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Chapter 22

Balian was a little worried after returning to Fort Nolandenburg, but he was confident that this matter would not be traced to him. After all, there were no criminal investigation methods in this era, and the person in charge had to handle the matter.

The efficiency is very low, and there is almost no possibility of solving the case. However, what Bellion is most worried about is Baron Raul and his son of Lidaburg, the murderers of Sir Sack. Others cannot guess it, but they will definitely be able to guess it. I am afraid that in the future

The hostility between these two men towards Fort Noland will become even deeper. Before they carry out greater revenge, Balian must strengthen his strength.

On the other hand, Sheriff Sir Pippin saw that Sir Sack never came to the Sheriff's Department to attend the security meeting agreed yesterday, so he sent one of his men to Sir Sack's house. When the security soldier arrived, he found that the door was closed.

, no one answered no matter how he called, and he did not dare to knock on the door, so he could only go back and report to Sir Pippin. When Sir Pippin heard this, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Because this Sir Sack's family is more powerful, he has never ignored Sir Pippin as his immediate boss since he took office. He also forgot many times what he had agreed to do the day before and left it to Sir Pippin to do it alone. Today

Sir Pippin was really angry. He slammed the table and called two of his men to go with him to Sir Sack's house. He must teach the deputy sheriff a lesson!

When Sir Pippin came to the door of Sir Sack's house, he felt something was wrong. In the past twenty years, from the age of fifteen to the age of thirty-five this year, he had gone to war many times. He was familiar with the smell of blood.

It couldn't be more familiar. After smelling the smell of blood coming from the yard, he immediately had a bad premonition. Without thinking much at the moment, he commanded his men to break open the door of Sir Sack's house and went in to take a look.

Sir Ke and the two guards were all dead, and only a fat cook was alive. And the fat cook who had been locked up with the two corpses all night was so frightened that she couldn't even speak fluently, and nothing could be found during the interrogation at the moment.


A palace knight who came from a big family and served as deputy sheriff of the county was killed. This was not something that someone at Sir Pippin's level could solve. He asked his men to quickly report the situation to the county governor, Viscount Merry. Viscount Merry, who learned of the incident,

He came over immediately in a hurry. After seeing the scene, he asked someone to collect the body first, and together with Sir Pippin, he jointly wrote a letter to the Sheriff in the palace explaining the matter. After doing this, Viscount Merrill

He said to Sir Pippin with a sad look on his face: "Brother, after such a big case, your Sheriff may not be able to serve for long, and my life as a Sheriff will not be too easy in the future." Hearing this.

The Lord Sheriff said this, and Sir Pippin nodded with a helpless smile.

The messenger to Valombre worked hard and arrived in three days. After reading the letter, the Minister of Public Security quickly reported to the Prime Minister. After listening to the Prime Minister, he ordered a royal meeting to be held with all the royal ministers, the Archbishop of the Principality, and the Chief Minister.

The universities are working together to discuss how to solve this problem.

Although Sir Sack was a nobleman, he was of a lower-class title after all. His life and death did not attract the attention of the ministers, except the Minister of Taxation, Count Matta, because Sir Sack was a member of his family, although Earl Matta did not

I don't like this relative who has no ability and only causes trouble, but a member of my own family has been killed. If I don't speak up for him, not only will I disappoint my clan members, but my family's reputation in the principality will also be hit.

Although other ministers did not care about this matter in their hearts, considering the reputation of the Minister of Taxation, they all unanimously stated that they would investigate to the end, severely punish the culprits, and punish the county guards and sheriffs of the counties directly under them. After all, they

The two are major local officials, and they must bear responsibility for such a heinous murder. After some discussion, everyone reached a final resolution, which was signed by the Prime Minister and the Sheriff, and then submitted by the Chief Bachelor.

To the Duke.

The Carolingian Duke read the resolution, met with the Minister of Public Security the next day, and issued an edict based on the Royal Council's resolution. This was first to appease Sir Sack's family, and then to Viscount Merrill and Pierre.

Sir Pippin's punishment for Viscount Merry was not painful at all. It was just a one-year salary penalty. Sir Pippin was directly transferred to Longbeard Fortress on the border as an officer of the infantry regiment. It can be said that he was assigned to the border city. And Amon

The choice of Dingcheng’s new police chief is surprising

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In addition, it turned out to be Balian's uncle Sir Rudy. Not only was he appointed as the Sheriff, but his title was also promoted from apprentice knight to knight, and the swallow tail of the heraldic flag could finally be cut off.

This is because before parting with Balian, he told Sir Rudy to go to the Minister of Security more often. After Sir Rudy saw that Balian bribed the Minister of Security to obtain tax-free privileges and other care for the fief, Sir Rudy

Of course he understood how to do it. During this period, he not only spent most of his savings, but also borrowed some money from his brother, Sir Orui, and visited the Minister of Public Security many times. The Minister of Public Security, Earl Gaoshanbao, also made a clear promise to him.

If there is a good opportunity, I must find a way to promote him to a knight, so he won't be acquainted anymore.

Sometimes things just happen by coincidence. What Balian did at Norlandenburg turned out to be a good opportunity for his uncle to be promoted to a title. Although Sir Rudy was not awarded a fief this time, he had a hereditary title after all.

With Donu's hard work, it is not difficult to own an independent fiefdom. After Balian's father, Sir Orry, learned that his brother had become a knight, he not only refused to let Sir Rudy pay back the money he owed him, but also came to the city of Wallombre in person.

I sent a congratulatory gift to Sir Rudy, and I paid more attention to it than when Balian became a knight. I think it was mainly because my family had three knights, and two knights were born within one year. This is very rare in this era.

, but it was rare, which allowed Sir Orui to see the possibility of the Tucker family entering the upper class society of the Brick Principality.

Sir Rudy was appointed as the Sheriff of the direct county. The first order he received before taking office was to find out the cause of Sir Sack's death as soon as possible and arrest the murderer. However, the Minister of Public Security also told him privately.

, this case is not easy to solve. If you can solve it, just solve it. If you can't solve it, just find a criminal in prison to take the blame. Anyway, what the palace and Count Matta want is a justifiable result, not the real murderer.

Just when Sir Rudy's family was immersed in joy, Baron Raul and his son in Lida Castle heard about this, their faces changed drastically. The father and son shouted back all the servants in anger and panic, and then they came

They went to the study to discuss secretly for a long time. Although the content of the discussion was unclear, they were definitely discussing how to take more vicious revenge on Balian. This was really a situation where some people were happy and some were sad.

It takes a certain amount of time for what happened in the capital to reach the remote Fort Norland. Balian was not anxious to know what was happening outside. He was anxious about how to develop his own territory, how to train the army, and complete the tasks assigned by the governor.

You can also protect yourself better.

On this day, Balian was anxious for a meeting with his main subordinates in his territory. Balian sat down at the head of the long table in the lord's hall. His seat was covered with a solid gray wolf skin, which was used to attack Fort Noland.

Balian originally wanted to sell the wolf pelt of the leader of the wolf pack at a high price, but Mark, Bess, and Balin disagreed. They said that Balian, as the lord of Norlandenburg, needed a high-quality wolf skin.

To show his authority, well, when Balian came to this world, he had to accept the rules of this world, so he spread this wolf skin on the seat in the center of the Lord's Hall.

After Balian sat down, his men also sat down on both sides of him. On the left side were the steward Mark, the craftsman officer Hama, and the civil officer Lal. These people were the main group of civil servants, although Lal and Hama had defected.

Balian has not been with him for a long time, but Lal is a farm owner. Not only is he an expert in farming, animal husbandry, fishing, hunting, and land reclamation, but he can also assist Balian in the daily management of the people in the territory. The most important thing is that Lal can also read and write. This is

Because when he was a boy, he was sent to a monastery by his father, who wanted to train him to be a monk. For this reason, he was taught to read and write by the monks in the monastery.

Although Hama could not read or write, he was the most important blacksmith in Fort Norandenburg after all, and he also had certain management abilities. Balian put him in charge of managing all the craftsmen in the territory, and also gave him requirements.

I just followed Lal and learned basic reading and writing within half a year. After all, I became a leader, so how could I do it if I didn't know how to read and write?

On the right side of Balian are Eomer, Bess, Tur, Barret, and Balin. Since it was an internal meeting, Balian did not invite Grove to participate. After all, although the Free Company has a good relationship with them, they are still outsiders.

The confidential information of the territory must be kept secret from them for the time being.

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After everyone sat down, Balian asked a few young men standing aside to pour wine for everyone. Then he stared at his subordinates with joy and said, "Brothers, I am the one sitting here today.

It’s the 150th day since I took over the position of Lord of Norlandenburg. During this time, everyone has experienced a lot with me. Not only have I had to travel long distances in the cold winter, but I also have to survive in the desolate woodlands of the north.

During this time, we were also attacked by wolves and bandits, especially the three brothers from Frondo. At that time, they came to the north with me because of my promise to let them live a good life. Unexpectedly,

Not long after I arrived, I died on the battlefield. To be honest, I feel guilty! With this first glass of wine, let’s celebrate our fallen brothers together!”

"Do it!" After Balian finished speaking, he raised the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. Everyone else did the same. After putting down the wine glass, the attendant immediately poured the wine. Balian continued: "I have been here since I first arrived.

There are many dangers. As of today, I have initially established a foothold. It is definitely not enough for me alone. Without your help, it will never be so smooth. Not to mention, I may have died a long time ago. This second glass of wine,

I respect all of you sitting here.”

After finishing the second glass of wine and waiting for the waiter to refill the glass, Balian directly picked up the glass and said, "This third glass of wine is a celebration wine drunk in advance to celebrate our victory and return three months later!"

"Victory!" Everyone shouted together and drank the wine together.

After drinking three glasses of wine in a row, Balian asked the butler Mark to report to everyone the situation in the territory. Mark stood up, took two pieces of gray tissue paper, cleared his throat and said to everyone: "Everyone, I will report to everyone on behalf of the master.

Let me briefly talk about the current basic situation of our Norlandenburg. Our territory now has a total population of 272 people, including 152 young men, 70 women, and 50 children. We have ten

Three craftsmen, three leatherworkers, five carpenters, three stonemasons, three blacksmiths, and we have five coachmen.”

"Tell us about our various material reserves." Balian asked Mark to tell us about the current material situation in the territory, so that his subordinates would have an idea.

"As you command, Master." Mark has now fully entered the role of a butler. He no longer calls Balian "Master", but treats Balian as the lord and himself as the lord's servant.

"The data on various materials in the territory are very complicated. Let me tell you some important data. The territory now has more than 11,000 pounds of wheat, oats, barley and other types of grains, and 1,300 pounds of various types of dried meat.

Many pounds, about 900 pounds of salted fish, 60 pieces of cotton and linen, and 130 furs of various kinds. Of course, the furs have to be sold for money. In addition, we have seventeen cattle and eight cattle.

Cows, as well as forty pigs, fifty sheep, and nearly a hundred chickens, ducks and geese. Overall, including meat food, the territory’s food reserves are enough to support us in the first half of this year without increasing the population.

of land reclamation." Mark reported to everyone while holding a gray piece of paper with dense numbers recorded on it.

"Brother Mark, how many weapons and armors do we have in our territory now? After all, we have to train soldiers and take them to fight." Bess said.

"Brother Bess, let me tell you the territory's armaments and supplies data." As he said, Mark took out a piece of paper from the table, looked at the text on it and said: "We currently have

Fifty-five spears, seven maces, fifteen one-handed swords, twenty-six one-handed knives, thirty fighting axes, twenty-five leather bucklers, forty longbows, and about 100 feathered arrows

Six hundred, twenty crossbows, and more than one thousand one hundred arrows.

As for the armor, there are now two sets of full-body chain mail, and one each of a visor helmet and a barrel helmet. These two sets of elite armor belong to our lord Ser Balian and his knight squire Eomer. As for the others

, we have three sets of chain mail shirts, thirteen sets of iron leather armor, ten sets of double leather armor, twenty sets of hard leather armor, four nose helmets, six chain mail caps, and twenty five iron leather helmets.

In addition to these weapons and armors, we also have three military horses, thirteen riding horses, eighteen mules and horses, seven pack horses, fourteen four-wheeled carriages that can be used to transport supplies, and one two-wheeled carriage." said

After finishing this, Mark put down the paper and continued: "This is all the soldiers, armor, weapons and important materials currently in Fort Nolandenburg.

(End of chapter)

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