgment, that is, the side with women and children participating in the war must be able to fight for it.

When Balian gave an order, everyone took up their long bows and shot at Lal and his gangsters who were standing in front of the cave. More than 40 bows fired concentratedly, and Lal and the dozen bandits were almost all hit by arrows.

, half of them were shot dead on the spot. After shooting the arrows, Eomer led the people to outflank them from the left, Tuor led the people to outflank them from the right, Balian led Balin, Barrett and others to rush over from the front.

While charging, he shouted: "Surrender and avoid death!"

Within a hundred steps, a dozen breaths rushed in. Before Lal and the others had time to react, they were killed by Balian and others with arrows on the ground. Only the leader Lal and a seriously injured little boss were left.

.Seeing Balian dressed as a knight and the wolf-like soldiers of Fort Noland, Hama and others in the cave asked everyone to put down their weapons, and then knelt down and surrendered to Balian.

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At the moment, Balian had no time to interrogate them, so he just had them tied up in groups of ten. Bell led fifteen soldiers to escort them back, and after arriving at Fort Noland, he

The carriages in the castle were pulled over to facilitate the removal of everything from the robber's lair, and Balian was here to interrogate Lar and search for the robber's treasure.

Balian and Eomer searched the bandit camp and the cave, and the total money they found amounted to more than five thousand dinars. After Balian saw these silver coins, he couldn't help but frowned. You must know that Gray and

The Ward gang only has thirty or fifty people, and it took only one or two years to accumulate 70,000 to 80,000 dinars. However, the Blood Wolf gang of more than 100 people has been here for four or five years, so how can it be possible that they only have 5,000 dinars?

What about Gnar's wealth accumulation?

Balian asked people to drag Lal over, yes, he had to drag him over, because during the raid, Lal, who was hit by an arrow in the back, wanted to escape, and shot two brothers, Balin and Barrett, injuring their legs. Now,

He could no longer walk. Lal looked at Balian with anger in his eyes, and Balian also looked at him with interest. This middle-aged man, with brown hair, is not tall and strong, and even has a slight hunchback. If he takes off his clothes,

The finely crafted iron-inlaid leather armor on his body is no different from that of a farmer anywhere in the principality.

Balian stared at him for a while and then asked: "Where do you hide all your money? If you hand it over early, you will suffer less."

Lal looked at Balian with a scornful smile, "Little guy, if I give you my money, can you keep me alive?"

"You are a wanted criminal in the principality. You have done many evil things over the years and still want to survive. This is absolutely impossible. However, I don't have to send you to the county guard. You know that if you fall into his hands, you will only be imprisoned.

In a cage with thorns, he will be eaten by crows and die in pain." Balian told him his conditions.

Lal frowned when he heard about the thorn cage. He had seen the thorn cage before. It was an iron cage filled with half-inch long iron thorns. No matter whether a person was standing, lying down or sleeping in it, he would be stabbed by the iron thorns.

The key point is that these iron thorns are not long enough to pierce vital parts, so the inmates can only be pierced with iron thorns and bled. After three days of pain, they may die from excessive blood loss, but this has not happened yet.

In the end, because the cage was hung on a large wooden pole near the gallows, when the prisoner was about to die, crows would come and peck at his body, but he could not resist and died in extreme pain.

Lal thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Then give me to the county governor!"

"Hahaha!" Balian laughed. He knew what Lal had planned. He must have a lot of money hidden. After he donated it, he would definitely be able to buy his own life from the governor, Viscount Merry.

Seeing that Lal didn't know how to praise him, Balian asked Eomer to waterboard him. This punishment was very effective against Quaid yesterday. The result was quickly obtained when it was used on Lal today. Balian personally conducted the waterboarding.

People went to Quaid's treasure hiding place. The place where Quaid hid his money was under the wooden house where he lived. He dug a big hole under the floor and put the box containing the money inside. This was not a clever way of hiding money.

, but it was very effective. This made Bellion, a person who had seen many clever hiding methods, never expect that he could hide things so easily.

After opening the cash box, Balian and Lawrence were immediately happy. The big cash box was almost full of silver coins. After a rough calculation, there should be 80,000 dinars here. Balian couldn't help but sigh, the money was obtained through robbery.


However, although there was a lot of money in this cash box, Bellion felt that it was still not enough. A smart man like Lal would definitely understand that eggs should not be put in one basket, so he personally tortured the seriously injured little boss and determined

Lal also had some treasures. Seeing that Lal was not determined to give up, Balian not only continued to torture him with water, but also asked his men to pour salt water on Lal's wounds. At this time, Lal felt that life was worse than death, so he

He told all the places where he hid the treasure. According to what Lal said, Balian and his men found five more money boxes in the two small caves in the col and under the barn. Four of them were filled with silver coins. The total

About 60,000 dinars, and there were more than 200 gold coins in the smallest cash box. This was Lal's escape money for emergencies.

In order to prevent Lal from hiding something secretly, Balian and Eomer led people to dig almost three feet into the entire col. However, except for some money bags hidden by little robbers, there was no

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What was there before? Balian did a rough calculation, and now he has gained almost 160,000 dinars of wealth. This is equivalent to a year's tax for a mid-level viscounty. It is indeed worth thousands of dollars.

Robbery is the most profitable. Balian looked at the coins and said to Eomer: "I can't bear to kill Lal. He worked so hard to rob and finally gave us all the money. Such a good man, shouldn't we?"

I want to treat him to a nice drink."

Eomer chuckled, "My Lord Inspector, do you know the reward price issued by the county governor for Lal's head? Two thousand dinars! Not only that, whoever destroys Lal's gangsters

, and you can also receive a reward of three thousand dinars from the Yang Weixiao Chamber of Commerce."

"Hahaha, let him live first. After today, ask which big shot ordered him to attack us." Balian patted Eomer on the shoulder, "Anyway, he is in our hands. When will we take him?"

It is our freedom to exchange for bounties."

After confirming that there were no other hiding places for money, Balian and Eomer counted other harvests in the Blood Wolf gang's lair. Although it was not as exciting as money, so many practical items and livestock still made Balian

Flowers bloomed with Eomera. There is a stable in this mountain col. There are eight riding horses, twelve mules and horses, and six well-made and very sturdy four-wheeled carts. These should be

Obtained from robbing the caravan. In addition, there were thirty-five pigs, seventeen cows, twenty-eight goats, and more than sixty chickens, ducks and geese. Although robbery was the main source of income for the bandits, they

It's impossible for everything to be stolen. These farmed livestock and poultry are one of their daily food sources, and now everything is cheaper for Balian.

In addition, from the robbers' warehouse, they also harvested about 20,000 pounds of grain, a lot of dried meat, sausages and other foods, as well as dozens of barrels of ale. After all, this was a bandit team of 100 people, and one person could eat horses every day.

It takes a hundred pounds of grain to chew. Balian was not surprised to find so much food in their warehouse. The cotton and linen cloth and furs found in the warehouse were not small, and there were not only materials that could be used to make leather armor.

There were more than 30 pieces of cooked cowhide and more than 20 intact wolf skins. It seems that hunting is also one of the daily tasks of the bandits.

As for weapons and armor, apart from the fact that Lal and his dozen or so minor bosses are fairly well-equipped, the weapons found in their lair are very ordinary, and most of their armor is single-layer leather armor, which is not as good as Balian's.

The captures from the Gray and Ward brothers. After all, the Gray brothers came from the defense camp of Wallombre City. They were able to get away from the elite combat power of the principality and were able to get some sophisticated soldiers and armor near the capital of the principality of Brick.

, and the Blood Wolf gang hiding in the desolate forest in the north can't get good weapons and armor so easily. After all, they don't have the guts to rob any lord's army.

However, Balian found several iron-making furnaces in the cave, and found hundreds of five-pound pig iron blocks nearby, as well as a dozen swords that were about to be formed. It seemed that these bandits had just recently acquired

The blacksmith already has the ability to make weapons and armor. If you give them a year or two, it will be extremely difficult for Balian to destroy them. Balian couldn't help but feel lucky. It seemed that God was still blessing him.

Bellian and the others had almost finished counting their things. It was already past noon. Everyone ate some simple food and began to move the things in the cave and warehouse to the open space in the center of the mountain col to facilitate transportation. As they were busy

At that time, Tour also came with his people driving a carriage. Counting the six carriages found in the bandit's lair, there were ten carriages in total. After moving everything here cleanly, the group returned to Norlandenburg.


The people of Fort Norland who were waiting in the castle were already looking forward to it. They saw Balian riding a horse and coming with a convoy of ten carts. They cheered spontaneously and went to greet them. The man responsible for guarding Norland was

Landenburg and the mercenaries of the Free Company guarding the prisoners also cheered on the city wall when they saw Balian returning from the victory. Balian looked at the people who came to greet him and felt very emotional. These past months

People who before had not enough to eat, no warmth to wear, and no hope for the future, now that they have followed me, their lives have been guaranteed, and they have also ignited the hope of living well. During this time, everyone is fighting against the wolves together.

They fought against the green forest robbers again and established a close relationship with each other in this strange place.

(End of chapter)

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