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Chapter 26 Troop Training and Construction

"All adult males in the territory must receive military training. Twenty-five people are selected from them at least twice a week to form a militia. They are not separated from production and are responsible for garrisoning the city walls and other matters in turn. The captain of the militia is appointed by Barrett.

As the deputy captain, Gamlin will assist Barrett in training and managing the militia. As for the weapons of the militia, the main weapon is the longbow. Let them practice archery well. We don’t expect them to go into battle to kill the enemy, as long as they can surround their homes.

"As for melee weapons, fighting axes and short spears are the main ones. Except for captains and deputy captains, the militiamen are only equipped with leather armor." Balian handed over the militia team to Barrett, who was a hunter, and a former peace officer.

Gamlin, who is good at martial arts, is in charge.

"Yes, sir!" Barrett and Gamlin stood up to accept the order.

"Whether it is the standing army or the militia, the weekly salary is 20 soles per week for the spearmen, sword and shield soldiers, and crossbowmen in the standing army, and 30 leas per week for the main force such as the ax spearmen. In addition, the team leader pays 30 soles per week.

There was an allowance of five soli per week, the captain in the standing army received one dinar per week, and the deputy captain eighty soli per week.

Since the militia team is not separated from production, its tasks are relatively easier, and its salary is lower. The ordinary militiamen have five soles per week, and the team leader has another two soles per week. The militia captain has fifty soles per week, and the deputy captain,

Thirty soles per week. The salary of the standing army is doubled during wartime. The militiamen who go to the battlefield enjoy one-third of the salary of the soldiers of the standing army, but after making meritorious service, the reward standards are the same. Do you have any opinions on this salary system?" Balian

I talked about my plan for the salary system for soldiers. After all, only with guarantees can we be more loyal.

Although the salary offered by Balian is not high, it is still above average in the world, so naturally no one will have any objections.

"Gamlin, your son Bran is not only good at martial arts, but also very courageous. He knows how to protect his mother and sister at all costs. I like him very much. I want him to be a squire by my side. What do you think?" See everyone.

He didn't have any objections to the salary, so Balian started asking about other things.

After Gamlin heard this, he was very happy. When he was the Sheriff, he hoped to send his son to be a knight's squire. In this way, if his son worked hard, he might be able to get a knighthood, but he would be directly subordinate to him.

There are too few reliable knights in the county, and people who come to recruit knights and attendants basically only need to be from noble families, at least knights, and children from trainee knight families. This natural threshold has made Gamlin think of countless ways, but nothing has been solved.

But now, Gamlin is really happy that Sir Balian, the lord of Norandenburg, has not only saved his family, but also made his son Bran his squire.

"My lord, this is not only Bran's luck, but also our family's honor. I will have Bran come to see you soon." Gamlin said excitedly.

"Hahaha, when we have dinner later, you can call him over, and together with Tour, he will officially become my knight squire." Balian said with a smile.

After finishing talking about army construction, Mark stood up and said: "Sir, what we are worried about right now is not only soldiers and weapons and armor, but also the issues of land reclamation and castle construction. Now spring has arrived, the ice and snow have melted, and weeds have just grown.

It is a good time to open up wasteland. If we can open up hundreds of acres of wasteland before summer comes, we can plant soybeans, vegetables, pumpkins, etc. in late June. After the autumn harvest, our food reserves will be more sufficient, and

After the autumn harvest, wheat can be planted on the cultivated land, and the next year's harvest will be guaranteed." After Mark said this, he stopped and looked at Balian, who looked at him and encouraged him to continue.

"What I just talked about is the issue of land reclamation, which is related to everyone's food problem and is very important. Now Fort Nolandenburg not only faces the problem of food production, but also faces the problem of too few houses in the castle and no place for everyone to live. Everyone

I also saw the serfs who came from the county this time. Only a small number of them squeezed into the house, and most of them could only live in tents outside. Fortunately, the weather is getting warmer now, so there is no need to worry about freezing, otherwise they would be here.

The hard-earned population may suffer frostbite or even freeze to death. This will not only affect morale, but also be detrimental to the long-term development of Fort Nolandenburg." At this point, Mark was a little excited. Balian looked at him and felt that Mark

With a benevolent heart, it was the right choice to let him be in charge of civil affairs.

"Actually, the situation of the people living in the house is not good. It is very cold in winter. It is quite warm to squeeze together. But now the weather is getting hotter and hotter. It is very inappropriate to continue to squeeze in like this. Master, we are in urgent need now.

Some new houses will be built, but there are not many places to build houses in the castle, after all, Fort Nolandenburg was just an outpost before," Mark said.

Balian touched his chin thoughtfully, "Mark, what suggestions do you have?"

"Sir, I suggest that some freedmen and serfs be moved out and build villages outside, so that they can not only open up wasteland, plant crops, but also solve the problem of crowding in the castle." The solution Mark blurted out, it seemed that he was thinking about it.

get through this.

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Balian frowned and said, "Mark, your idea is good, but there are three problems that you have not considered. First of all, the free people are okay, there are only a few of them, and they all come from Frondo Town, so naturally they

There is no problem, but not these serfs. They followed me not long ago, and there is Stag Forest outside. Can you guarantee that these serfs will not run into Stag Forest and become refugees or robbers?"

Balian's first question made Mark frown, which he really didn't consider.

"Secondly, bandits dare to attack castles guarded by knights and elite mercenaries. Are villages without guards or walls more likely to be robbed? There are also attacks by wild beasts. In the winter that just passed,

You should still remember the wolf attack, right? You said that if an ordinary village is attacked, there will definitely be heavy casualties?

Thirdly, I have made enemies with Baron Raul and his son of Lidaburg, and I have robbed their merchant ships and goods. Although they don’t know it yet, they will definitely suspect Nolandenburg. If they provoke a certain lord,

Should the first thing the enemies who launch a private war against us do to burn down the village first?" The next two questions made Mark's already frowning brows become even more wrinkled.

Seeing Balian smiling at him, Mark said sheepishly: "Master, I'm stupid. The method I just thought of really doesn't work. What do you think we should do?"

Balian picked up the jug on the table, poured him a glass of wine, asked him to sit down first, and then said: "Food, clothing, housing and transportation are necessary for everyone's life. Now Fort Nolandenburg has to solve the problem of food and housing. Although we

With this interception, there is no need to worry about starvation, but it is very important to have a large area of ​​arable land in the territory and to be able to stably produce food every year. The matter of land reclamation is imminent; the issue of housing is also very important. Now such a sentry

Station, although we call it a castle, in everyone's mind, this is definitely not a lord's castle. Building a larger masonry castle is also very important.

To solve these two things, based on our current population, it will definitely be difficult to complete in a short time. After all, our population is too small. This time, we had a banquet with the county governor and the county lords in Amundine.

When I was there, I listened to them talking about the problem of refugees, and I thought of a way."

"What's the solution? Sir." Eomer asked curiously.

"Hey, it doesn't sound like much. The main reason is that we didn't know much about the north before." Bellian began to tell everyone about this method. "The winter in the north is very cold, and the food production is relatively not as good as the warm south, which leads to a lot of food shortages.

The yeoman farmers and serfs fled their territories with their families in winter to make a living in the forests or cities. However, fleeing from their territories was a relatively heavy punishment. Once caught by the lord, they would most likely be whipped. Their families only

Some property will also be confiscated.

But if the lord does this, the fleeing people in his territory will not dare to go home. What will happen to the summer harvest without anyone? Who will cultivate the land? Who will the lord collect taxes? This is why the lords generally do not

These fleeing people will be punished, as long as they return to their territory before the summer harvest.

The refugees who have endured the winter generally will not go back directly after the weather gets warmer. They will find a job in the city or with a lord who needs work, catch up for two or three months, and save some money and food.

, so that after paying the taxes to your lord, you can leave more money and food rations, so that when the next winter comes, the family will be better off than last year."

"I understand, sir, you want to recruit refugees to open up wasteland and build castles and houses for us." Mark stood up and said excitedly.

"Yes!" Balian affirmed what Mark said. "Last time, I seized a lot of money from the Blood Wolf Gang. This time during my trip to Bangshui Town, I gained more than three thousand dinars. Money can only be spent if it is spent.

It makes sense, we can hire people to come over and speed up the construction, so why not?"


“This is really a good idea!”…

Balian's idea was recognized by everyone, and he continued: "I will allocate a thousand dinars to Mark. Eomer, you can lead the troops to escort him to Amondin and exchange all the money into copper coins, so that you will have five

With one hundred thousand soli as a strong laborer, half a pound of black bread a day plus five soli as salary, plus two meals of wheat paste a day, we attracted refugees to come and work for us."

"As you command, my lord!" Mark and Eomer accepted the order.

After hearing Balian's words, Lal couldn't help but take a breath, "Sir, is this salary too high? Normal recruitment, five soles and two meals of wheat paste a day, is already a job that everyone is competing for.


"I know that this remuneration is much higher than the market price, but in a remote place like ours, without high income, people are unwilling to come here. The most important thing is, I hope that through such high remuneration, I can attract refugees and

The serfs stayed

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We really need manpower in Fort Nolandenburg." Balian explained to Lar.

Balian picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine, "Everyone, things are complicated, and I will have to work hard for you in the next period of time."

"It is our honor to serve your Excellency!" everyone replied in unison.

After discussing the matter, the sky had darkened. Balian announced the banquet. There was a clear goal and a clear path. Everyone's division of labor was also clear. Everyone was very happy because they saw hope and hoped it would be a good one.

Things may be the best things of time, and good things should last forever.

At the climax of the banquet, Gamlin brought his son Bran to Balian. At this time, Balian, who was half drunk, remembered that he wanted Bran to be his squire. Balian quickly stood up.

, waved his hand and called Tur in front of him. He looked at the two young men aged fourteen or fifteen and said happily: "I'm actually not much older than you two, but after all, I am older than you and have experienced more."

There are more things to do, and I will certainly be able to teach you skills, but before I formally appoint you as my knight squire, I want to ask you a few questions."

As soon as they heard that Balian was about to ask a question, Tur and Bran couldn't help but tensed up. Balian saw this and smiled, "You don't have to be so nervous. I don't eat people. Why are you so nervous? Listen up.

,The first question is, are you afraid of death?"

Tur said without hesitation: "Don't be afraid!"

Bran hesitated for a moment and then replied: "I'm not afraid!"

Seeing his son's hesitation, Gamlin looked a little unhappy, fearing that Balion might not like Bran.

"It's good not to be afraid of death, but we have to respect death. Why aren't we afraid of death? If it's for honor, for the safety of family and friends, then it's good not to be afraid of death! But if it's for selfish interests, no longer afraid of death,

Not a warrior, but an out-and-out bastard. I hope you will become a warrior who is not afraid of death, rather than a villain who is not afraid of death. Can you do it?" Balian asked.

"Yes!" This time, the two of them answered in unison.

"Okay, second question, are you willing to be loyal to me for life and never betray me?"

"Tur (Bran) swears to be loyal to you to the death. If you break the oath, you will be taken to hell by the devil!"

Balian nodded with satisfaction, "The last question is also very important. Are you afraid of hardship? Follow me. Not only do you have to undergo rigorous training, but you also have to do a lot of complicated things. You can't do it if you can't endure hardship."

"Don't worry, sir, I can definitely endure hardship." Tour said with a smile.

Bran was not to be outdone, "Sir, I am not afraid of hardship. As long as I can follow you, I am not afraid of hardship or fatigue."

"Hahaha, okay! I declare that from now on Tur and Bran, you will be my knight squires." Balian announced in public that these two teenagers would become his knight squires.

"I swear to be loyal to you to the death!" They knelt down, clenched their right hands and placed their fists on their chests and swore an oath.

After they stood up, Mark said: "Toul, Bran, from now on, you can no longer call me sir, you have to call me master, do you understand?"

"Understood, Uncle Mark," Bran replied.

"It should be Brother Mark, he's not that old yet." Tur corrected.

"Hahaha!" The conversation between the three of them made everyone burst into laughter.

Balian laughed along with everyone for a while, and then took out two money bags from his arms, "This is a meeting gift for you two, please accept it."

Bran and Tur happily took the money bag and weighed it with their hands. There should be five or six silver coins. They happily knelt down to thank them. Balian quickly helped them up and asked them to come to the table to eat.

, but there is no need to drink. This is because Balian feels that they are minors and cannot drink, even this low-alcohol alcohol. However, Balian did not tell everyone that. He explained that the two of them are now

If you are not qualified to drink with us yet, you will have to wait until you have studied for three years and made achievements before you can drink with these brothers, uncles and uncles.

The already lively dinner party became even more lively because of the episode of Balian accepting a knight's squire. Balian failed to escape today and was knocked unconscious by everyone and was carried back to the room.

The next day Balian got up and walked down from the second floor sleepily. When he was about to wash up, he found Tuor and Bran fully dressed and standing in the Lord's Hall waiting for Balian. After they saw Balian coming downstairs,

He quickly brought the wash water over, which made Balian a little uncomfortable. After all, these two teenagers were only three or four years younger than him. Balian still regarded them as younger brothers, but he followed the Romans.

He also had to learn to enjoy the life of being served. After understanding this, Balian naturally accepted the service of the two attendants.

(End of chapter)

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