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Chapter 21 Windfall

After Ms. Vera returned home, she told Gamlin about the matter. Gamlin didn't say anything after hearing it. He just thought that after he recovered from his injury, he would see the big dog Oak and return the money to him.

More than a week later, Gamlin's injury was almost healed. After he saw the big dog Oak on the street, he took out five silver coins and handed them to the big dog Oak. However, he did not expect that the big dog Oak said no.

Five dinars, but fifty dinars, and it was Ms. Vera who signed the loan letter with him. This made Gamlin so angry that he beat the big dog Oak in the street and gave away the five silver coins.

Taken away.

The next day, Sir Sack gathered everyone together in the Sheriff's Office. As soon as Gamlin entered, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. When he saw the big dog Oak in the Sheriff's Office, he realized that something might have happened.

Big problem. Big Dog Oak produced the so-called loan slip from Ms. Vera, and the pharmacist also appeared to testify, proving that Ms. Vera had borrowed money from Big Dog Oak. This made Gamlin furious, and he immediately

He was about to violently beat the two of them, but Sir Sack stopped him. The new deputy sheriff fired Gamlin on the spot and ordered Gamlin to pay off the debt within three days and pay five

Ten dinars of money were given to the big dog Oak, and then Gamlin was beaten out.

Gamlin, who was kicked out of the Sheriff's Department, thought of the way Sir Sack stared at his daughter that day, and wanted to understand why he had experienced this. But now he no longer has the official status of captain of the Sheriff's Department, and he still owes Big Dog O.

He could only think of a way to take his family out of the city to hide out, and then worry about it later. But he never expected that Sir Sack had already arranged it, and before their family could reach the city gate, they were killed by the big dog.

Oak and his men blocked the street. If Balian had not come to help, the Gamlin family would have been ruined.

Whether it was his past life or this life, Bellian knew that it was very common for people to do evil things for their own selfish interests and personal greed throughout the ages. In his past life, he was a soft-spoken person and had many social restrictions. He could only vent his anger as a keyboard warrior. But in this era, especially

Even if he still has some power, he can still do things to punish evil and promote good. Not to mention, the person who does evil is still his enemy, so he must not be spared lightly.

After bringing Gamlin's family to the farm outside the city, Balian and Eomer asked Tur to lead the troops to mix their family with the serfs and bring them back to Fort Norandenburg. The two of them took five clever men with them.

After the soldiers changed into farmer's clothes in the woodland outside the city, two soldiers were left to guard the horses. The five Balian men hid their weapons in baskets of vegetables and hid their weapons from the sentries before the gates of Amundine were closed.

Search and sneak into the city.

Sir Sack's home was not difficult to find, and you knew where it was after just asking around. The five of them waited until dark and quietly walked to his house. After confirming that there were no dogs and only two guards, the five of them dug through the outside.

The wall enters Sir Sack's house. The house is not big. Entering from the gate is a two-story building with storage rooms on both sides that serve as warehouses, as well as a kitchen and a place for guards to live. Behind the building is a

Garden and stables.

It has been dark for some time now, and the small building where Sir Sack lives has been lit with candlelight. You can vaguely hear the sound of Sir Sack talking to a young girl, and two guards are eating in the kitchen and chatting with each other.

The cook teased. After Balian and Éomer looked at each other, everyone covered their faces with a piece of cloth. Then Balian led two soldiers from the front door of the kitchen, and Éomer led a soldier from the back door of the kitchen.

Rushing in quickly, the two guards did not react and were chopped to death on the spot without even having time to say a word. The fat cook was so frightened by this sudden change that she almost screamed, but before she screamed,

She was knocked unconscious by Eomer's palm. Balion was afraid that she would run out to report the news when she woke up, so he tied her up again and blocked her mouth with a rag.

After taking care of the guards, Balian and Eomer sneaked to the door of the small building with their men. Through the half-open window on the side of the door, Balian could see a brown-haired girl who was no more than sixteen or seventeen years old.

Being held in Sir Sark's arms, Sir Sark was drinking while raising and lowering his hands. It could be seen that the girl was very reluctant. Balion gave Eomer a look, and Eomer directly opened the door and went in. Sir Sark

He was startled, and while shouting for the guards, he stood up to get the weapon. Before he could reach the weapon, he was pinned to the ground by Eomer and his men, unable to move at all.

The girl who had just been bullied by Sir Sack was also shocked by the sudden intrusion.

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She was so frightened that she hurriedly ran upstairs, but was quickly caught up by two soldiers. Not only did they catch her, but they also caught a little girl about ten years old. Balian was afraid that they would both yell loudly.

, first had them tied up, and also gagged, and asked Eomer to take them upstairs for separate interrogation, while Balian interrogated the deputy sheriff of the direct county downstairs.

Balian had Sir Sack tied to a chair. After taking off his face covering, he moved a chair to sit opposite him. He looked at Sir Sack and said, "No need to shout, your two guards."

He is already dead. If you want to live, just cooperate."

Sir Sack had already recognized Balian at this time, so he did not shout for help without knowing it, because Balian would definitely dare to take his life while he was shouting for help. He was not angry but smiling, looking at

Balian said: "Sir Balian, I know you are not a person who will give up. Although I was the one who contacted the Blood Wolf gang to attack Nolandenburg, you must also know that this is the property of Baron Raul of Lidaburg.

I have no grudge against you."

"Sir Sark, how can we say there is no hatred between us? First you took away my position as deputy sheriff and asked me to be an inspector sleeping rough in the wilderness, and then you let the Blood Wolf gang attack Fort Nolandenburg.

You caused many of my men to lose their lives, so I should really thank you!" Balian responded to him with an indifferent expression.

The flesh on Sir Sack's face twitched twice, and he quickly calmed down. He said with a smile: "Bairion, my friend, we are all loyal ministers of the Duke of Carolingian. Your father, Sir Orry, and I are also

We have known each other for many years, and it was Baron Raul who bewitched me to do these things. I fell into his trap. As long as you let me go, I will cut off contact with Baron Raul, and at the same time I can find a way to compensate you for your losses."

"Hmph!" Seeing him acting like this, a soldier next to him snorted, despising this kind of spineless villain.

Unlike these people who can't tolerate dirt in their eyes and regard honor as their life, Balion, who has been born in two generations, pays more attention to practical interests. Seeing that this guy is willing to cooperate, he simply sees what he can get from him, so

Balian responded: "Oh, how do you compensate me for my losses? Are you going to sell your armor, weapons, and horses to compensate me?"

"No! Of course not, Sir Balian. This matter was initiated by Raul and his son, and the compensation must come from their family." Sir Sack quickly explained to Balian.

Seeing Balian's interest, he got excited and said, "Sir Balian, you may not know enough about the specialties of our direct county. In addition to the trees and prey pelts in the Stag Forest, the most important ones are iron ore and grain, especially

The Snow Mine is the largest pig iron producer in the northern part of the principality. In addition to supplying the palace, a large amount of pig iron is sold by various noble families every year. In the past two years, Baron Raul and his family have been able to use the connections of several adults in the palace to

A considerable amount of pig iron is obtained from the Snow Realm Mine every year. After five days, this pig iron will be transported by a large ship to the city of Yangwei Shuo via the Karl River, and then transported to the south by sea to be sold to the lords in the south.

As you know, the south is short of iron and the north is short of food, but the lords of the north and the lords of the south have always been at odds, so both the north and the south restrict the flow of their output to their opponents' territories. And Baron Raul, a so-called centrist, fights

His idea is to sell grain from the south to the north and pig iron from the north to the south. He made a lot of money last year. Sir Balian, if you can rob this pig iron, whether you sell it or keep it for yourself,

Well, that’s considered over-compensation, what do you think? My Ser Balian.”

"How do I know if what you said is true? Maybe this is a trap?" Balian asked him in return.

When Sir Sark heard this, he quickly said: "I definitely didn't lie, I can swear to the God of Fire!"

Balian almost laughed when he heard that he was about to swear. Who would dare to believe a man like him who swore? When Sack saw that everyone didn't believe his swearing, an embarrassed smile appeared on his face. He said to Balian: "Baile

Sir Lyon, there is a letter from Baron Raul in my room. You can take it and read it. What is written on it is very clear."

Balian nodded and asked his soldiers to search his bedroom. Not long after, a tightly locked box was found. After getting the key from Sir Sack, a soldier opened the box with his own hands.

, there are five gold coins in the box

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And more than three hundred silver coins, as well as several letters. Balian took out the letters and asked the soldiers to put the money box away. Balian could no longer leave this money to Sir Sack.

Balian opened these letters and read them. Indeed, Baron Raul made it very clear in the letter that the cargo ship would dock at Bangshui Town and that the crew on board would rest in the town. He also asked Sir Sack to arrive in advance.

Send your men to Bangshui Town to make arrangements, and give Sir Sack fifty dinars as a favor, asking him to take care of him in the future, etc.

Balian had just put down the letter when he saw Eomer coming down from the stairs angrily. He came to Ser Sark, kicked him down, then sat on top of him and tried to punch him.

Leon saw Eomer's attitude and quickly grabbed him, "Eomer, you took the wrong medicine? What are you doing?"

Eomer saw that Balion was a little angry, so he got off Sir Sac, and after calming down, he said to Balian: "Belion, you don't know what a bastard this bitch has raised! He is a big pervert, and he is looking for some

Girls and virgins came to provide for his pleasure. He snatched the sisters upstairs. In order to get these two sisters, Sack, a bastard, had their father beaten to death and their mother forced to death!

Threatening my sister with my sister's life, I must serve him well. What kind of knight is such a person? I can't wait to kill him now!"

Although Eomer is a little impatient, he is a chivalrous man who is eager for justice and fights injustices. Ser Sac is a big pervert who has done many evil things. Balion also wants to kill him immediately, but there is still some point in keeping him now.

Use it to see if he can get out more valuable things. So Balian pushed Eomer aside, whispered to him, and then asked him to go upstairs and take the two girls to search carefully.

Go to Sir Sack's house to see if you can find anything valuable, and talk to Sir Sack down below.

Seeing Eomer go upstairs, Balion was about to turn around and continue to interrogate Sir Sark. He only heard a scream of "Ah", followed by a "plop" sound of a person falling to the ground, and saw that Sir Sark had broken away.

After tying him with ropes and knocking the soldiers guarding him to the ground, he snatched the short sword from his hand. Seeing this, Balian quickly drew out his sword and surrounded Sark with the two soldiers who had not fallen down in the room.


"Sir Sark, we had a good chat just now, what are you doing?" Balian looked at him coldly and asked.

"Bah! You bastard, it seems that you are not going to let me go, so don't blame me for not cooperating! I will not be carried into the hands of a young boy like you!" Sir Sack was hysterical.


Looking at Sir Sack's appearance, Balian was very confused. He rushed up to fight with him. He was afraid that the sound of fighting and Sir Sack's shouts would attract the night watch soldiers, and Balian and the others would not be able to escape by then; but he did not kill him.

Sir Sack, this is definitely not possible, otherwise the hijacking of the ship cannot be done without talking about it, and the revenge of Baron Raul and others will be even more violent.

Just when Balian and his soldiers were in an awkward confrontation with Sir Sark, they heard the sound of a string and a crossbow shot out, hitting Sir Sark's throat.

He scratched his neck, vomited blood and fell to the ground. He died without moving a few times.

The person who used the crossbow was none other than Lawrence. He found the crossbow in Sir Sark's bedroom. It was placed at the top of the stairs. When Eomer heard the movement and the sword was not with him, he took it.

He picked up the crossbow and loaded the crossbow arrows. From the corner, he saw Sir Sac breaking free from his bonds, grabbing the weapon and confronting everyone. After saying those words, he shot him without thinking.

At this point, Balian had nothing more to say. He asked his soldiers to quickly pack up the valuable things in Sir Sack's house, and asked Eomer to take the two girls and evacuate quickly. After all, murdering a nobleman is still a matter of serving as a security officer.

Even though he is only a knight with a low-level knighthood, this is a major case that can attract the attention of the court.

After making sure that everything was packed and no traces were left behind, Bellion and the others quickly evacuated and sneaked along the path to a wasteland in the north of the city. This was the hiding place they had predicted in advance. Despite the cold weather, the seven of them still

He stayed here until dawn, then changed into farmers' rags, carried the baskets of vegetables he brought into the city and left the city. Then he found two Fort Norlandenburg soldiers waiting in the woods outside the city, and rode back to Fort Norlandenburg.

(End of chapter)

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